Obeka, Brute Chronologist
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Obeka, Brute Chronologist

Legendary Creature — Ogre Wizard

: The player whose turn it is may end the turn. (Exile all spells and abilities from the stack. The player whose turn it is discards down to their maximum hand size. Damage wears off, and "this turn" and "until end of turn" effects end.)

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Temple of Cyclical Time
Irascible Wolverine
Invocation of the Founders
Tecutlan, the Searing Rift
Person of Interest
Corporeal Projection

JurqTheJew on I was given Slicer but …

1 day ago

If opponent gives me his Slicer, Hired Muscle  Flip and I Teferi's Protection before end of turn, where does slicer go??

So player A gives his slicer to player B on his upkeep, turn goes normally but before end of turn player B casts Teferis so all his permanents phase out, including slicer. On player B’s end step does slicer go back to player A but stays phased out until B’s next turn? On player C’s, turn can A give them slicer that turn? Basically who controls Slicer at the start of player C’s turn is my main concern here. Like fully controls to the point where they can decide to give slicer away now on players upkeeps

It’s my understanding that because slicer is phased out it cannot return to the owners control which means that player B now controls slicer as if they played the card themself. The “return at end of turn” would either go on the stack from being a continuous effect but the permanent doesn’t technically exist any more so it wont return. Or the return ability wouldn’t go on the stack at all.

I know that if you use a spell like Act of Treason and end the turn with Obeka, Brute Chronologist the creature is now just yours forever because the “until end of turn” part wasn’t able to resolve. I see this as technically different but mechanically very similar to the above scenario.

Mave on endles whispers edh

8 months ago

I read the thread when I tried to look up the rules for the cards which is kinda important for EDH Endless Whispers. (I plan on including it in Obeka)

In a 1v1 match it mostly tries to get the best creature of an opponent while donating negative effects. But in commander it becomes a game of "hot potato" where you can never be sure who gets the creatures of another player but you can decide what "garbage" you donate. That is the gist of what the deck will do in a multiplayer game.

Depending on what you give away you may want cards that can counter triggered abilities in case ove Leveler, Sky Swallower, Boldwyr Heavyweights, Eater of Days, Hunted Wumpus, Inverter of Truth, Dust Elemental, Avatar of Discord, Indentured Djinn Ebon Drake Plague Reaver Master of the Feast Tempting Wurm, the haunted one like Hunted Troll, Hunted Dragon,Hunted Dragon, Hunted Lammasu or Hunted Phantasm. Personally I would use Obeka, Brute Chronologist to counter the ETB of the creatures you play by ending the turn and then giving them to an opponent. But that only works for when the creature with negative effect enters the battlefield during your turn. But it is a great plan B in case you don't have Endless Whispers to give your opponents creatures from the list above by simply playing an 8/8 trample for then ending the turn before the trigger resolves.

Other options are Jon Irenicus, Shattered One or Blim, Comedic Genius both want your opponents to control your creatures. If you just want the effect of giving your opponents negative ETBs you can also build a deck on The Beamtown Bullies. But including Endless Whispers in this deck can backfire by giving you one of the negative effects if the creature dies. And it also is hard to let e.g. Leveler enter the battlefield to donate it through endless whispers. What helps with that may be to manifest a creature with a negative effect with e.g. Scroll of Fate. You can also manifest creatures with negative effect from your library but that is a bit more random.

To prevent getting creatures with negative effects from your opponents you to gain hexproof. There are plenty of effects giving yourself hexproof in white but I couldn't find a good commander for that. To gain hexproof yourself in a non white deck you most likely need Orbs of Warding which may be the way to go to prevent opponents to return the hot potato to you. Which is what I do in Obeka (sadly I don't have any list online of that deck).

If you like Endless Whispers to take your opponent cards however you might rather want to play Grave Betrayal or Lim-Dul the Necromancer. Overall it can still be used as a politicle tool. Especially if you donate one of the Haunted once you can build a pact with another player that you always trade them with each other to get more and more tokens.

Talking tokens it is also possible to put Endless Whispers in Grismold, the Dreadsower which gets into the direction of Dagger Burn known through Rampaging Ferocidon, Trespasser's Curse, Massacre Wurm, Slaughter Specialist and e.g. Illness in the Ranks/Virulent Plague. Whenever you donate Hunted Troll to an opponent or it enters the battlefield you let the 1/1 faeris directly die causing Grismold to trigger and also cards like Poison-Tip Archer.

