Keeper of Fables

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Keeper of Fables

Creature — Cat

Whenever one or more non-Human creatures you control deals combat damage to a player, draw a card.

Xtough on You Shall Die a Peasant’s Death!

1 year ago

Hello, nice deck and I like the Silver Black approach (uncommons and commons)! For draw maybe Keeper of Fables or Deepwood Denizen may help?

liquid_water on

1 year ago

Did I overlook something, or would you deck out if you Primal Surge into an empty library, and then hit an opponent while you have Dragonborn Champion and/or Keeper of Fables in play?

DreadKhan on The Golem

1 year ago

In budget decks I always want a Transmogrifying Wand, removal tends to help budget decks a lot more than higher power decks because it's usually harder for a budget deck to just 'go over the top' and win via brute force. GW is really, really good at removing stuff, it's a specialty of both colours at this point.

A few things I use in my Selesnya deck, which is also interested in tokens, might fit in here. Gigantomancer is a lot of mana to get out, but all buffs stack with 7/7 base p/t. Harmonious Archon is an unbelievably good card in a deck that can go reasonably wide, it makes everyone equal, meaning anything that gets even +0/+1 is suddenly terrifying, same with First Strike. Keeper of Fables is a big dumb version of Toski, Bearer of Secrets, but Toski is very much not budget. Soltari Visionary is a weird old card that can remove an enchantment each time it gets in for damage, and most people don't run any Shadows. Hour of Reckoning might work if most people don't run many tokens in your area. Shamanic Revelation is better in decks that don't have very big creatures but tend to have lots, Return of the Wildspeaker and it's ilk are better if you have a very tall creature. Abundance is great in budget decks where you might struggle to find enough card draw, it gets you more consistent value for each draw. Felidar Retreat might be a bit pricey, but getting a free +1/+1 counter on each creature matters more in a deck with tokens. Similarly, Idol of Oblivion isn't super cheap but it's a strong effect with token generation.

If you like Myriad Landscape, Blighted Woodland also exists, ramp on a land is really sweet, even if it's not the most efficient ramp (it enters untapped). Devout Witness is repeatable removal vs artifacts and enchantments.

There is an old cycle in Selesnya that's really useful in some cases, most of them are budget but the odd one is pricier (though not very). They all work on the principle that you give an opponent back cards from their graveyard to get access to a really strong effect. I've had good results with Spurnmage Advocate, Pulsemage Advocate and Nullmage Advocate, but take a look if you've got a few minutes. They're all from the Judgement set iirc, but some got reprints. One fun thing you can do with these is target something someone else was planning to reanimate/dredge with, there are a decent number of Magic cards that people play in EDH that they want/need in their graveyard.

Hope some of this is relevant/these aren't outside your budget! Good luck and have fun!

bushido_man96 on Tweaking Naya Tokens

2 years ago

I'd cut Soul Warden and Ajani's Welcome. Incidental life gain is ok, but not great, and not really worth two slots in the deck unless they were benefiting you in some other way.

Looks like you need more card draw, otherwise you'll stall out too early. Keeper of Fables is pretty subpar. Collective Unconscious will draw you a ton of cards when you have your game plan going. I'd also recommend the courts, Court of Grace for sure, as it will produce more tokens for you. Court of Bounty is great for getting more land drops or creature drops, and Court of Ire can help you finish. You wouldn't necessarily need to have all three of them, but I think the white one really fits the theme of your deck.

A rather obscure card, but I find Kyren Negotiations to be a good way to use your creatures to punch for damage when you don't have advantageous attacks. Tap them for damage at the end of turn before yours, then untap and do your thing. This would pair nicely with Drumbellower.

m4rs on Ghired - Precon Primal Genesis - Heavy Upgrade

2 years ago

Hi eliakimras,

I was now able to do some playtests with the current set. I still changed some more cards.


Feedback to new or rarely played cards:

  • Quartzwood Crasher is insane good. Thematically, and also its easy to get like a 10 or 15/15 Token, which you can copy with ghired, after that its gonna be snowball. Surely one of the best cards in this deck. Similar with Elder Gargaroth
  • Selesnya Eulogist: Surprisingly good card, I rarely drew it beside the fact thats it a day 1 card of this deck. But targeting creatures from other graveyards (or the own) to prevent reanimate or similiar, and getting blockers is very good!

Cards I am uncertain:

Still the deck has a lot of protection, and I am not sure if it too much, but as Ghired is quite expensive, I will right now, not cut a indestructible spell.

About your utility Lands. yeah Gavony Township might be a cool manasink. But Right now I dont have it, as I put it in another deck. also i have a lot of utility lands right now. Kessig wolf run I removed, as having Trample seems no problem in my last plays.

Coward_Token on Secret Lair: Street Fighter

2 years ago

Gleeock: yeah when I saw Zangief I thought of you =).

