Heartless Summoning

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Heartless Summoning


Creature spells you cast cost less to cast.

Creatures you control get -1/-1.

SufferFromEDHD on Tsabo Tavoc Havoc

3 months ago

Thanks for stopping in prophet of profits.

I too love Tsabo. I think the high CMC scares people away but there is no denying that this is a powerful card well before the power creep.

Extra activations = Patriar's Seal, Puppet Strings, Magewright's Stone + Staff of Domination

No you are right Spreading Plague is necessary.

Crystal Chimes Urza was the "enchantment block" after all haha! Good eye. Definitely useful.

I would statistically get better mileage out of both Jet and Ruby and I will be updating the deck to be more efficient based off your observation. That said... Heartless Summoning is a pet card of mine. I love that permaSol Ring. It turns 3 drops into 1 drop weenies and it turns 4 drops into hate bears! Tsabo 6/3 @ feels good.

sergiodelrio on Does This Card Combo Go …

3 months ago

Heartless Summoning does not apply counters at all. It gives a flat -1/-1 static debuff. Hapatra on the other hand requires actual counters to be put on a creature for her ability to trigger.

Lord_Olga on Does This Card Combo Go …

3 months ago

I actually couldn't find this card combo anywhere, which usually means it doesn't actually work, but it seems like it would so I wanna make sure. Heartless Summoning and Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons. She comes into play, gets a -1/-1 counter, creates a snake, it gets a counter, dies, another snake gets created, gets a counter, dies, etc. Then all my creature enters and/or leaves the battlefield effects trigger infinitely with it.

Is all that right?

wallisface on Heartless Legendaries

5 months ago

Some thoughts (a bunch of these boil down to you needing a plan B for when you’re missing Heartless Summoning):

  • Without Heartless Summoning you can’t really play the game. That’s a problem as you’ll be mulling down to 4 cards 22% of the time trying to find it (and even on that 22% mull to 4, you may not have found it - you’ll be continuing to mull down to 3 13% of the time, and down to 2 8%).

  • You can’t rely on Profane Tutor to act as additional copies of Heartless Summoning… trying to use Tutor to that effect means you’re not doing anything that impacts the board until turn 5 (aside from a single relevant turn-3 play) - and the game’ll most-certainly be over by then.

  • Even if you cast Heartless Summoning, it’s very trivially for an opponent to remove with Prismatic Ending, Haywire Mite, Leyline Binding, countermagic etc… and then you’re back to doing nothing.

  • Even with Heartless Summoning in play, your mana curve reads too high. Modern decks typically can’t justify more than 3-4 cards costing 4 mana, and play nothing above this cost - factoring in the cost reduction of Heartless Summoning, you’ve still got 8 cards in this range, which is far too many. Having soo many cards costing 5 (so, 3 with a Heartless Summoning in play) is also going to make your turns really slow/clumsy.

  • Even if you can play Heartless Summoning, you’ve done nothing to impact the board for 2 turns - and letting your opponent effectively have 2 free turns before you start doing anything impactive is a really, really dangerous place to be (normally even giving your opponent one free turn is a really bad idea). Imo you need more early-game interaction, stuff like Fatal Push and Thoughtseize.

  • I have no idea why Sword of Light and Shadow is here - it does nothing for you.

ldvatwa on

9 months ago

Hey wideline1414! Sorry I didn't see your comments til tonight. Aside from Nightscape Familiar, Heartless Summoning doesn't really impact any of the creatures in the deck and most of them it's more important to get them out sooner than having slightly reduced power/toughness. Thanks for the comments! I'd love to see a list if you've got one of your Lord Xander, the Collector!

Agreed on Bruvac the Grandiloquent would make a great addition in here, but neither of my local shops have had him all year. I'm going to some shops on the other part of the state and if I can find one, I'll for sure pick one up. Dropping him down then casting Traumatize would feel so good!

IHATENAMES on Minotaur Stomp

1 year ago

I love the minotaur tribe but.... to do it justice in legacy and be competitive it needs to go harder.

A few ideas I had previously simular to what was said before but i haven't been happy with a list.

Heartless Summoning power out creatures and kraguma warcaller

Cloudstone Curio combo with the minotaurs/ shapeshifters that are free with Ragemonger for infinite etb with Impact Tremors

A tempo deck with clone effects and counterspells adding blue 2 Kragma Warcallers will win a game quickly

Standstill plus Didgeridoo make good friends. Good version of the deck has been run by Boshandroll on youtube.

IHATENAMES on Minotaur Stomp

1 year ago

I love the minotaur tribe but.... to do it justice in legacy and be competitive it needs to go harder.

A few ideas I had previously simular to what was said before but i haven't been happy with a list.

Heartless Summoning power out creatures and kraguma warcaller

Cloudstone Curio combo with the minotaurs/ shapeshifters that are free with Ragemonger for infinite etb with Impact Tremors

A tempo deck with clone effects and counterspells adding blue 2 Kragma Warcallers will win a game quickly

Standstill plus Didgeridoo make good friends. Good version of the deck has been run by Boshandroll on youtube.

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