
March, 2019

Simic Climb

Just like in Guilds of Ravnica Standard I switched after a couple of months to another guild in Ravnica Allegiance. This time it was leaving Gruul and playing Simic to take more advantage of Elves with adapt, +1/+1 counter strategies with Hadana's Climb  . Rhythm of the Wild was powerful with Elves, but was too inconsistent to draw it and play it before I wanted to go off casting Elves with Beast Whisperer. Incubation Druid and Growth-Chamber Guardian were great with Hadana's Climb  , but didn't require it to be good. Hydroid Krasis and Zegana, Utopian Speaker were the other huge reasons to play Simic as these cards were amazing with +1/+1 counter strategies. Incubation / Incongruity gave Elves a versatile spell that could either look for a creature or exile a creature. The Simic decklist was:
January, 2019

Ravnica Allegiance

The second set in the return return to Ravnica was Ravnica Allegiance (RNA). Elves were also part of this set; they were part of the Simic guild. There were two rare two drop Elves in RNA who will become core Elves until they leave Standard, Incubation Druid and Growth-Chamber Guardian. These two Elves were fantastic and the new adapt mechanic of Simic was for this deck a huge hit. The guild that stood out in RNA was Gruul with Rhythm of the Wild and the new mechanic riot. The first version using cards from RNA was Gruul back to playing Grand Warlord Radha and included was another four drop Elf who had previously only been in the sideboard, Beast Whisperer. Whisperer was great with Rhythm because riot could give each Elf I play a turn haste taking away the drawback of playing a lot of Elves for a turn, but then not being able to attack with them. The Gruul decklist was:
November, 2018

Golgari Find

After playing Selesnya Elves with Emmara, Soul of the Accord and convoke for a couple of months I decided I wasn't getting good enough results. Selesnya lacked recursion which was something that was needed because Standard at this time was full of powerful board wipes that ruined the party for the tribe. I changed this deck to Golgari to play Find / Finality and Golgari Findbroker. Both excellent recursion tools for Elves; a way to recover quickly from board wipes. As it turned out Find / Finality would become a staple of the sideboard for the tribe. The Golgari decklist was:
October, 2018

Guilds of Ravnica

The return return to Ravnica with Guilds of Ravnica (GRN) meant we were going to a new plane. A new plane meant a new name for this deck; I changed the name to Elves of Ravnica. GRN was a good return and set for Elves. The tribe was part of both Golgari and Selesnya guilds and Selesnya was the front-runner guild with the returning mechanic of convoke. Back to Ravnica meant the return of Shock lands: Temple Gardenfoil and Overgrown Tombfoil. Two different dual lands that can ETB untapped to make green or another color of mana were a welcomed addition for the tribe. Shock lands had a huge impact on Standard having excellent interaction with Check lands from Ixalan: Sunpetal Grove and Woodland Cemetery. This land interaction will most likely shape the format while they are both in it.

Emmara, Soul of the Accord was the stand out Elf of the set who helped lead an aggressive build with Venerated Loxodon as the curve topper with convoke and it's ability to give all my Elves a +1/+1 counter. Conclave Tribunal was a versatile/powerful removal spell with convoke in Standard especially with Elves. The Selesnya decklist was:
October, 2018

Standard Rotation

At this rotation sets from Kaladesh and Amonkhet rotate out of Standard. Energy, the mechanic that shaped the Standard landscape since it was introduced in Kaladesh is now gone from Standard. We said goodbye to Servant of the Conduit, Aether Hub, Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Rhonas the Indomitable, Abrade, Blossoming Defense and many sideboard cards. As a result this deck again had to completely change. There was much anticipation of the return return to Ravnica with Guilds of Ravnica because I knew Ravnica had Elves.
June, 2018

Core Set 2019

Core Set 2019 (M19) was the welcome return of core sets to Standard. Magic Origins was suppose to be the last core set, but Wizards eventually realized that the Standard format needs a core set for balance. M19 had Elves was good for the tribe with three of them becoming staples in this deck. The stand out Elf was Elvish Clancaller, the first Elf lord since Origins and the first true two drop Elf lord in Magic. Clancaller replaced Marwyn, the Nurturer as the tribal reason to play Elves. Thorn Lieutenant was one of the better aggressive two drop Elves to be in Standard since Sylvan Advocate and Reclamation Sage is reprinted, becoming a key sideboard card. Sheltered Thicket was added to the manabase in place of Forests to give more red sources for Abrade. Updated Elves of Dominaria decklist:
April, 2018

