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Druid's Calling
Modern Collected Company Combo Competitive GW (Selesnya) Infinite Combo Primer
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For anyone whose been coming here for blueprints on events, the deck has taken off quite heavily since I first started writing this article. I will be updating this every once in a while, but I will be only updating it with events or changes I consider relevant to the archetype. Thank you for anyone who has been keeping tabs. :)
"Mana lurks in all things, even in the depths of one's own heart." ~ Devoted Druid; May 2nd, 2008
The new "Melira" is here, and she comes with some new tricks! Utilizing the Devoted Druid and Vizier of Remedies Combo, Chord of Calling becomes a force of nature! The decks colour-identity is white and green, and can be abbreviated to WGx for Wedge Tech.
"Druid's Calling" is a variation of "Creature Toolbox." It relies on massive Creature-pressure and value to force the opponent to use up their counterspells, discard, and removal which are all very prominent in the meta today, while at the same time focusing on preparing to enter an infinite combo to close the game.
The history of the deck has been shifting up and down in popularity. In the early days, competitive players were testing Druid Combo and in it's first Grand Prix, managed to get into the Top 8 in Copenhagen. It quickly shifted the meta and was rated as a Tier 1 archetype. Pro players eventually wrote it off as another "Abzan Company" variant and that it could not progress any further because of it's reliance on permanents surviving a turn, and shifted into Tier 3 obscurity. After it's brief fling with Modern, it continued to do well in events. Enter August 2017, Oscar Christensen broke into the Top 4 of Grand Prix Birmingham! Nowadays, it is the primary choice of card selection for those using the established Melira Combo and is heavily inspired by "Melira Pod" (Rest in peace). This is for you, Birthing Pod! :'(
To learn more about decks like "Abzan Company," "Creature Toolbox," and now newly dubbed "GWx Vizier Company," please check out their primer on MTG Salvation:
To learn more about decks like "Elves," please check out their primer on MTG Salvation:
To learn more about decks like "Knightfall," please check out their primer on MTG Salvation:
Melira and Vizier
Now... What is the difference between Melira, Sylvok Outcast and Vizier of Remedies? Besides Melira's ability to prevent Poison Counters and remove Infect from Creatures, she also prevents the placement of -1/-1 counters on your Creatures. This is very different from the Vizier. Vizier only removes a singular -1/-1 counter of a collected total. Why is this important? The Vizier does not stop you, the Planeswalker, from using abilities on cards like Barrenton Medic, Cinderhaze Wretch, and Devoted Druid. In other words, the Melira Combo just received extra spice.
Magic is about accomplishing silly things. That doesn't mean it can't be viable competitively!
The main combo in the deck is the pairing of Devoted Druid and Vizier of Remedies. Once Bonnie and Clyde are together, you will have a never-ending amount of loot and pleasure from all the heists and craziness they can cause. If Cinderhaze Wretch lands on the battlefield, the opponent can say goodbye to ever having a hand again. Decided you want to end the game early because you simply don't like your opponent? Pay Walking Ballista the lofty wage of infinity, and it will end the game on the same turn! And if that wasn't enough, you have the other classy Archangel Combo and Melira Combo pieces, Archangel of Thune, Kitchen Finks, Murderous Redcap, Spike Feeder, and Viscera Seer! Are you having fun yet?
Besides the unique things, there are also the value tutors like Chord of Calling and Collected Company. Collected Company is very useful in getting the combo out and should always be used at the end of your opponents turn for maximum efficiency when possible.
Chord of Calling is overpowered in this kind-of-archetype, especially when you have the Druid Combo in play. Cards such as Mana Leak and Spell Pierce become obsolete against it, as you have the power of the infinite on your side! The infinite also grants you access to EVERY SINGLE CREATURE IN YOUR DECK! If you really want, you could add Emrakul, the Aeons Torn into your Library, but that would be too silly. Keep in mind that you cannot pay Walking Ballista's CMC cost with Chord, so you will need to search for a Creature that brings it into your hand like Duskwatch Recruiter .
Speaking of Duskwatch Recruiter , if you reached a point where you have Chord of Calling in the hand and the Druid Combo on the field, you can cast Chord for two, grab the Recruiter, and Preordain your way into a Win Condition like Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Melira Combo, or Walking Ballista. Keep in mind that if the Recruiter transforms, it loses a lot of its intended use until reverting back. Recruiter transforming isn't the end of the world as you can still use it to attack or block as a 3/3, and it helps in casting value Creatures for one CMC less.
Pieces quite often are removed into the Graveyard, so cards like Eternal Witness are required to return those options back to your hand. The opponent would be very happy to know that they wasted their time!
Land-base is pretty typical. The Lands can be manipulated dependent on your budget and meta. You never know... Someone may decide Harsh Mentor is the new meta. :P Besides that, it's advised to at least have two Gavony Township. This Land accomplishes two tasks; Overpowering your opponent in the long-game, and fixing cards that wound up with -1/-1 counters on them because they slipped over a banana peel. I'm looking at you, Kitchen Finks.
"Abzan Company," "Elves," "Knightfall," and other variants
Besides the Podless variant, other versions of the deck have been seeing success and deserve a mention and a short-explanation. This primer is dedicated to be related to "Abzan Company," so I won't go too in-depth. If I find other primers talking about the specific variation solely, I will add links.
There are a few variants that splash into other colours. To simplify, the decks main requirements are white and green. Those that splash black into their board will generally be running the Melira Combo with Viscera Seer and Tidehollow Sculler. Naya versions may be running Kessig Wolf Run, Lightning Bolt, Magus of the Moon, and cards that grant Haste onto Devoted Druid.
"Elves" variation of the Druid Combo is a mana-ramp deck that explodes into a massive Creature-storm when the combo and Duskwatch Recruiter land on the battlefield. The decks colour-identity is white and green, leaning more on green. The Recruiter can pull every single Creature out of your deck, and with infinite mana, you can cast every single one of them. With Ezuri, Renegade Leader, you can regenerate each other Creature, as well as makes all your elves capable of swinging for infinity and beyond, with Trample.
The "Knightfall" variant is very similar to it's original design and since it has access to the Druid Combo and Duskwatch Recruiter , it has access to the Walking Ballista Win Condition as well. The decks colour-identity can vary, but more-likely-than-not, it will be Bant. An unfortunate consequence to the Recruiter is that since it brings cards to hand, infinite green mana does not help cast Creatures like Reflector Mage and Spell Queller. Saying this, the variation is very strong as Chord of Calling gives you access to answers like the ones mentioned prior.
The last variant worth mentioning is very rogue from other strategies. If you are purely interested in getting the Druid Combo out onto the field and winning as early as possible, this is the version for you! Utilizing spells like Manamorphose, Mishra's Bauble, and Street Wraith, you try to thin out your deck as much as possible. Once you've got Devoted Druid into your hand, cast Druid with Hall of the Bandit Lord which provides it Haste and cast Vizier of Remedies to gain infinite green mana. The deck utilizes spells like Summoner's Pact to grab cards like Druid, and Pact of Negation for anything that responds to your combo!
Win Conditions
After doing lots of play-testing, I believe that Duskwatch Recruiter is the safest choice for infinite mana-related Win Conditions. Going straight into a Creature like Ezuri, Renegade Leader or Rhonas the Indomitable and pumping your Creatures doesn't guarantee a victory. Ezuri for one, will most likely only be able to pump Devoted Druid and there are plenty of cards that can cause both to hurt and to prevent damage. If Ezuri could regenerate himself, then that would be another story. Rhonas on the other hand has issues with opponents Creatures having First Strike. The Creatures in this deck by themselves aren't really tough...
Ezuri, Renegade Leader works well as a major Win Condition in an all-out Elf-version of this deck. The "Elves" archetype that run the Druid Combo has been very successful utilizing this strategy.
Dropping into all the remaining Melira Combo pieces is a good Win Condition, but the opponent may be using Harsh Mentor, Leyline of Punishment, or Rest in Peace. If that is the case, there is Walking Ballista to just destroy the opponent. There are not many answers to this, besides Krosan Grip, Phyrexian Revoker/Pithing Needle, Stony Silence, and Sudden Spoiling.
Earlier on, I disregarded Rhonas the Indomitable as a weaker combo piece because of specific drawbacks. It needs to be understood that Rhonas is definitely a weaker combo kill-piece in comparison to Walking Ballista, but together, they work around specific situations and can help when the other combo doesn't work.
Important Cards
4x Chord of Calling and 4x Collected Company
3-4x Devoted Druid
1-4x Duskwatch Recruiter
6-10x Fetch Lands (Marsh Flats, Verdant Catacombs, Windswept Heath, etc.)
