Dire-Strain Rampage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dire-Strain Rampage


Destroy target artifact, enchantment or land. Its controller may search their library for a basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield, then shuffle. If a land was destroyed via this ability, that player may search for up to two basic land cards instead.

Flashback (You may cast this from your graveyard for this card's flashback cost, then exile this.)

DreadKhan on Rocks Dragon Deck

3 months ago

I'm not sure if it's too 'non-Dragon', but I've had good results fiddling with Orcish Lumberjack, especially in a deck with Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, Lumberjack and Acid-Moss gives you access to a true Sinkhole effect (you can even play it on turn 2), and it can technically find a non-Basic Forest fwiw. Technically you only need to tap the Forest and sac it to Lumberjack to play an Acid-Moss, but Lumberjack can also give you a turn 2 Dragon that costs 5 mana, does your meta feature a lot of cheap kill spells? If not I wonder if that'd be worth your while? I don't know for sure if Atarka had Orcish servants, but Orcs live on that plane, so the lumberjack has a tangential connection.

Also, since it's gone down a ton in price, what about Utopia Sprawl? It makes your Forests better, and you can't cast it without a Forest I understand?

Since you're actually in Gruul, I would just run Mountain Valley over Evolving Wilds, this can find a Dual, or if you're desperate it can still dig out a Basic (that you can use the same turn Evolving Wilds would allow you), the only issue is if decks play cards that blow up non-Basics in your meta (most don't).

It's not entirely budget, but Up the Beanstalk is a very strong card if you actually plan to cast those big Dragons, and it replaces itself.

I'm not sure what your meta is like, but if people run Stax stuff that can ruin your day, you can include Dire-Strain Rampage, this sorcery offers you a Harrow effect if you wish, but it can Naturalize something, or Ghost Quarter someone's important land in a pinch. The best part is that it has Flashback. It's not the fastest effect, but I feel like it's certainly good enough for sideboard (especially on a budget), and since it can also just ramp you it might be fine mainboard, ymmv.

It's an ETB tapped land, but Treetop Village is a reasonable attacker if you end up desperate, with your curve it seems plausible that you'd be able to play an ETB tapped land, maybe x2?

Forkbeard on Omnath, Locus of Douchebaggery

1 year ago

Although I see your point regarding the double triggers, I'm not super crazy about that 'enters tapped' New Capenna land cycle. Same reason I'm not including Terramorphic Expanse or Evolving Wilds - I've been burned by ETB tapped lands too many times. I know it's a slightly different situation for landfall decks, but I still want to be as efficient as possible here.

Ghost Quarter and Dire-Strain Rampage on the other hand, GREAT thinking. Targeting my own lands for the double/triple landfall triggers + recurring them back? Things could get silly there, nice versatility too. Good suggestions eliakimras, thank you!

eliakimras on Omnath, Locus of Douchebaggery

1 year ago

I play Obuun, Landfall Ancestor, and I came to realize the best removal in landfall is the one that can be used on myself to net more landfall triggers:

  • Ghost Quarter is a Strip Mine that can be used on your own lands. Since you run a heavy recursion + extra land drops package, you can recur both in no time.
  • Dire-Strain Rampage is another one. Unless instant speed removal is crazily needed, I would run it over Nature's Claim, for it can net you four landfall triggers and two lands in the graveyard, and has the extra benefit on being double-use removal whenever needed, even if milled or discarded.

If you don't mind lands entering the battlefield tapped, you might consider Riveteers Overlook, Cabaretti Courtyard and Brokers Hideout. They are easy double landfall triggers that immediately set themselves up for recursion. There also are Obscura Storefront and Maestros Theater, but I believe the green ones are the most important, since they can lead on turn 1 to guarantee a green spell on turn 2 without losing tempo.

  • I since removed Command Tower, Exotic Orchard and lands like that, because I need my lands to either fetch others, be fetched or have an amazing utility (like Field of the Dead), and my deck runs smooth like butter ever since :-)

Guerte on [[Primer v3.6]] - OM_RATH!!! (2021 Update!!!)

