Hua Tuo, Honored Physician
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hua Tuo, Honored Physician

Legendary Creature — Human

: Put target creature card from your graveyard on top of your library. Activate this ability only during your turn, before attackers are declared.

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Treetop Defense
Granny's Payback
Taoist Hermit
Zodiac Ox
Verdant Succession
Ironhoof Ox

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Unidentified Scrying Dragon

2 years ago

This looks pretty cool. Looking at your budget, Hua Tuo, Honored Physician would be a pretty busted addition.

GangstaFranksta on Red Green Black EDH

3 years ago

Cheap permenants that you can lay down with Vaevectis or other similar cards that then also give you mana: Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf, and Solemn Simulacrum and Yavimaya Elder also lets you draw so you can sac him with Asmadi for a profit. For similar "when permanent enters the battlefield" effect maybe Reclamation Sage and Acidic Slime.

Consider creating tokens to sac with Asmadi as well: Dragonlair Spider and Grave Titan

Asmadi is always a huge threat so you'll have to keep him safe with cards like Sylvan Safekeeper Swiftfoot Boots and Whispersilk Cloak.

Chaos Warp is a staple of jund and you could use it if someone tries to get rid of Asmadi. Deathsprout and Decimate are really good jund removal cards as well. Primal Surge is a lot of mana but a good alternative win condition.

Also assuming that Asmaldi gets to stay on the field then here are some good cards that let you make sure whatever you get with him is good: Augur of Autumn, Haunted Crossroads, Hua Tuo, Honored Physician, Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire, Brutalizer Exarch, Courser of Kruphix, Vizier of the Menagerie, Crystal Ball, and Call of the Wild. On the other hand, here are some cards to make sure whatever your opponents get from Asmaldi isn't good: Painful Memories, Agonizing Memories.

Then here are some big creatures you could get for free with Asmaldi: Woodfall Primus, Borborygmos Enraged, Kodama of the East Tree, and Artisan of Kozilek. Lurking Predators is also useful for this feature as well as setting up what's on top of your deck.

Mortuary Mire is probably a good addition to the deck as well.

king-saproling on Never Fear the Grave

3 years ago

You could include combo lines around Intruder Alarm , such as Alarm + Deranged Assistant + Hua Tuo, Honored Physician . There are actually a lot of cheap self-mill creatures that work here like Cathartic Adept , Vantress Gargoyle , and Millikin among many others. Drift of Phantasms could be nice to include here since it can find either Alarm or Hua Tuo.

Another good combo card is Mana Severance . You could follow it up with Balustrade Spy , Hermit Druid , or Undercity Informer to mill your whole library. This is good since you could then flashback Dread Return targeting Necrotic Ooze, which in turn is good if you toss in Necrotic Ooze combo lines (there are many) such as Phyrexian Devourer + Triskelion .

Another notable self-mill card is Cephalid Illusionist . With it and Lightning Greaves you can mill your whole library, 3 cards at a time. The 3 card chunks is significant since you'll get a bunch of triggers from Sidisi, so a finisher like the above-mentioned Necrotic Ooze combo may not be needed since you'll have tons of zombies. Dimir Infiltrator and Muddle the Mixture are nice here since they can find either combo piece.

1empyrean on

4 years ago

I forgot a couple cards for putting creatures on top of your library. Congregation at Dawn works well with Sunforger, and Hua Tuo, Honored Physician is cheap reanimation.

alkymyst on

4 years ago

Brutalizer Exarch and Momir Vig, Simic Visionary both could be useful as a tutor of sorts, especially if you stack the triggers right. Hua Tuo, Honored Physician could also set you up for some reanimation-esque stuff.

zuharran on Ashaya, Soul of the Wild: Be-Leaf in Yourself

4 years ago

Sultai_Sir, if you plan on keeping Regal Force, I think Hua Tuo, Honored Physician could be helpful in the deck, then, for a little bit of graveyard recursion!