6-8x Mana Dorks (Excluding Devoted Druid)
3-4x Vizier of Remedies
1-2x Win Conditions (Ezuri, Renegade Leader, Rhonas the Indomitable, Walking Ballista, etc.)
The Sideboard and Suggestions
Sideboard is up for debate and should be revised on your local meta. Keep in mind, that most of the suggestions are going to be Creatures with three CMC and below so they can be casted with Collected Company.
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit ~ A more combat-prepared version of Melira, Sylvok Outcast and Vizier of Remedies. In a deck where playing Creatures is imperative to your survival, Anafenza boosts Creatures at a very quick pace.
Archangel of Thune ~ Archangel is very useful alongside Kitchen Finks. If playing a long game, it can survive and potentially be your last desperate Win Condition. Archangel does work as a replacement to Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Melira, Sylvok Outcast, and Vizier of Remedies as it does buff all your Creatures when Kitchen Finks gives you life.
Melira, Sylvok Outcast ~ Melira is good as a one or none-of, but you need to keep in mind that she is still a Legendary. She would be a dead card in hand if there is one already on the battlefield. Melira is definitely a good card to have if you want to ensure the life of Kitchen Finks or Murderous Redcap. She disables Devoted Druid's second ability, so she may be more of a hindrance in the long-term.
Most of these strategies require the Druid Combo on the field with some exceptions.
Devoted Druid + Vizier of Remedies ~ Aww... The main gimmick of the deck, and woo, it's a doozy. If this pair is out and Druid doesn't have summoning sickness, you can tap Druid for mana, do its second ability to untap Druid, tap Druid for mana, untap Druid... See what's happening here? You've got infinite green mana! Go have fun with it! >:D
REALLY BIG, MASSIVE, GAME-WINNING CREATURES ~ Cause why not? If you get the Druid Combo out and you're playing casually, go for it! It's fun to watch Creatures who only see fringe-play like Blightsteel Colossus or Worldspine Wurm go at'em. Then there is of course Emrakul... Either of them.
Archangel of Thune + Spike Feeder ~ An extremely powerful combo that nets you infinite life and pumps all your Creatures to endless bounds. The unfortunate thing is that Thune does not have a cheap cost. It's tough to pull out of the deck with Chord of Calling, and generally you have more relevant cards when you can. Saying this, it would benefit to sideboard the combo for specific match ups, especially when your opponent is trying to use Surgical Extraction to remove your combo pieces.
Barrenton Medic + Vizier of Remedies ~ Paired with Vizier of Remedies, shuts down "Burn" and "Skred Red". It is very good against "Skred Red" match ups, but "Burn" generally always have options to destroy permanents like Vizier. If you're playing against "Skred Red" a lot, this is the card for you.
Bonfire of the Damned ~ Haha, screw the Miracle cost! If you managed to gain infinite mana, this turns into a sort of "Storm"-like Grapeshot! Glaring issue is that you require a tutor that pulls it out from the deck. Otherwise a very fun idea!
Chameleon Colossus ~ The Colossus buffs up immensely when the Druid Combo is in play. Being protected from black, it works well against any black-flavoured decks.
Cinderhaze Wretch + Vizier of Remedies ~ The ultimate discard hand combo. Blend it with Vizier of Remedies and your opponent will be forced to discard all their cards. It's best side-boarded towards games that are consistently hand-fixing such as Jeskai decks as these match ups can drag for a really long time.
Collected Company and Chord of Calling ~ These instant-speed spells grab Creatures and are vital to the deck for it to perform consistently.
Duskwatch Recruiter ~ The only Creature tutor with an only mana-ability cost required in White or Green. Once the Druid Combo is up, cast this to find answers or Win Conditions. By essence, this card is the fetch-part of Birthing Pod, without the limitations.
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn ~ The absolute most devastating Creature in all of Magic. Its huge mana-cost turns heads quickly, but players find alternative ways to cast it or place it on the battlefield. This massive Creature will destroy the opponent with it's passive ability Annihilator 6. As if that wasn't enough, casting it normally and not through Chord of Calling will gift you an extra turn after your current one because of its ETB ability. Gross.
Ezuri, Renegade Leader ~ Can be cast with Chord of Calling and Collected Company, and its second activated ability synergies with Devoted Druid. Druid is an Elf, and when you can pull off the Druid Combo, it will no longer have summoning sickness and can swing with infinite damage and Trample. Ezuri can also Regenerate the Druid which can be useful, but sadly not itself. Keep in mind that this combo is bad against Gideon of the Trials, as you still need to take him down to get to your Win Condition. This Creature is very powerful if the Druid Combo is played in "Elves."
Hangarback Walker ~ With the Druid Combo and Viscera Seer, you can potentially blow the Walker up into an infinite amount of Flying Thopter Artifact Creature Tokens. This is good if Walking Ballista's not able to go off like normal, as this combo is basically the same as the Twin Exarch Combo without Haste.
Kessig Wolf Run ~ In "Knightfall," this is one of the main combo cards that allows Knight of the Reliquary to swing for a knock out. Very useful! It should also be noted that if the Druid Combo is in play, the Land can give target Creature infinite Power and Trample!
Kitchen Finks + Viscera Seer + Vizier of Remedies ~ What do you do if your opponent has limitless health? Attack with infinite damage! Oh... You can't? Well tough luck buddy. This combo is rather dreadful to deal with once it has occured. For one, the user, has infinite health, and they get to look at their deck and Scry till they get to the card they want on top so that is their next draw.
Knight of the Reliquary + Retreat to Coralhelm ~ The essential Knightfall Combo; Using the Enchantment's Landfall trigger, you may untap the Knight and continue to thin out your deck until your Knight is as big as you need it to be! :D
Mirror Entity ~ A Shapeshifter that with the Druid Combo, can change all your Creatures Power and Toughness to insane heights! Not as exciting as Ezuri, Renegade Leader or Rhonas the Indomitable who give Trample as well, the Shapeshifter also gives your Creatures all Creature types. This can be important in the shell "Elves" as Ezuri can Regenerate the affected Creatures of all Creature types.
Murderous Redcap + Viscera Seer + Vizier of Remedies ~ The attack version of the Melira Combo. Where Kitchen Finks is meant to give you infinite health which is game-breaking in itself, Redcap deals infinite damage indefinitely. If you have infinite health, your opponent needs another option to defeat you besides attacking. This is disheartening and your opponent will generally just concede. This card is also four CMC, which is above the Collected Company cost and therefore doesn't synergies as well as Finks.
Rhonas the Indomitable ~ Overrun on a Creature! Or at least close, just missing the 3 Toughness. This Creature is an amazing combo Win Condition alongside the Druid Combo. Unlike Ezuri, Renegade Leader, Rhonas can make any and all Creature besides itself a monster worthy of Egyptian myth. Rhonas is also Indestructible so it is very tough to remove. There is one issue though unlikely- If a Creature is swinging for infinity with Trample against a Creature with First Strike, the Win Condition will fail. But... You're playing a Creature deck that should have lots of Creatures, right?
Walking Ballista ~ Walking Ballista is your end-game. Either have it in hand, or Chord of Calling into Duskwatch Recruiter and grab it from your Library. Pay whatever cost is needed to finish off your opponent with Ballista, and win!
Westvale Abbey ~ The Modern-legal version of Dark Depths, the Land is very tough to deal with in general. Once it flips, it is immediately able to heavily pressure the opponent. In shells like "Elves" where Creatures are easy to come by, the Abbey is able to go off really easily.
Avacyn's Pilgrim ~ Not a bad choice in a more white-heavy version of this deck, this mana dork is the white mana-fixing equivalent to Llanowar Elves. A suitable replacement if you can't afford Noble Hierarch.
Birds of Paradise ~ The classic rainbow bird of Magic! This Creature is great at helping with mana-fixing and ramping. It also is a meat shield against ground and air Creatures, which can be hugely beneficial when you have a big beater coming your way! It's also funny to swing with a bird when Noble Hierarch is on the field.
Devoted Druid ~ The core of the archetype, it is a Mana Dork that can tap for two green mana by itself for at least one turn.
Elves of Deep Shadow ~ A strange Mana Dork that inflicts one damage to you for the reward of one black mana. Druid's Calling is not a black-influenced deck, but still worth mentioning.
Elvish Mystic and Llanowar Elves ~ The most regal of Mana Dorks, a simple Creature that costs one green mana and taps for one green mana. Amazing for mana-ramping!
Noble Hierarch ~ One of the best Mana Dorks, Noble Hierarch not only provides white and green mana, but also gives Exalt to a Creature. Incredibly useful as it is, it is also very expensive. It is recommended to use Birds of Paradise as well. Having a Flying Creature that can potentially act as a meat shield against other Flyers is helpful!
