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High CMC Burn (Ghost & Vial Reanimator EDH)

Commander / EDH* UBR (Grixis)




Looting and high cmc converted into damage. Cuts and finalisation will be made overtime as I play the base shell. It originally started as a Living End style deck with all the creatures that self cycle in mardu colors, then grixis, but from some gold fishing, it felt pretty lack luster for EDH. The creature quality was VERY low, and if a mass reanimate got countered or graveyard nuked before hand, the deck just strait up lost after all the setup. Even if it did go off, it still was too much work for a lack luster payoff. What I did like was the cards that cared about discarding cards, especially high cmc cards like those creatures, so this deck was born!

Spellbound Dragon, Heretic's Punishment, Volrath the Fallen or just casting them lategame with Vial Smasher. Ghost brings back discarded stuff to repeat. Testing out Obeka as the commander atm. After filling the graveyard, can use a mass reanimation to bring them all back! Mdfc lands to give more cards with cmc to a use. The looting makes up for the low lands. This deck is likely going to take alot of tuning. Sedris, the traitor king is another contender to land the deck.

Transmute 3 cards get returned by ghost and grab runo, yuriko and arcane adaptation. Transmute 4 grabs maskwood nexus and Syrix, Carrier of the Flame


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Revision 41 See all

(1 year ago)

-1 Arcane Adaptation maybe
Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

59 - 2 Rares

24 - 2 Uncommons

16 - 1 Commons

Cards 119
Avg. CMC 4.26
Tokens Copy Clone, Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Goblin Shaman, Shapeshifter 2/2 U, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
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