Elves of Dominaria

Welcome the new name Elves of Dominaria. This begins a new age of naming, for now on this deck will be called "Elves of whatever the current plane is", Bant Radiant Elves is no more. For the first time this deck is pure Gruul colors, back to only two colors playing red for Grand Warlord Radha. Marwyn, the Nurturer replaces Radiant Destiny as the tribal reason to play Elves. Servant of the Conduit and Aether Hub remain for an energy strategy for ramp and fixing. First Elves of Dominaria decklist:
April, 2018


Dominaria one of the most exciting sets in a long time to be released. Returning to the original plane in Magic after the aftermath that was the Phyrexian Invasion turned out to be a great setting for Magic and for Standard. Dominaria is the first set of the new set pattern; blocks of sets are no more. Dominaria had Elves and is the best set since Magic Origins for the tribe. Llanowar Elves returns to Standard, Steel Leaf Champion becomes a dominate three drop Elf thanks to Llanowar, Marwyn, the Nurturer is the first true Elf tribal card since Origins. She becomes the new build around card for Elves. Her along with Grand Warlord Radha are the Elves who define the new version of this deck.
Jan 20, 2018

Bant Radiant Elves

Energy Elves is no more; I changed the deck name to Radiant Elves. This deck returns to Bant colors. White for Radiant Destiny and Cast Out. Blue splashed for Hadana's Climb  . Destiny gave Elves a tribal anthem and since the tribe lacks an actual lord who can give other Elves +1/+1, Destiny was kind of needed. Destiny has Ascend which as it turned out is a great mechanic with Elves because it's not difficult to get ten permanents in my control. Vigilance from Destiny, Elves with a +1/+1 counter, Rishkar, Peema Renegade and Rhonas the Indomitable combine to become the new overall strategy with Elves. Climb was the +1/+1 counter engine and Winged Temple of Orazca   is a win condition land that can come out of no where and just win games. Since relying so much on Rishkar and needing +1/+1 counter engines Metallic Mimic and Verdurous Gearhulk returned. The energy strategy remains but only to help make mana with Servant of Conduit and Aether Hub. Bant Radiant Elves decklist:
Jan, 2018

Rivals of Ixalan

Rivals of Ixalan, the second set in the Ixalan block is released. This set was like Ixalan overall pretty bad; it's the first set in a long time to not have a cycle of rare lands, only uncommon always ETB tapped enemy dual lands. Rivals introduced a new mechanic to Standard, Ascend. As bad as the set was it did have two enchantments, Radiant Destiny and Hadana's Climb   that will define the new version of this deck until Dominaria.
Sept 21, 2017

Raiding Standard

In some sets there's a diamond in the rough and in Ixalan Ruin Raider was it, but he never had a chance in Standard. Energy Elves gets a new version going back to Golgari colors, back to playing Winding Constrictor with Elves. Raider paired nicely with Elves because all of them have low CMC with the highest CMC being Rishkar, Peema Renegade. Raider interacted very well with Aethersphere Harvester which combined with Servant of the Conduit, Aether Hub and Constrictor let the energy strategy remain. I played this version for a while, but I quickly found out that it wasn't going to be viable, too risky to play in a Standard that was dominated by red aggro with Hazoret the Fervent back-up with Abrade and Heart of Kiran back-up with Abrade. Losing life to draw cards is not what you wanted to be doing against these decks.
Oct, 2017


Back to back new planes are visited in the Magic Multiverse with Ixalan as the second new plane in a row to not have Elves. We welcomed allied Check lands (Rootbound Crag) back to Standard as well as a great tribal rainbow land Unclaimed Territory, both are added to this deck. Ixalan introduced new tribes to Standard, Dinosaurs and Pirates as well as the return of double faced cards. This time cards not as creatures or Planeswalkers, but as enchantments or artifacts that transform into powerful lands. The enchantments and Check lands are some of the only defining cards of the set. Overall the new Dinosaurs and tribal themes miss the mark and the set overall is a disappointment.
Oct, 2017

Skyrider Rotates

At the 2017 Fall rotation we said goodbye to Skyrider Elf as well as all cards from the Battle for Zendikar block and Shadows Over Innistrad block. Sylvan Advocate and Tireless Tracker are other big loses at this rotation. With Skyrider rotating this deck completely changes because he was the reason to play energy and five colors with Elves.

