Parhelion II

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Parhelion II

Legendary Artifact — Vehicle

Flying, first strike, vigilance

Whenever this attacks, create two 4/4 white Angel creature token with flying and vigilance that are attacking.

Crew 4 (Tap any number of other creatures you control with total power 4 or more: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature until end of turn.)

EDH 0 / 0
Gideon Blackblade feature for Parhelion ii

Slurpz on

2 years ago

Cool deck! Tbh this deck is going to need some significant changes to get it working smoothly, but it's a cool idea worth pursuing. I think the first thing you want to do is increase your land count to 35-36 for a deck of your style and average mana value. This is the number you'll see in a lot of beginner deck building resources.

This means making some significant cuts already but I think there's a couple areas that can stand it. You want your deck to be focused in what it's doing - rats and vehicles. The following I would suggest as a first round of cuts as IMO they are low impact, inefficient, and do serve your goals or themes well.

Basilisk Collar


Infiltration Lens

Pennon Blade

King Macar, the Gold-Cursed

Brave the Sands

Cemetery Tampering

A fun card to add could be Entomb to put any vehicle in your deck into your graveyard to reanimate with Greasefang. Add Parhelion II as well and now Entomb can search for it and put it right in your graveyard ripe for the picking.

Epicurus on Alela's Automotive Museum

2 years ago

All very fine suggestions to consider. I was thinking about Martial Coup, Valiant Endeavor, Slaughter the Strong and Retribution of the Meek. But I do appreciate the value of exiling over destroying in EDH.

Also, some of what I just listed would allow me to keep my own dudes. But once I have Peacewalker Colossus, Shorikai, or a number of other things (Bitterblossom, et al), I wouldn't really need any dudes anymore. In fact, Peacewalker and Parhelion II would take care of all my Vehicle needs by themselves. So maybe even Damnation/Wrath would be solid for the slightly lower costs and wider scope, or even Bontu's Last Reckoning to go as cheap as possible. Either way, I think 7-8 wipes total would be appropriate (or at least a good starting point for playtesting).

Yep. Sounds like a redesign.

Coward_Token on Reckless Onslaught

2 years ago

Ashdust: Yeah my bad, I wasn't taking budget into account when I wrote that. Any of Infectious Horror, Rhox Veteran, Moonsilver Spear, Righteous Cause, and Parhelion II could go, but they're all waaaay cheaper than the Hero. Don't lose sleep over it.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

I normally make Gearhulks because I think making Jagers is an awesome idea, but as a huge fan of Parhelion II, I'm going that route.

Parhelion, Beacon of War

Legendary Artifact - Vehicle

Parhelion, Beacon of War costs less to cast for each Angel you control.

Flying, vigilance, haste

Whenever Parhelion, Beacon of War attacks, for each attacking nontoken Angel you control, create a 3/3 white Angel creature token with flying tapped and attacking.

Crew 6


Create a card, legendary or not is fine, that creates obscure tokens that actually exist. For example, mine makes 3/3 Angels when the overwhelming majority make 4/4 tokens.

The tokens it makes must be actual WOTC tokens - but must be obscure ones you seldom see used.

When you design your card, see if you can link Gatherer or the card itself as I did so we can see what you're making in reference to ^-^


LunchBox1211 on My Shield is my sword

2 years ago

Hour of Reckoning might not be a bad addition, and if you want another token maker Entreat the Angels does exist. It's not the best card, but I think Miracle is a fun mechanic. Angel of Sanctions Also makes a token of itself that can exile a thing, and Song of the Worldsoul just makes more tokens for (almost) free. That, and I think Parhelion II is a fun card. Maybe run Mass Calcify for a one-sided wrath?

TypicalTimmy on New Format for EDH: Rule …

2 years ago

Rule 0 began as a hub idea, but quickly became it's own sub-format within the EDH community.

When you build a new deck, or update an existing deck, you can now select Commander: Rule 0 as an option for the format.

Rule 0 is important to EDH, because it allows the players to gauge their decks against one-another. You don't want to sit down with a cEDH deck when the rest of the table had precons, after all. Rule 0 is when players normally talk about the goals of their decks, what their assessed power levels are, whether or not their decks can combo off and go infinite and a variety of other things. However, occasionally a player will mention that they want to run a card or two that technically is illegal, per the Rules Committee. While it technically is against the rules, we must understand that EDH is a social format first and foremost. The social contract allows players to express their creativity and develop new deck constructions.

With that said, Commander: Rule 0 allows players to build decks here on Tappedout and have them recognized as "technically legal", as long as their table agrees to it. After all, it is important to recognize that we likely are not at each other's tables or LGS, and we should be respectful of other user's designs.

A Rule 0 deck is one that employs any of the following, in isolation or combination.

  • Your Commander is a silver-bordered Commander, such as Alexander Clamilton.
  • You Commanders do not have Partner or Partners With together, but you would like to still use them in tandem. For example, Stitcher Geralf and Ghoulcaller Gisa.
  • Your Commander is banned in the format, such as Iona, Shield of Emeria.
  • Your Commander isn't a Legendary Creature. Examples may be a Legendary Enchantment, a Legendary Artifact, a Legendary Planeswalker or perhaps even a Legendary Sorcery. An example could be Sanctum of All or Parhelion II.
  • You wish to run a Commander who isn't actually Legendary, such as Dune-Brood Nephilim.
  • In fact, it doesn't even have to be a "real" MTG card! Want to run Sliv-Mizzet, Hivemind? Go for it!

