Intruder Alarm

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Intruder Alarm


Creatures don't untap during their controllers' untap steps.

Whenever a creature enters the battlefield, untap all creatures.

Nic44 on Exploring the Depths (Hakbal Budget EDH)

1 month ago

Why are the lands Holdout Settlement and Survivors' Encampment listed in the "Combo" section? I'm failing to see any combo with these lands, as Intruder Alarm doesn't untap lands.

Tsukimi on Eda, Mother of the Lost

1 month ago

Tysm everyone, I am really loving this discussion and how thoughtful y'all are! Since the intent is to play it in my playgroup, I figured I would mention as a table we avoid infinite combos. People can run them if they want, but none of us really do - so I would most likely avoid Intruder Alarm in this deck like I do in most others.

What I have experienced playing many iterations of this Copy Token archetype (and that was starting way back when we only had Populate lol) the deck will rely pretty heavily on the commander providing Offspring to be able to create tokens, and without protection she will be a lightning rod for removal. legendofa is right on the money, I think the chance of getting to bigger cards will require having protection available for Eda first, meaning even with ramp I am unlikely to cast anything like Avenger of Zendikar until I have protection or can do something with the tokens aside from just gaining life. Often, I will have to rely on Eda as my commander and she costs 5 and has no protection so I'm guessing I'll have to focus more on protecting her and smaller pieces than ramping into these giant threats.

I really appreciate all the comments from both of you! This has been a huge help to think - how can I break this card? How often am I going to be able to do something like that?

More often Im guessing I will be lucky to pull off an Offspring cost on a 5 mana card and that's still a heavy investment at 7 mana. Usually I find the one round I need to start populating or going off is the round someone board wipes or nukes my commander, and then recasting her for 7 before paying another Offspring cost seem like a fairly prohibitive mana value. Ideally, I am wondering if she should cost one less and maybe the Populate should cost more or something- but I'm at a sweet spot with the fairness of this card as Crow and others have agreed. So I'm going to keep Eda as is for the first playtest.

I know I say thank you a lot but this is like my 4th iteration of a homebrew bant copy token commander and this is the first time I feel like I am onto something that isn't going to feel... bad to play. If anyone has any specific card suggestions or anything like that I am all ears since I'm going to start deckbuilding today!

legendofa on Eda, Mother of the Lost

1 month ago

All good. It's a great philosophy for building resilient, self-reinforcing decks, and Eda definitely deserves that treatment. Right now, though, I'm looking more at the card in a vacuum. Less of a "how well can I exploit and optimize this card" ceiling and more of a "how does this card compare to others with a similar function" floor.

Eda can be a huge value engine when surrounded by higher-end cards, no question. But right now it feels to me like the floor's a little bit too low. It feels too much like the card's power is a little too reliant on the cards around it. When I was comparing it to Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage and trying it alongside Experimental Aviator, I was comparing it to what appear to be the baseline costs and abilities for token generation, seeing how quickly it could do its thing for what cost without looking too much at power and toughness. The Aviator in my example could be replaced by Geist-Honored Monk, or Head of the Homestead, or Trostani Discordant, or any other creature that brings two tokens for five mana with no requirements or conditions. That seems to be the most efficient typical rate for token generation, which is what Eda wants to do. The test could be scaled up with Cloudgoat Ranger, or Captain of the Watch, or Avenger of Zendikar. But at that point, we're looking at specific card interactions, not minimum efficiency level, since there are very few cards that produce tokens at that rate. (And reading back, I could have made that clearer.)

So that's where I coming from right now. Again, I'm not saying you're wrong to look at the card in the context of a full deck. I was also throwing around stuff like Intruder Alarm and Gruff Triplets. I just think it could use a little more tweaking before it gets fully to that point.

legendofa on Eda, Mother of the Lost

1 month ago

TypicalTimmy No problem. How many tokens will Avenger of Zendikar create the next time you cast it?

But yeah, those would be great cards for this deck. I think the best way to break Eda is to go all in on making as many tokens as possible, with a side of Soul Sisters. I already mentioned Intruder Alarm, so that plus Eda plus four mana from creatures plus another two creatures can go infinite. Eda can supply a lot of that by spamming Bloom Tenders or whatever, but it seems like the cards that would break Eda the most are combo cards that are already half-broken themselves.

legendofa on Eda, Mother of the Lost

1 month ago

Intruder Alarm might be the best way to break Eda at this point, but that card can go infinite with a sandwich.

dylan.575 on Inalla and the Goblet of Fire

3 months ago

Not sure if you want to break up with Inalla... I know that feeling. She's a lot of fun, but it tends to steer away from a functionally playable state. Most of the time, I found myself missing a finisher or unable to execute what was needed due to mana shortages for my fun combos. The times I did win were either with a weenie stomp or when my fun combos actually worked.