Simian Spirit Guide ~ Going for turn two kills with Devoted Druid on turn one, or to cast Magus of the Moon on turn two? This is the card for you! You CAN cast it as a Creature, but ideally it's meant to be used to help cast another spell instead by removing it from your hand.
Aven Mindcensor ~ Useful against practically every deck in Modern, Mindcensor disables Fetch lands and tutor spells from their full-potential.
Burrenton Forge-Tender ~ This Creature is pure-red hate. If your opponent is using spells like Anger of the Gods or Pyroclasm, or simply to protect a key Creature from getting hit by Lightning Bolt, Forge-Tender can be of great use in your sideboard. If your opponent use also using red Creatures like Goblin Guide or Monastery Swiftspear, Forge-Tender can wall them and remained unharmed.
Caustic Caterpillar ~ Able to destroy Artifacts and Enchantments early on in the game.
Devout Lightcaster ~ Having protection from black is fairly useful, but with her ETB ability, she can exile any black permanent you desire, like Death's Shadow or Liliana of the Veil!
Eidolon of Rhetoric ~ Fair-tech to prevent your opponent from drawing into answers or to cancel out "UR Storm" from entering their Win Condition.
Eldritch Evolution ~ A revised Birthing Pod, Eldritch Evolution does the same thing Pod does but in a way that is more fair. It is able to tutor one Creature into the game that is two CMC more or less than the Creature that was sacrificed. Useful, but it only gets one use before it exiles itself.
Eternal Witness ~ One of the major requirements for this archetype to run properly is the need for card recovery. Eternal Witness is the best Creature for the bill, as it returns any card you need with its ETB ability, whether a combo piece or Collected Company, back to your hand.
Fairgrounds Warden ~ Very similar to Fiend Hunter, is useful in getting rid of your opponents value Creatures with an ETB ability. It is better to play this over Hunter if not running anything that removes Hunter from the battlefield immediately because of it's mana-colour restrictions. Another thing to keep in mind is that Warden cannot target your own Creatures. There are times you may want to target Creatures like Eternal Witness or Renegade Rallier, which Fiend Hunter is capable of doing.
Fauna Shaman ~ Sort of a cantrip, she replaces a Creature you already have in hand and into the Graveyard for another of your choice in the Library. Being heavy on Creatures, this should be easy enough.
Fiend Hunter ~ Useful to get rid of your opponents value Creatures like Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet and Scavenging Ooze, if only temporary with it's ETB ability. If desperate, you can potentially cast Collected Company and hope to get lucky. There is one more thing to be aware of- If you sacrifice Hunter with Viscera Seer or remove him from the game somehow before announcing which Creature you're exiling, you can then proceed to exile your preferred target and they will be gone permanently! Hunter will be gone before his second ability to return targeted Creature triggers, leaving it in limbo! :D
Flickerwisp ~ A powerful 3/1 Flyer that can remove counters and allow a Creatures ETB ability to reoccur. If you're interested in Flickerwisp, you may also be interested in playing Aether Vial. If so, there is another silly combo you can utilize with Fiend Hunter and/or Tidehollow Sculler where you forcefully exile one of the opponents permanents or remove a card from the opponents hand permanently, and then again with whichever Creatures normal mechanics. If interested, investigate!
Gavony Township ~ This super-powerful Land can make your small bears turn into beefy monsters! Very useful in the endgame or when you need to repair Devoted Druid or Kitchen Finks.
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar ~ Gideon is really strong as a Planeswalker slayer, with a lot of situation versatility. If you are in a safe spot, you can get him start to making 2/2 White Knight Ally Tokens. Weirdest of all, is that his ultimate is available right after cast. Gideon's ultimate is Glorious Anthem as an emblem, so it cannot be removed from the game.
Hall of the Bandit Lord ~ A janky Land that can catch the opponent off-guard if you use it to cast Devoted Druid which will now have Haste and end the game the same turn.
Horizon Canopy ~ An amazing Land that can draw that one card you needed to close the game. A wee-bit expensive to get, can be swapped for another Fast land or Fetch land if you cannot afford one. One or two should be the max as the pain-threshold becomes too beneficial for your opponent.
Intrepid Hero ~ There are a lot of big Creatures in the current meta with Fatal Push running amok. Having this guy in the game will remove most baddies from the opponent's side of the field in a jiff.
Kataki, War's Wage ~ Basically cripples "Affinity." Be wary if the opponent has Galvanic Blast in hand.
Kitchen Finks ~ The Ouphe is practically unstoppable and can block any attack and gives you two health every time it's ETB ability activates. When Persist kicks in, the Vizier lowers it's added -1/-1 counters down to zero counters, leaving the Ouphe unharmed.
Knight of the Reliquary ~ An amazing beater that makes some Lands like Gavony Township, Ghost Quarters, and Kessig Wolf Run more viable in the deck. If adding, it would be wise to add more Basic lands.
Leyline of Sanctity ~ Scared of discard spells? Hate being bolted? Leyline will protect you from any spell or ability targeting you. If you have it in your opening-hand, you play it immediately! If "Burn" sees this happen, the player generally concedes as this disables their important beginning momentum.
Linvala, Keeper of Silence ~ Shuts off every one of your opponents Creatures activated abilities, INCLUDING mana-related abilities. The list goes long and wide on why this is a good card. Great for sideboard, add in when you know this will stop the opponent in their tracks.
Loaming Shaman ~ Shamans ETB ability is devastating against "Dredge" and "UR Storm" match-ups at the right time. If your opponent has no hand and an empty Graveyard, they lose all their momentum.
Path to Exile ~ This cheap, instant-speed spell is ultimately the most relevant removal in Modern meta right now. There are too many scary-big Creatures that need to be cut down to size. In the form of a tapped Basic land.
Phyrexian Revoker ~ Pithing Needle on a robot. Keep in mind, that this does not prevent Lands from tapping into abilities. Otherwise, great card to stop your opponents filthy combos. What was that? Our combos are filthy? No, you're thinking too much. Keep play-testing!
Qasali Pridemage ~ Arguably better than Reclamation Sage as it has Exalt, it can destroy Artifact and Enchantments by sacrificing itself and paying one CMC.
Quillspike ~ So... Vizier not working out for you? Your next best card is this guy! Not only can it remove -1/-1 counters from your Creatures, it gets buff at the same time! It "heals" Kitchen Finks and Murderous Redcap so they can keep Persisting throughout the game. This card is very relevant against big foes like Death's Shadow, Tarmogoyf, Tasigur, the Golden Fang, etc. Lastly, it combos with Devoted Druid to endless Power!
Razorverge Thicket ~ The white and green Fast land.
Reclamation Sage ~ Sage's ETB ability instantly destroys any Artifact or Enchantment. To remove permanents like Eidolon of the Great Revel, Grafdigger's Cage, Leyline of the Void, Pithing Needle, and Rest in Peace. These cards will hurt you the longer they stay on the field.
Renegade Rallier ~ The new Eternal Witness, but with a twist- It's ETB ability brings back any permanent back from the Graveyard two CMC or less... To the battlefield! This could be a Land or one of the key-pieces in a combo!
Rest in Peace ~ Graveyard-hate at its finest. Removes all Graveyards instantly, and makes all newly discarded cards or destroyed permanents get sent to exile instead. Stops spells with Delve, Dredge, and anything that uses the Graveyard to the opponents advantage. Disables Melira Combo.
Reveillark ~ Brings back two Creatures from the Graveyard, two Power or less. Can be important if your opponent is heavy on removal and is relying on combat phases.
Samurai of the Pale Curtain ~ A potentially 3/3 attacker and blocker, the Fox Samurai has the additional ability of making sure that whatever gets placed into the Graveyard, gets exiled instead. The Creature is situational and should be carefully placed, as this affects you as well. This Creature will disable Kitchen Finks Persist ability, which is unfortunate.
Scavenging Ooze ~ Decks that utilize the Graveyard fear the Ooze. Ooze's ability is pure graveyard-hate. As a funny bonus, if the Ooze is on the battlefield with the Druid Combo, you can simply eat your opponent's entire Graveyard.
Sigarda, Host of Herons ~ Ever heard of Liliana of the Veil? Get out from whatever rock you've been under! She will ruin your day and step on you like a bug. Luckily, Sigarda is that guardian angel that will save you when you are about to hit rock bottom.
Spellskite ~ Great Creature to protect your key Creatures from vanishing into thin air.
Stony Silence ~ An all-around good card. Shuts down a lot of "Ad Nauseam's," "Affinity's," and "Tron's" best Artifacts, like Arcbound Ravager, Chromatic Sphere, Chromatic Star, Cranial Plating, Expedition Map, Lotus Bloom, Mox Opal, Pentad Prism, and Steel Overseer. If adding Stony Silence into the board, make sure to swap it with Walking Ballista!!! Ballista will not go off with it on the battlefield.
