Mer-Ek Nightblade

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mer-Ek Nightblade

Creature — Orc Assassin

Outlast (, : Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. Outlast only as a sorcery.)

Each creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it has deathtouch.

Bravo_Christian on Abzan Scales

2 years ago

Hey man, your deck is very similar to my abzan scales deck. I made mine when Khans first dropped and have made small improvements to it but it's still a pretty consistent deck.

For creatures I do run 1 Abzan Battle Priest and 2 Mer-Ek Nightblade. I Appreciate the buffs they give but that's usually after a few turns. Ainok Bond-Kin and Abzan Falconer are also great to have as they come out earlier and give creatures first strike and flying. You already have the falconer of course.

For spells I run Citadel Siege, Brave the Sands, Bioshift, Feat of Resistance, and Solidarity of Heroes. Kin-Tree Invocation is also very nice. Recently I paid two mana to get a 9/9 spirit. For removal I use Hunt the Weak, Naturalize, and Putrefy.

Don't forget about proliferate. You're using Planeswalkers to create tokens which will work, but I always find that Planeswalkers are easily removed. Cards like Courage in Crisis and Grateful Apparition are cards I've been thinking of adding and they might work for you too!

InfectedToe on Australian Farmhouse GMO edition

3 years ago

I've looked into this and I really like the path of +1/+1 counters. There are of course plenty of ways to get counters on your creatures in this deck (primarily Willowdusk), so capitalizing off of that with effects that bolster any creatures with counters or give them trample it pretty darn powerful.

First off, the trample givers: Bramblewood Paragon, Gnarlid Colony, Pridemalkin, and Crowned Ceratok.

And some other +1/+1 tribal engines: Mer-Ek Nightblade, Oona's Blackguard, Skyclave Shadowcat, and Tenured Inkcaster who, in particular, is very good in this deck.

And some support for the counters: Armorcraft Judge, Gladehart Cavalry, and Inspiring Call.

On a different note, giving your creatures lifelink in this deck is insane. Swing with something big to permanently double it's P/T with Willowdusk. Some good cards for that are: Alchemist's Gift, Essence Infusion, Rush of Vitality, Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord, Poet's Quill, and especially Whip of Erebos. Essence Harvest is also in the same vein.

Lastly, one nasty thing you could do would be untapping Willowdusk to use her ability twice in a turn for exponential gains. Ideally, this would be done with cards like: Magewright's Stone, Puppet Strings, Quirion Ranger, Seeker of Skybreak, and Thousand-Year Elixir.

I also want to quickly touch on the other side of Willowdusk's ability with Aetherflux Reservoir Which would let you instakill an opponent then give one of your creatures +50/+50.

As for what to remove, there are quite a few cards I feel are pretty unsynergistic here like Dragonsguard Elite and Witherbloom Pledgemage as this isn't really a spellslinger deck. I also dont see the point of reclamation effects like Deadly Brew, Retrieve, Healing Technique, Dollhouse of Horrors, The Underworld Cookbook, or You Happen on a Glade. Lastly, Roil Spout just isn't legal (probably an error lol).

multimedia on The Undying

3 years ago

Hey, nice casual budget version, but are undying creatures other than Mikaeus and Flayer really worth it?

Consider more enablers to get +1/+1 counters on your creatures?

If you're going for an attacking strategy then consider a few more fliers that have some added value when they die or when they ETB?

Bloodtracker + Sword of Hours is a nice interaction. Some sac outlets are helpful to sac creatures who have counters to get their die or ETB triggers.

You have several high CMC creatures here, more reanimation and enablers could help.

Olivia, Mobilized for War is a +1/+1 counter enabler and an enabler for reanimation.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

griffstick on [PRIMER] Trynn & Silvar, Dangerous Bonds

4 years ago

A few more suggestions. Looking at the +1/+1 counters, Mer-Ek Nightblade, Abzan Battle Priest, Abzan Falconer and Ainok Bond-Kin all see

ShreddedByCrows on Offenza is the Best Defenza

4 years ago

Lots of subthemes you got there, that's some interesting challenge. All in all, you're running way too many high-costed cards for a Commander that generally revolves around more of an aggressive strategy. I'll further provide you a personalized list of adjustments, trying my best to keep it at the lowest budget as possible.

