Krav, the Unredeemed
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Krav, the Unredeemed

Legendary Creature — Demon

Partner with Regna, the Redeemer (When this creature enters the battlefield, target player may put Regna into their hand from their library, then shuffle.)

, Sacrifice X creatures: Target player draws X cards and gains X life. Put X +1/+1 counters on Krav, the Unredeemed.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Luminous Phantom
Kelinore Bat
Shilgengar, Sire of Famine
Regna, the Redeemer
Final Revels

HeavenlyAxe on

4 months ago

Hey Indie,

First off I really like the lands you have assembled and the suggestions from SufferFromEDHD are all good.

You are definitely going to want an artifact ramp package.

Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, Arcane Signet, Fellwar Stone, Gilded Lotus, Thran Dynamo

Special Mention to Nyx Lotus, it could be good being in mono black. and Jeweled Lotus, pays for your commander for free on turn 1 even.

Sword of the Animist is not bad ramp at all and buffs yours rats

Commander's Plate might be cute.

Liliana of the Dark Realms, makes sure you always get a land drop and could make your swamps tap for four.

Chittering Witch if your playing with more opponents.

Crypt Ghast is sort of ramp, but doubles your swamps. Very good in mono black.

Dauthi Voidwalker is not on theme at all but is just sooo much value in a two cost card I have to recommend it.

God-Eternal Bontu is excellent draw power in the right situation.

Dont forget you can run any number of Relentless Rats

Gray Merchant of Asphodel will heal you up a lot and hurt your opponents

Krav, the Unredeemed is also great card draw.

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, has card draw, removal, and proliferate all on one card

Deadly Rollick, potentially free removal

Defile, cheap good removal

Thrilling Encore saves you from a board wipe or lets you bring everything back after sacrificing it all to like God-Eternal Bontu

Phyrexian Arena some ok card draw.

Bojuka Bog if you are worried about graveyards

Mutilate, a good board wipe in mono black

Night's Whisper, Read the Bones, Sign in Blood, are a great draw package for mono black

Toxic Deluge a great board wipe for when things need resetting, and you could follow with Thrilling Encore and get it all back

Syphon Mind is great draw if your playing with more players

Victimize - is really really strong, get rid of one weak thing for two of your best things

Yawgmoth's Will - lets you treat your graveyard like your hand for a turn

Lord Skitter, Sewer King makes rats

Marrow-Gnawer - lets you make lots of rats

Infectious Inquiry - good draw and gives poison

Ogre Slumlord - makes rats when your creatures or your opponents creatures die.

Tangled Colony - if your opponent has to block it or it dies to like Blasphemous Act will make you rats

Vraska's Fall removal and poison counter

Drown in Ichor removal and poison

Bontu's Monument all your creatures cost less

Rat Colony can have any number and they buff themselves, and cost less mana than Relentless Rats

Typhoid Rats deathtouch rat opponents wont want to block

Crypt Rats can board wipe but can also win the game if you give it infect, doesnt work with your commander because toxic specifies combat damage but does work if you give it infect and deal damage with it's ability.

Ratcatcher tutors rats, and gives you card advantage

Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm - buffs your rats and lets you get rats back

Wave of Rats has blitz and reanimates itself

Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni rat that steals opponents stuff

Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion rat that steals opponents stuff

Adaptive Automaton is a rat and buffs rats

Okiba-Gang Shinobi rat makes opponents discard and has ninjutsu

Filth gives all your rats swampwalk pairs well with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

Dark Ritual lets your get a head start or some extra mana a turn you need it

Tainted Strike instant speed infect, funny in multiplayer because you can use it on anyone's creatures.

Phyresis Outbreak gives poison and might kill opponents creatures

Feed the Swarm enchantment removal in black

Vat Emergence gets a creature back and proliferates

Spread the Sickness destroys a creatures and proliferates

Pact of the Serpent strong tribal card draw

Living Death swap graveyards with battlefields, great after sacrificing your whole board to draw cards

Skullclamp sack small rats for card draw

Thrumming Stone if you go the Relentless Rats or Rat Colony route

Coat of Arms your rats will be huge

Bolas's Citadel this card is dumb lol, lots of casting power and then you hit Gray Merchant of Asphodel and keep going lol

Icon of Ancestry kinda draw buffs ok

Contagion Engine proliferate twice each time you activate

Eldrazi Monument gives creatures flying indestructible and +1/+1

Grafted Exoskeleton gives a creature infect, great with Crypt Rats

Sword of Truth and Justice proliferate sword

Bad Moon buff all black creatures, opponents too

Phyresis gives infect again good with Crypt Rats

Greed card draw

Vraska, Betrayal's Sting proliferate planes walker

I know that's a lot but hopefully gave you some ideas to work with!

Dalcron on Shirei of the Weak

5 months ago

How do you feel about Syr Konrad, the Grim over Krav, the Unredeemed?

