Golgari Thug

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Golgari Thug

Creature — Human Warrior

When Golgari Thug is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, put target creature card from your graveyard on top of your library.

Dredge 4 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly four cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)

CamraMaan on Timing question: dredge and draw/discard …

9 months ago

Say I have encored Merfolk Pupil with Araumi of the Dead Tide with three opponents, creating three token copies that each trigger on ETB, stacking three draw-then-discard triggers on the stack. I also have Golgari Thug in my graveyard. Can I dredge Goglari Thug, putting it into my hand, then discard it, as part of each draw/discard trigger...? Effectively dredging it and discarding it three times?


SufferFromEDHD on

1 year ago

Somehow I missed this commander during Kaldheim. I really like the idea of Orzhov spellslinger. Your build is solid.

Incarnation Technique seems like an auto include. Reanimate 2 plus a Firja trigger. Corpse Dance is the same with the guaranteed trigger.

Scroll Rack is like PB&J with that Land Tax. Helps put things in the yard that might be in your hand.

Rumor Gatherer scry and card draw are useful to the strategy.

Golgari Thug the best black dredge card for the decks theme.

Silent Clearing more draw never hurts.

Silverquill Campus expensive scry but valuable to Orzhov.

Path of Ancestry pure value.

Imp's Mischief Izzet value in mono black.

Pull from Eternity potential secret tech. Something to ponder.

Vindicate to round out the playset of the best spot removal in the game.

multimedia on Abzan Graveyard Recursion Help

1 year ago

Sun Titan is a good budget value creature for repeatable reanimation of permanents. Pair Titan with Apprentice Necromancer, but only on your turn because you have to attack with Titan. For only one the combo reanimates Titan with Necromancer, Titan reanimates Necromancer and attack with Titan because it has haste to reanimate any other 3 CMC or less permanent. Titan dies in combat or at your end step and repeat the combo on your next turn. With a sac outlet such as Viscera Seer you could repeatedly reanimate Eternal Witness to recur any card.

Golgari Thug is more dredge and it's only a two drop for sac fodder. It interacts well with draw spells that make you sac a creature to cast the spell: Deadly Dispute, Village Rites, etc. First draw the creature you put on top of your library from Thug die trigger and second draw replace it to dredge or vice versa.

Golgari Thug + Eternal Witness + Deadly Dispute can be lots of repeatable value.

BlackGtitan on Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord

1 year ago

Nice deck. Have you thought about dredge cards? I.e. Golgari Thug ?

Domthev on Le coq est mort... (Syrix, Carrier of the Flame)

2 years ago

seshiro_of_the_orochi: Okay, yeah I agree about the anti-synergy of The Cauldron. Probably not worth using since Reassembling Skeleton is such a nice synergy. I've decided to add Heartless Summoning as well now with how good it combos with the outlets.

KBK7101: To add to these, Nether Traitor, Golgari Thug and my favorite lowkey skeleton Dogged Detective also all combo amazingly with sac outlets that generate mana.

king-saproling on Shitty Gritty Landfall Shenanigans/Combo

2 years ago

Amulet of Vigor might be worth including since it works well alongside Scapeshift, Splendid Reclamation, Lotus Field, Mesmeric Orb, etc.

Others you might like are Bone Miser, Stone-Seeder Hierophant, Sakura-Tribe Scout, Burgeoning, Sylvan Scrying, Dread Return, Dryad Arbor, Deserted Temple, Golgari Grave-Troll, Stinkweed Imp, Golgari Thug, Kodama of the East Tree, Dark Ritual, Hickory Woodlot, Peat Bog

Guerric on Cheat Death

2 years ago

Hi again peterbdude! Welcome to Meren! She rocks. I thought I'd put some suggestions and general guidance from my many years of playing her. Thankfully you can play a powerful Meren deck on a budget, so I'll try to avoid any splashy options.

To begin with, I've found that the most important thing is to lean into cards with the dredge ability (which is rated a 10 on Mark Rosewater's storm scale), play lots of self-saccing low cmc creatures that can help you stack counters and recur for profit, and to play as few non-creature spells as possible. Non-creature spells don't feel as good as it's tough to recur them once they are dredged into your graveyard, and you can't as easily repeat them for value. The best card in my deck is one that might push your budget just a little but is so good is Life from the Loam. I did used to play without it and it works, but it is really nice and if there were one more valuable card I'd recommend for the deck its this one, it just makes games so smooth its hard to overstate it. The other power card in this deck is Living Death, which combined with Syr Konrad, the Grim and some creatures on everyone's board will often win games. Recurring it with Eternal Witness can also put your opponents in a nasty lock.

The biggest problem I see so far with your build is just that there aren't many ways to put things into your graveyard. Dredgers like Golgari Thug, Golgari Grave-Troll, Stinkweed Imp, and Dakmor Salvage are critical build pieces, and cards like Underrealm Lich and Hermit Druid help a lot too, though the latter is probably on the top end of your budget. On top of this, you want a lot more low cmc self-saccing creatures. You are playing Caustic Caterpillar, which is great, but you want a lot more of this. Dawntreader Elk is like an extra copy of Sakura-Tribe Elder and is great, and there are a lot more like it which you can see in my deck here- Recycling for Profit: Dedgin' the Fill with Meren.

I do think you have a lot of fun cards in your deck and one of the great things about Meren is that she can be customized a lot to suit your own personal approach. The danger of Meren is simply in not having a good engine set up where you always have great targets to sacrifice and bring back to the battlefield each turn, and that happens when we don't have cards that can sac themselves and we don't have ways to dump more cards into our yard, and that is what I would work on tuning here! A lot of times it is the boring things and not the splashy cards that make the difference!

guywitharock on Kathril, Parasite of the Dead

2 years ago

Nice deck, definitely enjoy the more budget-friendly Kathril thing.

Reading through once, it feels like there isn't quite enough graveyard feed going on to get the engine going. If you don't draw Nyx Weaver or Splinterfreight you have next to nothing. Plenty of decent options that don't break the bank, especially certain dredge cards: Grisly Salvage, Shambling Shell, Darkblast, Golgari Thug, and Golgari Grave-Troll could all be easy slots.

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