Chivalric Alliance

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chivalric Alliance


Whenever you attack with two or more creatures, draw a card.

, Discard a card: Create a 2/2 white and blue Knight creature token with vigilance

KattarinaM981 on ....But it happens twice.

3 months ago

Crow_Umbra So my main issues were: 1. Not having enough mana (I dropped some creatures this time around to try to increase my mana production, but I would rather have a larger creature base.) 2. I got board wiped two different games, and once that happened I just didn't seem to draw anything that was helpful to rebuild my board state back (This could very well just be poor shuffling as I had just reorganized the deck earlier and seemed to keep getting the same card type back to back) 3. I wasn't drawing cards fast enough to replenish what I was using to protect my board (Seems like problem 2 and 3 are a birds of a feather)

Someone at the FNM suggested I put in The Master, Multiplied so I can negate having to exile tokens (such as Delina, Wild Mage's effect). So based upon that feedback, as well as your first (and sort of second point) there, I think I'll try to spot some more creatures w/ token generation that can support The Master's ability.

Regarding protection--- I took Iroas out just to make way for something else, and because I had the Dolmen Gate. Should I go ahead and put Iroas back in to give me some more help? Any other protection cards I should look into?

I'm still pretty new to the game, so I don't know a lot about other cards/abilities that get me card draw that isn't that cantrip effect? I was thinking about the Tocasia's Welcome and the Chivalric Alliance you suggested before, just struggling with what enchantment/other card to drop in exchange for those.

Crow_Umbra on ....But it happens twice.

4 months ago

Oh nice! You're in for a fun time, Isshin is a lot of fun to pilot. Is there a general budget you have in mind once you do start buying cards? Because of his ability, there's certainly different archetypes that you can emphasize in your build, or mix and match them to best suit your play group's vibe, or your preferred play style.

Since you haven't really play-tested the deck much yet, I'll keep my feedback more general. Once you start getting a feel for it, you'll have a better idea of potential changes you might want to make. A few things I can think of:

  • Angelic Exaltation is kinda off-theme, although it has an attack trigger. The emphasis on a single attacker doesn't mesh as well with the various token makers in your creature base. You have a lot of strong pieces to build a wide board and overrun your opponents. I think this is a safe swap out.

  • I think you can swap a couple of board wipes for some board protection effects like Scapegoat, Fanatical Devotion, or Unbreakable Formation. The first two give you means of repurposing your creature tokens to save more important stuff. Alternatively, Plumb the Forbidden can be a devious response to a board wipe, & kill your board to draw some cards. I think you can swap out Plague Wind, since it's the most expensive card, mana-wise.

  • Avacyn can probably be swapped for some lower on the curve protection options like Reconnaissance or Dolmen Gate, which is less budget. Reconnaissance was recently reprinted in the Assassin's Creed set with updated reminder text. This EDHREC article details how it can be utilized as a pseudo-Vigilance anthem. Avacyn is a powerful card, but she's very heavy on for a 3 color deck.

  • To compliment your creature token production, I think you can maybe swap Arni for Welcoming Vampire, Tocasia's Welcome, or Chivalric Alliance as a means of keeping your hand stocked.

I think retooling a bit on how you protect your board and draw cards could be some decent spots to focus on first. Isshin is very board dependent, he thrives from keeping it protected to maintain that aggro momentum.

Hopefully those are some helpful starting points. Best of luck with your games tomorrow, I hope you stomp your friends lol

Master_J on Attack Attack!

5 months ago

OUT: Faithless Looting, Thrill of Possibility, Anger

IN: Brave the Sands, Chivalric Alliance, Aurelia, the Law Above

Making a few minor changes. I generally don't like throwing cards away with no way to Reanimate them, so taking those out for other small enchantments that will hopefully help me longer term.

Then trading or haste with Anger for some evasive draw enabler.

Lord_of_Lords on List of Bugs and Feature …

8 months ago

Chivalric Alliance only makes blue/white knight creature tokens with vigilance, but I think it's set on here to also make normal white knight creature tokens with vigilance.

Crow_Umbra on A Plane of Knights & Dragons

9 months ago

Cool deck, I'm digging the theme you went with. Not sure if she'd be too "off theme" based off her appearance, but Paladin Elizabeth Taggerdy is a new Knight from the Caesar precon. She'd be able to place 23/34 of your creatures onto the battlefield with her effect, & could have that ceiling raised a bit with some of the anthems you run in the deck. Even without the "polymorph" effect, she is a source of draw.

Speaking of draw, is Chivalric Alliance something that might be in your budget? Seems like it could be on theme, given the art, and since it makes Knight tokens.

Crow_Umbra on two wind assault

10 months ago

Nice! Isshin is a lot of fun, and can quickly become arch-enemy, as I'm sure you've probably experienced. I think if you're going to move on from the Samurai, I'd suggest also trimming back on the equipment subtheme, as they can be pretty mana-intensive without additional equipment support.

I've personally had more experience with playing a more tokens go-wide take on Isshin, which I think can be pretty fun and dynamic. A few general suggestions if you do cut back on Samurai & Equipment, and decide to focus more on going wide:

Just some quick ideas for how you could make use of those Samurai and Equipment slots if you decide to change them up. Hopefully these suggestions were helpful

Last_Laugh on Isshin, Two Whoopins as One

10 months ago

The other thing I'm noticing now that I take a closer look is you're very light on card draw. You only have 5 cards that draw right now including 2x that are just a 1 time use (Jeska's/Fable).

Breena, the Demagogue, Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant, Emberwilde Captain, Tocasia's Welcome, Skullclamp, Chivalric Alliance, and Plumb the Forbidden are all solid options here that won't break the bank.

Crow_Umbra on Anim Pakal, Gnomes of Devastation

1 year ago

Your deck looks pretty fun. I run Anim Pakal in the 99 of one of my decks, and have enjoyed how she plays. In looking at your deck, I do have a few recommendations for consideration:

Hope these suggestions are to your liking.

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