Cloudfin Raptor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cloudfin Raptor

Creature — Bird Mutant


Evolve (Whenever a creature enters the battlefield under your control, if that creature has greater power or toughness than this creature, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.)

Gidgetimer on I have a Cloudfin Raptor …

5 months ago

There is never a time that Murkfiend Liege is on the battlefield and Cloudfin Raptor is not a 4/5. So evolve will not trigger.

Valengeta on Lofty Lions

10 months ago

Thank you, I have been looking for something like that. The deck feels pretty consistent as it is, with the Cats getting really big and being supported by Cloudfin Raptor, but I will definitely add that enchantment to the Maybeboard for now and playtest a bit with it to see if I can move a couple of copies to the Mainboard

thefiresoflurve on [Needs Trimming] Blue Fliers Budget EDH

11 months ago

Hey there!

I would go for slimming down each category, rather than just creatures/control.

Some low drop creatures can be worth running in the right context, but some of yours can probably be cut: turns 1-2, I'd much rather be casting things like Ponder or Brainstorm to prepare for future turns than drop a Faerie Seer which isn't terribly impactful. Some of your low CMC creatures can stay, like Cloudfin Raptor which is an absolute beast, but if I were you I'd just playtest some of them and see what you like best.

There's no such thing as "too much card draw", as long as you don't deck out or die due to not doing other things that actually win you the game. A good thing to do in blue is make sure your card draw spells are instants, so you can hold up mana for a counterspell if you need it, then if your opponents change phases to their end steps without doing anything crazy, you can cast a Brainstorm / Deliberate.

Draining Whelk can be really good, depending on what you counter. It's a 6 drop Counterspell & 4/4 + flier in one card slot. Only downside is the steep CMC.

Some things you could trim: Wingspan Mentor - a bit slow and win-more: if you have enough creatures out for its counters to matter, you were probably dealing good damage without it.

Charix, the Raging Isle - same CMC as your commander, so you'll probably want to cast your commander instead 9/10 times you draw it.

Floodgate - as above, also you have better control options.

Sludge Monster - slow, not quite a fit here.

Thryx, the Sudden Storm - a bit better of a fit, but still not quite worth it.

Windstorm Drake - small toughness boost is not worth the cost.

Sphinx of Jwar Isle - sometimes it can be nice to know what's coming up next in your library, but this isn't worth the cost and top deck manipulation doesn't really have much synergy here.

You could cut a few of your worse counterspells: Intervene, Crypsis, Nullify.

lastly, with your average CMC, I think you could comfortably cut 4-5 Islands.

Hope that helps. Sorry for the wall of text, but I wanted to explain some of my reasoning on cuts and such.


zachz on Problem, Officer?

1 year ago

I love this idea.

There's a roundabout way to maneuver unwanted cards out of your way on your library, using Mindshrieker. It's at instant speed, and while you can use it for attacking/blocking, you can self-mill to cut out an unwanted card you foresaw with Index.

Having a Cloudfin Raptor would also quickly become an annoyance for your opponents, as it is an early game flyer that grows as you do, and if your opponent kills it, easy fodder for your Stitched Drake.

Quick flyers with card draw include Sage Owl, Augury Owl, and Palace Familiar. I'm suggesting a lot of birds. If you do add more birds to the deck, you can use Airborne Aid for card draw. It's a tough sell, but Monastery Flock is a higher CMC alternative to Fog Bank that benefits as a bird?

Only Instant I can think of for this would be Deluge.

Lastly this doesn't help with card draw or advantage, but Flood would control your opponent until the Leviathan showed up. Best of luck!

SithLord on Birb Storm

2 years ago

There are very few birds to be found here. Odd, because this is a tribal bird theme deck. You aren't even running Maskwood Nexus or Arcane Adaptation

So here are some birds I found that would be fun to play:

Derevi, Empyrial Tactician

Augury Owl

Arctic Aven

Falcon Abomination

Aetherstorm Roc

Apex Hawks

Aven Brigadier !!!!!

Aven Gagglemaster

Aven Mindcensor

Aven Squire

Aven Wind Guide

Bay Falcon

Celestial Gatekeeper !