YourNeighborhoodGhost on Worshippers of Bhaal

10 months ago

just got some ideas for your deck, how about Rhythm of the Wild or Uncivil Unrest. maybe Krav, the Unredeemed and All Will Be One could be great too.

KongMing on Fungi Garden

1 year ago

I recommend Krav, the Unredeemed as a way to draw cards without dumping a bunch of mana into it. Also gains you life. Only downside is it's not a Fungus.

Liliana, Dreadhorde General is great in this deck for many obvious reasons.

And hey, since there's so much sacrifice going on, why not Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest?

Now, your graveyard. Seems to me you need more steady ways to toss Fungus in there. How about Cemetery Tampering, Crawling Infestation, Crawling Sensation, Crop Sigil, Uurg, Spawn of Turg, Deathbonnet Sprout  Flip, Nyx Weaver, Old Rutstein, Out of the Tombs, Splinterfright, and Throne of Death  Flip.

Deadbridge Chant isn't steady, but it's great explosive mill.

awesomedude20 on Shirei's Army of Weaklings

1 year ago

So, Shirei as a deck, has one fatal issue you gotta overcome:

If Shirei dies, so does your entiiiiiiire gameplan, so protecting Shirei is absolutely a must.

I see you're running some indestructible-enabling equipments. Darksteel Plate is... okay, but Shield of Kaldra should probably be scrapped. That's 8 mana you gotta dump into it for it to do its thing.

I would run more cards like Professor's Warning, Without Weakness, or Gift of Doom (which is especially fun since you don't care about saccing creatures, and you'll always play it for its morph cost, which is 3 generic. Not too bad at all.)

These let you survive removal which WILL be pointed at your commander, while also trading the expensive benefit of having continuous indestructible applied to Shirei, for the chance to make your opponents WASTE removal on you.

A Darksteel Plate is great and all, but it gives other players all the time in the world to try and play around it, and THEN blow up Shirei. Reactionary protection lets you waste their resources, which is fun.

Also, this is my own personal view on the game talking, but I think you have WAAAAAAAAAY too many tutors. Your entire sorcery/instant lineup is tutors, and then a few more.

I think you'd be better off replacing almost all of those cards, with cards that you'd be happy to draw anyways, because as soon as every card in your deck is a good draw, you really won't need those tutors.

Ideally you'll want to add more sac outlets, more Shirei protection/ramp, and DEFINITELY some instant-speed removal.

I might add more thoughts later, but uh, laaaast thing.

Marionette Master is INSANE and is capable of dealing like 50~ damage or so to a player in just one turn rotation. So uh, yeah lol.

Also Tree of Perdition is fun.

And Bottle Gnomes best card 10/10

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on Deathmonicon - Teysa Karlov Aristocrats EDH

1 year ago

New changelog for the new year!

-1 Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim +1 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim

-1 Krav, the Unredeemed +1 Ashnod's Altar

-1 Field of Ruin +1 Vault of Champions

Ayli has always felt lukewarm in this list, the sac outlet isn’t free and the benefit is mediocre, and I never activate the second ability unless I’m already way ahead in the game (I find myself much more willing to spend life than hold onto it with stuff like Necropotence, Bitterblossom). Elas comes in to add additional drain redundancy to the list, plus I expect a low-cost deathtoucher to be an effective rattlesnake.

Krav has always been a powerful card, sacrifice outlet, beatstick, and card advantage in one, but as I’m slimming the list down, the black mana activation and 5-drop status has just been a little pricey. In comes back in Ashnod’s Altar as a free sac outlet and combo piece.

Field of Ruin for Vault of Champions is mostly just due to me moving to more multiplayer commander instead of 1v1, and bc my meta is mostly “fair” aggro decks, I find myself more often wanting color fixing over nonbasic land destruction.

Epicurus on I'm looking to build a …

1 year ago

legendofa is absolutely correct. However, I had at one time thought it would be interesting to build a Golgari deck with Reyhan, Last of the Abzan and Slurrk, All-Ingesting. They might work here also, though Carth the Lion is a better choice. I mention it because I was trying to figure out a partner combo that would get you into Jund, which there isn't really anything that would be better than Carth. The best I can figure would be either Kamahl, Heart of Krosa with Vial Smasher the Fierce, or Tana, the Bloodsower with Krav, the Unredeemed. Either would be viable options (albeit much different deck designs) if you wanted to add Red to the identity. Of course, using Krav would stretch the rules, since Tana is not actually its partner.

LunchBox1211 on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Knight of the Depths

Creature - Human Knight


: Add or . If this mana is spent on an instant, sorcery, or spell from your graveyard, surveil 1.

"I have bested Indrelon, and I have been pledged to Ayara. I will stop at nothing!"


Make a card that does to Regna, the Redeemer and Krav, the Unredeemed what WotC has done for Halana and Alena, Partners.

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