July 7, 2017

Temur with Hour

Energy Elves didn't change much with the release of Hour of Devastation. The main deck stayed Temur and only two cards were added Abrade and Driven / Despair. Both cards at the time gave the deck something it lacked evasion/draw with Elves and main deck artifact removal to combat Heart of Kiran.

July, 2017

Hour of Devastation

Hour of Devastation, second set in the Amonkhet block is released. There were no Elves, but the set had three new removal spells with two modes. Abrade is one of them and it shapes Standard for the entire time it's legal. Helping to make red a real powerhouse.

May 20, 2017


Another new version of Energy Elves is Temur. I finally settled on Temur cutting white for red for Harnessed Lightning and Glorybringer to take better advantage of energy. For the first time this deck lacks a real build around card, but because of the power of energy this wasn't a problem. Building this deck around Rhonas the Indomitable while powerful was not utilizing energy to the fullest. Rogue Refiner was added and became one of the best energy cards in the deck and in Standard. Verdurous Gearhulk was cut for Glorybringer and Woodland Wanderer cut for Bristling Hydra to better use energy. The new Temur Energy Elves decklist:
April 17, 2017


A new version of Energy Elves is Bant. Rhonas the Indomitable becomes the new build around card replacing Winding Constrictor and counters strategy. White replaces black for Cast Out and Tamiyo, Field Researcher. The new Bant Energy Elves decklist:
April 2017


Amonkhet set featuring another new plane in the Magic multiverse is released. Amonkhet didn't have any Elves, but it did have the return of Gods to Standard as well as one of the better unconditional removal spells printed in a while.

Feb 23, 2017

Metallic Mimic

Mimic was the weakness card because it needed to be played turn two and was pretty bad after that. Mimic was cut for more powerful cards this meant that the tribal aspect of Elves was gone. I decided not play a lackluster card just to keep this deck tribal. With the cutting of Mimic Armorcraft Judge was also cut in favor of Tireless Tracker. Nissa, Voice of Zendikarfoil was also under performing and was cut for Aethersphere Harvester. Due to the addition of Tracker as well as needing to trigger revolt for Fatal Push I added Evolving Wilds cutting Botanical Sanctum. The new Sultai Energy Elves non-tribal decklist:
Jan 24, 2017

Sultai Counters

A new version of Energy Elves is Sultai. Using energy and counters strategies with Winding Constrictor. Energy remained with Constrictor as the build around card for this version because of it's great synergy with both Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Metallic Mimic and Verdurous Gearhulk adding even more counters creating a layering counters effect with Elves. Constrictor was also great for energy production. Blue remained for Skyrider Elf since he too was very good with Constrictor. One of the better removal spells in black printed in a while was Fatal Push. Push became the go to removal spell in this version. The new Sultai Energy Elves decklist:
Jan 10, 2017

Aether Revolt

The second set in the Kaladesh block is released. Rishkar, Peema Renegade and Metallic Mimic are tribal cards for Elves who had fantastic synergy with each other. Rishkar in particular was a very strong new Elf for Standard. Aether Revolt continued the energy mechanic in the set having some great options in Rogue Refiner and Aethersphere Harvester.
Oct 16, 2016

More Tribal

Even though Energy Elves as it was built was fine I wasn't happy with the lack of tribal synergy. The deck was changed including an equipment for the first time, Stoneforge Masterwork as the tribal card with Elves. The energy strategy with Skyrider Elf remained and Peema Outrider joined the tribe giving this deck two Elves with evasion, flying and trample to best take advantage of Masterwork. The new Temur Energy Elves decklist:
Sept 30, 2016


Thankfully, Kaladesh had Elves which really saved the Elf tribe in Standard. A new mechanic was introduced, energy. I liked energy right away and build the next version of this deck around it. Rite Elves is dead, but Energy Elves lives on. I changed this deck's name to Energy Elves. Skyrider Elf returns, the first time using him since the Sultai version of this deck back in Battle for Zendikar(BFZ). I used energy as a mana color fixer to take advantage of the converge creatures Skyrider and Woodland Wanderer from BFZ. A new type of artifact is also introduced, Vehicles. Smuggler's Copter ended up being the best Vehicle in the set and the best one with Elves. For the first time red is used in this deck for Harnessed Lightning, an excellent creature removal spell that uses energy. I started out in Sultai colors, but ending up in Temur. The Temur Energy Elves decklist:
Sept, 2016

