Soul of the Harvest

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Soul of the Harvest

Creature — Elemental


Whenever another nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, you may draw a card.

Theasus7 on Horde of Notions

7 months ago

Looking good! I think you might enjoy having a little more card draw in the deck. Just to make sure that you are drawing all the cool elements and ramp you need to play. Mulldrifter is a great start.

Vanquisher's Banner, Omnath, Locus of the Roil, Risen Reef, Distant Melody, Soul of the Harvest

NV_1980 on The Spirit of Commander

1 year ago

Some ideas:

  • Dense Foliage: a hug option. If you aim for everyone's monsters (including) yours to die in glorious combat, it wouldn't do if someone could off them with spells.
  • Dictate of Karametra: more hug. Everyone has plenty of mana to cast their big creatures.
  • Fecundity: aaaaand more hug. Ensures that the death of any creature results in more opportunities to cast other big creatures.
  • Heartbeat of Spring: more mana for everyone!
  • Ghalta, Primal Hunger: seems to make sense in a green BC-deck.
  • Soul of the Harvest: such great draw in a deck featuring this many creatures. And a nice beat-stick to boot.
  • Vigor: opposing creatures can't hurt your creatures anymore; they can only strengthen them!
  • Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus: ensures the strength/toughness of your BC's beat those of the opponents' BC's.

Have fun with the brew!

NV_1980 on Mean green

1 year ago

Imho, green good-stuff rly needs a Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma. Also, you have next to no cheap card-advantage options available in the deck. Some I would recommend: Garruk's Packleader, Garruk's Uprising, Soul of the Harvest, Elemental Bond, Tribute to the World Tree.

legendofa on Need help for a green …

1 year ago

My first thought is to cut the expensive lands. While Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Boseiju, Who Endures, and Cavern of Souls are all very good cards well worth their price tag, they can be reasonably replaced with less expensive options, down to basic Forests. That will cut +/-$100 there.

For another big cut, The Great Henge can be replaced with Soul of the Harvest if you're using it for card draw (I was going to suggest Guardian Project, but you already have that), Llanowar Tribe for ramp (already have Leyline of Abundance), or Door of Destinies for pump. This will cut another $40-60.

Kret on Muldrotha: Budget Elemental Tribe!

1 year ago

Soul of the Harvest, Fertilid, Mulldrifter and Shriekmaw are good budget elementals.
Wolfbriar Elemental is a nice mana sink in the late game.
Consider adding backgrounds like Master Chef or Scion of Halaster.
You are running Joint Exploration. Consider similar cards like Explore or Growth Spiral. They can let your deck gain some early velocity.
If you play multiple elementals with evoke then a card like Village Rites becomes useful because you can cast it in response to the evoke trigger and draw 2. Card like Evolutionary Leap could also be used in response to evoke trigger to draw a fresh elemental
Zendikar's Roil can let you go wide with elementals.
Tatyova, Steward of Tides makes your lands into 3/3/ elementals
Kenrith's Transformation is a great removal spell that replaces itself and can be recurred.
Tezzeret's Gambit draws 2 cards and proliferates.
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar puts counters on each creature for just 3 mana

Cards I would replace:
- cards with kicker and Vine Gecko (they are generally worse cards than regular budget ramp spells like Rampant Growth or Cultivate)
- 6 forests because you have low mana curve (I would cut the land count to something like 36 lands, but you could also swap them for dual lands with basic land types from Kaldheim - Woodland Chasm, Dominaria United - Haunted Mire, Temple cycle - Temple of Malady or bounce lands - Golgari Rot Farm
- Titania, Protector of Argoth because there is only one card -> Harrow that can proc her ability to make elementals
I would also cut some of the elementals that don't have any useful abilties like Jaddi Lifestrider, Healer of the Glade, Glade Watcher, Floodhound, Offalsnout, Smolder Initiate and Slitherwisp.

Hope you find some of the suggestions helpful.

CardboardSalad on Can I draw cards while …

1 year ago

Is it possible to be drawing more cards while Hypergenesis is resolving in order to (potentially) deck out?

Example: As Hypergenesis is resolving, I put Soul of the Harvest onto the battlefield. Do subsequent creatures that enter trigger this effect, or will they all trigger after Hypergenesis finishes resolving?

Similar for Beck / Call: If I cast & resolve Beck before cascading into Hypergenesis, will creatures that enter via Hypergenesis cause me to draw cards?

CamraMaan on Elves lovers...HELP!

2 years ago

I'm gonna say more draw, or at least more efficient draw, which is easy in a green creature deck. Along the Beast Whisperer line of thinking, you have to include Vanquisher's Banner, as well as Zendikar Resurgent and/or The Great Henge for both the ramp and draw, and probably include Guardian Project as well, and maybe Soul of the Harvest. Next I would consider stuff like Shamanic Revelation, Collective Unconscious, Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury, or maybe Inspiring Call if you'll be distributing enough +1/+1 counters to creatures. To go other routes for draw, I would consider including Grothama, All-Devouring to attack/fight/"sac" a bunch of "excess" creatures for draw, or Skullmulcher does similar in a pure sac way, or perhaps Ohran Frostfang, Regal Force, Toski, Bearer of Secrets, Benefactor's Draught, Mind's Eye, War Room, and while Nissa, Voice of Zendikar is off the Elf theme, it's still effective for more than draw. Or go with stuff like Rishkar's Expertise, Hunter's Prowess, or Garruk, Primal Hunter if you're going the tron route with Lathril. If you don't mind spending some money, it's hard not to also mention Sylvan Library.

Anyway, tons of great draw options that are in line with your deck's theme. And if you have excess ramp, you need excess draw to keep up.

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