Very first thing, 37 lands is too much for an Anafenza deck imo. You can easily go down to 35/34 in order to feel more proactive. That being said, the mana base of your decklist is pretty unstable, and you'll need better mana rocks, around 5/6 good rocks should do it helping you stabilizing.

The second thing to bring up is that you play loads and loads of creatures with actually specific abilities that don't always combine altogether well. Like, for example, in which way would Slimefoot, the Stowaway help Anafenza, the Foremost being consistent? My answer, without another kind of appreciation than logic: not any single one. If you need cheap legendary to keep it up with your theme, there are better options, but remind that this was only a little example.

Finally, you lack reactivity because of very few instant/flash spells. It's not as necessary as some think, but still have a way to protect dutifully your creatures is a key for aggro/midrange decks in EDH. Being able to answer what your opponents bring up to the tape is moreover essential, and I don't see enough removals/tricks in there.

So, let's take a closer look from now on. I'll make some different categories starting with the cuts to make it easier to read.

1.) Back to 100 cards:

2.) Cheap Improvements:

2.1.) Mana Rocks:

2.2.) More removals:

Those are the classical ones you surely know. They are easily affordable and would give your deck a small lift at controlling the board state.

2.3.) Better Legendaries:

  • Mikaeus, the Lunarch > not the cheapest already, but really effective, almost a staple for your deck style

  • Hope of Ghirapur > underrated card, does a lot, insane with recursion to lock down a combo player at low cost

  • Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit > certainly a staple / and somewhat a reason to get rid of the token subtheme which is maybe a bit too much

  • Syr Faren, the Hengehammer > also certainly a staple / aggressive, good interactions with Anafenza, better than lords already in your deck

  • Kethis, the Hidden Hand > Yawgmoth's Will for legendaries? I'll take that. It could also be a nice alternative commander when you face more control-ish decks you're stuck against, enabling you to have an efficient late game on its own once made your commander.

  • Mangara of Corondor > Legendary creature which works as a nonsituational removal. Really good. Even if you can't always activate it when it hits the table, your opponents have to get rid of it using their hand resources and you make 1 for 1.

  • Masako the Humorless > Underplayed card / can be a game-changer / and it's a legendary creature.

2.4.) Voltron Outlet:

2.5.) Other cool cards to look at:

3.) Medium Budget Improvements:

3.1.) Mana Rocks:

3.2.) Even more removals:

3.3.) Legendaries' Staples:

3.4.) Neverending Voltron Outlet:

  • Konda's Banner > Yeh, it's a little bit expensive money speaking, but it does everything you're searching for, like a bridge between your Cats, your legends and your Voltron strategy.

  • Skullclamp > staple

3.5.) Cool cards:

4.) Expensive Improvements:

5.) Some other cards you could try (which I mostly haven't, or for which I have a doubt about their efficiency):

DemonDragonJ on All Will Be One

5 years ago

bushido_man96, I did have both Steady Progress and Tezzeret's Gambit in this deck, but I replaced them with repeatable sources of proliferate, and this deck does still have both Fathom Mage and Temple Bell , which are only two cards, but I cannot afford to remove any cards that contribute to the central theme of this deck.

Also, do you believe that I can afford to replace Abzan Falconer with Merfolk Skydiver ? I already removed Abzan Battle Priest in favor of Crystalline Crawler , so I supposed that I could do the same for the falconer; Herald of Secret Streams and Mer-Ek Nightblade , however, are too good to remove, so I am keeping them in this deck.

Rorolith on

5 years ago

all of your lands enter tapped, which makes it kind of slow for the CMC of your creatures. to replace Stroke of Genius you could add Blue Sun's Zenith or Braingeyser . Herald of Anafenza is a token creator with outlast. Abzan Ascendancy puts counters on all your creatures to make them get the benefits of Abzan Battle Priest and Abzan Falconer . if you want more things with outlast that benefit all your creatures Ainok Bond-Kin , Mer-Ek Nightblade , Tuskguard Captain , Longshot Squad . those are options, not what will necessarily make your deck better.

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