1 year ago

VexenX: I’m very happy to see an update from you. I no longer maintain my list here (I do on Moxfield), but I still check here from time to time and compare our lists, as they used to be pretty familiar.

Omrath is still my best deck and the one I maintain and am currently known for in my group, and the LGS two hours away from me. I’ve taken it there for two tournaments, the first I won and went undefeated (and took out all players myself in each pod) and the second I did win first round, but lost out in the remaining rounds to a Captain Sisay deck. I also took it to MagicCon Minneapolis and had a very good showing.

As far as your current decklist goes, here are some of my observations. First up will be the additions:

Conduit of Worlds: At its core, Conduit is just Crucible, which is a strong enough card in our deck. But it allows us to recast our super strong permanents, like Doubling Season and Terror of the Peaks. Hell, even lets you keep recasting Omnath for 7. The one spell a turn isn’t a big deal, especially if we can rebuild and get super good value out of whatever we cast. Redundancy isn’t a bad thing, but I feel like this is a replacement for Crucible, not an addition to.

Burgeoning: I also picked up the pretty copy and through it and Ghost Town back in the deck (not only for nostalgic purposes, but also for a House Rules EDH tournament). Unfortunately, I personally don’t think it’s good enough anymore. It was only really good enough with Ghost Town to take advantage of making tokens during everyone’s turn. But having to rely on lands in hand to take advantage of it makes this a dead card most of the time, at least in my trials.

City on Fire: While it is nice to have a damage tripler, especially one in which you can Convoke out, I’m not sure it’s really necessary. I dropped Emancipation from my list and haven’t missed it at all. It feels just win-more to me.

Gruul Turf: Absolutely yes! This is an awesome card to have, and haven’t regretted adding it in. However, I feel like you are missing out on taking full advantage of it my not having Kodama of the East Tree in your list. Having those two and a token generator like Omnath, Field of the Dead, and Scute Swarm (which is also not in your list and an absolute powerhouse in the deck) you can generate infinite tokens, which gets even better with Terror of the Peaks and Warstorm Surge.

Now, onto the subtractions:

Dire-Strain Rampage: I’m not entirely too sure on this cut. It’s ramp and removal in one spell, but it also has Flashback. Ramp twice, remove things twice, or mix it up. It’s a pretty versatile card.

Rishkar's Expertise: I don’t think I can agree with this cut at all. The deck needs card draw, and this is one of the most powerful for the deck. Most of the time it’s a draw 5 and a free spell. Hell I’ve gotten a free Terror off of it and that meant game.

Finally, onto the cards I think you should be playing:

Tribute to the World Tree: I know you said you were looking for a cut above, but I can’t stress enough how you definitely need to. It’s an awesome card draw enchantment, and also buffs your smaller creatures, even tokens generated from Field and Scute.

Scute Swarm: I like to consider this the secret commander of the deck. It gets out of hand so fast. I’ve gotten a turn 4 win off the back of this little critter.

Kodama of the East Tree: Value engine. Not only does it enable you to make infinite tokens with Turf, just the value you get for dumping extra lands or other free permanents is insane.

Jeweled Lotus: I know it’s an expensive card, and a one-time use, but getting Omnath out earlier is super strong.

Dockside Extortionist/Jeska's Will: Much like Lotus, these guys help get Omnath out super early, but Will also helps ramp into other spells and draws you cards if he’s already out.

Earthcraft: This is probably one of the most powerful cards the deck can have. With as many tokens as we can potentially make, this card can ramp us like no other. I was hesitant to run it at first, but when I finally did, I regretted not doing it sooner.

That’s my two cents. I know it’s a lot to read, but hopefully it’ll give you something to think about!

