Collected Company

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Collected Company


Look at the top six cards of your library. Put up to two creature cards with converted mana cost/mana value 3 or less from among them onto the battlefield. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.

sylvannos on MH3 Elves

2 hours ago

@Icbrgr: Summoner's Pact because you can often win the turn you would want to cast it. I'd also back it up with 3~4 Lead the Stampede. I've found Collected Company and other stuff that dumps elves into play just not worth it when you're only getting 1 and 2 CMC dorks.

I've played elves in Modern before:

U/G C-c-c-combo Elves!

Modern sylvannos


My conclusion wasn't speed or consistency, but just how badly you lose to any deck with red in it. Lightning Bolt on Elvish Archdruid on turn two ends the game. Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer flipping a mana dork for them to cast ends the game. Wrenn and Six sniping a creature each turn ends the game. And God have mercy on you if your opponent casts a Pyroclasm or Anger of the Gods or Kozilek's Return.

The good news is Fury was banned. The bad news is not much else has changed. Priest of Titania is still going to die to burn spells and there's nothing to be done about it.

tl;dr--only play elves if your meta has no red decks.

lespaul977 on Gruul Stompy Challenger Upgrades *Please Help*

2 weeks ago

Hi predation, thank you for sharing your insights. I agree with you that the precon feels nostalgic. My first precon deck was the beast deck from Onslaught, and the list reminded me a lot of that.

The main piece of card advantage I added to this list was Werewolf Pack Leader. I find it to be pretty effective in refilling my hand. I generally prefer Light Up the Stage in fast red decks to help keep the pace up. In the case for this deck, I’d rather have the card in my hand rather than exile, especially with having some higher CMC cards in the list.

With Collected Company, I don’t know if it would work with the straight precon deck list, but I added two- and three-drops to this list to help lower the mana curve, and because of that, I think Collected Company could potentially work well. I don’t have it in my collection, so I’d have to proxy it and do some testing to see if it works.

I’d love to see your list if you’ve got it posted. Thank you for checking this out!

lespaul977 on Gruul Stompy Challenger Upgrades *Please Help*

2 weeks ago

TheOfficialCreator, I’ve seen Shatterskull Smashing  Flip in a couple midrange-type upgrade lists, but I’m not sure if it’s actually meta. Lava Coil and Collected Company are definitely good calls for this deck. Thank you for stopping by!

TheOfficialCreator on Gruul Stompy Challenger Upgrades *Please Help*

2 weeks ago

Collected Company would be great in this deck, I think.

Is Shatterskull Smashing  Flip meta? I mean, it's an MDFC so it's got that going for it, but I don't think it's very good.. a Lava Coil would do better in the majority of situations I think.

leovolt884_ on March of the Elfs

2 weeks ago

I don't see the point in adding black since you're not running great black removal or even card draw. I'm not sure that with what else you have in the deck Shaman of the Pack makes black worth it unless you want to start running better removal. Black kind of is driving up the price and Vein Ripper is not going to be cast often despite being powerful. A 6 drop with 3 off color pips that isn't in the decks tribe just doesn't feel great. I would recommend going up to 4 copies of Collected Company since it can hit almost every creature in your deck the value is pretty insane. I would lean into the +1/+1 counter theme and go up to 3 or 4 Kalonian Hydra and play 4 Metallic Mimic so everything can accumulate counters. 27 lands is also crazy without land payoffs. 27 lands + curving out at 3 cmc and running 12 mana dorks is going to keep you mana flooded almost all the time. Cut some mana dorks for more efficient low drop creatures and cut at least 6 lands, even as many as 8 or 9 if you plan on keeping 6+ mana dorks. Add more creatures instead, I would recommend a lord like Leaf-Crowned Visionary, Pelt Collector is great, Pollenbright Druid could be very versatile, and Rishkar, Peema Renegade is very powerful in a counters deck. If you keep black consider both Glissa Sunslayer and Glissa, Herald of Predation as quite frankly they are just busted cards. Consider adding board protection like Heroic Intervention and some removal. Soulless Jailer can be sideboarded if you play best of three matches but I think its a great choice since it can be hit with Collected Company. Those are just some recommendations but play it however you want, and take this from someone who knows nothing about pioneer meta and what decks you'll likely play against :>

TheOfficialCreator on Unstoppable Elvish Horde

2 weeks ago

Firstly, I love elfball so I love this deck by association. Though I think you may want to consider changing the format to Legacy so that the site doesn't mark it as illegal.

Lys Alana Huntmaster could probably be pulled for Collected Company, but this isn't a budget option. Leyline of Abundance is another strong choice, as well as Priest of Titania and Circle of Dreams Druid.

Do you find that you have trouble dealing killing blows? There aren't really any big threats in this deck.

I have a similar deck that I love to use so very excited to see another one in action.

Icbrgr on Break out

2 months ago

I have been away from magic for a bit and just popped back in and discovered the card Break Out. It just seems really really nice for Aggro decks or any small zoo deck.

My first thought is to compare this card to Collected Company... the sorcery speed kinda gets offset by giving a 2MV creature haste and can still just put higher mana value creatures like Ghor-Clan Rampager in hand.

Has anybody been trying out this card? It just seems pretty nutty to me.

Godzilla2012 on Sage of Hours

2 months ago

Unfortunately, I haven't used this deck since 2016, and now that I exclusively play EDH/Commander, I don't think I will be making any changes to this deck. I did add Elven Rite, Earthen Arms, and Howling Mine to the Maybeboard for Thewayoflife234, as well as Collected Company for b0n3m4r3.

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