Dimir Locket

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dimir Locket


: Gain or .

, , Sacrifice DImir Locket: Draw two cards.

mrweaselman on Stumbly Boys (EDH)

7 months ago

Starting with mana, you only have 44 sources. I would recommend going around 47. Sapphire Medallion and Jet Medallion are a lot better than the monuments, although more expensive. You want to avoid 3 mana rocks like Dimir Locket and Commander's Sphere, you have better options in two mana ones. Add Coldsteel Heart, Fellwar Stone, Dimir Signet, Talisman of Dominance and at least one land.

For interaction, you could add enchantment removal like Feed the Swarm. Bitter Triumph is new and may be better than Infernal Grasp here.

Since mill and discard can basically act as card draw, you can run cards like Mire Triton, Stitcher's Supplier, Undead Butler, Palantir of Orthanc, and Fact or Fiction, as well as sacrifice based card draw like Corrupted Conviction, Village Rites, and Deadly Dispute. There's also always all-stars Black Market Connections, Phyrexian Arena, and Rhystic Study if you want to go that direction.

Some card to protect your commander like Netherborn Altar, Malakir Rebirth  Flip, Zombie Master or Lightning Greaves / Swiftfoot Boots may be helpful if you rely on Gisa and it keeps getting removed.

There are certain cards I am not a fan of in this deck including Master of Death, Prized Amalgam, Scourge of Nel Toth, Tomebound Lich, Dead Revels, and Syphon Flesh.

Some other cards to consider include Cryptbreaker, Geralf, Visionary Stitcher, Ghoulcaller Gisa, Lord of the Undead, Noxious Ghoul, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, The Scarab God, Distant Melody, Buried Alive, Diabolic Intent, Liliana, Dreadhorde General. You could probably replace similar cards with these if they are better.

Gravecrawler + Rooftop Storm + Sac Outlet is infinite. I don't think you run many sac outlets. You could add Acererak the Archlich to go infinite with just Rooftop Storm.

azja on yuriko edh 500

11 months ago

Hey thanks again for your comments on my primer :)

A few suggestions I have:

  1. Replace 2 mana enablers with weak/no abilities (such as Dimir Infiltrator and Gurmag Swiftwing) with 1 mana enablers (like Gudul Lurker) or stronger 2 mana enablers (i.e., Baleful Strix, Augury Owl).

  2. Replace 3 mana ramp (like Basalt Monolith, Dimir Locket) with 2 mana ramp (i.e., Dimir Signet or Talisman of Dominance).

  3. Soft permission spells such as Spell Pierce and Mana Leak are usually weak in budget/lower-powered pods because the games go longer. Some potential replacements could be Misdirection, Drown in the Loch.

  4. Cancel, Murder, Hero's Downfall, Perplex, Connive / Concoct and Rite of Undoing seem quite weak to me. Some budget-friendly cards I like that you might want to play are Curtains' Call, Portent, Far / Away, Discovery / Dispersal, Submerge, and Murderous Cut.

Good luck in your tournament!

king-saproling on Ashnod's Bakery

1 year ago

Personally I would make these swaps:

+ Goblin Engineer
+ Unstable Obelisk
+ Bloody Betrayal
+ Commander's Sphere
+ Spark Double
+ Crowded Crypt
+ Letter of Acceptance
+ Izzet Locket
+ Rakdos Locket
+ Dimir Locket
+ Whisper, Blood Liturgist

- Dreadmalkin
- Hobblefiend
- Ravenous Harpy
- Laurine, the Diversion
- Yahenni, Undying Partisan
- Angrath, the Flame-Chained
- Jace, Ingenious Mind-Mage
- Undercity Informer
- Thoughtpicker Witch
- Claws of Gix
- Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded

multimedia on Budget Sneak Attack Precon Upgrade

2 years ago

Hey, good start, well done upgrading the precon on a budget. For your first deck you have good card sense already. Most of my card suggestions to consider are $1 or less each. Some overall advice is to consider lowing the mana curve which will reduce the avg. CMC of your deck which is currently high at 3.4. By lowing the mana curve then you can potentially play more Rogues quicker to have more of a board presence when you cast Anowon.

There's an infinite opponent mill combo with Mindcrank. Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank + effect to make each opponent mill a card. For three mana this combo makes all your opponents mill the rest of their libraries and each opponent loses life equal to the amount of cards they had left in their libraries.

Consider a few more one drop Rogues who have evasion to help them to do combat damage to a player?

