Kaya's Wrath

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kaya's Wrath


Destroy all creatures. You gain life equal to the number of creatures you controlled that were destroyed this way.

SufferFromEDHD on 5 color 0 creatures v3.0

1 year ago

Awesome use of Blood Funnel! And it's always nice seeing Collective Restraint being used to its full potential.

Cascading Cataracts and Meteor Crater rainbow lands

Aphemia, the Cacophony technically an enchantment and it makes tokens.

Determined Iteration is Kiki-Jiki for tokens.

Estrid's Invocation is worth running alongside that Copy Enchantment.

No Mercy might be an upgrade to Damnation.

Kaya's Wrath is a great card. Fumigate is similar. Might be an upgrade to Wrath of God.

Jokulhaups and Obliterate are upgrades to all of the above. Restart the game with only enchantments and planeswalkers.

DreadKhan on Thantis the Warweaver

1 year ago

For Clackbridge, ymmv but I felt like mentioning that I've been burnt by it lots of times. I'm sure there are metas where it's a much better card, where people consistently have nothing they want to sacrifice, in my experience I was giving my opponent a free sac outlet every turn that also turned off my 8/8, which felt legit bad.

I use Deathtouch/Trample in my OG Multani deck, it's not especially rare for him to swing as a 30/30 vs the first opponent I'm going to eliminate, those two together usually means they can't block enough of his power to survive. Having both on an 8/8 is fine, but it's really great when you can get over 20 power with some consistency, I could see Grismold achieving that by the time you're ready to eliminate someone.

My issue with Sunder Shaman is that there are so, so many better ways to remove artifacts and enchantments in Jund, and most of them aren't RRGG to cast, an officially awkward to cast spell. I know he's got Green here, but I remember trying to make Kaya's Wrath work in an Esper deck. It proved consistently impossible to cast, and when I could it held up other stuff because it's just too colour intensive. Something like Kogla, the Titan Ape is probably many times the card, providing a bigger body that fights something on ETB sounds a lot better, add in that Kogla is maybe easier to cast with a bigger board presence and I feel the point should be made. If you want something small that can do something similar, there is Caustic Wasps, which is evasive and kills artifacts, as well as stuff like Thrashing Brontodon and Reclamation Sage, without using a non-creature option. Sunder Shaman seems to combine a so-so body with an ability that isn't particularly easy to guarantee, people can stop your attacks in a variety of ways and Shaman needs to deal damage. Kogla just needs to swing and something is getting blown up, that's much more relevant. If you want something earlier than Kogla you can use Outland Liberator  Flip, which can work without attacking and on every attack if you can get it flipped, I'd actually say that's a lot more consistent than Shaman. If anything I'd run more artifact/enchantment removal, there are tons of people who run infuriating stuff like Propaganda and even the dreaded War Tax. If I was building Thantis like this, I think I'd want War Cadence, very politically relevant. I personally love removal in most decks, and I wouldn't hesitate to run some in a deck like this, especially clunky damage based wipes, because Thantis can be huge sometimes and survive a Blasphemous Act.

Haha, I think Duo AND Crown would be pretty absurd, both only hurt your opponents. Still, I do agree he might be trying to do too many things at once here, and that's why it's hard to cut cards.

Monarch is a good way to get people swinging, but Coveted Jewel is the real 'kingmaker' you can run to create utter chaos. It's one thing to turn down 1 free card, but to turn down 3 mana and 3 cards is just madness, and letting someone else keep that 3 mana for their next turn is likewise unacceptable, so it can create a ton of chaos. Something like Kamahl, Fist of Krosa could be pretty interesting, if a land is a creature it either has to get tapped down or swung with, and small creatures die. Jolrael, Empress of Beasts can turn their entire land base into 3/3s. I'm not saying you should threaten people's mana bases, but I'd feel remiss if I didn't bring it up.

Re: running more Green ramp, I like to run more Green mana sources in a deck that runs lots of Green ramp, as long as I have Green ramp and Green mana I can find whatever other mana I want. There are so many decent 2 and 3 mana ramp spells in Green, even stuff like Wood Elves or Farhaven Elf can work beautifully, if you dig out a tapped dual it feels pretty good with Wood, Farhaven just finds whatever basic you need.

multimedia on Orzhov Lifegain Vampire Buff Stuff

1 year ago

Hey, for a first deck, well done on a budget.

I see some good deck building here, a clear game plan, some 4 ofs and a nice set of Godless dual lands. However, the numbers on some cards are off and there's some cards that belong in the sideboard rather than main deck because they cost too much mana for what they do unless you know for sure you're getting value from them. Revenge of Ravens, Kaya's Wrath, Exquisite Blood could all go in the sideboard in smaller numbers. Ill-Gotten Inheritance isn't worth playing.

There's an archetype in Modern called Soul Sisters and that's what you're mimicking here. In Soul Sisters you're also growing creatures p/t when you gain life. It's called Soul Sisters because of 4x Soul Warden and 4x Soul's Attendant are the sisters, life gain engine. In Soul Sisters there's nonbudget payoff wincons, Serra Ascendant and Heliod, Sun-Crowned, huge payoffs from wanting to gain life. You're going for a budget Soul Sisters and there's several budget replacements to consider.

You have a clear game plan here, but you can improve gameplay by changing the numbers of some cards and adding more lower mana cost effects that gain life? You're going to want more than just 4x Warden as one drop repeatable life gain with creatures. Veteran is a budget replacement for Soul's Attendant since Attendant is now $5 each. If you can get 1 or some Attendants then for sure play them, but if you can't get 4 than play 4x Veteran as another one drop sister. It's the 4x number of each that you want to have a better chance of having a sister turn one.

For your version the best opening curve is one drop sister into Pridemate, but to get this consistently you want more one drop sisters and more Pridemates. Lingering Souls gives you a lot of creature value for the mana cost because can flashback for lesser cost later or even same turn. With a sister or more in your control Souls can trigger nice amount of life gain while also creating flying Spirits who can be attackers or fodder as blockers. Turn one Warden, turn two Pridemate, turn three Souls, turn four flashback Souls and cast some thing else is a curve to build a huge game winning Pridemate.

Speaker of the Heavens is a fine budget payoff for having more life by creating 4/4 Angels. Creating an Angel triggers sisters and it's another one drop with lifelink.

Good luck with your deck.

SufferFromEDHD on LifeGain

1 year ago

I have an Abzan life gain deck. These are some cards from it that might be worth a spot in your Esper strategy.

Essence Pulse, Kaya's Wrath, Kambal, Consul of Allocation, Divine Offering, Serene Offering, Shambling Vent, Aetherflux Reservoir, Alhammarret's Archive, Blighted Steppe

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