DreadKhan on Cheap dragon

2 years ago

Alright, I'll try to keep that in mind and minimize the jargon. One thing I'd say about running lands, it's easy to end up with less than you actually need. The difference between 36 and 38 is extremely minor in terms of how many lands you can draw, so the exact number isn't that important, but if you have a higher cost Commander (Tiamat has a Mana Value of 7, or MV 7), you'll want ramp. A higher cost is usually any Commander requiring more than 4 mana, and/or one that requires more than 2 colours, either makes a Commander harder to cast. I end up on 38 in a deck like Reaper King, but I also use a lot of ramp in that deck to generate the huge mana values that deck can require. This deck probably wants anywhere from 36-42 lands, with 42 being where you want to be if you run relatively few ramp effects, 36 would mean running more of them, at least 10. You should probably run Command Tower. Temple of the False God is a risky land in a deck that isn't running a lot of lands, I hate to run it with less than 40 in a deck unless I have a payoff for a land tapping for 2.

It's worth considering basing your mana base around Green, not because most of the cards will be Green but to use Green ramp spells/mana dorks. I'm guessing you aren't aiming to spend a lot on this, so the cheapest $$$ way to increase your mana available is to use Green spells which can find Basic lands for you. Circuitous Route, Harrow, Roiling Regrowth, Search for Tomorrow, and Dire-Strain Rampage are all very good ramp effects, with most of them being cheap and able to find you colours of mana you might need. Sacrificing a land can be a good thing if you've got several of the same Basic land, which can happen easily. There are a ton of other ramp spells, many quite cheap, especially if you don't mind 3 mana effects. Spells that find land can be much better than artifacts, because artifacts can be blown up very easily compared to lands. I would also look for ones that can find any Basic land compared to ones that can only find a Forest unless you want to raise the budget a bit, as these lands are generally more expensive, but Kaldheim has 10 Snow type dual lands, one for each pair, and they are fairly cheap, and ramping with one of these off of Three Visits or Nature's Lore feels really good, but it'll be more investment. There are a lot of effects that find Forests and can find non-Basic Forests like Breeding Pool or Rimewood Falls, and finding one of those can really help make sure you can cast Tiamat. I would still play cards like Arcane Signet and Sol Ring, and most 2 MV mana artifacts are good cards usually.

A card that should be very useful in Tiamat would be Maskwood Nexus, which makes all creatures, wherever they are (in your hand, library, graveyard, or in play) are all every creature type, including Dragons, so Tiamat can find any 5 creatures. If you end up playing many cards that care about Dragons, this is worth looking at. Silverglade Pathfinder and Dreamscape Artist are pretty helpful some games as creatures that can also ramp you, potentially repeatedly if you are playing Casual games where you have a few more turns.

Interaction to protect your creatures can be very useful, Bolt Bend and Stubborn Denial are interesting options for you in a deck that will often have a power 4 creature out. Disdainful Stroke can stop board wipes, and Saw it Coming can stop anything in it's track, involving only U to cast, I would watch out for counterspells that cost UU (Blue Blue mana) to cast, this can be hard to arrange. You might think of Vindicate and/or Utter End to have removal vs any type of permanent, AFAIK neither is very expensive atm. There are 5 'Signet lands', Darkwater Catacombs, Skycloud Expanse, Shadowblood Ridge, Mossfire Valley and Sungrass Prairie are all very cheap and pretty good dual lands. Ash Barrens is a very good way to find a needed colour, especially Green. The World Tree is getting up there a bit, but it's a card worth looking at in 5 colours, especially if you run plenty of cards that find lands for you. If you have especially good non-Basic lands, IE lands that tap for 2 or more, Crop Rotation, Hour of Promise and Reap and Sow are all worth considering, finding a World Tree or other especially good land can be much stronger than finding a Basic. Faeburrow Elder and Jegantha, the Wellspring are very good ways to generate mana, probably don't run Jegantha as a Companion, just put him in the deck and you have no restrictions from him.

Well, that's what I'm thinking of right now, I'll probably have more later for you. I'll try to think of cards that are cheap and work for your deck, it might be a few posts before I've run out of relevant thoughts.

MTsoulz on Omnath rage in your face

2 years ago

I would really try out Dire-Strain Rampage, you can use it on your own lands! But you can also use it to solve problems.

MTsoulz on Nom-nath

2 years ago

I would really try out Dire-Strain Rampage, you can use it on your own lands! But you can also use it to solve problems.

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