Star Compass

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Star Compass


Star Compass enters the battlefield tapped.

: Add one mana of any colour a basic land you control could produce.

legendofa on Cryptic Spires

1 year ago

Caerwyn Aside from Cryptic Spires, do any cards have mana symbols somewhere outside of the mana cost and rules text? I guess Deathmark and Star Compass, but I'd be surprised if anyone considers art to be a color identity determinant.

SemjonsDad on Toxrill

1 year ago

Dimir Signet, Mind Stone, Prismatic Lens, Arcane Signet, Charcoal Diamond, Coldsteel Heart, Corrupted Grafstone, Ebony Fly, Fellwar Stone, Fractured Powerstone, Guardian Idol, Liquimetal Torque, Obsidian Obelisk, Sky Diamond, Star Compass, Talisman of Dominance, Thought Vessel - Those are the viable 2 cmc mana rocks (Everflowing Chalice could also be played for 2 mana, but also scales more into the later stages due to Multikicker) Moonsnare Prototype and Springleaf Drum are 1 cmc but require a creature/artifact which you could tap to produce 1 mana. Sol Talisman and Mox Tantalite are also relative cheap in price.

For Land ramp, there arent that many options in Dimir, but here are the ones I would consider - Lantern of Revealing: 3 cmc Rock, that can ramp later Wayfarer's Bauble: The classic Dreamscape Artist: 2 CMC creature, that turns each card in your hand into Harrow Druidic Satchel: Not guarantees a land but not completely without value Navigation Orb: Bauble but slower Myriad Landscape: Land that fetches 2 Lands

Revel in Riches as an enchantment as is Black Market but that is kinda slow and comes relatively late Those are my suggestions for Ramp. Hope you find them helpful and GL with the deck :)

CommanderNeyo on Kalemne, Stomping like a GIANT!!

1 year ago

I would highly recommend Calamity Bearer, since it doubles the damage of all your giants and works very well with Kalemne's Double Strike.

I also would suggest you look into Boros Signet and Talisman of Conviction, as they are very helpful at securing your colors. I would consider them over the diamonds and Star Compass.

For removal, I would consider looking into Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Wear / Tear, and Cleansing Nova or Day of Judgment. Cheap removal allows you to continue to play the cards you want to, without having to decide between removing an opponent's threat or playing your own. Also, since your creatures have fairly high mana-costs, you can easily hold a board wipe in hand, wait for your opponents to play all their creatures, then remove them in one fell swoop before playing your own threats.

Lastly, Kalemne is actually a woman... I also thought she was a guy when I first saw her.

thefiresoflurve on Am I seeing doubles?

2 years ago

ooh, a few more things I thought of: Skyclave Relic is a fairly solid mana rock, and it is flexible in that you can cast it as two mana rocks. The neat part is kicker costs are also copied, so your commander would make four mana rocks.

Arcane Signet could also probably be added, since you have so few 2 CMC mana rocks available in mono blue. Star Compass, too.

OLucas on Traxos, the Colorblind

2 years ago

Both Arcane Signet and Star Compass don't add mana since colorless is not a color.

x12721 on Budget Death Doubling

2 years ago

I would definitely agree with Talisman of Hierarchy, Fellwar Stone, and maybe even Chromatic Lantern to help with your ramp. I really like rocks that are <=2mv, and even Star Compass may be worth considering even though it enters tapped.

multimedia on Feather, Tactician and Savior (Budget)

2 years ago

Hey, well done budget version of Feather that's less than $50 and nice WIP primer.

Consider adding some budget stables of Commander?

Adding a few other mana rocks can help with color fixing since 30x basic lands is a lot, you're not getting much color fixing from lands. More repeatable treasure sources are another way to ramp/color fix.

Dreadhorde Arcanist and Mavinda, Students' Advocate are excellent if you're having to discard instants/sorceries due to hand size. These budget creatures let you cast instants/sorceries from your graveyard and if you control Feather then you get to exile the spell before it goes back to the graveyard. Out of the three options to have no max hand size only Reliquary Tower is good because it's a land. The other two are not worth a card spot just for no max hand size.

With such a low budget dual lands are most difficult to fit in, but there's some other options to consider to cut some basic lands.

If you're playing Sunforger then Mistveil Plains is a land to consider since it lets you keep casting the same instants with Sunforger.

If you want to add budget infinite win condition combos then Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip can be an enabler for many and I only suggest these because you already have Birgi. Dualcaster Mage can also be an enabler.

Grinning Ignus can also infinite combo without Birgi. Ignus + Runaway + Liege or Tremors = infinite damage to each opponent.

Dualcaster Mage combos with Heat Shimmer or Twinflame to create infinite hasty attacking Dualcasters. Dualcaster + Shimmer + Liege or Tremors = infinite damage to each opponent.

Out of all of these cards Balefire Liege is powerful with the Feather strategy: +2/+2 for Feather, source of repeatable burn at opponents, source of repeatable life gain and can be an infinite combo piece.

Heat Shimmer has interaction with Feather to come back to your hand if you copy your own creature. Shimmer can also copy an opponent's creature which can be helpful in multiplayer Commander and it has nice interaction with Mavinda, Students' Advocate who can get it back for Feather to exile. Grapeshot also has interaction with Feather because you can change the target of the storm copies. For this interaction to work however you must target a creature you control with the original Grapeshot for 1 damage then change the target for each storm copy.

Good luck with your deck.

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