Feldon of the Third Path
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Feldon of the Third Path

Legendary Creature — Human Artificer

, : Create a token that's a copy of target creature card in your graveyard, except it's an artifact in addition to its other types. It gains haste. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Flowstone Channeler
Sanitation Automaton
Mage il-Vec
Firemaw Kavu
Deal Broker
Bola Warrior

DreadKhan on Avoiding Consequences

1 month ago

No sure if they are pushed enough for your needs, have you tried Feldon of the Third Path and/or Rionya, Fire Dancer in here?

Ender666666 on Murders and Acquisitions (Marchesa Superiority)

5 months ago

I prefer Keldon Firebombers because they really are effectively MLD, but they don't hurt as much because everyone gets to keep some stuff.

I especially liked them in my Feldon of the Third Path deck, where 3 mana was all I needed to keep recurring them.

Jokulhaups hits all my artifacts, which feels bad to me.

(that said, I get your point and don't disagree)

(I guess the thought of Marchesa sending a Firesquad to torch her enemies just plays better in my narrative thana huge natural disaster)

CamraMaan on Interaction between Feldon of the …

10 months ago

I have Crystal Golem in my graveyard, and I make a copy of it with Feldon of the Third Path. Both have beginning-of-the-end-step triggers, so I'm assuming I can arrange them so that the Golem phases out before the sacrifice trigger resolves, allowing me to keep the Golem indefinitely, correct?

Gidgetimer on Timing question: upkeep and instants

11 months ago

You are correct that beginning of upkeep triggers will have triggered before you can do anything on your upkeep.

As a strategy note; if you are wanting to get upkeep triggers from Feldon of the Third Path, it is possible. You sacrifice the copy at the beginning of the next end step. So if you activate it during the opponent before you in turn order's end step it will not be sacrificed until your end step. This allows you to control the creature as the upkeep begins and you will get the trigger.

CamraMaan on None

11 months ago

Simple question, pretty sure I already know the answer. Is it possible to cast an instant spell on my turn before "beginning of upkeep" triggers go on the stack? I'm 97.28% sure I cannot. The interaction in question would be whether Feldon of the Third Path can copy Charmbreaker Devils into play before upkeep triggers. Again, pretty confident I can't, and that triggers will go on the stack before I receive the first priority of my turn. Thanks in advance! (TIA!)

CamraMaan on Timing question: upkeep and instants

11 months ago

Simple question, pretty sure I already know the answer. Is it possible to cast an instant spell on my turn before "beginning of upkeep" triggers go on the stack? I'm 97.28% sure I cannot. The interaction in question would be whether Feldon of the Third Path can copy Charmbreaker Devils into play before upkeep triggers. Again, pretty confident I can't, and that triggers will go on the stack before I receive the first priority of my turn. Thanks in advance! (TIA!)

KBK7101 on Titania, Protector of Argoth or …

1 year ago

I'd go with Titania, Protector of Argoth. I love the design of that card. It's story-to-card flavor is on par with Feldon of the Third Path, in my opinion. Definitely one of the best designed cards ever printed.

Titania, Voice of Gaea  Meld is really flashy with her Meld ability, though... It's definitely a tough choice.

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