Saffi Eriksdotter ~ A great Creature to prevent the loss of key Creatures. Combos with Renegade Rallier to great affect!
Thrun, the Last Troll ~ Super-aggressive and very difficult to remove. Good against control decks.
Tireless Tracker ~ A well-around great beater. Playing Lands gets you Clue Tokens, and during times when you need to draw, you can crack those Clues, which then leaves you with a more powerful Tracker. Not only that, but once you have the Druid Combo out, you can pay for all of those Clues for basically free!
Voice of Resurgence ~ Voice will force your opponent into rethinking how they wish to maneuver each turn. Casting counterspells on your turn after Voice hits the field will disadvantage them as you gain a X/X Elemental Token the size of the amount of Creatures you control.
Conjurer's Bauble ~ Less powerful than Mishra's Bauble, it can potentially retrieve a card that was incidentally placed into the Graveyard. This card can be looked at as drawing one card for one CMC.
Manamorphose ~ Mana-fixing and thins out your deck! Can be super useful, but keep in mind that if it gets countered, you're usually doomed doing anything till the following turn.
Mishra's Bauble ~ An Artifact that thins out your deck, but not as smoothly as Gitaxian Probe or Street Wraith as you have to wait till the next upkeep. An upside to the Bauble is that you do get to view your opponents next draw.
Scarscale Ritual ~ This card synergies well with Vizier of Remedies. It's basically two mana for drawing two cards. It's great, if not a wee-bit expensive. There aren't any good available draw spells for the colour configuration, but if you are experiencing hand draw issues, this is a good remedy.
Street Wraith ~ For two life, can be cycled to thin out your deck. Good if you're going straight for combos as you aren't worried about life but more for consistency.
Cavern of Souls ~ Aww, Elves cannot be countered... Sounds amazing! Keep in mind that Chord of Calling or Collected Company can still be countered.
Dwynen's Elite ~ What's better than one Elf? Two Elves! Made for pressure, blocking, or sacrificial fodder for Westvale Abbey .
Elvish Archdruid ~ The powerful lord of "Elves." Buffs your Creatures and acts as a decent Gaea's Cradle for just Elves.
Elvish Visionary ~ Two CMC Elf with a cantrip. Nothing wrong with that.
Heritage Druid ~ In case any Elves on the battlefield do not perform as Mana Dorks.
Nettle Sentinel ~ The classic Pauper Elf beater.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ~ You're going to be spawning a lot of green Creatures, so you might as well take advantage of Nykthos to gain even more mana on top of your Mana Dorks!
Pendelhaven ~ Pumps the 1/1 fodder and Mana Dorks. Being a Legendary land, it is wise to only play it as a one-of.
Fulminator Mage ~ Synergies with Collected Company, this Creature can result in your opponent to struggle to reach their Win Condition. This can potentially target Manlands like Celestial Colonnade and Creeping Tar Pit, the Urza lands, and Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle.
Abrupt Decay ~ The most powerful removal Golgari-Colours have to offer. Destroys any nonland permanent and cannot be countered. Very useful. In decks with Collected Company in it though, it's best to leave removal to Creatures.
Anafenza, the Foremost ~ A 4/4 beater for a strict three CMC, it comes with several advantages that aid in-game. It gives a tapped Creature a +1/+1 counter, and locks Creatures entering the opponents Graveyard into exile. This shuts down most versions of "Dredge," the Melira Combo, and "Reanimator"-like archetypes.
Anguished Unmaking ~ Very similar to Maelstrom Pulse, it can exile any nonland permanent for three CMC and three life.
Big Game Hunter ~ A great value Creature that can destroy big-scary things in play when successfully cast for the small cost of three CMC!
Blooming Marsh ~ The black and green Fast land. Can be useful if the deck is more black-heavy.
Fatal Push ~ Stupidly powerful and cheap removal spell with no drawbacks. As I explained with Abrupt Decay, in decks with Collected Company in it, it's best to leave removal to Creatures.
Maelstrom Pulse ~ Powerful removal that can destroy any nonland permanent, including Planeswalkers. Is very good against "Elves," "Merfolk," and Token-decks.
Orzhov Pontiff ~ Very versatile and can be devastating if cast at the proper time.
Shriekmaw ~ Besides the authors namesake... Ahem, Shriekmaw is great at getting rid of threats. It works for specific match ups, specifically against large Creature-based decks. It gets rid of Tarmogoyf, all the Eldrazi besides Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, and other annoying pests. The best part of Shriekmaw is how versatile it is. If you need it against an early game Creature, you have the option to evoke it for a cost of two CMC.
Sin Collector ~ Removes one instant or sorcery spell from your opponents hand from the game with no drawback.
Tidehollow Sculler ~ A great card to remove powerful cards from the opponents hand in the early and mid-game.
Yixlid Jailer ~ Any cards that have abilities in the Graveyard, such as Dredge or Flashback, are removed as long as the Jailer is in play. Very useful against Bridge from Below and Snapcaster Mage.
Nissa, Steward of Elements ~ Simic Nissa, who you can cast for a comfortable three CMC, is able to Scry into a Creature or Land and place it onto the field. With a minimum of fourty-to-fifty of your cards being Creatures or Lands, the odds of hitting one or the other is absurdly high. Once you Scry, her Loyalty counters go up to three, so every Creature should now be playable! She is also a Win Condition if you have the Druid Combo on the field.
Reflector Mage ~ An irritating Creature that bounces your opponents Creature back to their hand, and forces it to be a dead card for a turn.
Spell Queller ~ Very similar to Fiend Hunter and can be utilized the same way, Spell Queller can be cast with Flash to stop most spells your opponent has available to them. Unlike the Hunter though, it has more meat on it's ethereal bones and can swing with Flying.
Lightning Bolt ~ Possibly the most iconic spell of all time, this simple card pulls a lot of work and can be used to remove or hurt a variety of things.
Lightning Mauler ~ A two CMC Creature that can make any Creature, like Devoted Druid, have Haste! Say you have Vizier of Remedies already on the battlefield, and you cast Collected Company and land both of these. Brilliant! Druid Combo is up and running!
Magus of the Moon ~ When outfitted with Knight of the Reliquary, it becomes much easier to gather your Basic lands and shut down your opponent with the Magus. Be careful not to shut yourself down!
Noteworthy Versions
Below is a list of events to highlight the archetype. Beyond November 19th 2017, I will only be posting events I consider important enough. The tourney's are ranked as Regular, Competitive, Major, then Grand Prix.