Shaman Rotates

The end of an era. Since the beginning Shaman of the Pack has been the center piece of this deck, but she rotated at this rotation. This was a huge rotation, rotating 90% of Elves out of Standard. The rest of Khans of Tarkir block rotated meaning Collected Company is gone as well as all of Magic Orgins. Magic Orgins was a great set for Elves because it had Shaman, Dwynen's Elite, Elvish Visionary, Sylvan Messenger and Nissa, Vastwood Seer  . The loss of Shaman means this deck and Elves as a tribe are in trouble. Kaladesh the next block in Magic has to have Elves or the tribe is extinct in Standard. Because of this impeding rotation and the unknown fate of Elves I took a break from playing this deck until Kaladesh.
July 17, 2016

Eldritch Moon

Eldritch Moon the second set in the Shadows Over Innistrad block also has no Elves just like the previous set. Huge Eldrazi Distended Mindbender and Decimator of the Provinces brought a new powerful mechanic to Magic, emerge. Emerge was great with the Cryptolith Rite combo strategy with Elves. Both these Eldrazi were included in this deck with Mindbender as the stand out and Decimator ending up in the end in the sideboard. Due to the double black emerge casting cost of Mindbender I cut white leaving behind the more complex Abzan manabase for a much more consistent Golgari one. Golgari Rite Elves decklist:
May 25, 2016


Rite Elves becomes Abzan to take advantage of the powerful cards Eldrazi Displacer and Declaration in Stone. Displacer adds yet another excellent combo piece to use with Cryptolith Rite and Shaman of the Pack. Continually, blinking Shaman now becomes the win condition of Rite Elves. This deck is now packing three powerful combo pieces to be used with Rite and Elves, Displacer, Duskwatch Recruiter   and Westvale Abbey  . Declaration is added mostly to combat Humans. Unconditional creature exile that can also completely wipe a battlefield of tokens is excellent. Abzan Rite Elves decklist:
March 27, 2016

Shadows Over Innistrad

SOI didn't have any Elves in the entire set. Instead it brought combo back with Elves in the form of Cryptolith Rite and Westvale Abbey  . This marks one of the biggest overall deck design changes for this deck in a while. No longer having to rely on just Shaman of the Pack or an Elf swam to win the game. Collected Company completely replaces Sylvan Messenger and the deck name Messenger Elves is changed to Rite Elves. The new Rite Elves decklist:
Jan 22, 2016


With the release of Oath of the Gatewatch and having a new G/B Dual land Hissing Quagmire this deck moves back to Golgari colors. This move really simplified the manabase making it more consistent, not having to rely on fetch lands and battle lands. Cutting blue of Sultai colors was the biggest change for this deck in a while. Sylvan Advocate replaced Skyrider Elf, Oath of Nissa replaced Beastcaller Savant and Nissa, Voice of Zendikarfoil replaced Tajuru Warcaller. The new Golgari decklist:
Jan 22, 2016

Oath of the Gatewatch

The set Oath of the Gatewatch is released. Oath gave this deck four very good main deck-able cards Sylvan Advocate, Oath of Nissa, Nissa, Voice of Zendikarfoil and Hissing Quagmire. Advocate with Quagmire has turned out to have excellent interaction. To make room main deck for these new cards the Sultai Elf Ally strategy with Skyrider Elf, Beastcaller Savant and Tajuru Warcaller was cut.
Dec 14, 2015

Leaf Gilder

Added 4x Leaf Gilder giving this deck another two drop mana Elf. Gilder allows the possibility of a turn three Collected Company or Sylvan Messenger. Mana created by Gilder can be used to cast any spell in the deck which is great with Company. As a result of this Company has been increased to 3x main deck. The new Sulati decklist:

Windswept Heath

After taking a break from playing this deck for a while I returned to it. All this time I have been using Bloodstained Mire and Flooded Strand as my two fetch lands because both can get all three of Sultai's color requirements. Both Mire and Strand can't fetch a Forest; this has turned out to be a large oversight by me of the building of this deck's mana base. Windswept Heath is replacing Strand in this deck because it can fetch a Forest and a blue source with Prairie Stream. Heath can't get a black source, but Mire can. Being able to have a fetch land that can fetch a Forest in the early game is very beneficial for this deck I just wish that I had realized this much earlier. Nov 21, 2015


