Oriq Loremage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Oriq Loremage

Creature — Human Warlock

: Search your library for a card, put it into your graveyard, then shuffle your library. If it's an instant or sorcery card, put a +1/+1 counter on Oriq Loremage.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Rocks Golgari power of death Commander

3 months ago

In general, this looks pretty fine.

Let me suggest some cards:

Ghoultree is big and cheap, so an easy include. Impervious Greatwurm is even bigger, and then there is Yargle and Multani as propably the best Jarad fodder that exists.

Final Parting, Gravebreaker Lamia and Oriq Loremage are additional ways to Entomb cards.

In my Coram, the Undertaker, which is similar, Millikin is fine ramp.

Enjoy the deck!

Dazard on Everybody in the Club Gettin' Keywords

1 year ago

I would suggest adding Bassara Tower Archer because it is cheap and it adds the powerful keyword "hexproof" to your graveyard. I play a kathril deck for myself: Who wants some keyword soup? where basically all you need is Buried Alive to put Zetalpa, Primal Dawn, Bassara Tower Archer and Vampire Nighthawk in your graveyard. (if you want to overkill the whole thing, also add Assault Intercessor to make your commander even bigger and less blockable) Now you can summon your commander with 9 (11 with assault intercessor) counters on it, so it becomes an unstoppable beast that usually oneshots your opponents due to commander damage. You don't even need that much creatures with keywords. Focus more on creatures that can tutor creatures into your graveyard like Corpse Connoisseur, Gravebreaker Lamia, Oriq Loremage or Vile Entomber. Add spells like Jarad's Orders or Final Parting and you will get your most valuable keywords in your graveyard easily. Also add some flicker spells (as already mentioned) to maximize your (commander's) etb effect and to give some sort of protection (f.e. spot removal)

DreadKhan on Rakdos Santa Deck

1 year ago

Well, here is what I found: Anarchist, which seems over costed but will leave you a body you can Blim away, Ardent Elementalist is similar but 1 mana less. Backdraft Hellkite can let you Flashback Offering, but that's one and done as it's exiled after. Biblioplex Assistant has Flying, but that's a bad thing to give an opponent obviously. Bloodthirsty Adversary is another one off. Charmbreaker Devils are one of the more interesting ones, but it's awfully clunky. Efreet Flamepainter seems half-decent, but isn't repeatable. I'm a bit curious if Finale of Promise would work at all, it's annoying that you'd need both types, but if you can copy a Dark Ritual/Seething Song and Harmless Offering you can still do more stuff after. Invoke Calamity might be a fit, it's a lot of mana but is a strong effect. Goblin Dark-Dwellers is a beefy body but probably not something you'd want to donate after. I'm not sure if you could get in for damage with the spell-creature, but if you can Magar of the Magic Strings is pretty interesting. If you can get enough mana together Mizzix's Mastery might work, 4 mana to recast a 3 mana spell isn't terrible I'd say. Ogre Battlecaster might do it's thing more than once with First Strike. I'm not sure if Shreds of Sanity is reasonable, 2R is pretty cheap for this, but having to discard sucks. Revolutionist seems openly bad unless you can cast it via Madness. Spellweaver Helix is cool but might be too janky, but it can generate more Offerings (and another Sorcery I guess). I don't think you have a wide enough board to use it, but if you added more creatures then Surge to Victory could fit. Hope something in that pile I could dig out will work, there are some really pushed options like Yawgmoth's Will and Underworld Breach too fwiw, I guess you could Blim away Breach when you're done with it?

Random thought, but if you're fine with recursion effects maybe Oriq Loremage would fit in here? Probably would require more building around though, but Entomb is a great effect to have stapled to a creature if you've got the right cards.

Novice_Necromancer on Sheoldred Reanimate

1 year ago

Hi legendofa,

Thanks for the description of Tempo! I can definitely see now that my deck is more late game oriented, so I'll add more higher CMC cards with bigger effects (i.e. Breach the Multiverse).

Also thanks for the suggestions, I removed some redundancy from my deck (the main ones I removed were some of the 1/1's with discard ETBs like Virus Beetle, some single target removals like Murder, and I think one or two board wipes like Languish) to fit in those cards you mentioned.

I justify keeping Whisper of the Dross because it's an instant speed proliferate at only 1 mana, so it's both cheap and has a surprise factor (seeing that it comes from the hand and not a permanent's activated ability).

What other cuts do you think I should make? I sometimes have a hard time figuring out what to trim down because in the moment it feels like everything just feeds into each other.

Also, if I make those cuts, do you think cards like Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon, Grave Titan, and Razaketh, the Foulblooded would make for good high-impact creatures to replace them with. Especially to put them into the grave with all of my mill and discard effects and my Oriq Loremage and THEN cheat them out through my various means of reanimation.