And yes, Dhalsim fits pretty well with Marisi. He's basically a cheaper Keeper of Fables with Skulk. (All three of those cards obviously rewards you for getting in hits on multiple opponents.)

eliakimras on Ghired - Precon Primal Genesis - Heavy Upgrade

2 years ago

If I can suggest something, Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist is great in a deck where you can tap and untap her at will, but not here. If you want some protection from attacks, Ghostly Prison and Reconnaissance serve you better (activating Reconnaisance during your "end of combat" step effectively gives your creatures vigilance).

I see you run Akroma's Will, Boros Charm, Heroic Intervention and Flawless Maneuver. Unless you play in a boardwipe-heavy meta, you can remove the Charm and Intervention for Gamble (if you can trade into it) and Helm of the Host. 9 mana is expensive to tech into, but it is a instant win condition with many of your cards, unlike Soul Foundry.

How reliable is Momentous Fall in your deck? The more I play, the more I value repeated draw on permanents (like Keeper of Fables) over single-use instant or sorceries (and I started as a blue control mage - dark times indeed). But if the Keeper is not working for you, bring back Eladamri's Call to get the creature you need from your deck, even if it is just to ramp into Ghired.

Lastly, unless you play against nonbasic land hate, I believe you should include Gavony Township, and Kessig Wolf Run in your deck. They are mana sinks stapled on lands for when you have unused mana laying around or don't want to commit your cards in hand. If you're worried about not having the proper colored mana with that many lands, Skyshroud Elf fix you for all and costs while ramping you for . Also, you can run Mossfire Valley and Sungrass Prairie to filter colorless into colored mana.

eliakimras on Ghired - Precon Primal Genesis - Heavy Upgrade

3 years ago

Hey! Kinda late, but I would like to suggest some stuff:

(Disclaimer: I have a budget way lower than yours, but I've been tinkering with Ghired for almost two years - he's my favorite commander. I'll break the suggested upgrades down into categories for better organization.)

Haste enablers:

Ramp: Run at least 15 ramp cards to make your deck flow smoother and faster.

Direct damage:

Extra combats: You don't have to worry about your opponents' answers if they never get to their turn, so...


Card draw: Alongside ramp, it is my main concern with Ghired. I want to be able to rebuild my board after a boardwipe.

  • Garruk's Uprising is a better Colossal Majesty, even giving evasion to your creatures.

  • I believe that Camaraderie can be substituted for Shamanic Revelation as the latter cost less mana. Mouth / Feed is another option that creates its own big token. Return of the Wildspeaker can either draw cards or buff creatures for an alpha strike.

  • Keeper of Fables triggers all other power-based card draw, while giving easy draw triggers to all your trampling creatures. Elder Gargaroth is a buffed, more versatile version of it. And remember: both can be cloned for extra juicy draw or extra tokens.

  • Sylvan Library is an overall great card filter for your regular draws. It gets better with shufflers like fetchlands and tutors.

  • Since your deck is focused on attacking and getting extra combat steps, Etali, Primal Storm might be a fun way to play your opponents' cards while lowering their life points.

Some cards I suggest you to remove:

  • Sundering Growth: you already have enough flexible removal. You will almost never be in a situation in which the token to copy and the artifact/enchantment to remove are optimal choices. Since you're running Eladamri's Call, Reclamation Sage might be worth including (and cloned for the enjoyment of your friends).
  • Starnheim Unleashed: one token is too little for a whole card slot in the deck. If you're foretelling, it costs a lot of mana to be worthwhile. The game might be over before that.
  • Growing Ranks: waiting a whole rotation to get a token which does not even have haste is not ideal.
  • Ghired's Belligerence, Full Flowering: good for a late game play, mostly dead until then. I like those, but I removed them in favor of more mid-game cards, since I might not last until 9+ mana.
  • Trostani, Selesnya's Voice: while on-theme, it does little to advance your win condition.
  • Thunderfoot Baloth: not an amazing buff. Your creatures are big already, and Garruk's Uprising takes care of the evasion.
  • Feldon of the Third Path: all-star when there is a lot of graveyard filling - there is none in this deck. (I really tried to keep him on my deck because I like the card, but most of the time there was no creature in my graveyard.)
  • Eldrazi Displacer: are you using it for a combo? I couldn't identify it.

Some cool lands for you to try out: (landbase is my favorite part of deckbuilding)

I hope I've been of some help to you. I didn't suggest many token-related cards because I believe that, as long as you have decent ramp, draw and removal in your deck, you can win to your heart's content. Wanna throw in a Godsire? Do it. Prefer to clone your opponents' creatures with Hate Mirage? Go ahead. But the fundamentals of the deck is what makes it flow consistently. Have fun and smash 'em all (and run Doubling Season for extra fun) ;-)

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