Surveilling Sprite

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Surveilling Sprite

Creature — Faerie Rogue


When Surveilling Sprite is put into a graveyard from play, you may draw a card.

Doritoboy100 on Deck help Oko+Simic guild+simic mutology …

5 years ago

Hello all, I have been playing with the Oko structure deck, that I updated using Affinity For MTG's youtube video, and just bought the Simic Mutology structure deck as well as the Simic Guild Kit, as well as some booster pack cards. I'm trying to combine them into a 75 card deck, with 15 cards I know to take out for 60. Based off the cards in these 3 decks I'd like to build the deck around a constant flow of powerful monsters through the +1/+1 counters, as well as overloading on mana and drawing a lot. Some of the main points of damage right now are Oko who can just turn everything into a base 10/10 and distribute lots of +1/+1s, vorel who can double somethings counters, zegana who gives trample, galloping lizrog which can take all the +1/+1s and double them onto himself, nylea's forerunner for trample, progenitors mimic and miming slime to make clones, and wild born preserver for reach and his +1/+1s. But I also have things like coiling oracle/fathom mage to draw a lot, and gyre sage/maraleaf pixie for tons of mana. So I'd like to just find a good strategy in this mess lol.

The total card list of everything I will have is: (stuff with "x" seems important to me) Creatures: 1 Oko, the Tricksterx, 1 Vorel of the Hull Cladex, 1 Zegana, Utopian Speakerx, 1 Momir Vig, Simic Visionaryx, 2 Cloudfin Raptor, 4 Coiling Oraclex, 1 Cytoplast Root-Kin, 1 Elusive Krasis, 4 Faerie Vandalx, 1 Fathom Magex, 1 Frilled Mysticx, 1 Galloping Lizrogx, 1 Gyre Sagex, 4 Keeper of Fablesx, 3 Maraleaf Pixiex, 1 Nimbus Swimmer, 1 Nylea's Forerunnerx, 3 Paradise Druid, 2 Plaxmantax, 1 Progenitor Mimicx, 1 Protean Hulkx, 3 Spectral Sailorx, 4 Sphinx of Foresight, 2 Surveilling Sprite, 1 Trygon Predator, 2 Vigean Graftmage, 3 Vigean Hydropon, 1 Wildborn Preserverx, 2 Zameck Guildmagex,

Instants: 1 Applied Biomancyx, 1 Disdainful Strokex, 1 Gift of Strengthx, 2 Oko's Hospitalityx, 3 Optx, 1 Prying Eyes, 1 Quenchx, 1 Radical Ideax, 2 Rapid Hybridization, 1 Return of the Wildspeakerx, 1 Voidslime,

Sorcery: 2 Flash Foliagex, 1 Maximize Altitudex, 1 Miming Slimex, 1 Selective Snarex, 2 Shielding Plaxx, 1 Urban Evolutionx,

Enchantments: 3 Charmed Sleepx, 3 Frogifyx, 2 Setessan Trainingx,

Artifacts: 2 Simic Signet,

Land: 4 Simic Growth Chamberx, 4 Simic Guildgate, 4 Thornwood Fallsx, X Forestx, X Islandx


Idoneity on

5 years ago

It seems there are many cards in here that just don't do much, as well as there being naught in terms of basic essentials for a commander deck.

As for creatures:

Dewdrop Spy , Dream Thief , Faerie Duelist , Faerie Seer , Final-Sting Faerie , Hypnotic Sprite , Latchkey Faerie , Nightshade Schemers , Pestermite , Shinechaser , Surveilling Sprite , Thornwind Faeries , Wasp Lancer , and Wizened Snitches . None of these seem to stand out. They have lacking effects that don't bolster power level, but rather drag it down. Cards in other supertypes seem to fall under the same category.

Faerie Tauntings , Stolen by the Fae , Dimir Locket , Violet Pall and Dimir Locket all seem incongruous and lacking. Brainstorm is best when shuffling effects can launder away cards if need be. This deck has only two tutors. Stolen by the Fae is restrictive and minute in impact, as well as a sorcery. Violet Pall seems far too expensive for what it does.

For what I believe should be added, card draw, ramp, and threats.

Windreader Sphinx , Coastal Piracy , and Bident of Thassa are able to draw a considerable amount over the course of a match. Phyrexian Arena , Underworld Connections , and Consecrated Sphinx oft daggle me through the game rather easily.

Sol Ring , Smothering Tithe , Talisman of Progress , Talisman of Hierarchy , Azorius Signet , Dimir Signet , Orzhov Signet , and Mind Stone all carry their weight and herald efficiency.

For wraths, I find that two or three do the job well, and Rout or Cyclonic Rift seem to fit the plan of this deck well.