Shell List:
"Abzan Company" - Altruism - "Bant Company" - "Elves" - Growth - "Knightfall" - "Naya Company" - Rogue - Selesnya
April 27th, 2017; Regular; League; Asmussen ("Elves"); 5-0 ~
April 28th, 2017; Major; MKM Series Frankfurt 2017; Jonas Bachstadter ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, the Foremost, Spellskite); Thirteenth Place ~
April 30th; 2017; Regular; Dutch Open Series Qualifier; Joost Verburg ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit); Top Four ~
April 30th, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Atlanta; Kevin Page (Selesnya, Spellskite); Nineteenth Place ~
April 30th, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Atlanta; Kyle Huckaby ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Murderous Redcap, Orzhov Pontiff, Reclamation Sage, Selfless Spirit); Twenty-First Place ~
May 2nd, 2017; Regular; League; StickyWicket ("Abzan Company", Fatal Push, Murderous Redcap) and yohdla04 ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Archangel of Thune, Murderous Redcap, Spike Feeder); 5-0 ~
May 3rd, 2017; Regular; League; Asmussen ("Elves") and SeRoX ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Archangel of Thune); 5-0 ~
May 6th, 2017; Regular; League; rsanchez ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Archangel of Thune, Spike Feeder); 5-0 ~
May 8th, 2017; Regular; League; mdvayu2 ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Archangel of Thune, Spike Feeder); 5-0 ~
May 9th, 2017; Regular; League; Madsutzon ("Naya Company", Avacyn's Pilgrim, Lightning Mauler) and syounennAattyan (Selesnya, Eldritch Evolution, Spellskite); 5-0 ~
May 9th, 2017; Regular; League; dizyranger ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Murderous Redcap, Selfless Spirit) and syounennAattyan (Selesnya, Eldritch Evolution, Spellskite); 5-0 ~
May 11th, 2017; Regular; League; dizyranger ("Abzan Company", Murderous Redcap, Selfless Spirit); 5-0 ~
May 12th, 2017; Regular; League; Dispencer ("Abzan Company", Fatal Push, Murderous Redcap); 5-0 ~
May 13th, 2017; Regular; League; Asmussen ("Elves"); 5-0 ~
May 13th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Bay City; Sam Jakimovski ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Murderous Redcap, Selfless Spirit); First Place ~
May 13th, 2017; Regular; Spring Modern 4Seasons; Giuliano Benincasa ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Murderous Redcap); First Place ~
May 14th, 2017; Competitive; Danish Modern Masters; Daniel Nadelmann ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Saffi Eriksdotter, Selfless Spirit); Top Eight ~
May 15th, 2017; Regular; League; egooglegon ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Tidehollow Sculler) and Madsutzon (Selesnya, Avacyn's Pilgrim, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben); 5-0 ~
May 19th, 2017; Regular; League; Zarutha ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit); 5-0 ~
May 20th, 2017; Regular; SCG Team Constructed Open Louisville; Andrew Maine ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit); Second Place ~
May 20th, 2017; Regular; SCG Team Constructed Open Louisville; Jacob Baugh ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Spellskite); Eighteenth Place ~
May 20th, 2017; Regular; SCG Team Constructed Open Louisville; Tre Lyons ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Archangel of Thune, Murderous Redcap, Spike Feeder); Twenty-Sixth Place ~
May 21st, 2017; Major; 9th Modern God Challenger; Yamamoto Kouhei ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Murderous Redcap, Qasali Pridemage); First Place ~
May 21st, 2017; Regular; GPT Amsterdam Modern in Defcon 2.0; Alessio Ridolfi ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Archangel of Thune, Phyrexian Revoker, Spellskite, Spike Feeder); Fifth Place ~
May 21st, 2017; Regular; GPT Amsterdam Modern in Defcon 2.0; Riccardo Guenzani ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Murderous Redcap); Sixth Place ~
May 21st, 2017; Regular; League; mock_kun (Selesnya, Eldritch Evolution); 5-0 ~
May 21st, 2017; Regular; Modern Open Salzburg; Thomas Holzinger ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Archangel of Thune, Murderous Redcap, Spike Feeder); First Place ~
May 21st, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Louisville; Brad Carpenter ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit); First Place ~
May 21st, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Louisville; Mark Parker ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Murderous Redcap); Third Place ~
May 21st, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Louisville; Andy Roop ("Abzan Company", Dryad Arbor, Eldritch Evolution, Reveillark, Simian Spirit Guide); Fourth Place ~
May 22nd, 2017; Regular; League; SteinwayDK (Selesnya, Avacyn's Pilgrim, Ghost Quarter); 5-0 ~
May 22nd, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; Munin40 (Selesnya, Courser of Kruphix, Ghost Quarter, Spellskite); Fourth Place, 6-1 // Madsutzon (Selesnya, Avacyn's Pilgrim); Thirteenth Place, 5-2 ~
May 23rd, 2017; Regular; League; Hyper ("Knightfall") and Tetsubou ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Anafenza, the Foremost, Murderous Redcap); 5-0 ~
May 24th, 2017; Regular; League; kado222 ("Naya Company"); 5-0 ~
May 26th, 2017; Regular; Holiday Modern, Troll2Jeux; Benjamin Chesson ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit); Top Eight ~
May 26th, 2017; Regular; League; Tedpanic ("Naya Company"); 5-0 ~
May 27th, 2017; Regular; League; sukka ("Abzan Company") and zeno1865 (Selesnya); 5-0 ~
May 27th, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Baltimore; Brennan Decandio ("Abzan Company"); Fifteenth Place ~
May 27th, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Baltimore; Jesse Piland ("Abzan Company"); Eighteenth Place ~
May 27th, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Baltimore; Eli Kassis ("Knightfall"); Twenty-Sixth Place ~
May 27th, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Baltimore; Andrew Jessup ("Abzan Company"); Four Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Place ~
May 28th, 2017; Regular; Aussie Modern Madness; Joshua Lye ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit); Top Eight ~
May 28th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Copenhagen 2017; Michael Steinecke ("Abzan Company", Qasali Pridemage); Top Eight ~
May 28th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Copenhagen 2017; Martin Juza ("Elves"); Sixteenth Place // Christoffer Larsen ("Abzan Company", Linvala, Keeper of Silence); Twenty-Sixth Place // Oliver Moon (Selesnya); Thirty-Fourth Place ~
May 28th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Kobe 2017; Kenta Masukado ("Naya Company"); Ninth Place // Hiroaki Taniguchi ("Abzan Company", Chameleon Colossus, Eidolon of Rhetoric, Path to Exile); Fourteenth Place // Peng Jianjia ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Murderous Redcap); Eighteenth Place // Toshinori Shiozaki ("Abzan Company", Courser of Kruphix); Nineteenth Place // Tzu-Ching Kuo ("Knightfall"); Twenty-Eighth Place // Kelvin Chew ("Knightfall"**); Twenty-Ninth Place ~
May 28th, 2017; Regular; League; Dojan12 ("Abzan Company", Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit); 5-0 ~
May 29th, 2017; Regular; League; CrisaoSilva (Selesnya) and usorugby ("Elves"); 5-0 ~
May 30th, 2017; Regular; League; shufflerpwned ("Elves"); 5-0 ~
June 3rd, 2017; Regular; Fire & Dice S1 2017 Invitational; Yuri Seyssel ("Abzan Company"); Top Four ~
June 3rd, 2017; Regular; League; PigNorton (Selesnya); 5-0 ~
June 4th, 2017; Regular; The FINAL GPT at Fire & Dice; Matthew Davidson ("Abzan Company", Murderous Redcap, Selfless Spirit); Second Place ~
June 4th, 2017; Regular; The FINAL GPT at Fire & Dice; Dylan Lindner ("Abzan Company", Qasali Pridemage); Top Eight ~
June 4th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; Gainsay ("Elves"); Seventeenth Place, 5-1 ~
June 5th, 2017; Regular; League; __matsugan (Rogue); 5-0 ~
June 6th, 2017; Regular; League; CNewman ("Abzan Company"), shufflerpwned ("Knightfall"), and wordy333 ("Elves"); 5-0 ~
June 6th, 2017; Competitive; OvinoSpring 2017 - Modern Side Event; Claudio Martini ("Naya Company"); Top Eight ~
June 6th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Pensacola; Josiah Blizzard ("Abzan Company"); Fifth Place ~
June 6th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Pensacola; James Martin ("Abzan Company", Selfless Spirit); Sixth Place ~
June 7th, 2017; Regular; League; CNewman ("Abzan Company") and shufflerpwned ("Knightfall"); 5-0 ~
June 8th, 2017; Regular; Ready to Play Thursday Night Modern; Teddy Carfolite ("Abzan Company", Selfless Spirit); First Place ~
June 10th, 2017; Competitive; 1Kinda at Mox Boarding House Seattle; Brad Rutherford ("Abzan Company", Archangel of Thune, Spike Feeder); Top Eight ~
June 10th, 2017; Competitive; 1Kinda at Mox Boarding House Seattle; Curtis Giese ("Abzan Company"); Top Eight ~
June 10th, 2017; Competitive; 1Kinda at Mox Boarding House Seattle; Shawn Tabrizi ("Abzan Company"); Top Eight ~
