Choice of Damnations

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Choice of Damnations

Sorcery — Arcane

Target opponent chooses a number. You may have that player lose that much life. If you don't, that player sacrifices all but that many permanents.

PrincessOfFriendship on Legacy Burn: Bigger, Blacker & Uncut

1 month ago

In a deck like this, I'd want to throw in Choice of Damnations. Overall very nice deck, love it.

NTakamura on Political burn/life loss deck help

5 months ago

I want build a deck around cards like Tyrant's Choice Pain's Reward Mob Verdict Choice of Damnations and Prisoner's Dilemma. Where player are given choice and can result in some life lost or damage. Are there more cards that give player choices and life loss can sometime be a result? I have not pick up am sticking with so suggestion anything that comes to mind.

YourNeighborhoodGhost on ✠ Ascendency or Ashes (Marchesa) ✠

2 years ago

nice deck, Choice of Damnations is such a great card, maybe you will like Cruel Entertainment

reddeath68 on Everything Has a Price

2 years ago

Lithelain Some interesting suggestions, the problem with Vengeful Strangler  Flip is that they just sacrifice whatever you put the curse on. Accursed Witch  Flip would work better but she is a bit more expensive at 4 CMC.

Combustible Gearhulk Is interesting but they can be a huge whiff at 6 mana if you hit lands, plus milling can rope you of much needed cards. For instance imagine if you accidently mill your needed board wipe or kill spell, especially if Killing Wave is your board wipe over Choice of Damnations as that would only do 1 damage.

Creeping Chill Would work much better in a self mill deck, something like dredge or surveil.

reddeath68 on Everything Has a Price

2 years ago

zapyourtumor I am not sure where you are testing Choice of Damnations but in my experience it is a solid board wipe. The only issue is that it is bugged on MTGO. The ideal usage is when your opponent has a fairly solid board state and low HP they can't offer much life and are forced to sacrifice most of their board. For example say they have 7 lands and 5 creatures but only 4 life. At most they can only offer 3 life or they will automatically lose should we accept their offer, as such they have to sacrifice all but 3 permanents, including lands. Or we can accept their offer of 3 life and then bolt them. Either way there is utility but it has to be used right. Ideally you might want a second guaranteed board wipe ready.

As for Knollspine Invocation I recently added that as a sort of backup plan. The weakness of our deck is if our opponent just lets us draw off from our Risk Factor's and Sword-Point Diplomacy's then we end up with a hand full of cards and no outlet for them and the opponent would have saved themselves a lot of life. But with Knollspine Invocation instead of casting them we can pay the same cost and direct them at our opponents face or even a creature if it posses a threat to us. I will agree that it is a smidge clunky and mana intensive but I haven't found a better solution yet. I am open to suggestions

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