Temple Bell

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Temple Bell


: Each player draws a card.

DreadKhan on Eye for Mischief

1 month ago

If you can get copies I feel like Exquisite Blood and Bloodchief Ascension would generate a ton of life with your Goading stuff, the risk of these cards is that you get targeted early, Goad helps offset this nicely I'd wager. It's a bit janky, but Elemental Mastery would be a nifty way to technically swing at each opponent while your Commander is out without risking anything of any value. Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainerfoil seems interesting if you can count on having lots of stuff Goaded, he also makes it hard for someone to stockpile weenies to Craterhoof you later (I checked and you can get other versions for cheaper, I just can't seem to link to them!). Professional Face-Breaker is a nice option if you think you can get in for damage.

I absolutely love Ghoulish Impetus in a deck that wants to see people swinging, makes a whole bunch of dead stuff surprisingly quickly if you pick your creatures well.

I think if you really want to run something like Spiteful Visions I'd consider something like Fate Unraveler or even Underworld Dreams, these reinforce the effect. Another card that'd be amazing with it would be Exquisite Blood that I mentioned earlier. Temple Bell or Humble Defector are some draw effects that might synergize with what you're doing, adding political draw effects.

Oh yeah, if you like to sow Chaos, I love how much you can do with Dauthi Embrace. If you like Varchild, maybe Varchild's War-Riders? I remember finding one of these in a store's binder and picking it up, it worked well in 1v1, but if you can goad them all they won't be a problem until late (when you're 1v1), at which point the card lets you sacrifice it.

I bet this deck is a blast to play!

DemonDragonJ on Pursuit of Happiness

1 month ago

I have replaced Temple Bell with Chandra, Acolyte of Flame, since she better fits the theme of this deck, with how she can increase the loyalty of my other planeswalkers, since they are in this deck specifically for their emblems, with how she can generate tokens to trigger the second ability of Warleader's Call, and with how she allows me to cast instant and sorcery spells from my graveyard. It is unfortunate that her abilities cannot be activated as instants, but I was willing to make that sacrifice for greater utility.

DemonDragonJ on All Creatures Great and Small

1 month ago

I have replaced Temple Bell with Baylen, the Haymaker, because he (is Baylen male or female?) has amazing synegry with this deck.

Gidgetimer on Is Staff of Completion a …

1 month ago

Temple Bell is a bad card. There are reasons to play bad cards and playing a bad card (with a good reason) doesn't make you a bad player, especially in EDH. Most of the cards in my Jodah, the Unifier deck are bad, but they are cheap legendary creatures. So they just turn into insanely large beaters, which is what the deck wants to do. Shrieking Drake is an objectively bad card. It is a Flying Men with downside. But that doesn't stop it from being played in a cEDH deck.

wallisface on Is Staff of Completion a …

1 month ago

Gleeock I don’t think we’re ever going to see eye-to-eye here.

This thread was built around the OP asking for deck-building optimisation in a vacuum… i strongly feel that suggesting Temple Bell as a reasonable option in that regard is both incredibly misleading, and doesn’t help the OP in future card-assessment.

Gleeock on Is Staff of Completion a …

1 month ago

wallisface I don't believe I stated that the card was powerful. As far as <1% on EDHrec, I have played plenty of cards that help me on my way to winning in less overt ways & they probably show up in a low % decks as well.

Again, I don't really play Temple Bell, nor do I play traditional "hugs". But, I have seen specialist players be pretty effective at that playstyle. As far as: not EVER doing enough in the 99 I say "Never say Never" in a game with this much choice, variety, strategy, & personal preference. Your playstyle is not everyone elses' playstyle, even if it is the majority playstyle.

plakjekaas on Is Staff of Completion a …

1 month ago

The only reason I remember Temple Bell as a card is because I saw a Zurzoth, Chaos Rider player activate it trying to sneak in some extra devil tokens precombat (Anger in the graveyard, it made sense to try) while saying "What's the worst that could happen?" hinting at the disadvantage of giving your opponents extra cards. But by doing so, miracled an opponent into Devastation Tide, answering their own question while they took at least 20 devil tokens back to hand without the death trigger.

Very memorable game, horrible advertisement for the use of Temple Bell.

wallisface on Is Staff of Completion a …

1 month ago

StopShot, Gleeock if Temple Bell were even remotely as powerful as you two describe, you’d see it showing up in competitive edh decks… or semi-competitive edh decks… or even strong-casual edh decks. Or even casual decks. But you don’t, because outside of some extremely niche/narrow deck-builds, it’s just not doing enough to ever warrant being in the 99.

The stats speak for themselves. On edhrec it’s showing up in less-than 1% of decks. I imagine the vast majority of those decks are “grouphug”, with the remainder being a deckbuilding mistake.

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