Since the first version of Sultai Messenger Elves I haven't been playing Dwynen, which has been a mistake. Dark Jeskai is a very popular deck in Standard. This deck really struggles vs Jeskai and Mantis Rider. Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen is a four toughness lord Elf with reach that can attack through and block a Rider. Dwynen is also very good with Skyrider Elf because Skyrider is an Elf creature so he gets the pump from Dwynen. I added 2x Dwynen to the main in place of Drana, Liberator of Malakir because Drana is terrible vs Rider. Oct 27, 2015

Gnarlroot Trapper

Since turning this deck into Sultai colors Gnarlroot Trapper hasnt been used because I didn't think a good manabase could be configured to have turn 1 Trapper, turn 2 Beastcaller and turn 3 Skyrider. I have retooled the manabase to make Trapper work including 10x come into play untapped black sources for a turn 1 Trapper. Trapper giving deathtouch to Skyrider is very powerful. Oct 11, 2015


Added Drana, Liberator of Malakir to the main deck as another aggressive single creature threat and a powerful threat with a battlefield of Elves. Drana is another Ally creature for Tajuru Warcaller and Beastcaller Savant can help to cast her.

Oct 6, 2015

Reality Shift

Before GW Megamorph was such a popular deck this deck used Reality Shift as its main deck and sideboard cheap removal spell. Shift replaced Murderous Cut. Shift could exile Hangarback Walker giving no value to your opponent in the process. Once GW Megamorph became so popular then the big drawback of giving your opponent a manifest after using Shift was too much of a negative to continue using the card. Oct 1, 2015

Rattleclaw Mystic

I decided to replace Leaf Gilder with Rattleclaw Mystic because Mystic could help to cast since he can make blue mana a turn 3 Kiora, Master of the Depths or a 5/5 Skyrider Elf much easier then Gilder could. This change worked very well if I had either a Kiora or Skyrider in my opening hand, but was not the best with all the other elves, specifically Dwynen's Elite and Shaman of the Pack. Sept 26, 2015


With the release of Battle for Zendikar and Skyrider Elf this deck takes on a new shape by including blue as its third color, turning Messenger Elves into Sultai. Up until this point this deck was Golgari making this the first time I was splashing a third color in this deck. The first Sultai decklist was: Sept 19, 2015

Battle for Zendikar

Battle for Zendikar while a pretty poor set in general, did give this deck three great new Elves. The returning creature type Ally and its new mechanic Rally added three Ally Elves to this deck, an excellent mana Elf in Beastcaller Savant, a flying Elf Skyrider Elf and an Elf that can mass pump a team of creatures for a turn Tajuru Warcaller. Battle also brought new powerful fetchable dual lands to Standard which allows this deck and many more to easily include a third color or more. Sept 15, 2015

Standard Rotation

Standard rotation was a month away, all cards from Theros block and the M15 core set can no longer be used in Standard. This deck lost a lot at this rotation with the biggest losses being Elvish Mystic, Chord of Calling, Thoughtseize and Downfall. All other elves in this deck were not affected which still left a great core in place moving forward. Sept 3, 2015

Evolved Decklist

This deck has changed a lot since it was first created the decklist including the sideboard up at this point was: Aug 30, 2015

Self-Inflicted Wound

By this time Abzan Aggro and Midrange was rampant in Standard. Wound turned out and still is a terrific sideboard card vs Abzan. Added 4x Self-Inflicted Wound to the sideboard.

Aug 24, 2015

Collected Company

All this time I wasn't playing Company at all instead deciding to go with 4x Messenger as my card advantage. Company is too powerful of a card not to play in this deck because of the interaction with Shaman. I added 2x Company main deck.

Aug 19, 2015

More Nissa

At one point I was playing 4x Nissa main deck with 20 lands. I quickly found out that four Nissa is too much and 20 lands is not enough. I ended up using 3x Nissa and 21 lands for a while until I finally settled on 2x Nissa.

Aug 18, 2015

Downfall and Obelisk

Hero's Downfall was added main deck in place of Murderous Cut basically because of Abzan with Rhino and Elspeth. I had cut Downfalls for Cuts in the early stages because of the double black casting cost of Downfall which was a misstake. 2x Obelisk of Urd was also added which gave this deck another powerful way to win the game if I wasn't finding or drawing Shaman or Chord. Aug 15, 2015

Chord Toolbox

This was the first really thought out sideboard plan using a variety of singleton creatures and using convoke with Chord of Calling to get any one of them when I needed them. Some interesting creatures included: This sideboard plan while neat turned out to not be needed and after a while I changed the sideboard back to a traditional plan. July 27, 2015

Gilt-Leaf Winnower

Winnower was a completely overlooked card by me at first. I didn't think it was a good card at all. Then Abzan with Siege Rhino became the best deck in Standard so I decided to start playtesting Winnower and was very much surprised how good he is. 1x Winnower was added to the main deck and sideboard. July 24, 2015

Thoughtseize Back

I moved 4x Seize out of the sideboard and put it back in the main deck. The main reason for this change was because of Abzan and main deck Languish.