June 10th, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Charlotte; Brennan Decandio ("Abzan Company"); Fourteenth Place ~
June 10th, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Charlotte; Daniel Walter ("Elves"); Thirty-First Place ~
June 11th, 2017; Regular; Clash of Golddigger - Surabaya; Stephan Randy ("Abzan Company"); Top Eight ~
June 11th, 2017; Regular; League; usorugby ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
June 11th, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Charlotte; Matthew Nikolai ("Abzan Company"); Third Place ~
June 11th, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Charlotte; Kyle Lerch ("Abzan Company"); Sixth Place ~
June 11th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier New Holland; Albert Liao ("Elves"); Third Place ~
June 17th, 2017; Regular; 4 Mhysteria Modern; Filipe Ambrosini ("Abzan Company"); First Place ~
June 17th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Charlotte; Kevin Martin ("Abzan Company"); Fifth Place ~
June 18th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Las Vegas 2017; Zack Kanners ("Abzan Company"); Seventeenth Place ~
June 18th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; CNewman ("Abzan Company"); Fifteenth Place, 5-2 // __matsugan (Rogue); Thirty-Second Place, 4-3 ~
June 19th, 2017; Regular; League; stainerson (Growth); 5-0 ~
June 22nd, 2017; Regular; League; bobthyllama2 ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
June 22nd, 2017; Regular; Ready to Play Thursday Night Modern; Teddy Carfolite ("Abzan Company"); First Place ~
June 24th, 2017; Regular; League; _Monstruito_ ("Knightfall") and patrick50 ("Knightfall"); 5-0 ~
June 24th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Roanoke; Benjamin Ragan ("Knightfall"); Third Place ~
June 24th, 2017; Regular; Turniertag Hannover; Marcus Schmidt ("Abzan Company"); First Place ~
June 25th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Cary; Matthew Price ("Abzan Company"); First Place ~
June 28th, 2017; Regular; League; Varo ("Knightfall"); 5-0 ~
June 29th, 2017; Regular; Ready to Play Thursday Night Modern; Jacob Ballington ("Knightfall"); 5-0 ~
July 1st, 2017; Competitive; Magic Barcelona - Open Inaugural; Adria Claret Godia ("Abzan Company"); Eighth Place ~
July 1st, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Frankenmuth; Richard Gaskill ("Knightfall"); Sixth Place ~
July 1st, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Roanoke; Brandon Carpenter ("Abzan Company"); Fifth Place ~
July 1st, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Roanoke; Jason Bryant ("Abzan Company"); Seventh Place ~
July 2nd, 2017; Competitive; Link Super Challenge #15; Florian Trotte ("Abzan Company"); First Place ~
July 2nd, 2017; Regular; Manaleak Modern Challenge; Sam Neal ("Knightfall"); Top Four // Chris Palmer ("Bant Company"); Top Eight ~
July 4th, 2017; Regular; League; shufflerpwned ("Abzan Company") and zol_mtg ("Naya Company"); 5-0 ~
July 4th, 2017; Competitive; Modern PTQ; Varo ("Abzan Company"); Ninth Place ~
July 8th, 2017; Regular; League; Playmobil ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
July 15th, 2017; Regular; League; GodWithAShotgun ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
July 15th, 2017; Regular; Team Unified Modern Grinder at Four Horsemen; Wyatt Goehring ("Elves"); First Place ~
June 16th, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Cincinnati; Zachary Harris ("Abzan Company"); Sixteenth Place ~
June 16th, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Cincinnati; Vincent Giacalone ("Knightfall"); Twenty-Fifth Place ~
July 19th, 2017; Regular; League; Gugiman13 ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
July 21st, 2017; Regular; League; RIWBTU (Selesnya); 5-0 ~
July 22nd, 2017; Regular; SCG Team Constructed Open Atlanta; Brent Clift ("Elves"); Ninth Place ~
July 22nd, 2017; Regular; SCG Team Constructed Open Glassboro; Justin Pierce ("Abzan Company"); Third Place ~
July 23rd, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; sharkhunt3r ("Abzan Company"); Twenty-Fifth Place, 4-3 // Varo ("Knightfall"); Twenty-Ninth Place, 4-3 ~
July 23rd, 2017; Regular; PPTQ Playtime - Merate, Italy; Giordano Gemelli ("Knightfall"); Sixth Place ~
July 23rd, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Atlanta; Scott Spurlock ("Abzan Company"); Tenth Place ~
July 28th, 2017; Regular; League; 7up_sng ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
July 29th, 2017; Regular; PPTQ at Comic Kombinat; Stephan Gunther ("Elves"); Third Place ~
July 29th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Lenexa; Christopher Hohman ("Elves"); Third Place ~
July 29th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Oklahoma City; Michael Armstrong ("Abzan Company"); Third Place ~
July 30th, 2017; Regular; Galaxy Games Modern; Charles Dunn ("Bant Company"); Top Eight ~
July 30th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; Itchyone ("Abzan Company"); Twentieth Place, 4-2 // Psyentist (Selesnya); Twenty-Second Place, 4-2 ~
July 30th, 2017; Competitive; Modern PPTQ at Knight Ware; Ammi Obejas ("Naya Company"); First Place ~
July 30th, 2017; Competitive; Modern PPTQ at Knight Ware; Steven Haker (Altruism); Top Eight ~
July 30th, 2017; Regular; PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan at Block 101; Anthony Cuello ("Bant Company"); Seventh Place ~
August 1st, 2017; Regular; League; Konsti ("Knightfall"); 5-0 ~
August 3rd, 2017; Regular; League; geekgardener ("Naya Company"); 5-0 ~
August 5th, 2017; Regular; League; _Monstruito_ ("Abzan Company"), Brosterman ("Naya Company"), and zerodahero ("Naya Company"); 5-0 ~
August 5th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Mason; Mark Parker ("Abzan Company"); Eighth Place ~
August 5th, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Syracuse; Billy Mitchell ("Knightfall"); Twenty-Third Place ~
August 5th, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Syracuse; Kyle Grunn ("Abzan Company"); Twenty-Sixth Place ~
August 6th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; ScaughtyO ("Knightfall"); Seventh Place, 6-1 ~
August 10th, 2017; Regular; League; TheOneUnknown ("Elves"); 5-0 ~
August 12th, 2017; Competitive; PPTQ at Area 52; Zach Medford ("Abzan Company"); Top Four ~
August 12th, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Richmond; Ross Merriam ("Elves"); Third Place ~
August 12th, 2017; Competitive; TJs Titanium Challenge August; Devon Swindells ("Elves"); Top Four ~
August 13th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Birmingham 2017; Oscar Christensen ("Abzan Company"); Top Four ~
August 13th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Birmingham 2017; Toni Ramis Pascual ("Abzan Company"); Seventeenth Place // Aaron Boyhan ("Abzan Company"); Thirtieth Place ~
August 13th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Sao Paulo 2017; Julian Reyes ("Abzan Company"); Seventh Place ~
August 13th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; __matsugan (Rogue); Nineteenth Place, 5-1 ~
August 13th, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Richmond; Daryl Neiswenter ("Abzan Company"); Tenth Place ~
August 14th, 2017; Regular; League; ElfKid ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
August 17th, 2017; Regular; League; Jedgi ("Naya Company"); 5-0 ~
August 19th, 2017; Regular; League; mtgSage ("Elves"); 5-0 ~
August 19th, 2017; Regular; PPTQ at Dark Tower Games; Sam Wise ("Abzan Company"); Second Place ~
August 19th, 2017; Regular; Ready to Play Modern PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan; Mikey Rhodes ("Abzan Company"); Second Place ~
August 20th, 2017; Regular; PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan at Bertils Spielwiese; Michael Vormittag ("Elves"); Top Eight ~
August 20th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Centreville ; Gabe Glover ("Knightfall"); Fifth Place ~
August 22nd, 2017; Regular; League; Leroy_Kilack ("Elves"); 5-0 ~
August 26th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Cayce; Mark Stanton ("Elves"); Second Place ~
August 26th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Roanoke; Steven Martinez ("Elves"); Second Place ~
August 26th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Roanoke; Alex Morris ("Elves"); Fifth Place ~
August 27th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; Jedgi ("Naya Company"); Seventh Place, 6-1 // McLovin1320 ("Abzan Company"); Thirteenth Place, 5-2 // MiguelCaster ("Abzan Company"); Fourteenth Place, 5-2 ~
August 27th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Falls Church; Nicolas DelValle ("Abzan Company"); First Place ~
August 27th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Falls Church; Michael Thorpe ("Elves"); Fourth Place ~
August 28th, 2017; Competitive; Modern MOCS; AndyGrey ("Elves", Summoner's Pact); Eighth Place, 7-1 // MiguelCaster ("Abzan Company"); Twenty-Fifth Place, 6-2 ~
August 30th, 2017; Regular; League; jondogga ("Elves"); 5-0 ~
August 31st, 2017; Regular; League; Artem_Kuhtin ("Naya Company", Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Nahiri, the Harbinger); 5-0 ~