By adding more one drop Rogues then you have more chances to potentially control more Rogues before you cast Anowon. Spells that only cost one mana are great in Commander letting you more easily cast more than one spell a turn or cast a spell on your turn and leave up lands/mana for instant opponent interaction.

Some other one drops to consider:

Anowon with Rogues is all about attacking. Consider more effects to take advantage of attacking and doing combat damage to opponents?

  • Krydle of Baldur's Gate: Rogue with combat damage to player trigger, also repeatable to make Anowon, itself or another creature you control unblockable, for two mana.
  • Hoard Robber: Rogue who can create repeatable ramp with treasures.
  • Reconnaissance Mission: draw a card for each creature who does combat damage to a player.
  • Key to the City: repeatable unblockable by discarding a card and it can be repeatable draw once on your turn for two mana.
  • Zephyr Boots
  • Curiosity
  • Sigil of Sleep

Anowon lacks evasion and with base 2/4 stats it could be difficult for him to do combat damage to a player. By adding more cards that can repeatedly give him or other creatures you control evasion or unblockable then he can do more combat damage to opponents.

Some budget land upgrades replacing some basic lands to consider:

  • Secluded Courtyard: new card from NEO set, it will most likely come down in price. Another tribal land that ETB untapped and bonus is you can use mana from it to activate an ability of a tribal creature.
  • Choked Estuary: another Dimir dual land that can ETB untapped if you also have in your hand an Island or Swamp land to reveal.
  • Path of Ancestry: ETB tapped Dimir land, but worth it for tribal since any Rogue you cast with it you scry 1.
  • Access Tunnel: another land that can make a creature unblockable.

Some cuts to consider are first some lands to add more one drop Rogues? 38 lands is high, by cutting two lands for a couple of one drops won't effect consistency of drawing lands that much while the one drops can give you more.

Some other cards to consider cutting in order: Dimir Locket, Didn't Say Please, Fractured Sanity, Fated Return, Rise from the Grave, Murder, Ogre Slumlord, Master Thief, Lazav, Dimir Mastermind, Adaptive Automaton.

If you're interested in any of these suggestions then let me know which ones and I offer more advice. Good luck with your deck.

jakeelephant006 on Mill likes Big Butts

3 years ago

Couple of card swap suggestions. I don't really like Fatal Push in here. Pretty narrow in commander. Feed the Swarm is flexible and effective and feels like a great card for this deck. You could also probably cut Doom Blade for another counterspell. I'll recommend Arcane Denial or Drown in the Loch .

Also, Psychic Corrosion , Maddening Cacophony and Ruin Crab are nice for milling all of you opponents. Syr Konrad, the Grim and Into the Story seem like good payoffs for getting those cards into graveyards.

Other cards that don't seem to fit are Diabolic Tutor since you already have 2 other strong tutors for this deck. I think some of the above payoffs or mill cards would be a better fit. Trinket Mage since it only gets you a few artifacts that don't seem super impactful. If you really believe that you need those one and zero-drops, I can respect that. It seems like Tribute Mage might be better, though to secure your 2-drop combo and protection pieces + ramp.

Speaking of ramp my last main comment has to do with the low amount of ramp and card draw in your deck. 2 and 3 mana ramp work great to get your commander out ahead of curve and keep your deck running smoothly. I'll recommend Mind Stone and Dimir Locket as those help to kill two birds with one stone.

Also, keep an eye on Bruvac the Grandiloquent 's price. It's slowly decreasing currently but will probably go up again the next time they print a semi-decent mill commander.

K1ngMars on

3 years ago

I comment while keeping in mind a low budget.

Cut 3 mana ramp when possible:

Cards I'd cut: - 2 lands. 36 is enough if you smooth the curve a bit. - In Garruk's Wake -> Decree of Pain ? Maybe, idk, it depends. But you get more chances to use it, trust me I know something of dimir ramp myself. - Oona, Queen of the Fae -> Be careful. X costs are tough to pay for in dimir and more often than not, paying 5-10 mana to get 2 1/1 farie rogues isn't worth, it wastes your turn. Recall: lands are colorless and most decks you'll face are multi-colored. Oona isn't evena rogue in the first place, so no advantage to attack with her. - Obelisk of Urd -> Not so strong. It buffs all your rogues, but at the cost of using your whole mana pool, or to keep your rogues from attacking. Kinda wastes your turn, and you wanna be fast.

Cards I suggest:

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