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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Mercurial Chemister
Creature — Human Wizard
, : Draw two cards.
, , Discard a card: Mercurial Chemister deals damage to target creature equal to the discarded card's converted mana cost.

Guerric on
[Primer] Casting the Mythal
3 years ago
Harmonic Prodigy IN Mercurial Chemister OUT
Prodigy is like an upgraded version of Naban, Dean of Iteration in this deck, except that we can have both of them at the same time, and multiple copies of Prodigy with Inalla to boot. There's no way this one doesn't belong! It is with great sadness that we send Mercurial Chemister into retirement. It's very underrated and has always performed well for me, but at 5cmc its still probably the weakest link at this point.
Step Through IN Vedalken AEthermage OUT
This new sorcery is pretty much strictly better than Aethermage in this deck. We only ever use Aethermage for the Wizardcycling, and Step Through does it for one mana less. In addition, we might actually want to cast Step Through sometimes in order to recur our mages, even though that is likely rare, whereas we would never hardcast Vedalken AEthermage . There is, of course, the option of having both, but I don't think I'm ready to cut anything else to keep Aethermage at this point.
TTT60 on
3 years ago
Guerric on
[Primer] Casting the Mythal
3 years ago
Swamp OUT Pyre of Heroes IN
Since the implementation of the London Mulligan I've found that I can often get away with 36 lands. As for pyre, its just too good not to go in their. Not only does it give us tons of utility (ex. saccing that Sea Gate Oracle we no longer need for an Archaeomancer to recover Cyclonic Rift from our graveyard), but it can help us to cheat our our combos. Its much easier to sac our Mercurial Chemister for Wanderwine Prophets than to have all the mana we need to protect it. While testing will show the truth, my belief is that Pyre of Heroes will be one of the most important cards printed for this deck since the Ixalan block.
Mystic Confluence OUT Counterspell IN
I love confluence, but Sublime Epiphany and Cryptic Command out class it, and I really don't have room for three expensive counterspells in here. Going back to the original will do us just fine!
dritchie on
My take on Mizzix
3 years ago
Id remove Dragon Mage its very expensive as is charm breaker devils and Mercurial Chemister for things like Bribery , Act of Aggression , Word of Seizing and Insurrection . Mizzix's Mastery is a must, definitely remove Walk the Aeons because at sacrificing three lands that puts you at a major disadvantage try going for Beacon of Tomorrows they are what id definitely recommend at the very east just to give it a bit more of a competitive feel
king-saproling on
Gavi, cycle my deck.
4 years ago
Looks good so far. You might like these: Merfolk Looter, Thought Courier, Glint-Horn Buccaneer, Frantic Search, Burning Inquiry, Brainstorm, Desperate Ravings, Spark Double, King of the Pride, Shared Animosity, Kindred Discovery, Mercurial Chemister, Archivist, Jeskai Ascendancy, Silver Myr, Iron Myr
SirLoinofHamalot on
Rielle-y rielle-y dumb
4 years ago
Ghostly Wings, Chamber of Manipulation, Mercurial Chemister, Lightning Storm
Farycane on
Niv Mizzet, Reborn Master of Theros Gods
5 years ago
After some Games I really noticed how hard it is to get Lands in your hand. Since Niv won't ever get you some from the top of your library. Thought of the Borderposts, but I really don't like them. I made some changes for flat draws.
I often got 2-3 Selesnya cards, so I also got closer to have an even amount of cards from every guild. I need to cut one more Selesnya Card for a Gruul card, but guys, this is hard.
Things I took out:
Lim-Dul's Vault - The base idea was, use it in response to the Niv trigger. But most times no mana after he etb's, or I used it already for copy/flicker
Voidslime - Many Colored Symbols, Don't like counterspells that much, still have 1 ability counter in the deck
Hanna, Ship's Navigator - No spare mana most of the times. No Artifacts, not a critical mass of enchantments
Turn to Mist - Mistmeadow Witch is a Permanent for devotion, and repeatable
Congregation at Dawn - Like Lim Duls
Brago, King Eternal - Idea was T4 Brago, T5 Niv with flicker. Brago gets removed most of the times.
Flower / Flourish - Since it says basic, no need anymore
Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist - Needed to cut more Selesnya
Growth Spiral - Didn't have a Land very often, Urban Evolution took this slot, maybe worth it
New Cards:
Mortify - Orzhov Removal
Mistmeadow Witch - Upgraded Turn to mist
Underrealm Lich - "Draw" to filter for lands
Pain Magnification - Rakdos Card Advantage, Permanent for Devotion
Utter End - More Orzhov, More Removal
Wear / Tear - Good Boros Removal
Mercurial Chemister - Mostly for the Draw, is a permanent for Devotion
Urban Evolution - Draw and Ramp
Spring / Mind - Draw and Ramp, with 7 card handsize often I need to discard. Aftermath does help there
Notion Thief - Don't know why didn't put him in the first Version. Permanent, Carddraw, Stops opponents
I'm open for tips or help, but keep in Mind everything needs to be Two-Colored Landbase may get an upgrade soon. If the deck works really good I'll swap slow fetches for the good ones.
Have (1) | metalmagic |
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