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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Untap all creatures and gain control of them until end of turn. They gain haste until end of turn.

dash.secrets on Lord Xander Flicker Clone

1 week ago


ill tell you another card i want to find room for Insurrection. offers insane value

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 weeks ago

Lukka, Bonder of Beasts

Legendary Creature - Human Soldier

Lukka, Bonder of Beasts enters the battlefield with X bonder counters on him.

Whenever Lukka deals combat damage to an opponent, put a bonder counter on him and gain control of target nonhuman creature they control with power less than or equal to the number of bonder counters on Lukka. Untap it, it gains haste. Then, if you control four or more creatures you do not own, exile Lukka and return him to the battlefield transformed.


Lukka, The Rebellion

Legendary Planeswalker - Lukka

Lukka enters the battlefield with X additional loyalty counters where X is the number of creatures you control but do not own.

+2 Untap target nonhuman creature you control, it gets +2/+2 and gains haste until end of turn. If it is legendary it gains an additional +2/+2 and trample until end of turn.

-X Gain control of all nonhuman creatures with power X or less. Untap them, they gain haste.


Mob Rule, Insurrection, Call for Aid... Lots of ways to flip Lukka without having to make him land combat damage over and over again

Pick 3 sorcery spells, name them and make a commander based around them

Gleeock on Edh options

1 month ago

Extus, Oriq Overlord  Flip Is more on the controlling end of this. Pretty wicked to Insurrection then sac them all to summon blood avatar. He Who Shan't Be Named can control-aggro its way around

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 months ago

Lavictus, Archdragon of Creation

Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon

This spell can't be countered.

Flying, vigilance, shroud

This creature can't be destroyed unless the player who controls that source pays .

Whenever you cast a creature or enchantment spell, create a token copy of that spell. If the spell is legendary, the token isn't.


So you can still kill it with board wipes and combat damage, but you'll need to pay an additional mana to do so. If someone were to cast a spell such as Insurrection or Mob Rule which doesn't target and sacrifice him, or a spell such as Crackling Doom, that would bypass the , because "sacrificed" isn't the same as "destroyed"


NV_1980 on U/B/R Pirates

3 months ago

Some ideas to add to the theme/tribalism of your deck :)

Optimator on Anarchy Burger

9 months ago

Return the Past - expensive, but a huge value engine

City on Fire - might not be worth it since you could rarely get the mana discount, but the power is there

Ensnared by the Mara - some damage and value

Spikefield Hazard  Flip - could take a land slot

Court of Embereth - draws a card and starts to make blockers

Virtue of Courage - a bit of burn, then HUGE card advantage. Could be a must-include!

Realm-Scorcher Hellkite - there are a bunch of dragons with repeatable damage abilities--perhaps those would be great mana sinks?

Hearth Elemental - could be decent card draw, then a blocker. Not amazing, but there it is

Flick a Coin - kinda funny

Ravaging Blaze - not amazing removal, but you'll usually have Spell Mastery

Insurrection - a bit anticlimactic, but if you're whittling down life totals this could very often win the game. The red creatures would do bonus damage too. Sorcery synergy I guess

Disrupt Decorum - could get the heat off of you for a turn or two

Abrade - creature removal or artifact removal--the option is nice

Fires of Mount Doom - expensive but repeatable card-draw. A bit of removal and damage too. Perhaps a must-include?

DreadKhan on BBEG Deck Ideas

9 months ago

I feel like you could also look into running a lot of wipes, stax or other salt inducing things, such that the deck will naturally end up the archenemy and everyone will unite against them. Do the other decks compete with one another? If so, something that does Goad or Goad-like effects would be cool. TBH, if I had to pick a commander to try out as an Archenemy type deck, I'd be very tempted to go with Kresh the Bloodbraided. 5 mana for a 3/3 isn't very spicy, but he quickly can get very, very out of hand, it's not unusual for you to do something like Mandate of Abaddon or Phyrexian Scriptures and then one shot people one at a time with your gigantic Kresh. Lots of cards synergize with Kresh, ranging from Grim Feast and anything that works with/is Rite of the Raging Storm. Big Goad effects like Disrupt Decorum and Spectacular Showdown also add a nasty surprise, and Insurrection is a great turn-around-is-fair-play type effect for an Archenemy. You can even make the deck on the cheap using stuff like Fleshbag Marauder (there are a bajillion at this point, especially if you'll pay 4 for a 4 power one), these generate a lot of power if you also have Savra, Queen of the Golgari (or something similar) out. Pestilence and similar effects are very good in here, they let you both clear out weenie blockers while also pumping Kresh ever bigger by winnowing away the chaff. Kresh will quickly crush everyone, you just need to add fun stuff like evasion or trample to make his immense power count. If you build this right it should be quite scary to play against, and the odd Fling can be a nice way to punish the players for killing Kresh.

Another great option might be Sauron, the Dark Lord, the more the party does the bigger the 'threat' gets, and it's almost impossible to remove Sauron. It's easy to sneak in some powerful Changelings to work as a better base army, but the whole 'orc army' thing is in and of itself very stereotypical in D&D. I like Grixis because you get Blue, meaning you have access to the odd counter. In particular I'd look into stuff like Stronghold Machinist, effect-on-a-stick creatures are good for an Archenemy because they tend to soak up the opponent's cards, even something like Royal Assassin is card advantage over time. Since the Army can get pretty big you can use Voltron stuff with it, and if you use Anthems (Berserkers' Onslaught, Dauthi Embrace, and Whip of Erebos come to mind) they'll work on both the Army and Sauron, which is cool Big Bad energy for the deck.

Rocketman988 on Demon Till Your Dreams Come True

1 year ago

77hi77, it makes me so excited to hear that you've caught the Rakdos bug and that my decklist and primer has helped inspire you to make Rakdos your own! You've made my day. He's such an unconventional powerhouse, and it's fun to watch players' faces when they realize the game state has suddenly shifted against them dramatically.

Your comment got me thinking about how to best verbalize the theory behind the deck, and when I began typing my response, I realized I had a lot more to say on the topic of "how the deck doesn't fall behind" when it attacks with Rakdos than I thought I would. So instead of replying with a book of text in the comments here, I created a new section in the primer called "Rakdos Game Theory". If you give it a read through, it should help you understand how I've attempted to solve the issue of how to survive attacking that you commented about.

I'd love to hear more about the direction you're taking your deck, but if you're not ready to share yet, send me a link to your deck when you are! The basics of not falling behind when you attack with Rakdos are mana density, card efficiency, and resource denial. If you want to build Rakdos on a budget, you'll want effects that packs as much mana onto each permanent as possible. Think Gilded Lotus, Everflowing Chalice, Chromatic Orrery, Sceptre of Eternal Glory, Dreamstone Hedron, Nyx Lotus, Rakdos Carnarium, Everglades, Dormant Volcano, stuff like that. That way, sacrificing hurts less because the bulk of your mana stays on a single permanent. Token producers like Wand of Orcus and Abhorrent Overlord are also excellent so that you can sacrifice the free value permanents instead of critical resources. Finally, play symmetrical table hate pieces like Pox, Shadowgrange Archfiend, Tectonic Hellion, Death Cloud, Insurrection, and Curse of the Cabal to keep everyone low on resources like you are. If you can afford them, the trio of It That Betrays, Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip, and The Reaver Cleaver are in my opinion mandatory in any list that wants to prioritize attacking with Rakdos.

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