Anyway, this week, I updated my Inalla deck and I'd like to share my insights.

Too Many Strategies/Themes All the wizards with unique flavors want a place in this deck. However, thinking about spells and combos quickly dilutes the deck's strategy. So, I decided on the main strategy and an extra theme (like ramp, draw, etc.) to support that strategy. Each theme must consist of between 8-16 cards in the deck. This ensures there's a better chance of drawing the theme cards. The additional category I labeled as 'value' tags. These are cards that help the deck but aren't essential for supporting the main strategy. This is where the first cuts are made.

Take, for example, Beguiler of Wills. I love that card - its ability and art are so cool. However, it's expensive at 6 mana (Inalla trigger for haste), and most of the time, my board state was poor due to having a lot of expensive cards. So, I found myself only stealing a power 2-3 creature. Everyone would know what happens next turn and react accordingly, necessitating more mana for protection. What's the strategy here? Stealing the big bad (eventually) or gathering combo pieces? This led me to cut her. BUT if the strategy/theme involves untap/tap effects like Intruder Alarm & Faces of the Past, this card makes more sense (although it still needs haste from Lightning Greaves).

This puzzling process indeed takes time, and time can sometimes make us lose sight of the original purpose of the deck. Getting caught up in exploring cards and potential combos can make it even harder to create a functional deck. I hope my insights and struggles shed some light on yours. It's a journey to strike the right balance between fun and functionality in deck-building.

DoctorMunchiesPHD on A Pimp Named Sliver Overlord

5 months ago

Mortlocke Yeah man, it's not necessarily a win-con but turn 3-4 with ramp if you have any of your haste Slivers in play like you're typically going for, bare minimum when your opponent enters their next turn after Telekinetic Sliver hits the field on said turns you just disable two of their lands.

With some miraculous hands you can play Intruder Alarm and one Sliver on T3 then have 6 lands T4 to play Telekinetic Sliver and tap 4 permanents with the Slivers currently in play and do it again if they play a creature. Imo great value for something that turns essentially your entire army into a better version of Blinding Mage

Mortlocke on A Pimp Named Sliver Overlord

5 months ago

Yes, I'm aware that Zur the Enchanter gets around counter magic through his ability, but in my opinion that seems like an unnecessarily convoluted way to try and solve a problem. Slivers have access to all colors - why not just run your own counter magic? Or control/stax pieces like Conqueror's Flail?

I'm not trying to be a contrarion here but this - "In turn 3 u cast vampiric tutor searching for enchanment, turn 4 cast Zur, turn 5 attack zur and draw second enchanment to loop combo." Doesn't make alotta sense. On turn 4 you'd have the enchantment you intend to put into play in hand. Zur won't be able to target said Enchantment when he eventually attacks on turn 5. I'm not sure what you're trying to say here without you at least naming all the cards you intend to use for the implied combo.

So your analysis of 4 CMC slivers boils down to "their power / toughness is low, so therefore they are bad". Sure, if they were vanilla creatures sure I'd agree with you. BUT - reading the card explains the card. Say you have Magma Sliver and 3 other smaller slivers in play. With one attack you could deal 15 damage to a player. If another one of those slivers was Shifting Sliver, then that damage is unblockable. So you say that slivers are likely to be targeted for removal? Well if your opponents aren't brain dead then they absolutely should be targeting any of the previously mentioned. But again Slivers are in all 5 colors, so say it with me now: Run. Interaction. It stops your mass removal, or if you really wanna flex, run a commander staple like Teferi's Protection.

"Next things is what u do if some one play "Ghostly prison", "Moat" or "The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale" + "Winter Orb" or "Winter Orb" + "Static Orb" ?"

Harmonic Sliver. As for The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale - Beast Within. Ill repeat myself just the once - Interaction. As for my face, well...if you want we can play some games on Spelltable. Doubt you'd show. Also doubt you own any of the expensive cards you like to try to flex with.

But I digress, DoctorMunchiesPHD tell me more about your Intruder Alarm + Telekinetic Sliver combo. This is your page after all.

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