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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Artifact Creature — Construct

legendofa on Eda, Mother of the Lost

1 week ago

I'm going to stand by what I said earlier and say this doesn't need any more restrictions. I get you don't want to roll up with an overpowered custom Commander, that's a bad look, but I think it's still slightly overtuned.

Eda has a lot of great self-synergy. Working through a sequence, let's say you cast Experimental Aviator to get some tokens, and pay the for offspring. From there, you gain 5 life from five tokens entering. You then populate the Aviator offspring token to get another Aviator and its tokens, gaining another 3 life.

Net result at what I see is the most efficient possible token generation rate (5 mana for a creature + two tokens), you spend eleven total mana to gain 8 life and create nine creatures. I can't find a direct comparison quickly, but this passes my personal feel test.

At the lower end, let's start with Memnite. Pay for offspring, you get two creatures for two mana. Populate the token, and the net result for least mana spent is for gaining 2 life and three creatures. Not super efficient.

I'm choosing examples that keep the process simple. If you choose, like, Gruff Triplets + Phyrexian Altar, you can completely change the math. But I think these examples illustrate my thought, that even with the best possible single-card outcome, you seem to be in pretty fair territory.

TheOfficialCreator on Fblthp's Cheerios

2 weeks ago

Surge of Brilliance would be HUGE in this deck. You also appear to be missing Memnite. Hurkyl's Recall, Retract, and Rebuild are incredibly helpful in artifact-heavy storm decks. Also Gitaxian Probe, Mishra's Bauble, and Urza's Bauble.

Blackerhawk on Affinity and what to cut

1 month ago

Hey nuperokaso , thanks for the input. Black mana was in the deck for the alternative equip cost of Cranial Plating, but Mistvault Bridge coming into play tapped does slow me down. I do have 4 Memnites and 4 Welding Jars in my collection, and could replace the remaining 2 Myr Enforcers with those. Or maybe instead of the Gingerbrute? Would you go Fling over Shrapnel Blast? As it can do a lot more damage with the Cranial Plating attached to a creature and with the Arcbound Ravager after he eats the rest of the crew...

I greatly appreciate your response and any other input is more than welcome.

nuperokaso on Affinity and what to cut

1 month ago

You will need to remove 18 card to get to 60: - 2 Mystic Forge and 4 Deadly Dispute - Affinity is an aggro deck; it wants to put additional creatures on board, not just draw cards. You may leave Thoughtcast and Thought Monitor. That will also rid you of black color entirely. - 4 Mistvault Bridge - 22 lands is too much for a 60 card deck that mostly plays free spells. You also don't want to draw multiple tapped lands. - 2 Shrapnel Blast - You don't want multiples in your opening hand, because then you won't have enough artifacts to cast your spells. You are also playing another sacrifice outlet (Arcbound Ravager) and too many sacrifice effect have diminishing returns. - 2 Myr Enforcer - You were playing 12 7 mana spells, that's simply too much. You can't keep opening hand with 4 of them. - 4 Lotus Petal - The only card in your deck that was not Modern legal. Also it's useless in longer game.

After these cuts, your deck has 60 card. However, 10 of them are non-artifacts, which may be more than you would like.

I will also give you a few other tips: - If you are too low on 0 mana cost cards, try Memnite or Welding Jar. Jar does something even in longer game, unlike your original Lotus Petal. - Nettlecyst - Acts similarly to the Cranial Plating, but comes with a body and has a good toughness. If you would play it, I suggest that you replace them for Arcbound Ravager, as they are doing opposite things.

burferking on The Devil Made me do it,…

9 months ago

Besides Stonecoil Serpent, what else do you counter with Tibalt's Trickery? I suggest that you add more 0 Mana Value spells like Memnite, Kobolds, and/or 1 Mana Value spells with Phyrexian Mana like Noxious Revival and Surgical Extraction.

foxinsox on Ronin 64

11 months ago

I wonder whether Embercleave could have a home here. Memnite might trump ornithopter as well since it doesn't rely on pump spells to do damage. Light Up the Stage to refuel? Also, Blinkmoth Nexus might be better here given that you really aren't trying the poison game - more damage.

Macaronigrill5150 on Wield a fist of Iron

11 months ago

wideline1414 well I do need to update the description again, but that's not what I'm going for, this is deck is focused on equipping Fervent Champion, and Novice Knight with Colossus Hammer to swing for some big damage. Auriok Steelshaper is a back up option, when the Colossus Hammer fails, I can equip Auriok Steelshaper with something like Sunforger, or Plate Armor(which is why I haven't removed it from the deck yet) so he can buff Puresteel Paladin, and Esper Sentinel allowing me to hopefully finish off my opponent.

So I'm just trying to work with better back up options just in case Colossus Hammer fails. I also might add Memnite because it is a 0 cost creature making it a lot easier and faster to use Colossus Hammer. But who knows, I will definitely look into more and different equipment though!

legendofa on Does roiling vortex trigger whenever …

1 year ago

Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver's token creation isn't a spell, it's an ability, and isn't affected by Roiling Vortex. Broadly speaking, a spell is anything represented by a card you play from your hand, that isn't a land. (There are exceptions, but this will cover most of the interactions you're likely to see.)

So, lands are never spells.

If it's coming from something already in play, it's an ability, not a spell.

A Duress you cast from your hand is a spell.

When you cast Corrupt Court Official, it's a spell until it resolves, then it becomes a permanent. This is important for cards like Essence Scatter; a creature spell is not the same thing as a creature.

The simplified sequence of events is

  • Declare that you're casting Corrupt Court Official.

  • Pay .

  • Play CCO. (This is where it's a spell.)

  • Nobody does anything, CCO resolves and enters the battlefield. (It's no longer a spell.)

  • CCO's ability triggers, and you choose who will discard. (This is not a spell, it's an ability.)

  • Nobody does anything, CCO's ability resolves, and someone discards a card.

Yeah, that's the simple version.

Roiling Vortex will affect cards like Memnite, which has a casting cost of mana; Fireblast if Mountains were sacrificed, since no mana was paid; or Walking Skyscraper if you control eight modified creatures, since its cost is reduced to .

The most technical definition is covered in 112.1 of the Comprehensive Rules:

  • A spell is a card on the stack. As the first step of being cast (see rule 601, “Casting Spells”), the card becomes a spell and is moved to the top of the stack from the zone it was in, which is usually its owner’s hand. (See rule 405, “Stack.”) A spell remains on the stack as a spell until it resolves (see rule 608, “Resolving Spells and Abilities”), is countered (see rule 701.5), or otherwise leaves the stack. For more information, see section 6, “Spells, Abilities, and Effects.”

By the way, welcome to the club, Coldless! Are you confused yet?

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