It is also possible to play with effects like Plaguecrafter, Abyssal Gorestalker, Gravelighter. The player who gets the creature has to sacrifice one creature less and choses who sacrifice one creature less the next turn. But as long as you profit from death triggers via e.g. enchantments or artifacts you will profit most from your favourite card.

I also like Rakdos the Defiler to use Endless Whisper. After all one can donate some negative effects and if the opponent sacrifices creatures they have to donate them to someone else. Altough that also works better in 1v1.

I hope the explanation helps to find the right deck to play Endless Whispers in Commander.

Shinra_X on The Sliver Gravemother Rocks!!!(Primer)

11 months ago

DeadManJohn1 That's clever! I might borrow that for my deck. I could also recommend Obeka, Brute Chronologist if you want to have a backup for Sundial of the Infinite.

Kron on King of Bad Wifi Connection

1 year ago


We might need to double check the Banshee ruling but I imagine that it would be a lot like the interactions available through Obeka, Brute Chronologist. Where if you phase out the tokens during combat then their triggered ability to exile at the end will never go to the stack meaning they wont exile but they will on your next combat step, unless you phase them out exactly when the ability is already on the stack in which case the ability will lose its target and fizzle and as you say, it only activates once. I am not a judge but I believe that is how the ruling would work on that.

Gidgetimer on Colossal Chronology

1 year ago

Skipping the turn created with Last Chance will skip the turn on which you will lose the game on the end step because Last Chance specifies that it is "that turn's end step" on which you lose the game. So assuming that the next turn is the one from Last Chance tapping Magosi, the Waterveil to put an Eon Counter on it will keep you from losing the game. ("Fizzle" has a specific game meaning is why I didn't answer with a simple "yes" to that part.)

Pact of Negation says "your next upkeep", so skipping turns won't do anything to make you not have to pay mana. The trigger simply waits until the beginning of the next upkeep you have and then is put on the stack.

For this same reason that you should wait until the end step triggers go on the stack for your tokens before activating Sundial of the Infinite. If you end your turn before the beginning of the end step the exile trigger will go on the stack on your opponent's end step and you won't be able to end the turn.

Obeka, Brute Chronologist may not work how you want. It allows the player whose turn it is to end the turn. You can not use it to end your opponent's turn without their consent.

DreadKhan on unthinkable apocalypse

1 year ago

I'm not certain the Commander has enough explosive power to consistently win vs 2 decks, but I have very good results in 1 v 1 with my Rakdos deck, and it often has spare cards by the end of the game, be it wipe or removal, because the deck just runs so much of those, with lots of the removal hitting more than 1 target (I love stuff like Phyrexian Purge, Fire Covenant, Make an Example, and Volcanic Offering can each be a terror of a card, and a deck running all of them has lots of pinpoint removal that will clear lots of stuff out. Ashes to Ashes and Reckless Spite also exist fwiw, and if you aren't certain you'll have creatures out, Tergrid's Shadow can do a bit of work, as can Plaguecrafter or Demon's Disciple, cards Sedris can recur for 2B even. Another value card is Dredge the Mire, which can cheat in the 3 worst creatures in people's graveyards, note certain creatures will kill you if you control them, so check before playing! Necromantic Selection not only clears the field, it also gives you back the best thing, this is extra juicy if you use some sort of Indestructible creature(s) that won't die. If you consistently have a fairly big creature, or one with Deathtouch and Lifelink, Chandra's Ignition is one sided by definition, one of many cards that shines brightly with Basilisk Collar (which is also very good with Jaya Ballard, Task Mage or even good old Banshee, Jaya's 6 damage wipe really is amazing if you've got Collar on her, though it'll kill her too). If you expect to have multiple opponents, Goad is a very strong effect, Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant is potentially pretty solid, lots of card draw. There is also Kardur, Doomscourge that will force everyone's hand. Spectacular Showdown is a great card if you've actually got a board of your own to finish people off, keep in mind that on your next turn, you not only won't have been attacked by any pre-existing creature, everyone else will have swung for the fences with Double Strike, and they will likely have nothing left to defend with, making your Double Strikers very effective. Another Goad source that is great with a creature heavy board is Agitator Ant, which is hilarious a lot of the time. If you're using Goad effects, War Tax can let an opponent have a way around them, if there is a tax to attack Goad fails, and War Cadence is absolutely devastating with Goad, even a tax of 1 to block can make blocking impossible for weenie decks, and you can use either on anyone's turn.

