It That Betrays

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

It That Betrays

Creature — Eldrazi

Annihilator 2 (Whenever this creature attacks, defending player sacrifices two permanents.)

Whenever an opponent sacrifices a nontoken permanent, put that card onto the battlefield under your control.

RiotRunner789 on Obeka Clones

7 months ago

Land count looks fine, didn't look at specific lands.

Looking at creatures:

Amphin Mutineer is too expensive for what he does.

It That Betrays is a bit more on the noncasual side, plus it's expensive.

Astral Dragon: You're doing plenty of silly things that you don't need this 8 cmc silly thing.

Manaform Hellkite: Not as much bang for your buck as with your Myriad guys. Cut unless you need flyers for meta.

Nulldrifter: You can to cast to get the draw effect and you mostly copy.

scottbaker91 on Budget Meren Eldrazi spawn

1 year ago

I think Hand of Emrakul, Decimator of the Provinces, Kozilek, the Great Distortion, and Pathrazer of Ulamog are too expensive to cast / commander ability for what they do. Some replacement examples would be: Terastodon, Void Winnower, Fleshbag Marauder, Noxious Gearhulk, Ravenous Chupacabra, Plaguecrafter, Eternal Witness, It That Betrays, Woodfall Primus, Acidic Slime, Ob Nixilis, Unshackled, Sepulchral Primordial, Overseer of the Damned, etc.

cards like Dalek Squadron with a sac outlet will get you a lot of Meren counters quickly. cards like Greater Good are great at filling your graveyard and your hand. cards like Oversold Cemetery are great for your low mana creatures and late game expensive creatures. Tragic Slip isn't a very good card for multiplayer commander, unless you are using something like Isochron Scepter

I think your deck is a little heavy on creature token generators, especially your creatures. I know they are there to build up tokens on Meren and to generate mana, in the early game, but they aren't doing much in the mid to late game. Maybe replace a few with some faster reanimator spells like: Living Death, Lifeline (a personal favorite), Necromancy, Animate Dead, Victimize, Rescue from the Underworld, Beacon of Unrest, etc.

Other cards I would consider cutting: Skullbriar, the Walking Grave (too slow imo unless he is your commander), Blisterpod (needs to die to get the token), Pawn of Ulamog, Vorapede, Village Rites, Gray Merchant of Asphodel (starts to shine with lots of reanimator stuff), Woe Strider, Scion Summoner, Brood Monitor, Deathreap Ritual, Commander's Sphere

It's tough to suggest cards for a budget deck. A card that I might consider to be absolutely necessary could require cheaper options in other parts of the deck to make it fit.

SufferFromEDHD on Kurkesh Land Destruction Ramp

1 year ago

Cursed Mirror solid mana rock in mono red.

It That Betrays + Epicenter = good times

SufferFromEDHD on Robots & Trinkets & Baubles, Oh My!

1 year ago

Your deck is 85% permanents. Although It That Betrays is not an artifact it is incredibly synergistic with Mishra.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin Double Attack Trigger

1 year ago

Oops, yeah I definitely missed Aurelia. It happens lol.

If you want another Extra Combat effect, I think Karlach can def replace Raiyuu for a couple of reasons:

  • Karlach triggers when you attack, and she doesn't need to be the one attacking.

  • Raiyuu triggers when you attack solo with a Warrior or Samurai. You currently have about 2 Warriors in the deck, and 3 Samurai, including Isshin. From having played Isshin for the past year, you typically want to swing with more than one creature each combat.

I would also suggest maybe cutting It That Betrays and Drakuseth, Maw of Flames. Both of them are very mana intensive, and Drakuseth is very single-color intensive.

I've had a lot of fun with Professional Face-Breaker, which rewards you for going wide & playing aggro. She also pairs nicely with Captain Lannery Storm and any other Treasure production you might have in the 99, since Face-Breaker can turn your treasures into impulse draw.