ShreddedByCrows on Offenza is the Best Defenza

4 years ago

Lots of subthemes you got there, that's some interesting challenge. All in all, you're running way too many high-costed cards for a Commander that generally revolves around more of an aggressive strategy. I'll further provide you a personalized list of adjustments, trying my best to keep it at the lowest budget as possible.

Very first thing, 37 lands is too much for an Anafenza deck imo. You can easily go down to 35/34 in order to feel more proactive. That being said, the mana base of your decklist is pretty unstable, and you'll need better mana rocks, around 5/6 good rocks should do it helping you stabilizing.

The second thing to bring up is that you play loads and loads of creatures with actually specific abilities that don't always combine altogether well. Like, for example, in which way would Slimefoot, the Stowaway help Anafenza, the Foremost being consistent? My answer, without another kind of appreciation than logic: not any single one. If you need cheap legendary to keep it up with your theme, there are better options, but remind that this was only a little example.

Finally, you lack reactivity because of very few instant/flash spells. It's not as necessary as some think, but still have a way to protect dutifully your creatures is a key for aggro/midrange decks in EDH. Being able to answer what your opponents bring up to the tape is moreover essential, and I don't see enough removals/tricks in there.

So, let's take a closer look from now on. I'll make some different categories starting with the cuts to make it easier to read.

1.) Back to 100 cards:

2.) Cheap Improvements:

2.1.) Mana Rocks:

2.2.) More removals:

Those are the classical ones you surely know. They are easily affordable and would give your deck a small lift at controlling the board state.

2.3.) Better Legendaries:

  • Mikaeus, the Lunarch > not the cheapest already, but really effective, almost a staple for your deck style

  • Hope of Ghirapur > underrated card, does a lot, insane with recursion to lock down a combo player at low cost

  • Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit > certainly a staple / and somewhat a reason to get rid of the token subtheme which is maybe a bit too much

  • Syr Faren, the Hengehammer > also certainly a staple / aggressive, good interactions with Anafenza, better than lords already in your deck

  • Kethis, the Hidden Hand > Yawgmoth's Will for legendaries? I'll take that. It could also be a nice alternative commander when you face more control-ish decks you're stuck against, enabling you to have an efficient late game on its own once made your commander.

  • Mangara of Corondor > Legendary creature which works as a nonsituational removal. Really good. Even if you can't always activate it when it hits the table, your opponents have to get rid of it using their hand resources and you make 1 for 1.

  • Masako the Humorless > Underplayed card / can be a game-changer / and it's a legendary creature.

2.4.) Voltron Outlet:

2.5.) Other cool cards to look at:

3.) Medium Budget Improvements:

3.1.) Mana Rocks:

3.2.) Even more removals:

3.3.) Legendaries' Staples:

3.4.) Neverending Voltron Outlet:

  • Konda's Banner > Yeh, it's a little bit expensive money speaking, but it does everything you're searching for, like a bridge between your Cats, your legends and your Voltron strategy.

  • Skullclamp > staple

3.5.) Cool cards:

4.) Expensive Improvements:

5.) Some other cards you could try (which I mostly haven't, or for which I have a doubt about their efficiency):

Ovanlight on Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath (w/Primer)

5 years ago


In: Vedalken Mastermind , Eternal Witness , and Hua Tuo, Honored Physician Out: Progenitor Mimic , Jace, Wielder of Mysteries , and Rancor

Progenitor Mimic seemed pretty slow for the list, and giving more ways that I can put Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath in my hand in response to his effect is better than a copy of creatures each turn. It was replaced by two cards (spiritually, even though I know you can only replace one with one.)

Jace, Wielder of Mysteries is just another Laboratory Maniac effect, and Thassa's Oracle fills the slot by itself fairly well, not really needing two of them.

Rancor ended up being really conditional recursion, and Eternal Witness filled the same slot but significantly more on theme with ETB themes.

Thanks NV_1980! I really appreciate your suggestions.

Also, SylonThalen, I love the idea! I just don't dip my toes into cEDH or cEDH-like decks. I had to reel it back a bit so I'm not the guy with the biggest threats in my group. Still a great take on the commander though!

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