Morbid Opportunist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Morbid Opportunist

Creature — Human Rogue

Whenever one or more other creatures die, draw a card. This ability triggers only once each turn. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield. Tokens enter the graveyard before they cease to exist.)

Theasus7 on Why be Passive, when You can get Massive

6 months ago

I love the idea! This would really shake things up with my normal play group haha.

My suggestion is more card draw. This deck is gonna kill everyone’s creatures off pretty well including your own. Whoever has card advantage will will because they can keep playing creatures.

Deathreap Ritual and Morbid Opportunist are really great. But you need more

HahaStax on Ball Lightning EDH

7 months ago

I learned with Ball Lightning Tribal you run out of gas and blockers very quick and changing the commander to a clunky Sek'kuar is not an option. I see you already got Feldon in there - another good option to have a blocker in instant speed is MImic Vat. If you decide to add it - switch out your Grim Haruspex for a Morbid Opportunist to keep the card draw flowing. There's also Golgari Germination and Blight Mound which are harder to remove than your usual Pawn of Ulamog. I see you are missing Kresh the Bloodbraided and also a very good wincon in every Oreo deck which is Chandra's Ignition. All hail to the great Mr. Oreo!

Rhadamanthus on Nykthos Paragon

11 months ago

Sorry, your follow-up question made me realize I didn't read Nykthos Paragon closely enough the first time.

Since it says "you may", that means you get to choose whether or not to get the counters each time it triggers. So if you don't want to get counters from a particular trigger, you can choose not to do it and wait for another opportunity instead. You don't have to play around with timing or responses, so that means Chaplain's Blessing will work just fine if you choose not to place counters for Oloro's triggger and then cast the Blessing during your main phase.

If Paragon's ability was written to specifically say "this ability triggers only once each turn" like on Academy Wall or Morbid Opportunist, then you'd be stuck with using whatever life-gain event happened first in the turn. The "you may" and "do this only once each turn" in the text of Paragon's ability give you more choice in the matter.

scotchtapedsleeves on Marchy March and the Funky Bunch

1 year ago

Hey! Coming over from Reddit to give some advice.

First off, some overarching themes that I notice:

  • Draw vs Card Advantage - A lot of the cards in your "Draw" category don't actually provide any impactful draw, only scrying and cantrips. I'm an enormous fan of Fell Stinger and Thought Sponge. Easily repeatable draw effects that dump cards in your hand. Scry isn't useful unless you're drawing a ton of cards or are doing some topdeck manipulation.

  • Your creatures are too big - Marchesa appreciates small bodies with big effects rather than big bodies with meh effects. For this reason, I would take out Combustible Gearhulk, Vindictive Lich, Vengeful Ancestor, and Gyruda, Doom of Depths. Playing lots of small, cheaper bodies lets your deck fly under the radar until it pops off. It will also give you more targets for Imperial Recruiter.

  • Aristocrats style - Marchesa doesn't play like your typical aristocrats deck, Blood Artist isn't very effective when you're only sacrificing 2-3 creatures a turn. It's also counterintuitive to Dethrone. Abusing ETB and LTB effects is more important than slowly draining opponents

  • Not enough counter distribution - You only have 5 cards under counters and they're all either situational or restrictive. Drop some Thran Vigil type cards in there and you'll go far

Overall, you're too reliant on creatures for draw, removal, etc. Run some efficient draw and removal spells

Next up, cards I recommend removing. I've playtested most of these and they're not nearly as impactful as they seem.

  • Blood Artist - Covered this above, you don't want to gain life
  • Combustible Gearhulk - Opponents will often just take the damage early game and late game you do NOT want to be spending 6 mana on a 6/6 with no impactful ETB.
  • Vindictive Lich - An alright card, not fantastic though. I'm very pressed for 4 drops in my deck so it didn't make the cut.
  • Vengeful Ancestor - Not a very impactful card. You're running Kardur, Doomscourge so this card is just overshadowed.
  • Gyruda, Doom of Depths - 6 mana to maybe cheat in one creature? Not a huge fan. If you want to replace it with a grave robber effect Puppeteer Clique is better. Still not fantastic, it didn't make the cut in my deck
  • Aether Channeler - A fine card, the mode selection is okay. I'm not in love with the effects it gives though
  • Morbid Opportunist - Only one draw a turn? Blasphemy
  • Woe Strider Free sac outlets are nice, but I find I get overrun with them when I have more than 5 in a deck. Also more expensive just to scry? Not a fan
  • Dauthi Voidwalker Will generate so much hate. Unless you can fend off your opponents don't run it
  • Faerie Artisans Not the kind of stealing Marchesa likes, tokens aren't the name of the game here. Something like Zealous Conscripts will take you much further
  • Phantom Steed Same as above, tokens are nice but this isn't a great card
  • Ravenous Chupacabra Too much mana for removal. Black and blue have much cheaper options