Airborne Aid !

Battle Screech !

Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle !

Steel-Plume Marshal !

Emeria Angel

Judge's Familiar

Skycat Sovereign

Cloudchaser Kestrel

Healer's Hawk

Esior, Wardwing Familiar

Skyway Robber

River Hoopoe

Donal, Herald of Wings

Whippoorwill an exile for so little the cost

Storm Crow why isn't this here?

Spire Owl cheap, but nice

Jubilant Skybonder

Sephara, Sky's Blade this hits the field by turn 4 for 1 white mana!

Ledger Shredder badass name and badass ability

Cartographer's Hawk a fun card that empties your deck of plains

Watcher of the Spheres dude

Flurry of Wings and Settle the Wreckage There is so much fun to be had

Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker_ look at this scawwwwww _ Warden of Evos Isle not needed, but nice for making 5 mana birds cost less

Empyrean Eagle lord

Kangee, Sky Warden all it takes is one 1/1 bird token to scwwwaaa

Kangee, Aerie Keeper you can't run one bird and not have any feathers ay?

Shabraz, the Skyshark its a sharknado

Wingmate Roc the best wingman

High Sentinels of Arashin use your mana ramp to buff your army

Nimble Obstructionist _a tale's end _

Cloudfin Raptor

Emeria Angel dude

Soulcatchers' Aerie

wallisface on Quidditch

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • the deck is tagged as "Modern", but Brainstorm is not a modern legal card.

  • As lagotripha mentioned, having white in this deck doesn't help you much. I'd drop white from this deck entirely. You're currently using it for only 3 very high-mana (and quite weak) cards, so I think the deck would overall perform a lot better with just the 2 mana (even without dropping white, I don't think any of those walkers are worth running).

  • I would suggest running only 2-3 Strixhaven Stadium, as while your deck is built around it, most of the time it's unlikely to do anything for you other than provide a colourless mana.

  • You currently have 25 lands also, which is quite high, but I can see why you currently need them - because you have soo many high-cmc cards. I would suggest ditching all your planewalkers (they don't particularly help you) and Hornet Queen - this easily lets you run closer to 22 lands, which will let you be much more aggressive.

  • More low-costing proliferate targets should help you get more benefit from proliferating. Stuff like Cloudfin Raptor feels really strong here.

VensersJournalist on Eye In The Sky

2 years ago

After playing this deck a few times, I have some cards that I may need to replace.

Cards currently in the hot seat:

Ascended Lawmage

Cloudfin Raptor

Vengeful Archon

Voiceless Spirit


Genju of the Falls

These cards in particular have proven to be underwhelming in play and I would like to replace them with either more flying synergy, more efficiently costed cards, or good enter-the-battlefield cards (to play with Venser and the Galepowder Mage). If you have any suggestions, please drop them in the comments.

wallisface on Mono-Green counters

2 years ago

The deck looks fine. There are a bunch of cards that feel too slow to run personally (most notably Gyre Sage, Swarm Shambler, Tireless Tracker, Voracious Hydra). There’re also a bunch of cards i’d be expecting a deck like this to have which appear to be missing (Pelt Collector, Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Cloudfin Raptor, Thrummingbird). So the list overall feels ok, but not as fine-tuned as it could be, imo.

As far as bad matchups, that’s where your sideboard comes in - at the moment I would suggest this is the spot that needs the most attention if you’re getting competitive.

Some sideboard cards to consider:

Now, the quantities of the above will depend on your own local meta, as well as how badly they scare your deck. Sideboard choices should always be focused towards your local competitive playgroup. Saying that, the above mentioned suggestions are likely to come in handy.

Other things to consider as far as good-vs-bad matchups, for your sideboard choices:

  • don’t worry about control, imo. You should be aiming to be fast enough to have the advantage. Saying that, do consider the likes of Veil of Summer if it’s an issue (though i would say, if it is an issue, it’s because your mainboard isn’t tuned enough).

  • Board wipes feel like they could pose a big threat for you

  • Burn, and other hyper-aggro decks are probably going to have an advantage

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