July 22, 2015

Winning Decklist

After taking a few weeks off from playing this deck I returned to it and developed the first completive decklist. I started winning a lot on and was feeling really good about the deck. July 20, 2015

First Sideboard

Up until now I wasn't using a sideboard in my playtesting since the meta had not even remotely started to become clear. The first sideboard for this deck was a mess: I quickly found out that Deadbridge is not a good card and Seize should go back into the main deck. July 6, 2015

Sylvan Messenger

The name Messenger Elves is born. At first I wasn’t playtesting with Messenger at all. Someone in the comments section recommended that I add some Messengers because Chord can get her and since then I haven't looked back. I Added 4x Messenger to the deck and took out 4x Company. July 5, 2015

Woodland Bellower

Adding Bellower gave this deck a fantastic one of Chord target since he can find and put Shaman directly into play. At the time I could convoke a Chord for 9 using my Elves on the battlefield and lands to get a Bellower which was a powerful play, but I realized much later that Bellower really does cost too much to reliably play in this deck. July 1, 2015

Chord of Calling

During the first day of playtesting on I came to the conclusion that Thoughtseize is not really needed game 1, but rather games 2 and 3 to take your opponent's board wipes and Planeswalkers. I moved 4x Seize to the sideboard for 4x main deck Chord of Calling. I quickly found out that Chord was bonkers in this deck and with Elves in general. Convoking a Chord for six to get Shaman was easy for this deck and extremely powerful. June 30, 2015

This Deck is Born

My Elvish journey in Standard started with the release of Magic Origins and a powerful three drop Elf creature, Shaman of the Pack. She allowed Elves decks in Standard to actually work and possibly be competitive. The first version of this deck was Golgari colors (G/B) and called Golgari Elves. The very first decklist was: June 30, 2015

Budget Elves of Eldraine

Standard* multimedia



Updates Add

I haven't updated in a while, sorry I've been MIA. I missed making the last two Standard set spoiler updates which doesn't mean that I didn't like the sets they were good, but I lacked motivation to write about them. Reason being I wasn't getting enough satisfaction from playing this deck or overall Standard; I wasn't having enough fun. In fact, Standard is what the first part of this update is about. I've stop playing Standard, all except this deck. I don't want to stop playing this deck or brewing Standard decks with Elves; that part of Magic is honestly the most fun I have when it comes to Standard.

Standard is forcing me to change this deck. For the first time I've added a maximum budget of $200, this includes the sideboard. What this means is cards that are expensive price will be reduced to 1 ofs. Because of the ridiculous expensive price playable dual land situation in Standard I will not be playing any more than two colors. Choices are: Mono-Green, Golgari, Selesyna, Gruul, that's it. As cards get more expensive price which will happen when more players discover the high power level of cards in War of the Spark (WAR) then those cards will be reduced or cut from this deck. If anyone is interested to know more about why I'm leaving Standard then feel free to ask me about it in a comment.

The second part of this update is the good stuff. I've already updated with a new deck list, first version with cards from WAR. This deck is back to being Golgari and I'm pretty excited about several cards in WAR.

Back to Golgari for Storrev, Devkarin Lich. Thanks to Overgrown Tombfoil,Woodland Cemetery,Unclaimed Territory,Incubation Druid and Paradise Druid Storrev's difficult mana cost is possible and consistent. Storrev stats are beastly; a 5/4 four drop with trample. Those stats are very good, but the reason to play her is to abuse her recursion ability. Storrev does something that Elves haven't had yet, she's can be a repeatable source of recursion. When she attacks and does combat damage to my opponent or a Planeswalker my opponent controls then I get to recur a creature from my graveyard as long as that creature didn't die in same turns combat. Find / Finality is one of my favorite cards from Guilds of Ravnica and Storrev is a repeatable Find who happens to be a four drop Elf.