September 2nd, 2017; Regular; Krypton Comics Modern PPTQ; Brian Grocott ("Elves"); Top Four ~
September 2nd, 2017; Competitive; PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan - Barcelona; Adria Claret ("Abzan Company"); Second Place ~
September 2nd, 2017; Competitive; PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan - Barcelona; Bruno La Plena ("Abzan Company"); Top Eight ~
September 3rd, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; TinMan354 ("Abzan Company"); Sixteenth Place, 5-2 // ~
September 4th, 2017; Competitive; Modern PTQ; ChillingLauge ("Abzan Company"); Thirty-First Place ~
September 6th, 2017; Regular; League; GHash77 ("Elves", Summoner's Pact); 5-0 ~
September 9th, 2017; Regular; League; Uegjo (Rogue); 5-0 ~
September 9th, 2017; Regular; MissedTriggerGaming - Open #1; Kim Krohn Berle ("Abzan Company"); First Place ~
September 9th, 2017; Regular; MissedTriggerGaming - Open #1; Andreas Sandvik ("Abzan Company", Banewhip Punisher); Sixth Place ~
September 9th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Bay City; CJ Hoten ("Knightfall", Fairgrounds Warden); Second Place ~
September 9th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Bay City; Jeff Machan ("Abzan Company"); Third Place ~
September 9th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Danbury; Jeremy Domocmat ("Abzan Company", Spellskite); Seventh Place ~
September 9th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Danbury; Jacob Bard (Growth); Eighth Place ~
September 9th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Toronto; Chris Duong ("Knightfall", Mirran Crusader); Third Place ~
September 10th, 2017; Regular; PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan at Neutral Grounds Cash and Carry; Anthony Cuello ("Abzan Company"); Top Eight ~
September 10th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Statesville; Zachary Alexander ("Elves"); Seventh Place ~
September 10th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Toledo; Terrence Vinson ("Elves", Narnam Renegade); Fourth Place ~
September 11th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; Jedgi ("Naya Company", Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Nahiri, the Harbinger); Seventeenth Place, 5-1 // ~
September 12th, 2017; Competitive; Modern PTQ; lighdar ("Abzan Company"); Twenty-Fourth Place ~
September 13th, 2017; Regular; League; GHash77 ("Elves", Summoner's Pact); 5-0 ~
September 14th, 2017; Regular; League; JacksonHicks1 (Selesnya, Avacyn's Pilgrim); 5-0 ~
September 14th, 2017; Regular; Ready to Play Thursday Night Modern; Mark Stanton ("Elves"); First Place ~
September 16th, 2017; Regular; Modern PPTQ; Dylan Skvarek ("Bant Company"); Second Place ~
September 16th, 2017; Regular; PPTQ at Arcane Archive (Fort Dodge, Iowa); Jack Nichols ("Abzan Company", Eldritch Evolution, Spellskite); First Place ~
September 16th, 2017; Regular; PPTQ at Arcane Archive (Fort Dodge, Iowa); David Biwersi ("Abzan Company", Aven Mindcensor; Seventh Place ~
September 16th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Denton; Mohammed Fadel ("Abzan Company", Spellskite); Third Place ~
September 16th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Denton; Cory Beasley (Selesnya, Cogwork Assembler, Courser of Kruphix); Sixth Place ~
September 16th, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Louisville; Jason Rice ("Elves"); Twenty-Fourth Place ~
September 16th, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Louisville; Eric Schmitt ("Elves"); Twenty-Seventh Place ~
September 17th, 2017; Regular; Circuito Wild West 2017 Etapa 5; Elias Diego Rodrigues ("Elves"); Top Four ~
September 17th, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Louisville; Eric Shopman ("Elves"); Sixteenth Place ~
September 17th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; __matsugan (Rogue); Sixth Place, 6-1 // fluffy21 ("Abzan Company", Ghost Quarter); Twenty-First Place, 4-3 ~
September 17th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier New Holland; Albert Liao ("Elves"); Second Place ~
September 17th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Lenexa; Chris Lopez ("Elves"); Fifth Place ~
September 21st, 2017; Regular; League; Wiess ("Elves"); 5-0 ~
September 24th, 2017; Regular; League; BradPitKeeper ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
September 24th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; Matsume ("Elves", Summoner's Pact); Twenty-Third Place ~
September 28th, 2017; Regular; League; coert ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
September 29th, 2017; Regular; League; adrianretamosa ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
September 29th, 2017; Competitive; Ovino XII - Modern Main Event; Guglielmo Barbieri ("Abzan Company"); Top Four ~
September 30th, 2017; Regular; League; Laplasjan ("Abzan Company", Courser of Kruphix); 5-0 ~
October 1st, 2017; Regular; League; Thefishy ("Naya Company", Aether Vial, Eldritch Evolution, Fauna Shaman, Whisperwood Elemental); 5-0 ~
October 1st, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; ElfKid ("Elves", Summoner's Pact); Thirteenth Place, 5-2 ~
October 1st, 2017; Competitive; Ovino XII - Modern Side Event; Timur Bose ("Naya Company", Eldritch Evolution, Hall of the Bandit Lord, Scryb Ranger); Second Place ~
October 1st, 2017; Competitive; Ovino XII - Modern Side Event; Alessio Muscio ("Abzan Company"); Top Eight ~
October 1st, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Dallas; Josepth Pizzo ("Elves"); Fourteenth Place ~
October 2nd, 2017; Regular; League; MagicPlayer234923784 ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
October 5th, 2017; Regular; League; Laplasjan ("Abzan Company", Courser of Kruphix); 5-0 ~
October 6th, 2017; Regular; League; gastonroco93 ("Abzan Company", Courser of Kruphix); 5-0 ~
October 7th, 2017; Regular; PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan at laterredesmillejeux; Allouchery Gonzague (Growth); Top Eight ~
October 7th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Birmingham; Freddie Barber ("Abzan Company"); First Place ~
October 8th, 2017; Regular; Central City Comics PPTQ; Michael Lacker ("Elves"); Second Place ~
October 8th, 2017; Regular; Central City Comics PPTQ; Liam Balash ("Abzan Company"); Top Four ~
October 8th, 2017; Competitive; Danish Modern Masters 2017 - Fall Edition; Oliver Moon ("Abzan Company"); Top Sixteen ~
October 8th, 2017; Regular; Rivals of Ixalan PPTQ (Haugesund, Norway); Christian Munoz ("Abzan Company"); Top Four ~
October 8th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Falls Church; Benjamin Ragan ("Abzan Company"); First Place ~
October 8th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Falls Church; Daniel Santos ("Elves"); Sixth Place ~
October 11th, 2017; Regular; League; Uegjo (Rogue); 5-0 ~
October 14th, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Middletown; Tyler Schluter ("Abzan Company", Hall of the Bandit Lord); Seventh Place ~
October 15th, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Charlotte; Rodney Foster ("Knightfall"); Tenth Place ~
October 21st, 2017; Competitive; Magic Barcelona Open Series (MKM Trial); Aitor Gonzalez ("Abzan Company"); Top Eight ~
October 21st, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Cincinnati; Ben Ragan ("Abzan Company"); Third Place ~
October 21st, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Cincinnati; Raja Sulaiman ("Bant Company", Fauna Shaman); Twelfth Place ~
October 21st, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Cincinnati; Kyle Boggemes ("Bant Company", Courser of Kruphix, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy ); Seventeenth Place ~
October 21st, 2017; Major; SCG Modern Open Cincinnati; Michael Bourgoin ("Bant Company", Fauna Shaman); Thirtieth Place ~
October 22nd, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; RockofZehir ("Abzan Company"); Twenty-Eighth Place, 4-3 ~
October 22nd, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Cincinnati; Caleb Faulk ("Abzan Company"); Eleventh Place ~
October 29th, 2017; Regular; League; Gienah ("Elves"); 5-0 ~
October 29th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; Kofurea ("Elves", Summoner's Pact); Twelfth Place, 5-1 // adrianretamosa ("Abzan Company"); Sixteenth Place, 5-1 // toondoslav ("Elves"); Twenty-Third Place, 4-2 ~
October 29th, 2017; Competitive; SCG Classic Washington; Todd Scott ("Bant Company", Jace, Vryn's Prodigy ); Fourteenth Place ~
October 30th, 2017; Regular; League; thecstonedebate ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
October 31st, 2017; Regular; League; Laplasjan ("Abzan Company"); 5-0 ~
November 2nd, 2017; Regular; League; Uegjo (Rogue); 5-0 ~
November 4th, 2017; Major; MKM Series Barcelona 2017; Jonas Bachstadter ("Abzan Company", Spellskite); Top Eight ~
November 4th, 2017; Competitive; Red Deer Open+; Brett Steele ("Abzan Company"); Top Eight ~
November 4th; Competitive; SCG Regionals Chicago; Brandon Boylan (Growth); Seventh Place ~
November 4th; Competitive; SCG Regionals Columbia; Alec Dishaw ("Bant Company", Geist of Saint Traft, Ghost Quarter, Meddling Mage, Mirran Crusader, Path to Exile); Fourth Place ~
