Drift of Phantasms

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Drift of Phantasms

Creature — Spirit

Defender (This creature can't attack.)


Transmute (, Discard this card: Search your library for a card with the same converted mana cost/mana value as this card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library. Transmute only as a sorcery.)

legendofa on Ninja...AGAIN!

3 months ago

28 mana sources in a Ninjutsu deck is kind of a lot. Do the Mistvein Borderposts have any specific purpose aside from mana generation? Related to this, how do you use the Drift of Phantasms?

Ninjas usually go for a more tempo-based approach. Ninja of the New Moon can deal lots of damage fast, but it's often better to focus on speed, consistency, and disruption rather than raw damage.

ViscountVonSausageRoll on Jhoira of the GG no re

1 year ago

I think the deck isn't consistent enough because it doesn't have enough draw and/or tutors. Brainstorm is one of the best draw spells out there, but it's because of the way it interacts with shuffle effects such as Scalding Tarn or Mystical Tutor. This is because you draw 3, put 2 back, and then shuffle the deck-> ergo you are not drawing the 2 cards you put back. However, if we're not running lots of these shuffle effects it basically just cycles itself, because you're stuck with redrawing those two cards again. In this case I'd prioritize cards like Ponder & Preordain over Brainstorm.

That said, this seems to be a control deck. Win con is to get Jhoira of the Ghitu into play, then suspend a big spell to win the game. So the question of the deck becomes: How do we survive until we get her in play, and until the spell goes off, and how do we make sure we get her?
Survive: We're U/R so we have an almost overwhelming amount of options here. You could write a book on counterspells (Counterspell stops everything, Remand for tempo-draw if your opponents tend to play large spells themselves, Daze if you need the speed, Dispel is crazy good at protecting your stuff, etc)) We've also got nutty bounce spells like Echoing Truth, the classic Unsummon, and the mother of everything: the Cryptic Command Since we're red I am somewhat perplexed that we aren't running 4x Lightning Bolt. It stops most early-mid game threats dead. We already have Propaganda x2, so that'll help us as well.

How to get her in play: Well, we're U/R, so our tutor options are somewhat limited, but off the top of my head we have: Step Through, Vedalken AEthermage, & Drift of Phantasms.

To make room, I'd recommend cutting Clockspinning, Jhoira's Timebug, Fury Charm. They don't do anything unless we have Jhoira of the Ghitu in play already, and if we don't they're just dead cards in our hand. Our suspend cards will go off a little slower, but if we have enough blue fuckery we should be able to survive long enough.

Land suggestions: If you can, see if you can get your hands on Steam Vents or Sulfur Falls if you're on a budget. Sanctum of Ugin could also help you get more late game threats in case one or more get put out of commission.

PS: Jokulhaups could be used to replace Obliterate. It's can be countered, but it can also be much more easily hardcasted.

SufferFromEDHD on

1 year ago

Dust Bowl with that many basic lands is really powerful.

Drift of Phantasms grabs a lot of useful pieces.

Leyline of Anticipation the entire deck gains flash.

DreadKhan on Zur, the Disenchanter

1 year ago

Exquisite Blood would be pretty nice with Zur's Weirding Out, in addition to giving life for Necropotence, and with Protection Racket, it's one thing to pay a few life to keep you from getting a free card, giving you free life feels pretty awful, and Zur can dig out Protection when you just want cards without paying life. You can mention to people you don't run any 2 card combos, so they won't worry about the Sanguine Bond combo with Exquisite Blood.

With Merieke and Zur, I feel like you'd want Pemmin's Aura and/or Freed from the Real, once Zur puts the Aura on her, it's U to kill target creature, and when you're out of U you keep the best creature you can steal until you have mana again. If Merieke is a card you like digging out, there are 3 mana Transmute cards fwiw, Perplex, Dimir Machinations and the ungodly bad Drift of Phantasms.

For Zur, I like having the option to go Voltron, to do so I run All That Glitters and Heliod, Sun-Crowned. If one copy of All That Glitters doesn't quite cut it, there is also Michiko's Reign of Truth  Flip, but I mostly use Copy Enchantment, Estrid's Invocation and Mirrormade to make more Glitters if I want a bigger Zur, 3 is usually a 1 hit kill fwiw, and he can dig out an Unblockable aura or Thassa, God of the Sea technically. For Shroud I like Greater Auramancy, but there is also Diplomatic Immunity to consider.

