Fiery Emancipation

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fiery Emancipation


If a source you control would deal damage to a permanent or player, it deals triple that damage to that permanent or player instead.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Khârn deck help

2 months ago

I obviously have no idea how exactly your deck looks. But I imagine you would have some damage multipliers such as Fiery Emancipation. So maybe try some Fling effects for the 1v1 phase of the game?

lhetrick13 on Anim's Automotives

5 months ago

muzack - I know right? Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon is surprising fun to play and is a very overlooked commander.

The deck could go in multiple directions but the direction I was taking this in was more of a burn deck with the inclusion of various ways to hit opponents with non-combat damage with cards like Impact Tremors and Sunshot Militia, compounding that damage with multipliers like Fiery Emancipation or trying to trigger it multiple times per turn with extra combat via cards like Aurelia, the Warleader. The entire concept of the deck is trying to either make gnomes and ping for damage or just creatures to ping for damage. The inclusion of Roaming Throne made me want to give the deck a tribal feel so that is why you see a strong human theme as Roaming Throne will let me trigger Anim twice.

I won a game with this deck by getting out Anointed Procession, Fiery Emancipation, and Impact Tremors throughout the game and in a single turn created 18 gnomes for a total of 72 damage directly to each opponent :) Keep an eye on this as I recently just put in a order to Cardkingdom to pick up better support cards. Many of the cards in this deck were just what I had one hand and are not exactly a good fit. So I will be altering it heavily in the near future.

Regardless, thank you for the compliments and feedback! I am pretty humbled that you legitly piloted the deck. That is pretty cool!

Bobylicious on Play Rakdos. Do Crimes.

5 months ago

Have you thought of some red damage doublers ? Solphim, Mayhem Dominus or Fiery Emancipation

Veethevvitch on Necessary Evil (Vampire Tribal)

9 months ago

griffstick True Conviction is quite important because it gives lifelink to all vampires + sanguine bond + exquisite blood makes a killer combo. Especially if many vampires are on the field! :)

However i totally agree that Fiery Emancipation would be better than Rage Reflection!

MightyPox on Demon Till Your Dreams Come True

9 months ago

Hi Rocketman! How is it going?

Nice to see your Rakdos primer is still active and updated!
I appreciate the new section about Rakdos Game Theory!
Haven't played Magic for some time now but my buddy and I will be getting back at it soon. In preparation for that I went through the Rakdos-coloured demons on Gatherer and saw that there are new demons to consider for the deck.

Bloodletter of Aclazotz
We can always use effects like Archfiend of Despair/Fiery Emancipation, so this one's really good.
My deck does most of it's damage during my turn anyhow. Definitely adding it to the deck.

Infernal Sovereign
An effect in the vein of Recycle/Null Profusion on a 6/6 flying, trampling demon may help us in a pseudo combo turn.
I'm usually always playing a land and/or spell each turn or drawing/filtering cards in other ways so skipping the draw step is not a great set back. Not sure about this one but will be testing it.

Bringer of the Last Gift
Living Death is one of my favourite cards in this deck and here it is stacked on a 6/6 flying demon.
The only draw back is that it has to be cast for which is a steep price as most of the expensive demons are reanimated. Only Hellcarver Demon may cheat it into play.
Nevertheless I will try this one out, maybe in place of Patriarch's Bidding.

Scourge of the Skyclaves
This one has been around for a while now and most of the time it will be : everybody loses half of his or her life.
In an earlier iteration of the deck I ran Havoc Festival which was nice because it speeds up things and my opponents would lose the life before me and not simultaneously.
Still for this deck I'm always looking for demons that do "crazy things" and maybe one day I will test this guy.

Concerning The Balrog of Moria: I read that you had this one on and off your deck and I think I like it.
All of it's abilities are relevant to us. If I find space for him I will test him for sure!

I read through your change log/Rakdos Game Theory/user comments and I understand that you emphasize playing the commander and therefore divert slightly away from the demon-theme.
While I think that your success proves you right, I just can't bring myself to cut a lot of demons from this deck - I'm a flavour freak on this one. :D
I'm really light on Rakdos protection (Tibalt's Trickery, Lightning Greaves and Not of this World are the only ones right now). Maybe if I could find room for Bolt Bend and Deflecting Swat I could see myself casting Rakdos more often.
On the other hand: since I've been playing this deck 1vs1 most of the time, connecting with Rakdos is devastating for my opponent and almost always leads to victory.
I also had situations when I had the mana to cast Rakdos very early in the game but had also options to do crazy stuff that could potentially win me the game.
Albeit risky I mostly tried the crazy things because this is my only deck that can do this kind of thing - the Rakdos thing. :D

I'm looking forward on reading what you think about the demon suggestions I made in this post!

CommanderNeyo on Can you feel the ground shake?

10 months ago

Have you considered any of the damage triplers, such as Fiery Emancipation or City on Fire?

Vexiumm on Anim Pakal, Gnomes of Devastation

10 months ago

Some other adds you can consider for the deck with City on Fire is great, but you cannot play Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might  Flip with it. Your opponent gets to choose how the replacement effects stack. So, if you that or Fiery Emancipation in the deck. Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might  Flip is kinda of a dead card if you draw it or its on the field.

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