Vivien, Champion of the Wilds

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vivien, Champion of the Wilds

Legendary Planeswalker — Vivien

You may cast creature spells as though they had flash.

+1: Until your next turn, up to one target creature gains vigilance and reach.

-2: Look at the top three cards of your library. Exile one face down and put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order. For as long as it remains exiled, you may look at that card and you may cast it if it’s a creature card.

AkaAkuma on Pantlaza | Do this only once each turn?

5 months ago

Profet93 Yes, that would certainly be a worthwhile consideration, especially since the orrery is in Pantlaza etb discovary range! Currently i only have Vivien, Champion of the Wilds, Monster Manual and Sneak Attack as flash support.

Grends27 on Give your opinion on my dinosaur deck!

6 months ago

I see that Pantlaza is your commander now - in that case I’d recommend Vivien, Champion of the Wilds. Flash means that you get to cast a Dino on each of your opponents turns, so you’d also get to Discover X on each of your opponents turns. I think Seedborn Muse untapa your lands at each upkeep if you want to go really insane with it.

My upgraded pre-con is at Ty-Ramp-A-Saurus Wrex please check it out and let me know what you think - I got very lucky with Dino booster pulls through 2023.

Licecolony on Mono-Green SuperFriends!

1 year ago

Heck no Lokasa!
If Pir, Imaginative Rascal gets you excited, I think you 'ought to go for it. This is YOUR deck, you can make it however you like. We can work to compensate for the speed by changing out the ramp package!

I will note that with Pir, Imaginative Rascal, you'd also get Toothy, Imaginary Friend as a free second commander which gives you access to cards like Tekuthal, Inquiry Dominus, Ezuri, Stalker of Spheres, Ichormoon Gauntlet, Deepglow Skate along with a bunch more planeswalkers and proliferators and duplicators. Since your deck is called mono-green, I'm gonna write the rest of this comment assuming you don't want to add any blue cards.

Accelerated Ramp, these are gonna focus more on getting lands straight to the battlefield and being cheap to use. If possible, having these attached to creatures to block early on:
Nature's Lore
Sakura-Tribe Elder
Three Visits
Rampant Growth
Yavimaya Elder
Topiary Stomper
And that would take place of all of your three mana mana-ramp and your ramp that brings lands to hand (they work best with Azuza, so now we don't need them).

Then we can come up with fast removal to protect you early and give you early blockers:
Thrashing Brontodon
Nature's Claim

We can replace the planeswalkers we lost earlier Garruk, Savage Herald, Nissa, Genesis Mage, Vivien, Arkbow Ranger, Vivien, Champion of the Wilds, Vivien, Nature's Avenger with more that'll keep you safe and will give us space for better support cards:
Nissa, Ascended Animist
Wrenn and Seven

Finally, we can think about how to use those planeswalkers more effectively with cards like:
The Peregrine Dynamo doubles up your planeswalker ability
Kamahl's Druidic Vow can be another Genesis Wave in this deck.
I'll also add Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider though will warn you MOST people do not enjoy playing against that card.

Note that my opinion is just as useless as anyone else's and any choices you make will be the right ones for you. I hope you find your fun <3

Licecolony on Mono-Green SuperFriends!

1 year ago

Heyo! Never seen mono green superfriends. Seems like a cool idea. I'd suggest running more land ramp Nissa's Triumph, Nissa's Pilgrimage, You Happen on a Glade

Recursion: Bala Ged Recovery  Flip your mana base is solid. You can use this.

Mass removal options: Fade from History, Rampage of the Clans.

Defense options: Arachnogenesis or Jaheira's Respite or Spore Frog

Card I'd consider removing:
Nyxbloom Ancient. The deck has a high average CMC. But by the time you can cast this card, that's not much of a problem anymore. This card is great when you have mana sinks. Which you do not.

Omnath, Locus of Mana. It's a big creature. Your win conditions sound more in line with tons of small creatures and an Overrun like effect.

Seedborn Muse. Yes it's good with three of your artifacts. I think the slot would be better served with something else.

Gauntlet of Power. You don't need this. It's slow.

Sol Ring. You run so few artifacts/Enchantments, you may just be better off running less of them yourself so you can use mass removal.

Nyx Lotus. Let your lands and creatures do the ramping for you.

Garruk, Savage Herald. You have 22 creatures in your deck. The +1 has a 80% chance of doing nothing the turn you play it. The -ability doesn't matter because most of your creatures are there to support planeswalkers.