If you don't mind running Vanishing, which is a very good 'dodge' effect for Zur that doesn't cost him Auras/Counters, you can also run the very funny Out of Time to just wipe creatures pretty much permanently. If you have Copy Enchantment effects, you can duplicate this before it goes away to lock away another group of creatures, very nasty vs large creature boards, and Zur finds both pieces.

Another funny Zur card is Dance of Many, which can duplicate a creature you can target, a very strong effect if your meta cares about powerful creatures. If people run Mill in your area, Nighthowler can be fetched out for a big creature or be drawn to make Zur bigger.

You can't fetch it out, but like Mother of Runes it's very good to have out, Devoted Caretaker can offer very versatile protection to more stuff.

If you want something pretty dirty you can pull out vs opponents that are running stronger than expected decks, your Smothering Tithe works very well with Stasis, which also likes Black Market Connections, though you'll want Brave the Sands to give Zur (and your board) Vigilance. Stasis also likes Archon of Emeria and you're already running Thalia, Heretic Cathar. It's certainly not fetching out Heliod after you've dropped Balista, this doesn't win on the spot, but it's a very strong/nasty effect to have access to, even if you don't dig it out very often. Fortunately Stasis is the only piece you wouldn't want to draw!

Madcookie on

1 year ago

Niv-Mizzet, Parun seems like a nice inclusion. For me Blistercoil Weird and Delver of Secrets  Flip feels underwhelming in edh you can swap them for some more draw or since you like cipher even Triton Shorestalker and Mist-Cloaked Herald.

Since you asked for card draw suggestions the main staples are X spells like Blue Sun's Zenith,Pull from Tomorrow, 4 CMC type Fact or Fiction / Steam Augury or Behold the Multiverse stuff and cantrips like Brainstorm, Ponder etc. There are also wheels like Windfall. Have you checked Scryfall? Their search engine is rather easy to use.

I still haven't build my Niv deck but I plan to put in the transmute package to find me the three combo pieces

Dizzy Spell for Curiosity

Drift of Phantasms for Tandem Lookout or Ophidian Eye

Hope this helps. Cheers!

SufferFromEDHD on Keranos' Treasure Assault

1 year ago

Huge fan of Lands.dec especially in EDH.

I like your straightforward concept but this glass cannon needs a playset or 2 of support cards to streamline your strategy. Stuff like Gamble, Mystical Tutor, Personal Tutor, Muddle the Mixture, Drift of Phantasms, Ring of Three Wishes

Land's Edge #2 incase Seismic Assault has been dealt with.

Otawara, Soaring City much needed removal that doesn't mess up your strategy.

Dust Bowl is incredible with basic lands.

Sunstone convert to snow covered lands and this card alone would grant you real time via green/white Fog tech.

If you were to use every suggestion I just made your land percentage would be 87% which still wipes out a table of 4.

clircrazy on Dragon's Approach

2 years ago

So, after playing this deck for over a year, I still love it. But I faced a couple of major problems:

  • not enough draw without risk of getting an archenemy badge for casting two approaches to trigger Jori En, Ruin Diver

  • when I play with somebody who knows my deck they try to kill me before I can get one of my combo pieces

The only thought I have to solve those - put a Propaganda for protection and both Drift of Phantasms and Mystical Tutor for consistency. Also, 36 Approaches are overkill for me, so I think of cutting up to 30-32 and adding something like Izzet Charm or Prismari Command, or some drawing cantrips. And maybe Archmage Ascension and Rhystic Study as both of them are easily tutored by Drift of Phantasms.

Would appreciate some comments both with ideas and critics.

Samothrace on Higure, the Still Here

2 years ago

Update: I have removed most of the infinite combos from the deck due to new house rules in my playgroup. While this deck was never scary fast it is very very reliable, with a creature tutor on the commander. To keep things centered on combat, I have removed Deadeye Navigator and Great Whale as well as Peregrine Drake.

I have swapped in Thada Adel, Acquisitor and Scourge of Fleets for Higure targets.

I have also put in a Drift of Phantasms as a means of tutoring for Arcane Adaptation

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