Nissa, Vastwood Seer


Nissa, Sage Animistfoil  Flip
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nissa, Vastwood Seer

Legendary Creature — Elf Scout

When Nissa, Vastwood Seer enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a basic Forest card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, if you control seven or more lands, exile Nissa, then return her to the battlefield transformed under her owner's control.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Spring of Eternal Peace
Guardian of the Great Conduit
Nissa's Defeat
Sidewinder Naga
Ulvenwald Abomination
Nissa's Encouragement

CickNason on Prosshy Prossh

3 months ago

I would add more mana dorks: Ignoble Hierarch adds Jund colors and gives exalted as a bonus Deathrite Shaman acts as graveyard hate and can drain/gain at instant speed on on top of exiling any lands from anyone's graveyard for mana of any color also at instant speed. Delighted Halfling adds colorless or any color for legendary creatures and makes them uncounterable.

I would also add more aristocrat/sacrifice effects: Korvold, Fae-Cursed King crazy draw engine with sac synergy and a potential one-shot kill if he gets big enough Mahadi, Emporium Master generates treasures EOT based on how many creatures died, setting you up for big plays in the coming turns Pitiless Plunderer generates treasures whenever another creature you control dies immediately Chatterfang, Squirrel General basically a 3 mana Parallel Lives. Goes infinite with Pitiless Plunderer 1.Activate Chatterfang by paying b and sacrificing two other Squirrels. 2.The Squirrels die, triggering Pitiless Plunderer twice, creating two Treasure tokens and two 1/1 Squirrel tokens. 3.Activate a Treasure token by tapping and sacrificing it, adding b. 4.Repeat. 5.Resolve all Chatterfang abilities, causing any number of target creatures to get +2/-2 until end of turn any number of times. This gives you: Infinite colored mana. Infinite death triggers. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Infinite Treasure tokens. Reduce all opponents' creatures to 0 toughness.

Some pay off for sacrificing Mirkwood Bats, Blood Artist, Garna, Bloodfist of Keld & Poison-Tip Archer are good win condition for infinite sac outlet effects

Some better tutor effects: You can replace Diabolic Tutor for some other options below Diabolic Intent Tutor for 2 mana for any card with an additional sac requirement for sac effect synergies Demonic Tutor The OG best tutor Diabolic Revelation You wanna be cheeky? If you have big mana you can dump it all to grab multiple pieces to win the game

Some ramp effects: Cultivate & Kodama's Reach puts one to hand one to battlefield Nature's Lore & Three Visits puts any forest card onto the battlefield Entish Restoration is a new card that is better than harrow because you sacrifice a land on the resolution of the spell rather than paying the additional cost upfront, which makes it more safe from a feels-bad counterspells which puts you down a land. If you have a big enough creature you get 3 basics to the field all at instant speed as well. Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip is a pet card of mine which allows you to search for a basic and when you have 7 lands she flips and generate lands and card draw for pretty much free. Oracle of Mul Daya Allows you to play an additonal land every turn and allows to play them off the top of your library. If you dont see a card you like you can shuffle it away with a fetch land to try to get another off the top.

Better Lands: Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth & Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth are must includes allowing all your lands tap for B/G respectively in addition to your other colors. The pain lands Llanowar Wastes, Karplusan Forest & Sulfurous Springs are cheap dual lands that give you all your colors The reveal lands Game Trail, Foreboding Ruins & Necroblossom Snarl are also good cheaper options which give you dual colors The shocklands Blood Crypt, Overgrown Tomb & Stomping Ground are fetchable and come into play untapped for a measley 2 life are some of the best lands in the game Verdant Catacombs is the last fetch of your color not included. I would include it if you could because it allows all three of your fetches to fetch any of your shocks or battlelands. You can also include other Fetchlands as well such as Arid Mesa, Misty Rainforest etc to fetch because they can fetch for one of the jund colors of lands at least, however, they aren't as efficient Ziatora's Proving Ground is a must include because you can fetch it out and it taps for jund as well as cycle if it comes too late. If you don't have a turn one play you can fetch it out as your best land with no plays.

Hopefully this helps

Dani3377 on I got to Tomorrow

1 year ago

You have so much token creation that I just worry that whether or not to cascade in the late game might become a hard decision because tokens can't be shuffled back into your library but are permanents, meaning they just die.

Goblin dark dwellers only works on instants and sorceries, you can't use it to play seasoned pyromancer from the grave. Pyromancer is a creature.

What if you did Collected Company with things like Sylvan Caryatid and cascade creatures.

Some sort of singular pay-off creature like maybe Elder Deep-Fiend, where you could play cards like Sylvan Caryatid and the 2-mana cascade creature instead of Shardless Agent. Anything that ramps you on turn 2 into turn 3 company means your chances of hitting a cascade on turn 3 are enhanced from normal because you're only running 4 copies of cascade creature.

Whatever pay-off creature you choose, the alternate path to victory could be just ramping normally into casting it.... There are better cards than deep fiend but I was just thinking off the top of my head. The deck would work in different ways depending on the draw. With more 2-3 drops you could likely play more creatures before you cascade, leading to a bigger resulting boardstate. Ramp and card draw creatures. Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip and Reckoner Bankbuster and Tireless Tracker come to mind. Im sure there are others, I've been out of modern for a while.

Reported on Legion, Maja EDH

3 years ago

Great list!

I'll include some recommendations if you're interested:

Recursion: Bala Ged Recovery  Flipand Eternal Witness would be helpful I think.