As you've got access to Blue, there are a few non-Rakdos tricks you can use, the most hilarious I know of is Mass Diminish, note that it lasts until your next turn and have a good laugh. There is also Sudden Spoiling, which is powerful but lasts for that turn, or Polymorphist's Jest, which is similarly a 1 turn solution. I use Mass Diminish more aggressively, to make a player hyper-vulnerable to attackers (and make them unable to counter attack), getting two casts is just savage. Visions of Duplicity can create some chaos with it's two casts, Cultural Exchange is obscene if someone else has better creatures. Bident of Thassa is glorious if you want both of it's effects, forcing people to attack is incredibly mean, and this doesn't require you to run a weenie like Goblin Diplomats, but that's also a fun card fwiw. If you're going to run Oriq Loremage, you might slip in a huge creature to Unearth, something like Dragon Tyrant can be huge and not break the bank, Double Strike and Firebreathing are really good together, and you won't have to pay the upkeep with Unearth, he's dead before that matters.

I was looking at your land count and average Mana Value and I think you probably are running too few lands at this point, it's very tempting to cut them, but 30 is probably too few for a MV that is over 2.5. You might get away with adding 2 mana ramp, but I'd still aim for at least 36 lands (or MDFCs that count as a land, you probably already have the best two MDFCs in those colours, but people also run Malakir Rebirth  Flip) to ensure you can consistently cast stuff. There is a smattering of ways you can run less lands/ramp, but these all come with downsides, but in Grixis you can run 4 solid Bounce Lands, Dimir Aqueduct and Guildless Commons should be in here as well if you want a lower land count, these let you hit another land drop when you draw them. You might also run stuff like Thran Dynamo or Worn Powerstone to help you hit higher MVs sooner, ramping by only 1 mana feels bad compared to hitting a land drop most of the time, there is also Gilded Lotus, but hitting 5 mana can be rough. Coalition Relic can charge for 1 turn, Skyclave Relic is super versatile/rugged, and Everflowing Chalice can be huge if you want, 6-10 mana is absurd but sometimes comes up. Cantrips like Ponder and Preordain are also good at digging for a land, but I know in Talrand it stings pretty bad when you Preordain and don't find a land and I needed one. As for some cards to remove, I'll take a look, but if I'm trying to build a deck that can handle attention, I look first at cards that will hurt only 1 player, unless that card will almost certainly end that player, either right away or in a few turns.

A few to consider removing (I may be missing why you have them in, so user discretion is advised or something): Archive Trap, Outpost Siege, Palace Siege, Ponder, Preordain, Haunting Echoes, Cruel Ultimatum (this seems insanely hard to cast, and hits only 1 player, unless you can copy it I'd run Captive Audience if I want to hose one player hard), Cranial Extraction, Cormela, Glamour Thief, Kess, Dissident Mage, Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger, Lobber Crew, Loyal Subordinate, Nekusar, the Mindrazer, Obeka, Brute Chronologist, Phenax, God of Deception, Runo Stromkirk  Flip, Spear Spewer, and Thermo-Alchemist.Some maybe cards include Angrath, Captain of Chaos, and Cryptolith Fragment  Flip (for another land, maybe a better rock, there is Thought Vessel, but fixing is sweet in Grixis).

Hope some of this is helpful!

LordsofChaos115 on unthinkable apocalypse

1 year ago

yeaGO i was thinking for commander wise Crosis, the Purger, Lord Xander, the Collector,Marchesa, Nekusar, the Mindrazer, Nicol Bolas, the Ravager  Flip, Obeka, Brute Chronologist.i think one of these will benefit the deck as the commander however i do not which one to choose.

Max_Hammer on Help Me Pick A Commander

1 year ago

Okay, hear me out, but what if you could steal someone's big, bad creature, forever, for just three mana*?

Say you could build a deck around just Goatnapper-ing someone else's commander and now swinging back at them?

What if someone else Goatnappers someone else's stuff, and you politic your way into a deal; "Hey, bud, you have a cool creature. If you swing at who I want, I'll let you keep it for a while. Go ahead and say nuh-uh to whatever shit is flying in your face.

Obeka, Brute Chronologist's entire textbox simply says "Consequences are stupid."

Basically, it exiles anything on the stack, you can end your turn and ignore whatever it is, usually just saying no to poopy effects. Commander protection is major in this deck, as are ways to untap your commander (because Blue says sleepy sleepy). Steal shit, don't give it back. Ignore EoT black discard/life loss effects. Take extra turns with blue/red for three and just say no after that.

It's fun, it's a little weird, it's a cool card. Good job, WotC.

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