Thanks so much,

Novice Necromancer

legendofa on Sheoldred Reanimate

1 year ago

Tempo is basically the pace of the game. Slower, more attrition-y decks want to extend the game and gain value over time, which is where I think this deck is trying to be. Compare that to a high speed, high damage deck that tries to do as much damage as possible as quickly as possible. What I mean by saying those cards keep your tempo up and your opponents down is that they represent threats, while also disrupting your opponents' strategy by forcing discards and damage.

The mana curve is a measure of how efficiently you use your available mana each turn. A low-curve deck will be more aggressive and try to win in the first few turns. A higher curve will try to extend the game to get to its best effects. The idea of playing "on curve" is basically that you play a land and use all available mana that turn. Turn 1, play a land and spend 1 mana, T2 land + spend 2 mana, T3 land + spend 3 mana, etc. It's important to balance the amount of mana you have with what you can do with it--if you're consistently leaving mana unused, or if you regularly don't have enough to cast your key spells, you need to rebalance.

EDH games tend to run longer, so there's more opportunity to get to higher mana values, and I see a lot of single-use 2-mana cards in this deck. Once your Elderfang Disciple or Virus Beetle or whatever does its thing, it's basically relegated to the role of chump blocker. My suggestions, especially the enchantments, aim to give this deck a way to use and reuse them, so you can get more value out of them. Self-destructive cards like Crypt Rats and Fleshbag Marauder also are worth using more than once.

As another thought, there's a lot of counter manipulation, but only Liliana of the Veil, Undying Evil, Undying Malice, Blightbelly Rat, Oriq Loremage, Bloodchief Ascension and Contagion Engine actually use or create counters, unless I'm overlooking something. There's as many or more ways to move or add counters as ways to actually get counters. I'm not sure what role Power Conduit plays in here.

At this point, I should probably mention that I'm not a high-end EDH builder; I have a lot of gimmicky decklists and just design around whatever catches my interest at the moment. Still, I hope my suggestions and advice keep your wheels going!

teafresch on Tormod

1 year ago

Id suggest switching out Relic of Progenitus with either Unlicensed Hearse or Scrabbling Claws. Poxwalkers, Prized Amalgam, and Master of Death are also cards that have proven to be super good in my Tormod deck although I also have Intuition, Entomb, Traumatize, Unmarked Grave, Altar of Dementia, Oriq Loremage and Vile Entomber in mine. Some dredge cards might help filling your grave. If you ever add fetchlands then I would also add Hostile Desert and Crucible of Worlds. Phyrexian Tower, High Market and Unholy Grotto/Volrath's Stronghold are some other good lands. Tortured Existence is also a must. 1 black mana per 2/2 zombie as much as you want is hard to beat.

DreadKhan on unthinkable apocalypse

2 years ago

If you're big on creatures, Sedris, the Traitor King can reanimate them for you. Any discard/mill effects become quite a bit better in such a deck. Stuff like Buried Alive, Entomb and Final Parting all become much better in Sedris, as do stuff like Vile Entomber or Oriq Loremage, even Dreamscape Artist becomes really interesting. Self-mill is much better too, as long as you're not on a combo. Sedris is great with a higher MV deck, since you can reanimate big creatures to swing the one time, and stuff like Court of Cunning can resupply you with creatures as needed, and there are lots of cards that care about a higher MV (Protection Racket is incredible if you aren't on a combo and you just want people to either take damage or give you tons of cards, it's hilarious with Esquisite Blood as you gain what they lose) as I already mentioned. With Sedris I feel like you'd want to look for creatures that have good ETB effects, and build less around combo and more around either attacking with Unearthed bodies or using ETBs like Callous Bloodmage to generate value.

Thraximundar is also a reasonably interesting choice if you want an older Commander and don't mind being slower, and Sol'kanar the Swamp King is great if you run lots of black spells and everyone you play against runs black, Swampwalk and lifegain are small but neat abilities to have. Keep in mind I tend to skew older when I look for Commanders, and like less heavily played ones, but the new Xander is very strong (might attract a lot of attention), Crosis is strong without attracting as much attention right away, Bolas is always a good pick if you like the character, Garza Zol, Plague Queen can get bigger and draws the odd card, it's a bit harder to find good Commanders for creature driven decks in Grixis, most of the Commanders care about instants/sorceries/artifacts, hopefully some of these will be helpful.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Abzan Graveyard Recursion Help

2 years ago

Oh, I forgot to mention Gravebreaker Lamia. It's pretty slow, but it's a graveyard tutor on a body, so you you won't have issues recurring it. Another fine card is Oriq Loremage, but then again, it'd be another human, which can become a problem with any mutate commander.

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