There are more that I personally wouldn't run, but that's up to how you like to play your deck.

Now for some cards I would include in every Marchesa deck

  • Thran Vigil - Allows you to immediately sac creatures that come back + an extra layer of protection
  • Uncivil Unrest - Same as above but you can also give haste to fresh casts. Double damage doesn't hurt
  • Fell Stinger - Repeatable, powerful draw on a deathtouch body
  • Thought Sponge - Incredible draw engine. Sac it on opponents turns every time it enters and you'll draw AT LEAST 6 cards a turn cycle.
  • Iron Apprentice - Great 1 drop, can distribute counters if you're having trouble and is sacrifice fodder
  • Rakdos Cackler - sacrifice fodder
  • Flayer of the Hatebound - This card gets a bad rap but it's great in Marchesa
  • Herald of Secret Streams - Wincon alert! This card sneaks under the radar until you hit someone with 25 unblockable damage
  • The Ozolith - Expensive, but who doesn't want to keep their counters for 1 mana!

Of course, please take a look at my deck if you need inspiration. It's pretty casual, but the synergies can be backbreaking if your opponents don't keep you in check. I also have a ton of cards in my maybeboard that I'm considering or have saved for later.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin Aristocrats

1 year ago

Very cool to see an Aristocrats focused Isshin deck! I don't think I've seen one with this focus yet, so kudos to you. I have a few suggestions that I've used in my Isshin deck, but I think could work even better with an Aristocrats focus:

Stuff I've used in older Aristocrats/Reanimator:

I haven't played Brazen Cannonade yet, but it's something I've had on my radar for my Isshin deck. I think it could fill both modes of Aggro and Aristocrats play you might be aiming for.

Anyways, you have a cool twist that I'm happy to see. I hope it works well for you.

spaghetti_police on 'Whatcha gonna do about it?'

1 year ago


Tome of Legends I will definitely try out, a good 2 mana colorless draw engine is hard to find.

Preston, the Vanisher does have a nice ETB doubler but Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines fills much a similar role. I still haven't figured out which card I can remove from the list, that's the hardest part lmao.

Kaya, Intangible Slayer has really nice abilities and you can use all 3 immediately. Planeswalkers work well in a deck full of board wipes and the card draw for 0 is really nice, the scry one for the opponents is political and not too advantageous.

I love Orzhov because of the 'Death and Taxes' theme. I go easy on the 'taxes' so that opponents worry about each other more than myself. The Gain and Drain is what I use to offset the life loss from artifacts and enchantments and card draw, I avoid increasing the cost of spells since I require fast mana to operate. The 'Death' aspect manifests itself in the form of board wipes and creatures meant to be played directly after a board wipe, most creatures I play offer a lot of value individually to control the board alone or in combination. I am a sucker for either Elesh Norn or cards like Ethereal Absolution.

I checked out your Obzedat deck, it looks like you have a lot of high synergy within your deck. I would recommend Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite because of the group buff/opponents debuff, playgroups tend to hate that card though.

Other card to think about would be:

Many of those came from my Karador deck, which has a similar creature ETB playstyle. I listed many with the hope at least one will be helpful. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees value in this commander still!

Gameboide on Mogis Ravel

1 year ago

tkjanacek Sorry, half of my message went away. Here it is:

Maybe (if I run Nekusar) I can add to Mogis other stuff like Mayhem Devil, Morbid Opportunist, Sangromancer, Mishra, Tamer of Mak Fawa, etc, instead.

Thank you for your comments and for your card suggestions! :D

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