Whispering Madness

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Whispering Madness


Each player discards his or her hand, then draws cards equal to the greatest number of cards a player discarded in this way.

Cipher (Then you may exile this spell card encoded on a creature you control. Whenever that creature deals combat damage to a player, its controller may cast a copy of the encoded card without paying its mana cost.)

legendofa on Hand Control v2

9 months ago

My next suggestion is to add some more lands. 20 lands won't support this deck as it stands now; 22-24 is closer to the right number. My first thoughts for cuts are Prophet of Kruphix and Whispering Madness. If the Prophet's untapping ability is relevant, than you're probably already in a strong position already and pushing to win. Whispering Madness needs an evasive creature base to pull its full weight, and that's not really the focus of this deck, so it's going to be single-use a lot of the time. Also, these two cards are at the high end of the mana curve, and reducing average mana cost while increasing mana availability should help with speed.

Asgeren on Mirko Vosk, Mind The Mill

1 year ago

Yeah needs more ramp def. Whispering Madness, Dark Deal, Jace's Archivist are very good. and some good mill cards are def. Psychic Corrosion, Maddening Cacophony, Mesmeric Orb, Fractured Sanity and of course Bruvac the Grandiloquent but hes a little expensive...

pitamoh on It's Zombie Miller Time!

1 year ago

I played this deck against two opponents - one playing a dragons deck and the other playing a deck that sacrifices critters and loves having a fat graveyard. I was able to play Mindcrank early on and it stayed in play most all the game. As we played I was able to use Fractured Sanity to make my opponents mill 14 cards. Early on I got both Whispering Madness and Peer into the Abyss into my hand and realized I could kill at least one opponent if I could only get out 11 mana to use both in one turn. Just before the killing I was able to get Fractured Sanity out of the grave and play Ruin Crab. So just before my graveyard loving foe would have won, I played Peer into the Abyss targeting him. He thought I was mistaken and double checked to make sure I didn't want the card draw for myself. He already had 7 cards in hand and drew 37 for a total of 40 in hand - leaving 37 in his library. I then immediately played Whispering Madness and ciphered it onto my commander, in case I needed to use it again. Whispering Madness killed Mr. Graveyard and left Mr. Dragons with 17 cards in his library. I hadn't played my land for turn yet, so I did, which meant he milled 3, then I re-played Fractured Sanity, making him mill the rest of his deck for the win. Yeah!!!

ImNora on Draw to Death

2 years ago


Hive Mind is essentially a win condition in this deck if you add it from the maybe board (it's a little pricey so that's why it's in the maybe board). Combine it with a card like Prosperity and all players are forced to play copies of it with the same x value. You can also combine it with Windfall or Whispering Madness. Having Torbran, Thane of Red Fell + commander = 3 damage per card drawn. Spiteful Visions also turns into 3 damage with Torbran, Thane of Red Fell. So the sudden mass card draw that Hive Mind can initiate can cause hundreds of damage to everyone.

ImNora on Draw to Death

2 years ago


Added the recommended cards. Removed a couple "draw 2 cards" things to make room for Whispering Madness and Font of Mythos. Swapped Sky Diamond for Talisman of Creativity

ImNora on Draw to Death

2 years ago

Lots of good recommendations there.

Never even seen Font of Mythos before. Amazing card... It's a bit expensive but in Chinese it's only like $2.50 including shipping. That one feels like a must-have.

Talisman of Creativity is a solid swap-out.

I'll see if there are any good cards to drop for Whispering Madness. Gunna have to make some adjustments to the deck.

Thanks for the help.

thefiresoflurve on Draw to Death

2 years ago

Nekusar is such a fun commander.

Whispering Madness would be a great include here. I don't see the Cipher part of it getting used much, if at all, but honestly a second copy of Windfall is not a bad thing to have here.

Font of Mythos is another one that could go to the maybeboard.

The Talismans are usually a little more expensive, but Talisman of Creativity just got reprinted, so I'd recommend swapping out one of your Diamonds for it.

multimedia on Sultai One or the Other?

2 years ago

Hey, well done first attempt on a budget.

Something to consider is taking more advantage of Ukkima being unblockable for repeatable draw when it does combat damage to an opponent and the draw takes no additional mana which is key. These kind draw options could replace some of the mutate creatures since they're only consistently going to trigger once when you mutate Ukkima.

Yes, you could mutate Ukkima again, but you don't have enough mutate creatures for that to consistently happen and most mutate takes a lot of mana which is really not worth it. You're more likely to do combat damage to a player with Ukkima then to mutate since all you have to do is attack. Some mutate creatures are better than others such as Sea-Dasher Octopus and Gemrazer.

To take advantage of mutate with Ukkima you really want ways to return Ukkima to your hand since that will also return all the mutate creatures if they're mutated to Ukkima such as Crystal Shard. This lets you cast all the mutate creatures again to get the mutate effects again. I don't think it's worth including these effects, but they're options to make Ukkima better with mutate. Repeatable draw gives you more card advantage without having to jump through hoops or spend a lot of mana.

It's helpful in Commander when you have at least 10 draw sources and at least 10 ramp sources to make gameplay smoother. I tend to have more than 10 sources of each of these, but start with 10. Sources that are repeatable are most important. Some more ramp could be added replacing some of the lesser creatures.

Woodland Chasm and Rimewood Falls are budget lands that Farseek can search for, it can also search for Sunken Hollow. It's nice when 2 mana land ramp can get a dual land rather than just a basic land.

Masked Admirers is draw and it can be repeatable, but it's draw one card the first time for 4 mana and then combined for 6 mana each time after which is very lackluster. Treeshaker Chimera is also draw, but it's also 7 mana who wants to attack and hopefully die to draw, that's too much to draw three cards.

You could expand on the theme of +1/+1 counters with Forgotten Ancient. Who repeatedly puts a counter on itself each time any player casts a spell and then at your upkeep you can move any amount of counters from it to other creatures you control. The act of moving counters is the same as putting the counters on other creatures which triggers Simic Ascendancy.

Good luck with your deck.

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