Liliana's Triumph

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Liliana's Triumph


Each opponent sacrifices a creature. If you control a Liliana planeswalker, each opponent also discards a card.

Icbrgr on MBC: "Look Mom, No Hands!"

6 months ago

@capwner I actually just had a FNM tonight and played this deck (but my Shriekmaw/Slaughter Pact/Sudden Spoiling/Grim Discovery are still in the mail... so instead I was running a playset of Bloodghast and some ratio of Liliana's Triumph/Sheoldred's Edict/Augur of Skulls... I will update this deck with the matchup results next week when I get the missing cards in.

Tonight I played against yawg and Rhinos and had a bye.... In the yawgmoth matchup One of the games I just got absolutely blown out by Force of Vigor getting rid of my both The Rack/Shrieking Afflictions and both of us were in topdeck mode but I ended up losing. I went 1-2 for both the games I played tonight; granted I lost but they were close/winnable I swear!

I have been toying with the idea of Cabal Coffers but The real monkey wrench of the deck is Smallpox and Liliana of the Veil... some games I can get 5 lands in play but other times its a struggle to get/keep 3; I think thats why I like Ghost Quarter simply because there isn't any investment to use it.

Icbrgr on I hate your hand

10 months ago

I've got an arena deck kinda like this hoping to mimic 8-Rack in modern using Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage and Sheoldred, the Apocalypse. The cards I run that really shine for me are Infernal Grasp and Power Word Kill for targeted creature removal. Sheoldred's Edict and Liliana's Triumph are also pretty neat especially if you run Liliana of the Veil.... all in all i love it! +1

Azoth2099 on Kresh of the savage horde

1 year ago


Edicts! Mass Edicts! Fleshbag Marauder, Merciless Executioner, Demon's Disciple, Plaguecrafter & Gravelighter are all nuts in this build. I wouldn't recommend ones that cost more than 3, though. Soul Shatter, Vona's Hunger, Liliana's Triumph & Sheoldred's Edict do the same thing at Instant speed, with the tradeoff being less Counters on Kresh the Bloodbraided, as those are not Creature Spells.

Those cheap, 3-drop Elemental stompers are solid as well, like Ball Lightning & Lightning Skelemental.

I'd also recommend literally as many Dorks as possible, as they also pump Kresh when they die, they're utility at both the floor and the ceiling of your deck is undeniable.

Pestilence & Pyrohemia are also worth it for this Commander for the same reason mass Edicts are worth it: controlling the board and pumping your Commander at the same time is just a great thing to do.

More card draw couldn't hurt either, maybe a Beast Whisperer & a Dark Tutelage or something.


DreadKhan on Mono Black Pox Control

1 year ago

I'm not sure if you have enough removal here to make them work, but I absolutely loved Phyrexian Totem in my Pox deck, it's an incredibly fast clock if people have an empty board. If you used Shrieking Affliction over The Rack you might try out Leechridden Swamp, these seem too small to matter, but in longer/slower games they are a nice surprise. Leechridden Swamp also likes Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage, which combines a Rack effect with the option of a discard effect, he's also a very good Rack, even at 3 mana.

I don't know what else you should run in their place, but is Fatal Push really a good fit in here? I usually see it run in decks that use Fetchlands. I think I'd just run x4 Sudden Edict and try to keep the board clear, is the targeting that key? There is also Liliana's Triumph and Geth's Verdict that each relevant have upsides and can hit big/durable stuff.

If you don't mind raising your budget a bit (and stay on The Rack) Urza's Saga can find a Rack for you, that's a lot better than paying 4 mana for a Wasteland I'd argue, and that ignores the supply of constructs you can get if you've got nothing better going on.

Have you ever tried out Necrogen Mists? It doesn't work well with stuff like Quest for the Nihil Stone, but it's great with The Rack, once you get one out the opponent no longer can sit on their cards, they only go down without serious card draw.

Really like what you've built, it's always nice to see different takes on the archetypes of Discard and Pox!

thefiresoflurve on Who Hurt You (WHY!?)

1 year ago

Nice brew! Have you considered Liliana, Dreadhorde General? Would be a sick 5 mana Tergrid -> 6 mana Liliana -> -4 Liliana -> you have the entire field. Also, as a bonus, would synergize with Liliana's Triumph :D The ulti, too.... if that goes off with Tergrid on the field, everyone else might as well scoop.

Could maybe cut Divest for it, since the Liliana does creature control also? What do you think?

Mousemke on Project Murder

1 year ago

some upgrades you may like for modern

Cabal Coffers more mana than you know what to do with

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth makes up for coffers not producing black, opens up the ability to use other utility lands in the future

Vesuva more coffers!

Dauthi Voidwalker would you like that big creature they just sacrificed?

Liliana of the Veil sacrifice and discard at your discression

Torment of Hailfire remember all that cabal coffers mana?

Crawling Barrens another great place to put all that black mana

Surgical Extraction could be good mainboard, maybe sideboard?

Invoke Despair sacrifice all the things

Go Blank maybe sideboard graveyard removal

Gray Merchant of Asphodel not sure if it makes sense but you do already have one devotion card and gary is great

Feed the Swarm all the sacrifice enchantment things could prob be replaced with this and even this is maybe sideboard material - always do your best not to give the opponent a choice

Liliana's Triumph could replace some of the libation, especially if you end up adding lilly

Castle Locthwain hooray for card draw!

Dark Confidant hooray for card draw!

Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek maybe main, maybe sideboard. what if they have no creatures?

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