The value comes from Storrev because I can do significant damage attacking with her 5 power trample which in return helps to activate her great ability. Elves in this deck have been since Steel Leaf Champion all about the curve out with Llanowar Elves help. Storrev now adds a lot of power to the curve out: turn 1 Llanowar, turn 2 Champion, turn 3 Storrev, turn four God-Eternal Rhonas. This curve out is 20 damage with 10 of it trampling turn four. More about Rhonas and this curve out later in this update.

In WAR we got two new two drop Elves, Pollenbright Druid and Paradise Druid. Pollenbright is amazing; she's a fantastic enabler for fast Incubation Druid ramp and Growth-Chamber Guardian's ability to tutor for other copies of himself. After she helps to enable them then other copies of her can make them even better with proliferate; that's pretty good for a common. Two drop proliferate is busted when you build around it. Pollenbright is the Elf that's what drew me into playing Storrev with her because she's an excellent two drop Elf to keep recurring. Playing her again and getting value each time; lots of proliferate. Storrev is a good creature to get counters on with proliferate because she has trample. Steel Leaf Champion is also an excellent Elf to be able to put a counter on.

The last version of this deck was Simic and it was Simic to play Hadana's Climb  Flip and one reason to play Climb is Incubation. Climb was a fast enabler to get a counter on Incubation who can then explode with ramp. Pollenbright is another fast enabler for Incubation. The difference is Pollenbright is all green, a creature, less mana, an Elf and can proliferate. There's another Elf in WAR who can proliferate and not just once, but potentially every turn.

After the great success of energy and Servant of the Conduit in Standard I didn't think Wizards would print another two drop Elf who can make any color of mana, but not only did they print another one Incubation Druid, they even printed a second one Paradise Druid. Paradise can't be targeted by opponent, if she's untapped which is helpful because I can leave her untapped until I want to use her ramp. Paradise is really good, but Incubation overshadows her which is really amazing. Paradise is currently a budget option of a two drop mana Elf since Incubation is $3.50 and I'm expecting her to go up in price.

Proliferate is good with Elves because three of the core Elves, Incubation Druid, Growth-Chamber Guardian and Pollenbright Druid can put a counter on themselves; they don't need other cards to get a counter on them which is a big deal. Pollenbright can put a counter on herself or any other Elf I control; this versatility is very helpful with proliferate. Evolution Sage is an example of the high power level of cards in the WAR set because he can proliferate using no mana just making a land drop and he's an uncommon three drop. No mana cost proliferate is amazing with +1/+1 counter strategies that this deck has used for a long time now since energy and Skyrider Elf was a build around Elf. Not to mention busted with Planeswalkers.

Evolution is very good with Guardian and having lands to make land drops. These two Elves can take over a game if not stopped; growing Guardian and tutoring for other copies of Guardian just by playing a land. Evolution is a three drop and that's the only drawback of playing him since there's better three drops to play such as Steel Leaf Champion and one of my favorite nonElf cards in WAR, Vivien, Champion of the Wilds. Who happens to be really good with Evolution's repeatable proliferate.

When Rashmi, Eternities Crafter was in Standard I wanted a card like Vivien, Champion of the Wilds very much that could give all Elves flash. It was not to be and as a result Rashmi, a mythic rare Elf, was never a build around card for Elves for the entire time she was in Standard. Flash forward to now and there's a large pool of two drop Elves to play and giving them flash is very good. In WAR Vivien is part of the new format of Planeswalkers. Planeswalkers are now no longer just mythic rare cards they're now also uncommon and rare. Each rare Walker in WAR has two loyalty abilities and a unique single static ability (ability that happens without using loyalty). These static abilities are a great new take on how Planeswalkers can be used in Magic. I don't usually compliment Wizards for anything they do in Standard, but I give them props for doing this with Planeswalkers, to interject some freshness of game play with them. Planeswalkers with static abilities and Sagas are two of the best, most creative, nongimmicky things Wizards has done in Standard.

All of Vivien's abilities are great for Elves. Vivien's static ability gives creatures I control flash. Not just green creatures all creatures I control. This ability on a three drop Planeswalker can be abused with Elves. Seems good with Beast Whisperer; being able to cast Elves and draw at instant speed. The Whisperer strategy however has proven to not be good enough and since Guilds of Ravnica I've played Whisperer in the sideboard because in some matchups he's very good, but in most he's too fragile for a four drop engine. Flash is good with adapt Elves being able to flash them in on my opponents end step and then on my turn adapt them. Having the flash ability for all my creatures on a Planeswalker is excellent against control. I like flash a lot with Pollenbright Druid, being able to proliferate at instant speed.