Vivien, Arkbow Ranger. Again, lots of small creatures.

Vivien, Champion of the Wilds. The first ability is rather pointless, the static ability only affects creatures. The last ability is occasionally draw a card. Better replaced with something like Worldly Tutor or Natural Order or Chord of Calling.

Sylvan Anthem. Replace this with a win condition like Craterhoof Behemoth, Thunderfoot Baloth, Overrun, Tribal Forcemage, Kamahl, Heart of Krosa, Song of Freyalise, Pathbreaker Ibex, End-Raze Forerunners, Overwhelming Stampede

multimedia on Nethroi. More mill support?

1 year ago

Self-mill yes, opponent mill no. You'll want plenty of self-mill to fuel Nethroi along with lots of ramp since Nethroi is 7 mana to mutate.

Fauna Shaman, Buried Alive, Jarad's Orders, Unmarked Grave, Vile Entomber are helpful especially if playing dredge creatures. Shigeki, Jukai Visionary is nice for self-mill + ramp + recursion.

Culling Ritual is a powerful card in multiplayer Commander that also provides ramp for Nethroi. Songs of the Damned goes well with self-mill + lots of creatures for ramp especially since Nethroi has 6 black mana in it's mutate cost.

Body Launderer and Karmic Guide are two good creatures with self-mill and they combo with a sac outlet such as Viscera Seer for infinite scry/loot. Activated Sleeper is an underrated 0/0 creature who also combos with Karmic. Braids, Arisen Nightmare is powerful draw in multiplayer Commander when sacing your own creatures helps you.

Plumb the Forbidden is mass sac for mass draw. Vivien, Champion of the Wilds, Emergence Zone, Savage Summoning lets you mutate at instant speed on an opponent's turn.

multimedia on Abzan Graveyard Recursion Help

1 year ago

Good choices for cuts and adds.

Unfortunately, don't use the scale here to gauge competitiveness of your deck. It's crap, doesn't work well and it's better to just ignore it, turn it off in the editor. Trust me and everyone else who's helping you here in the comments. Your deck is improving, becoming more competitive with each change.

Yes, Bane of Bala Ged is better than Demon of Loathing, but it has similar drawback since it's also 7 mana and has to attack to trigger. Creatures like Bane and Demon are better in colors that have lots of haste enablers. On a budget Abzan doesn't have them therefore if you're going to play high mana cost creatures they should have an ETB ability or provide value another way. Sun Titan is an example, it's 6 mana, but in my opinion it's better than Bane and Demon since it could reanimate something when it ETB and it can be a combo piece.

I'm not saying to not play creatures who don't do anything the turn they ETB, but those creatures should be lower mana cost, not higher mana cost. Low mana cost to potentially play one and something else that same turn or play one and leave up mana for instant interaction with your opponents. Fauna Shaman is a good example, it can't tap the same turn you play it, but it's a 2 drop not a 7 drop. It's possible that Body Launderer won't do anything the same turn it ETB, but it's 4 drop as well as being a combo piece. These are big differences than a 7 drop.

Currently, your only option is to mutate Nethroi at sorcery speed on your turn thus the creatures you reanimate should give you value or combine to win the game that same turn. You don't want to rely on having those creatures on your next turn, reanimating creatures who don't do anything until they can attack could just waste Nethroi mutate. An opponent may just cast a board wipe and destroy all your creatures potentially not getting much from mutate.

There are effects in Abzan that are like haste such as flash or reanimating at instant speed. An effect that gives flash to a creature would let you cast/mutate Nethroi on an opponent's turn. Doing this lets all creatures you reanimated then attack on your next turn.

When you're playing so many creatures giving them flash can be very useful and also powerful. More instant creature reanimation goes with the strategy of self-mill, consistent creatures in graveyard. You're playing Doomed Necromancer, it and Apprentice Necromancer if they can tap can reanimate on an opponent's turn.

fg_cutts on

2 years ago

I playtested your deck and I think it would benefit from some hand discard mechanics and haste so you can swing immediately with your big baddies.

I recommend Catalog or Artificer's Epiphany for draw/discard.

I recommend running Manamorphose, Anger, and like two Stomping Ground or Ziatora's Proving Ground Jetmir's Garden (budget) so that you can run anger in your graveyard.

I know this changes your color scheme to more of atemur deck than simic, so it's that not what you want ignore this.

Also, Vivien, Champion of the Wilds's flash mechanic could help with the haste thing.

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