Ogre Battledriver is also a helpful Haste and power-boost anthem which is pretty helpful in a deck like this one. Vault of the Archangel and AnkleShanker are also both great deathtouch anthems

Lastly, I'd recommend adding stuff like Unbreakable Formation and Clever Concealment as a means of protecting your board at instant speed. Being able to protect your board and maintain aggro momentum is crucial to keeping Isshin chugging along and swinging.

MrHighscore on Annihilate with Rocks

1 year ago

@Profet93 I had a couple of games with this deck on friday, and I won both of them. Opponents simply did not draw enough answers. Had lot's of fun card in play in both games (e.g., Blinkmoth Urn, Darksteel Monolith, Mirage Mirror, and Planar Bridge). Even with lots of artifact removal in the second game, I was able to hold my ground and kill them with annihilation. In first game I got 8+ permanents from It That Betrays ;-)

I played Artisan of Kozilek in both games without getting anything from the graveyard, so think I might be ready to swap it for Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger.


OG_MOZZZ on Atraxa is a big fat bully [seeking help]

1 year ago

jakeelephant006 Thanks for the tips, Its kinda dumb but for fun, as I'm sure you saw there's a good few ways for combos in this deck. A few of them are infinite turn combos, Venser, the Sojourner and Ichormoon Gauntlet work with Teferi, Master of Time to get that combo off. Ichormoon is a key piece for the combo meals tbh but yeah it is slow.

Another not so combo fun synergy is why I have Empyrial Archangel but it involves having Defense of the Heart trigger bringing out Empyrial and Avacyn, Angel of Hope, if you are able to get it working, everything becomes indestructible and prevents you from taking damage. Its hard to deal with and if it isn't dealt with usually pressures my opponents to scoop. These 2 are in the maybe board but It That Betrays Cataclysmic Gearhulk is another pair you can pull with a big board state to steal all your opponents boards.

Semesters end was mainly just to avoid board wipes because my group likes those more then targeted removal. It is a bit crap with the reset of counters though.

Rocketman988 on Demon Till Your Dreams Come True

1 year ago

77hi77, it makes me so excited to hear that you've caught the Rakdos bug and that my decklist and primer has helped inspire you to make Rakdos your own! You've made my day. He's such an unconventional powerhouse, and it's fun to watch players' faces when they realize the game state has suddenly shifted against them dramatically.

Your comment got me thinking about how to best verbalize the theory behind the deck, and when I began typing my response, I realized I had a lot more to say on the topic of "how the deck doesn't fall behind" when it attacks with Rakdos than I thought I would. So instead of replying with a book of text in the comments here, I created a new section in the primer called "Rakdos Game Theory". If you give it a read through, it should help you understand how I've attempted to solve the issue of how to survive attacking that you commented about.

I'd love to hear more about the direction you're taking your deck, but if you're not ready to share yet, send me a link to your deck when you are! The basics of not falling behind when you attack with Rakdos are mana density, card efficiency, and resource denial. If you want to build Rakdos on a budget, you'll want effects that packs as much mana onto each permanent as possible. Think Gilded Lotus, Everflowing Chalice, Chromatic Orrery, Sceptre of Eternal Glory, Dreamstone Hedron, Nyx Lotus, Rakdos Carnarium, Everglades, Dormant Volcano, stuff like that. That way, sacrificing hurts less because the bulk of your mana stays on a single permanent. Token producers like Wand of Orcus and Abhorrent Overlord are also excellent so that you can sacrifice the free value permanents instead of critical resources. Finally, play symmetrical table hate pieces like Pox, Shadowgrange Archfiend, Tectonic Hellion, Death Cloud, Insurrection, and Curse of the Cabal to keep everyone low on resources like you are. If you can afford them, the trio of It That Betrays, Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip, and The Reaver Cleaver are in my opinion mandatory in any list that wants to prioritize attacking with Rakdos.

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