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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Alchemy | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
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Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Pre-release | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Standard | Legal |
Standard Brawl | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
Legendary Creature — Human Soldier
First strike
Noncreature spells cost more to cast.
DreadKhan on Rushed to die
2 weeks ago
I find Bonecrusher Giant (and Stomp) play pretty well in a Burn deck, the body is just big enough to be worth casting, and Stomp can remove problematic utility creatures like a Thalia, Guardian of Thraben that are ruining your day; two meh effects add up to one surprisingly playable card in my experience! Another random card that might synergize well with what you've got going on is Tourach, Dread Cantor, this guy loves discard effects, offering you a potentially useful body that scales over time, as is you don't have any payoffs for making opponents discard, just that they have no cards in hand (and if that's what you're looking for you should switch Dash Hopes for the old Hymn to Tourach for a more reliable effect, an early Hymn can single handedly win games, 2 random cards for 2 mana on turn 2 is sadistic.
This is incredibly ironic coming from me, but I feel like you probably have too many 3 mana spells in here, when I was testing I had to mulligan more for your deck specifically because I kept running into hands with too many 3 drops. For example, my 80 card Azorius Legacy deck has only 17 3 drops, and I feel like that might be too many, 19 in a 60 card deck that only has 18 lands is asking for trouble IMHO.
YMMV but I wonder if your plan would work better if you leaned harder into discard or harder into burn instead of mixing them? If you cut your weenies you could throw in Racks/Afflictions, if you trimmed some burn spells you could throw in some Lilianas, and suddenly your mana base only needs Black for a discard list. Similarly you could trim the discard stuff and make it an all Red Burn list, it's doable to win on/before turn 3 with Burn in Legacy, and that can be mono-Red, but you'd need cards like Fireblast to make that happen. You could take a look at Got a One Way Ticket to the Blues, my discard list, or Diesel Driven Burn, my Burn list, for potential ideas if you want to lean into a specific lane. Feel free to ignore my advice if you're happy with your list, you're playing your deck after all!
Azoth2099 on Wheeliod - cEDH
7 months ago
This commander is so awesome, man, excellent choice. Consider Braingeyser for sure. This commander also breaks parity on strong stax pieces like Thorn of Amethyst & Thalia, Guardian of Thraben super easily! It's brutal. Cheers!
IHATENAMES on Angelic Spiritual Soul Sisters
7 months ago
A few things.
1st off. I think a soul sisters deck and angel deck are not compatible. Soul sisters make and want as many lifegain triggers as possible. Maximizing cards like Voice of the Blessed . Angels i believe want to maintain x life above your starting life and gain in chunks of 5 for probably the best angel Resplendent Angel. These seem simular but that creates tough choices in deck design.
Book of Exalted Deeds with creature lands is a combo with Mutavault some decks just can't beat this.
I think you want the card draw off of Shelter but I personally think that card sux. You would likely be better with a green splash for just Collected Company or run a cheaper protection spell like Brave the Elements or a better card draw engine Welcoming Vampire perhaps.
Speaker of the Heavens is a suprise op card i have a angel deck on mtga for historic and it is a great agro card angels needed.
You are light in 1 key piece of any deck. Interaction.
March of Otherworldly Light is a favorite of mine.
Path to Exile could be decent
Dawn Charm niche counterspell/ protect a creature
Surge of Salvation protection vs opposing aggro
I'd suggest looking at another decks sideboard to help build a better one Check out decks like modern d&t or soul sister or angels and see what you want. But be sure to cover a few things.
Graveyard hate like Soul-Guide Lantern Something to fight control many different approachesCavern of Souls Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Artifact/enchantment hate Disenchant
And something for decks that you think you need more help with and expect to face. Perhaps a boardwipe for decks that go wide Doomskar or any other archetype/problem that needs fixing.
Murrow on Ronin 64
1 year ago
Icbrgr Thalia, Guardian of Thraben just doesn’t know how to have a good time lmao. Thanks for bringing her to my attention cuz I didn’t even think of that. Good thing she’s got such a small booty lol. Ball Lightning is pretty solid too. Once I get some heavy playtesting in I’ll know better how my mid game feels. Then I may end up adding him.
I’m glad you like the deck :) thanks! Lemme know if you give it a try :)
Icbrgr on Ronin 64
1 year ago
love this deck... another thorn in the decks side is Thalia, Guardian of Thraben... i learned that lesson what i was obbsessed with brewing around Ball Lightning... love the Abrade in the Sideboard for both thalia and chalice! +1 great fun looking brew!
DreadKhan on Mono Red- Take 1
1 year ago
If you're going for Sligh, have you thought about Bonecrusher Giant? This offers you Stomp for 1R, which cancels damage prevention and deals 2 damage, then when you've got nothing better to play it's a 4/3 for 3 with upside. I think it's a better Flametongue Kavu, though both might be worth looking at.
I'm not sure about Jackal Pup in this age and day, there are 2/1s that don't have a drawback you could be running in mono-red, Falkenrath Pit Fighter and Falkenrath Gorger both seem better, Pit Fighter can turn into new cards when it's too small to matter.
I think if you ever want to run Shock, you should probably run Seal of Fire first, Seal can come down turn 1 and is damage on board until you need it, which can let you snipe something like a Thalia, Guardian of Thraben or Eidolon of the Great Revel without hassles. I added x2 of it to my Burn deck to help my Dragon's Rage Channeler work better, but there are a lot of tough matches where I really love the card.
I can't decide if a Browbeat or two would work in here, there is also Risk Factor, 'damage or cards' is pretty scary if you've got 4 Mountains and might pull 2 Fireblasts.
K4nkato on Thalia vs “Without Paying Mana …
1 year ago
My opponent controls Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. I resolve Torrential Gearhulk targeting Magma Opus in my graveyard. Do I have to pay 1 mana for Opus because of Thalia or can I ignore the tax because the spell is free?
lespaul977 on I’m looking for a one …
1 year ago
Hi everyone! I’m still pretty new to playing modern, so I’m hoping you could help me answer the question in the title.
I’m running a budget mono-white humans deck with Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and hardly any noncreature spells. I’m currently running 4 copies of Fateful Absence, which I like very much since it handles both creatures and planeswalkers with little drawback, but I know exiling is better than destroying. Also, it costs two mana to play, which gets bumped up to three when Thalia is out.
The reason I don’t like Path to Exile is that in games where it’s been played against one of my creatures, I’ve ended up winning because of the mana ramp. I think giving your opponent the opportunity to get an extra land out is way too high of a cost, and I don’t think it’s the card for me.
The only other decent removal option I have is On Thin Ice, but I don’t have a full play set, and I’m not sure if it’s worth playing all snow lands just for that card.
What is your favorite budget-friendly one-drop creature removal card in modern? Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts!
Have (5) | zachi , metalmagic , PrismMTG , gildan_bladeborn , JordanSanFran |
Want (4) | TRANNYDAN , concorde , qmaninja , freshie9000 |