Vivien is amazing as a three drop Walker who protect herself with her +1 if I have a creature on the battlefield. Her +1 gives a creature I control vigilance and reach until my next turn. Until my next turn lets this creature possibly attack for the turn and then also defend against my opponent's ground creature or flying creature. Giving the creature reach is something Elves really need because fliers are hard to deal with and are traditionally creatures that are played to kill Planeswalkers. Vigilance is great with mana Elves especially Incubation Druid. Incubation can actually be a mana Elf who can attack; being able to attack with her for the turn and then also tap her to make up to three mana for ramp.

Vivien's -2 ability can be a repeatable source of creatures. Her ability is unique because it doesn't let me put a creature I find in the top three of my library into my hand instead I exile that card face down and I may play that creature at any time. It hides the creatures I find from my opponent and since they don't go to my hand then they also can't be discarded or interacted in my hand by my opponent. This ability is essentially giving me a second hand of exiled face-down protected creatures. Combine this with flash which Vivien gives my creatures makes her a compact low mana cost engine for Elves. An engine that can benefit from proliferate is just what the tribe wants.

God-Eternal Rhonas is a green five drop making him a very good curve out creature with Elves who have a lot of power from original stats (Steel Leaf Champion) or +1/+1 counters (Growth-Chamber Guardian). His ETB ability is crazy and he's also a 5/5 with deathtouch which is just as good. Another reason to play Storrev, Devkarin Lich is Rhonas because she starts with 5 power with trample. Giving her 10 power is nuts with trample. She's a four drop so she can technically get onto the battlefield before Rhonas which is important when it comes to curves.

Llanowar Elves is the catalyst for some ridiculous curve outs and Rhonas adds to this. Turn one Llanowar, turn two Champion, turn three Storrev and turn four Rhonas attack with 10/4 Champion and 10/4 Storrev. Two 10 power creatures, one of which has trample attacking turn four is absurd. Obviously, this curve out requires I make a land drop each turn and specific lands be dropped. Turn 1 or 2 I need an Overgrown Tombfoil and turn three I need another Tomb or one of Unclaimed Territory or Woodland Cemetery. Rhonas is only being played as a 1 of in this deck because he's an expensive price card and I expect his price to go up because the card is busted with creature strategies. I like Rhonas a lot with Vivien, Champion of the Wilds's ability to give a creature vigilance and reach. Deathtouch and vigilance with a 5/5 creature is great and Vivien's -2 ability can potentially find Rhonas after he dies or is exiled.

Vivien's -2 ability has great synergy with Rhonas because when he dies or is exiled he goes into my library three cards from the top. Vivien can look at the top three cards of my library and can exile a creature for me to cast. Each turn Rhonas dies and Vivien is on the battlefield I can potentially get him back and cast him again. Rhonas has deathtouch and Vivien's +1 ability can give him vigilance and reach making him a removal spell in combat against my opponent's creature. This vigilance and reach is given to Rhonas until my next turn meaning first turn I can +1 Vivien for Rhonas he can then block and trade with any creature my opponent attacks with. Second turn if Rhonas died I can use Vivien's -2 to find Rhonas on the top of my library, cast him again and continue this line of play for other turns.

Spark Harvest is another example of the high power level of cards in WAR. It's a creature or Planeswalker removal spell for one mana at common. The restriction is I have to sac a creature I control to cast it. This restriction is fine since I actually want some Elves to go to the graveyard; it's part of the strategy with Storrev, Devkarin Lich. Harvest is a sorcery which is a drawback, but the fact that's it only one mana overshadows it not being instant. I don't think it could of been printed as an instant for one mana.

I really like the interaction of Pollenbright Druid and Harvest with Storrev. After Pollenbright ETB giving an Elf a counter or proliferate my whole team then she's kinda useless thus she makes a great sacrifice to Harvest. I want Pollenbright to die and go to my graveyard because then I can recur her with Storrev letting me then cast her again from my hand for two mana and do more proliferating. It's Pollenbright's two mana cost with a powerful ETB ability that makes her such a desirable creature to play along with Harvest.

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  • Achieved #1 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 3 Mythic Rares

30 - 6 Rares

10 - 6 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.27
Tokens Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Emblem Vivien Reid
Folders Standard TRS-M15-KTK-ORI, Standard, standard to build, Golgari, Standard, ok, Elves, Standard, Interesting Decks, Inspiration
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