Masako the Humorless
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Masako the Humorless

Legendary Creature — Human Advisor


Tapped creatures you control can block as though they were untapped.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Zealots en-Dal
Razorgrass Field
Alaborn Veteran
Orim's Cure
Benalish Faithbonder
Mending Hands
EDH 15 / 9
Masako the Humorless feature for Masako EDH

Mick-Tis on

1 year ago

[CROW.UMBRA] TY for taking the time to comment. Fervor isn't legendary, so I put Hammer of Purphoros instead.

The lone griffin is all I need he only eeds to connect once & it's griffin city. I like goro-goro, but I can't find mine right now & I really wanted to test the deck. I'm trying to find a Masako the Humorless to put on the deck

Swebb87 on sisters of stone death and …

2 years ago

Hi if someone has attacked me on their turn and two of their creatures are tapped, can I target those tapped creatures with Sisters of Stone Death abilities and force them to block or can tapped creatures never block? (Unless someone has a Masako the Humorless in play or something similar?

Jhi69 on A New Dawn for the Humankind 2.0

2 years ago

DareiJuxis, Avacyn, Angel of Hope is not an option for me. I like the card too much to take it out. I still want to test The First Iroan Games and Nils, Discipline Enforcer has worked well so far in my meta. I ordered the Wild Beastmaster and will test it. Masako the Humorless synergizes well with Saryth, the Viper's Fang so far.

I put Eternal Witness, Reverent Hoplite and Rishkar's Expertise in the deck and will test them over the weekend.

DareiJuxis on A New Dawn for the Humankind 2.0

2 years ago

Jhi69 I am glad you to have provided you with decent suggestions. I think that, as I said, cards to replace are Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Nils, Discipline Enforcer, and The First Iroan Games. Avacyn was strong in the past, but she is not what she was. I understand she can "win" games, but that does not mean that there are not cards that can win more games than she does. I understand the idea of Nils, but it is just not worthwhile in my opinion. I do not think Wild Beastmaster should just be looked at as a finisher, but even if it were you already have the solution in your deck- Chord of Calling. Regardless failing those cuts, I would recommend cutting the following as well-

  • Drannith Magistrate- As far as I can tell, this is just here to stop commanders from coming online, and has no way of repeating itself. I do not think that it is good enough outside of maybe cEDH unless there are other ways one's opponents are trying to cast spells from outside of their hands. Basically, it does not synergize enough with what you are doing nor stop enough of your opponents, especially since all (presumed) 3 will be interested in taking it out.
  • Devout Chaplain- I think this requires too much board presence to work, and needs haste to solve imminent problems. This would be the number 1 cut for Hopeful Initiate. It does not exile, but with enchantments and artifacts that's rarely a cause for concern.
  • Masako the Humorless- This seems like slightly better than a fog, sometimes. A lot of potential to be a dead card, with not enough upside in my opinion. I'd much rather see an effect that gives vigilance, especially since you have cards that tap for other reasons.
  • Luminarch Ascension- A decent standard card for sure, but miserably slow in EDH.
  • Intrepid Hero- I think as a general statement, using a card that hates on only one of your opponents most of the time is not worthwhile. It is also slow since it needs to tap.

I think any of these cuts could be made for any of the cards I have pointed out.

Worx on Competitive Captain Sisay (Proven)

2 years ago

MstrCpr Thanks mate. It's been in the works a VERY long time and has won many many tournaments.

The Paradox Engine ban was at first a disaster, but now, I can still win turn 5-6 virtually all the time, and IF I get a good draw, then I can still win turn 4! ;)

I haven't made any notes for a long time and I really should update...

But to answer your questions regarding Vivien, Monsters' Advocate, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, and Eight-and-a-Half-Tails;

Let's just say that I am constantly tossing up whether to include Akroma's Memorial or not due to it's mana cost and the introduction of Crashing Drawbridge. I deliberately stay away from mana costs of non-creatures of higher than 4 so Gaddock Teeg is not an issue. So having a planeswalker of Vivien, with a cost of 5 with no real instant win - I just can't see it's value. Same with Ugin - just an overkill and horrendous cost of 8.

Ashaya is just to expensive for what it does. I mean I used to ALWAYS run the combo Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Kamahl, Fist of Krosa for win in removing opponents lands. But I also have a lot of wincons now so I just want to keep the mana costs down.

Eight Tails was a card I used to run, but I found I rarely needed it in Tournaments and if you are doing it only for removing opponents lands, then the above said Elesh Norn/Kamahl wins hands down.

The latest iteration and what I am working on is to ensure I can get the 'haste' out easily, ie Oswald Fiddlebender with artifact tutor so I can get Thousand-Year Elixir out, and then I can again remove Akroma's Memorial, and put back in Masako the Humorless

The deck has undergone a LOT of changes over the years, but still kicks butt and is VERY reliable. (I did sell some cards - mainly lands and foils - kicking myself over selling my foils of Selvala, Heart of the Wilds) So hat's why the lands don't seem 'stable'.

Thanks for commenting and the appreciation.

TheoryCrafter on Pushing Poison

2 years ago

Wow, thank you for sharing your input.

My deckbuilding style usually comes down to these rules:

-I try to have 2 workable strategies so if My deck takes a hit it's not immediately game over.

-If the average mana costs of the spell cards comes to above 3, the spell/land ratio is 3:2. If I can get it below 3 then the ratio is 2:1. The latter is what I've been aiming for per my deck description.

-I try to keep at least half my lands basic so that if an opponent plays Back to Basics or Blood Moon it won't result in an immediate scoop. If I'm running 3 or more colors in a deck, I'll usually run most if not all my red producing lands as nonbasics to render Blood Moon less effective. To determine how many of what lands that produce one mana I use basic Algebra and usually get close what mana calculators say.

-Because one of my biggest weaknesses in deckbuilding is a difficulty to "kill my darlings" if I can run lands with abilities that can keep spaces open for other cards. Boseiju, Who Endures and Inkmoth Nexus would likely make this deck were it not for their expense.

-I go by mana efficiency. Essentially if I'm using decktypes like Burn or Mill, I'll try to have at least 1 damage caused or 1 card milled for each one mana spent unless that card has an ability that is reusable. Thus I might use a card like Sage's Row Denizen for mill, but not necessarily a card like Fireball for burn if I have other options available. Thus when casting to give opponents poison I have to spend as little mana as possible, even if the 1:1 ratio goal is impractical if not impossible.

-Sometimes I'll use three copies of a inexpensive card manawise like Soulfire Grand Master and two copies of an expensive one like Radiant Scrollwielder that have some of the same effects but different power levels as a means to maximize without damaging my mana curve.

-Unless the card is absolutely vital to a deck, like Masako the Humorless would be in an Azorius advisor deck, I won't run more than two copies of a Legendary Creature card.

Kazierts, I'm not 100% sure yet I want to move into the standard way infect is played, but however I decide to score your suggestions you deserve kudos for their practicality for the way my deck is currently built. If you have ideas on how to balance standard infect strategy and casting to Poison they are welcome.

Lanzo493 on Mt. Fuji

3 years ago

A Masako the Humorless can let you surprise block with your bushido creatures.

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