Tokens: Thinking along the lines of MOAR TOKENS, Second Harvest and Rhys the Redeemed . You could also consider Call the Coppercoats , Deploy to the Front , and Nomads' Assembly . Awakening Zone , Giant Adephage is fun.

Trample: I'd recommend Nylea, God of the Hunt if you're willing to shell out the extra bit.

Draw/Card Advantage: Mentor of the Meek is ideal for card draw. Skullclamp . Keeper of the Accord is both ramp and token generation. Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flipis nutty landfall help.

Finishers: Mirror Entity is a good finisher. Beastmaster Ascension , Crescendo of War for pricier options.

Protection: Fanatical Devotion

Removal: Hour of Reckoning Fell the Mighty To avoid your low to the ground creatures.

Landfall: Court of Bounty Ancient Greenwarden if you really want to yeet. Ulvenwald Hydra or Scapeshift to find Field of the Dead and more great landfall triggers.

theFro on tayam tappos?

3 years ago

looking at tayam i see three (3) things that tickle my fancy

1) "each other creature you control" means tokens are fair game

2) "remove three counters from among" means all counters are fair game, and they don't have to be on the same card

3) "CMC 3 or less" means value dorks!

this makes me think that cards like Herald of Anafenza for counters/tokens/more counters; Ammit Eternal for a steady supply of counters, pairs well w/cards like Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons / Flourishing Defenses ; or maybe even Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip and other value-ogres are more viable than the heavy-hitters at the top of the curve?

CrazyDanPsycho on Yarok, the Trigger Happy

3 years ago

Rockafeller: I actually own most of those, and will indeed take a look at slotting some of them in, if I can figure out what I can part with...I need to look in to acquiring a Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip. She would do well in a few decks, methinks...thank you for your suggestions!

Idoneity on What are some under-rated or …

3 years ago

One of my building conditions for a deck is that I have leastwise one Planeswalker. One that has continually impressed me is Ajani Unyielding. In Enchantress-style decks, or ones with few instants and sorceries, it often draws two or more cards each turn. The high loyalty and removal make for it to be difficult to kill.

My personal favourite planeswalkers is Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip. She offers immediate value as a land in the early game whilst still being a fantastic draw late.

Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer also protects herself quite well whiles bearing a game-winning ultimate. Making a 4/4 flying helps as well.

Vivien, Champion of the Wilds is another fantastic card. The instant speed is great in all matchups and, in the worst-case scenario, she cycles.

Lastly, and rather similar to Ajani, is Garruk, Caller of Beasts. In creature decks, he draws a whole lot of cards, flooding the board the very next turn. This card is great, and I am surprised people do not have it in more strategies. (I love it in Elves.)

Spells on Azusa, Lost but Woke

3 years ago

Awesome stuff here, man. If my Azusa deck was a small child, this would undoubtedly be it's angrier, bigger brother. What I like most is the confidence this build exudes, you're very clearly stating "I am going to ramp, you won't be able to stop me, and then I'm going to cast massive spells." Green is my favorite color in Magic, and this list is Green to a T.

Personally, I'd like to see a little more interaction here, but it's worth noting that I was scarred by Winter Orb and Static Orb early on in my EDH tenure, so I'm usually over-prepared to blow one up. That said, Nature's Claim is (in my humble opinion) one of Green's best spells, and worth consideration here.

Creature Recommendations:

  • Scute Swarm. We already talked about this little guy, and if you're adamant on the number of lands you run, I'd recommend cutting Seek the Horizon or Thaumatic Compass  Flip (otherwise I'd say cut a Forest).
  • Allosaurus Shepherd. It makes 90% of your spells uncounterable, and that effect is impactful at nearly any stage of the game. It allows you to play greedily and sink a ton of mana into your spells, which seem important in this build. I'd think about it and consider cutting my above suggestions, or Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip.

Spell Recommendations:

  • You can't go wrong with Worldly Tutor. Tutors = consistency.
  • Scapeshift is a wonderful spell that will make your friends hate you. It's dangerous in my deck, and I think it'd be even more dangerous here given the number of lands you're running. Sacrifice any number of lands, go pull the best lands out of your deck, and make sure one of them is Field of the Dead. Suddenly, you've got an army of zombies, Gaea's Cradle, Strip Mine, Deserted Temple, Eye of Ugin, etc. I think you'd be fine to cut Life from the Loam, as you've already got plenty ability to play lands from the grave.

Land Recommendations:

  • Castle Garenbrig is a strictly better Forest in a mono-Green list.
  • Dryad Arbor is surprisingly diverse. You can GSZ where X = 0 and go get Dryad Arbor, it taps for mana, it counts towards Gaea's Cradle, and it gets beefed by Finale of Devastation.
  • Temple of the False God is actually pretty good in Azusa. I know, I know, it's a grossly overplayed card in our format, but as you already know, Azusa has no problem getting to 5 lands, and from that point on, it's a better Ancient Tomb.
  • Petrified Field is neat with Realms Uncharted (if you don't already have the ability to play from the grave) and offers the ability to instant-speed get a land out of your yard. I find it to be pretty versatile.
  • Wasteland isn't as good as Strip Mine, but it punishes multi-color decks. If you're like me and play in a tri-color meta, I think you'll find that it treats you well.

Hopefully I provided some decent food for thought. Either way, I think you have a great build here; I'm sure it's a blast to play!

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