Rule 0 doesn't just account for what's in your Command Zone. It could also be, to a much less extent, what's in the library. Perhaps you wish to run a silvered border card or a banned card. Or perhaps more than just one as a silly theme set, such as a deck exclusively made out of the Unsanctioned Augment mechanic.

Technically, yes. But if you wish to employ such powerful cards, you may want to simply consider playing Canadian Highlander instead.

The purpose of Rule 0, as a format, is to breathe new life into janky decks. To reinvigorate your playgroup. To have hilarious antics, memorable plays and laughs with friends.

Rule 0 is EDH for those who want to put having a fun and hilarious time above winning. It's for those players who have a creative itch that the Rules Committee won't scratch.

Rule 0 is about finding those roots of Magic again, where it's a game meant to be played by those you enjoy spending time with. :)

Unfortunately, no. First and foremost, a land isn't cast. So it couldn't be cast from the Command Zone, regardless. Secondly, it's not very fair to open with a T1 Gaea's Cradle every single game.

Even if the entire table ran land destruction, mana to get your Cradle back is nothing and unfairly unbalances the game.

Furthermore, fetch lands extrapolate this issue even more, as now every single turn you are guaranteed a land of your choice.

The same can apply to any modal card that flips or transforms into lands, such as Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip. Permanents like these essentially put lands in your Command Zone, which just creates the same problem again.

So, unfortunately lands in the Command Zone are banned. Sorry.

Kwhill on Derevi, Empyrial Tactician

3 years ago

I'd recommend cutting the following cards right away:
Tidal Force (Doesn't do much. Very expensive.)
Siege Behemoth (Good effect, but very expensive.)
Emmara Tandris (It doesn't look like you really have that many tokens. Not sure why this is here.)
Deepfathom Skulker (Good trigger, but expensive, and you can't activate its second ability easily.)
Archon of Coronation (Really easy to lose the monarch and it doesn't do much besides give you the monarch.)
Amareth, the Lustrous (Not really that good. Very rarely will draw you anything in general and the body is very meh.)
Inniaz, the Gale Force (I don't like this kind of effect. You are forced to give up something.)
God-Eternal Oketra (The tokens are okay, but it really doesn't do enough IMO)
Archon of Redemption (3/4 flyer for 5 with a situational life gain effect is pretty bad...)
Angel of Destiny (If it ever gets removed, all you did by attacking, possibly losing creatures in the process, possibly taking hits because your defense are down, was gain life. It just seems like the card really does nothing.)
Trostani, Selesnya's Voice (Not enough token synergy to matter. Life gain is not very good.)
Thassa, Deep-Dwelling (This doesn't do much in your deck. IMO)
Basri's Lieutenant (With almost no +1/+1 counter synergy in the deck, this really doesn't do anything for you.)
Adrix and Nev, Twincasters (Not enough token synergy.)
Niambi, Esteemed Speaker (Can save a creature, but other than that, the card pretty much does nothing.)
Ornithopter of Paradise (Can't trigger Derevi because it has 0 power. Pretty bad as a ramp card too.)
Rhys the Redeemed (Not being elf tribal or big on tokens means that he won't do much.)
Parhelion II (Way too expensive and really doesn't do that much for its cost.)
Righteous Authority (Very expensive and no way to abuse it in the deck currently.)
Cosmos Elixir (You have a ton of draw in the form of "when a creature deals combat damage, draw 1" type cards. You don't need this IMO.)
Sword of Vengeance , Sword of Body and Mind (Not really sure what they're supposed to do for you. Tiny pumps and trample aren't going to help you much IMO.)
Combine Chrysalis (Not enough tokens.)
Sol Talisman (Why is this not Sol Ring?)
Cloudshift , Ephemerate (Almost no abusable ETBs)
Griffin Aerie (Not enough life gain to make this work and not even a great effect.)
Garruk's Uprising (I feel like you should probably be focusing on smaller bodies, not bigger ones.)
Growing Ranks (Not enough tokens.)
Elspeth Conquers Death (Doesn't really do anything you're looking for IMO.)

That's just the ones I would cut right away for not being good in general or not fitting with your strategy.

The token subtheme is kind of unfitting IMO. There's only a few tokens here and there, and a lot of them are "big" tokens, not little ones that can trigger Derevi a lot, but then you also have lots of things to take advantage of tokens even though you don't have that many things that produce tokens (and a lot of times, they're too expensive). If you want to focus a deck on tokens, I think you should choose a different commander.

In general, I think you should probably focus more on having a bunch of smaller creatures so you can get lots of Derevi triggers rather than bigger creatures. This could be a way to work in tokens if you want to push it, because you could focus on smaller tokens that you can push out very cheap and early in the game.

In addition to this, you may also want to consider putting in more cards that you can abuse with Derevi. I love the inspire guy you have in there, Arbiter of the Ideal (don't know if you know, but you can stack tap/untap/tap/untap triggers on him and trigger inspire a bunch of times in one combat!). I think you should focus on this kind of effect more.

I think you should also try to put a little more ramp in there. Sol Ring, Simic Signet, Arcane Signet, and maybe a couple other mana rocks are noticeably missing.

That's pretty much all I have to say about it right now. Let me know what you think!

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