November 4th; Competitive; SCG Regionals Columbia; Mason Purcell ("Elves"); Fifth Place ~
November 4th; Competitive; SCG Regionals Columbus; Eric Shoopman ("Bant Company", Jace, Vryn's Prodigy , Meddling Mage); Second Place ~
November 4th; Competitive; SCG Regionals Columbus; Jason Rice ("Elves"); Sixth Place ~
November 4th; Competitive; SCG Regionals Dallas; Gabriel Nicholas ("Abzan Company", Big Game Hunter, Fatal Push); First Place ~
November 4th; Competitive; SCG Regionals Dallas; Mickey Humphries ("Abzan Company", Courser of Kruphix, Reveillark); Second Place ~
November 4th; Competitive; SCG Regionals Minneaplois; Matthew Tickal ("Abzan Company", Abrupt Decay, Azusa, Lost but Seeking, Courser of Kruphix, Ethersworn Canonist, Ghost Quarter, Knight of the Reliquary, Ramunap Excavator); First Place ~
November 4th; Competitive; SCG Regionals Minneaplois; Tony Preeshl ("Bant Company", Jace, Vryn's Prodigy ); Eighth Place ~
November 4th; Competitive; SCG Regionals San Diego; Stephen Nicholas ("Abzan Company", Courser of Kruphix); Seventh Place ~
November 4th; Competitive; SCG Regionals Worcester; William Moore ("Abzan Company"); Second Place ~
November 4th, 2017; Regular; Modern at SpielRaum Salzburg; Leo Bauer ("Elves"); Top Eight ~
November 4th, 2017; Regular; Modern at SpielRaum Salzburg; Yalcin Fidanogullari ("Bant Company", Courser of Kruphix); Top Eight ~
November 5th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; pjkenk2 ("Bant Company", Jace, Vryn's Prodigy , Meddling Mage); Sixteenth Place, 5-2 ~
November 5th, 2017; Regular; Carta'Jeu monthly modern; Melira Less ("Abzan Company", Fauna Shaman, Ghost Quarter); First Place ~
November 5th, 2017; Regular; Modern at GameForce (Eindhoven); Erik Smit ("Abzan Company"); Second Place ~
November 7th, 2017; Regular; League; Wiess ("Elves"); 5-0 ~
November 11th, 2017; Regular; League; mlmcc1 ("Bant Company") and TesTang ("Abzan Company", Ramunap Excavator, Voice of Resurgence); 5-0 ~
November 12th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; toondoslav ("Elves"); Twenty-Fifth Place, 4-3 ~
November 12th, 2017; Regular; SCG Invitational Qualifier Glassboro; Benjaman Ragan (Growth, Meddling Mage, Voice of Resurgence); Seventh Place ~
November 16th, 2017; Regular; League; Gainsay ("Abzan Company", Courser of Kruphix, Fatal Push); 5-0 ~
November 19th, 2017; Competitive; Modern Challenge; Ckeeth ("Abzan Company", Selfless Spirit); Tenth Place, 6-2 ~
November 26th, 2017; Major; Modern Regional PTQ; Barbarossant ("Elves"); Seventh Place ~
December 3rd, 2017; Competitive; Neutral Grounds Gold Rush 2017; Nino Frigillana ("Abzan Company"); Top Four ~
December 9th, 2017; Competitive; Friday Quest Modern Open Challenge; Roberto Gonzales ("Abzan Company"); First Place ~
December 10th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Oklahoma City 2017; Charles McDaniel ("Elves"); Tenth Place ~
December 10th, 2017; Grand Prix; Team Grand Prix Madrid 2017; Adrian Ramiro Cano ("Abzan Company"); First Place // Kasper Bran ("Abzan Company"); Second Place // Luis Salvatto ("Elves"); Top Four ~
January 20th, 2018; Competitive; Regran Modern Open; Werick Pagtakhan ("Abzan Company"); First Place ~
January 20th, 2018; Competitive; 11 Mhysteria Modern; Filipe Ambrosini ("Abzan Company"); Fourth Place ~
January 21st, 2018; Major; SCG Team Constructed Open Louisville; Michael Cortez ("Bant Company"); Second Place ~
January 28th, 2018; Major; SCG Classic Philadelphia ; AJ Martenco ("Bant Company"); Third Place ~
- February 12th, 2018; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Toronto 2018; Bertrand Joseph-Pare ("Elves"); Top Eight ~
From this point forward, I will be only posting important events.
March 2018
Nothing worth mentioning. :(
Special Mention:
First Major Win, 332 Players = May 21st, 2017; Major; 9th Modern God Challenger; Yamamoto Kouhei ("Abzan Company", Murderous Redcap); First Place ~
Grand Prix Copenhagen 2017, 1837 Players = May 28th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Copenhagen 2017; Michael Steinecke ("Abzan Company"); Top Eight ~
Grand Prix Kobe 2017, 2802 Players = May 28th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Kobe 2017; Kenta Masukado ("Naya Company"); Ninth Place ~
Grand Prix Las Vegas 2017, 3264 Players = June 18th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Las Vegas 2017; Zack Kanners ("Abzan Company"); Seventeenth Place ~
Grand Prix Birmingham 2017, 1735 Players = August 13th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Birmingham 2017; Oscar Christensen ("Abzan Company"); Top Four ~
Grand Prix Sao Paulo 2017, 1200 Players = August 13th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Sao Paulo 2017; Julian Reyes ("Abzan Company"); Seventh Place ~
Grand Prix Oklahoma City 2017, 1400 Players = December 10th, 2017; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Oklahoma City 2017; Charles McDaniel ("Elves"); Tenth Place ~
Team Grand Prix Madrid 2017, 625 Teams, 1875 Players = December 10th, 2017; Grand Prix; Team Grand Prix Madrid 2017; Adrian Ramiro Cano ("Abzan Company"); First Place ~
Grand Prix Toronto 2018, 1679 Players = February 12th, 2018; Grand Prix; Grand Prix Toronto 2018; Bertrand Joseph-Pare ("Elves"); Top Eight ~
Congratulations, you peeps are the real MVPs! :D
Gameplay Videos
Channel Fireball Modern Monday: Devoted Vizier (Match 1) ~
MTGGoldfish Instant Deck Tech: Vizier Druid Combo (Modern) ~
TCGplayer [MTG] Modern Devoted Vizier Combo | Match 1 VS Mardu Control ~
The Mana Source Devoted Company Combo Modern Deck Tech ~
Eldrazi Tron vs. Abzan Devoted Druid Combo ~
Modern MtG: Kitchen Company vs Death's Shadow ~
The Ultimate Modern Abzan Collected Company Video Primer ~
Magic Jargon
Archangel Combo ~ Gain infinite health and grant infinite +1/+1 counters on all Creatures besides Spike Feeder. To accomplish this, you need to have both Archangel of Thune and Spike Feeder.
CMC ~ Acronym for converted mana cost.
Druid Combo ~ Infinite green mana combo. The combination involves Devoted Druid without summoning sickness and Vizier of Remedies.
ETB ~ Acronym for enter the battlefield.
Fast land ~ A dual-coloured Land that comes into the battlefield tapped unless you control two or less Lands.
Fetch land ~ A Land that can be sacrificed to search your Library for a Land of one of two Land-Subtypes.
Knightfall Combo ~ Deal a lethal amount of damage with Knight of the Reliquary. Through the Knights ability to tap and sacrifice a Land to gain another, along with Retreat to Coralhelm and it's ability to untap the Knight with every new Land drop, you thin out your deck and the Knight becomes a very heavy beater.
Legendary land ~ A Land that can only have a one-of on your side of the battlefield at all times. If another appears, the owner has to decide which one is sent to the Graveyard before continuing play.
Loyalty counters ~ Planeswalker counters. Dictates what abilities are available and once it reaches zero or below, the Planeswalker is destroyed.
Mana Dork ~ A Creature that can be tapped for a mana resource.
Manlands ~ A Land that can become a Land Creature for a turn.
Melira Combo ~ Three-permanent required combo that can grant infinite health or deal infinite damage. The original combination required Kitchen Finks or Murderous Redcap, Melira, Sylvok Outcast, and Viscera Seer. There are other variations of this combo that can be swapped out for better synergy.
Twin Exarch Combo ~ The combination of Deceiver Exarch and Splinter Twin. When Twin is placed onto the Exarch, you activate an infinite combo that makes an infinite amount of Deceiver Exarch Tokens with Haste by tapping the Exarch with Splinter Twins granted ability, then making the newly created Token untap that Exarch with it's ETB ability so it can activate it again and again.
Utility land ~ A Land that has a function besides tapping for resources.
Win Condition ~ A culmination of tactical maneuvers a player utilizes to win the game.
Should I play this?
Yes, you should! This deck is very powerful and pressures the opponent to second-guess how quickly you are able to win. If Devoted Druid is on the field, then they must act accordingly or risk a loss if you manage to get the combo ready the following turn. It CAN kill on turn three. It isn't even unlikely. Turn one, Land and maybe Birds of Paradise or Noble Hierarch. Turn two, play a Land than a Devoted Druid. Turn three, play Vizier of Remedies, Chord of Calling into Duskwatch Recruiter and then search your way to one of your many Win Conditions, or cast Chord of Calling into Rhonas the Indomitable, swing with Devoted Druid and win!
Thank you for reading, and if you do try it out and like it, or have suggestions for revising, please comment or upvote the deck! I would love to hear from you! :D
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Date added | 7 years |
Last updated | 6 years |
Legality | This deck is Modern legal. |
Rarity (main - side) | 1 - 1 Mythic Rares 35 - 5 Rares 14 - 8 Uncommons 6 - 1 Commons |
Cards | 60 |
Avg. CMC | 2.24 |
Folders | Testers, Nice decks, modern decks, Tri-Color, Modern Elves, Modern |
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