Dovin, Grand Arbiter could be a spicy option, and Unfulfilled Desires is a favourite of mine.

Good fortune to you, my liege. May all lout in your wake.

Jpinkman on

5 years ago

out 1 Glen Elendra Liege in 1 Scion of Oona out 1 Surveilling Sprite in 1 Faerie Impostor out 1 land and 1 Cloak and Dagger in 2 Chart a Course (you can try to remove 2 lands and keep the cloak maybe). out 2 Favorable Winds in 2 Inquisition of Kozilek (or 1 duress and another discard card)

sonnet666 on Hermits Make The Best Spies... Wait, What?

7 years ago

Hope of Ghirapur is already in the deck.

Slither Blade is an easy swap. I like that it's a rogue, but I don't like that it's blue. I'll probably swap out Surveilling Sprite for it.

Memnite is fantastic and is not coming out. The ability to drop it first turn with a 1-drop dork for a turn 2 Edric AND a draw is too good to pass up. The only other way to get that is using a 0 mana accelerant, which are much more inconsistent.

Has anyone considered that I don't have Capture of Jingzhou simply because a) I'm out of room, and b) the HD package is just better? It's not necessary to chain turns together if on one of those turns you straight up win. Right now I can swap Temporal Mastery for Capture if people really think it's necessary, but I already don't have enough room for Deep Analysis, so right now the HD combo needs Edric and the combat step for the winning LabMan draw. Personally I'd put Deep Analysis back in before Capture. If anyone can think of some good swaps let me know, but until then I'm not going to put in another 5 mana spell that doesn't contribute to my plan A.

Also, Carpet of Flowers is in the sideboard and is going to stay in the sideboard. It's pretty much an obvious swap for a Llanowar Elves/Elvish Mystic/Fyndhorn Elves/What-have-you, and I don't like putting meta dependent cards in the mainboard if I don't have to.

Dk1997 on Edric Unblockables - cEDH

7 years ago

i figured most the suggestions wouldnt be any good but i was bored, but this time i think i actualy have a few good ones, to start off with, Jace's Phantasm at worst it's a 1/1 flyer for 1 blue, next, Deprive is a definite add in this deck, i'd suggest replacing Hydroblast with it, also Delay is a good addition and Annul is really good, i would say use Remand over Unsubstantiate but you already have enough draw, and Unsubstantiate doubles as a Boomerang, Chain of Vapor could be very good over Disperse especially in a multi player game because often ppl will not target you back with it becuase you have mostly 1 drops, they will target someone else and it ends up being basically a 2 for 1, Gemstone Caverns for some good early game ramp, Cavern of Souls if you can afford it, it add protection 4 your commander and hits about 7-8 creatures if u call elves and about 5 if you call rogues, Merfolk Spy, Jhessian Infiltrator, Surveilling Sprite, and Faerie Impostor increase the rogue count all though i doubt any of your creatures will get countered, your better off adding to your faerie count with Zephyr Sprite, Surveilling Sprite, Faerie Impostor, Mothdust Changeling , Scryb Sprites and Cloud Sprite for Spellstutter Sprite, Signal Pest is good, has evasion and is kinda like an anthem,Notorious Throng is real good if you get your rogue count up, take an extra turn and get some 1/1 flying faeries, heck yeah, also almost forgot, Spellskite is pretty good its cheap adds a decent blocker plus additional protection for edric and it can shut down/slow down many deck types and commanders, slows down tron builds, meren builds and flicker builds,

Kelvin-escesare on Hermits Make The Best Spies... Wait, What?

8 years ago

Many cards seem more cute than useful. I'm also refining an Edric deck, so please tell me if you had a reason for including these.

Spell to cut:


Also have you tried these/are they good/bad?

Lands to cut:

I guess you were low on options due to Hermit Druid.


sylvannos on Faerie Tribal help

8 years ago

I would up your land count. You need to be able to leave mana open while beating down with manlands. Adding four Faerie Conclave will go a long way.

I'm not sure I'm sold on your non-creature spells. U/B has a lot of good removal in Modern. You already have Mana Leak, but the rest of the spells are really inefficient. I'd suggest 1 Dispel, 2 Spell Snare, 1+ Dismember, and 1+ Victim of Night/Go for the Throat. Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, Countersquall, Smother, and Vapor Snag.

Your creatures look good. Faerie Miscreants just need to go in instead of Zephyr Sprite or Surveilling Sprite. Lastly, I'd cut Wydwen, the Biting Gale completely for Mistbind Cliques. Realistically, you can't play Wydwen, the Biting Gale until turn 6 because otherwise it will stumble into Lightning Bolt.

If there's any one card I'd bite the bullet on and buy regardless of what other changes you make to the deck, it'd be 4 Mistbind Cliques.

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