Skyclave Relic

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Skyclave Relic


Kicker (You may pay an additional as you cast this spell.)


When Skyclave Relic enters the battlefield and was kicked, create two tapped tokens that are copies of Skyclave Relic.

: Add one mana of any color.

zelous666 on The Masochism Tango

3 days ago

I've been playing around with it and adding more mana ramp here and there. I'm basically now at the point where I need to decide on whether to play the lower mana cost cards at all or replace them with more ramp and just go for gold so to speak. It helps that getting out Teysa as well as a number of the other big mana costs pretty much put a stop to the game until the opponent gets an answer for it so gunning for them is really tempting. I've tried the delayed storage counter lands in the past and have a special hatred for them. They always seem to come out at the wrong time when i wished i could have had just a basic land. Thran Dynamo and Gilded Lotus are good options for the mana curve and the more I look at Skyclave Relic the more I like it. I was planning on just throwing more Orzhov rocks in but those are better options.

Grave Betrayal is... awesome with Teysa. That's going on the top of the list of "want in the deck". I already had Pariah in my (admittedly huge) maybe list and it's also at the top of that want in the deck bad pile. If i could attach it to Stuffy Doll... oof. Gift of Doom looks like it would make a good upgrade to my Indestructibility just straight out.

The main theme I was going for with this deck was hurting yourself for bonuses and once your life total reaches critical switching it out with an opponent and killing them off. Lots of cards that treat life totals like toys and a general BDSM theme. The name of the deck comes from the title of a song that was released in 1959 by a popular comedian I enjoy. As soon as I saw the artwork for this version of Teysa I thought, "That's who he was singing to!" I know having a commander that has protection from creatures is amazeballs for doing commander damage but I intentionally avoided going the route of relying on her for that. She's more there as a way to stop opponents from attacking and for providing another way to finish opponents after life switching. I also avoid using infect as much as possible in any of my decks just as a matter of (definitely misguided) principle.

DreadKhan on The Masochism Tango

3 days ago

Just some 'bad' ideas to consider (I have some irregular views on ramp, to be polite), Subterranean Hangar is ramp that uses a land drop, very handy with a 7 mana Commander, either to get them out or recast them, Fountain of Cho is the White option. I threw cards like this in a deck on a lark, I was pretty impressed how they can play out in a deck that uses fairly splashy effects... this brings me to Grave Betrayal, this card is politely described as 'good with your Commander'. Another option to consider is bigger ramp, maybe Thran Dynamo, which takes you from 4 mana to enough to cast your Commander next turn, seems decent? Maybe Gilded Lotus, which takes you from 5 to 8, but also gives you coloured mana? Worn Powerstone is also interesting, it's not a great card but it's also not unplayable, wildly worse Sol Ring is also a good enough card, it just looks bad because Sol Ring exists. Another choice worth looking at that is relevant because of it's ceiling is Skyclave Relic, the kicker is a bunch, but that much mana next turn is advantageous. I get that your deck is trying to be fairly nimble, with lots of lower to the ground ramp, but I feel like with a 7 mana Commander that does this much you really want her out as quickly and consistently as possible.

If you like Indestructible sources, I think Gift of Doom is the best ever printed, Morph is incredibly hard to interact with once it's in play, and I'd like to think you'll have some sac fodder. It's also a combat trick fwiw, you've got Vigilance, and if they've got a big attacker this can deal with them and prevent certain types of removal, and it can blank stuff at the fastest speed possible.

Since your Commander has Protection from Creatures, I'd love to see if Inquisitor's Flail would work in here? By itself it turns your Commander into a 3 turn clock vs any opponent, and she blocks better since she'll deal double damage. It's less resources than Fireshrieker, but it completely stacks with it fwiw, if you get two doubles you're a 2 turn clock. Come to think of it I think I'd run Duelist's Heritage over Fireshrieker if you have access to White. Another 'out there' idea, but Grafted Exoskeleton plays well with your Commander, it turns her into a 2 turn clock by itself, and your Commander becomes a pretty nasty blocker too, and it obviously would play well with doublers. If you've got Protection from Creatures, you could try Pariah on your Commander to drag out games. It's worse if people play Red Burn effects in your area, but at least life loss effects don't interact with it, just damage. If you have Indestructible on something then Pariah looks even better.

I hope some of these ideas are useful, Big Teysa is a nifty Commander to see in action!

awesomedude20 on Krav *B* “No Lives Matter” *W* Regna

4 weeks ago

Just passing through to recommend Skyclave Relic rather than Darksteel Ingot.

But yeah, dope deck, I love Krav and Regna lol

Unlife on Vendilion clique combo

9 months ago

Flavuss The speed really depends on your playgroup, but I don't see why those two couldn't fit in. However, I'm thinking of even simpler things like Arcane Signet, Eye of Ramos, Commander's Sphere, Skyclave Relic, Mind Stone, Hedron Archive, Gilded Lotus, Darksteel Ingot, Thought Vessel and Fellwar Stone. Some make blue, some make colorless but they all help you accelerate.

FadingReality on Dragons, Dragons, Dragons

11 months ago

Just a short list of other suggestions or swaps

  • Elemental Bond ------> Garruk's Uprising (Worth noting that it requires 4 power instead of 3. That said, your dragons will have an equally easy time triggering either one since they all have at least 4 power so I think uprising is slighlty better here. Elemental bond is actually an extremely good card that is actually the better option of the two in other decks.)
  • Nihil Spellbomb ------> Bojuka Bog (I know you're aware of this but this is just to remind you.) The best part of this swap is now you have a free deck slot which is always exciting. Note that if/when you make this swap, you'll actually delete nihil spellbomb, then add bojuka bog, then cut a black mana source because of adding bog.
  • Darksteel Ingot ------> Skyclave Relic (strictly better upgrade, although as a Child of Alara player I am a fan of both rocks since they are indestructible.)
  • Mana Geode ------> Honored Heirloom, Lantern of Revealing, Coalition Relic, Darksteel Ingot (assuming you cut it for skyclave relic), or Dragon's Hoard. I listed other mana rocks to let you see other useful options in that mana range, but quite frankly I'd go with dragon's hoard for obvious reasons. Coalition relic does double ramp you tho.)
  • Beebles on You Mean "Our Turn", Comrade

    1 year ago

    Hey there. I've also been brewing this commander. Here are a few pieces I really like that you could consider adding:

    Those were some that came to mind :). Check out my brew here: Heliod is drawing all of the cards

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