Obstinate Baloth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Obstinate Baloth

Creature — Beast

When Obstinate Baloth enters the battlefield, you gain 4 life.

If a spell or ability an opponent controls causes you to discard Obstinate Baloth, put it onto the battlefield instead of putting it into your graveyard.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Non-Competitive Beast Tribal (Feedback Welcome)

1 year ago

I love this! It's always nice to see less mainstream tribes getting some attention. For the main board take a look at Ravenous Chupacabra for removal that also advances the beast plan. Leyline Prowler looks pretty nice as well. And Craterhoof Behemoth is costly, but could be a nice finisher.

If you're looking to add a sideboard Obstinate Baloth, Manglehorn, and Thragtusk would make a good start

Also, Beast Within seems too thematically good not to include here :)

Best of luck with the build!

DemonDragonJ on Should Green's Lifegain Rely Upon …

1 year ago

WotC has stated that green's card drawing/card advantage must be related to creatures, such as Elvish Visionary, Collective Unconscious/Shamanic Revelation, or Garruk, Primal Hunter's second ability, which makes Harmonize a color pie break, and I think that green's life gaining should also be reliant upon creatures, to maintain that philosophy.

For example, I believe that Nourish, Weather the Storm and Stream of Life should be regarded as color pie breaks, but Brindle Boar, Obstinate Baloth/Ravenous Baloth, Oracle of Nectars, and Inscription of Abundance are acceptable (Dawnglow Infusion and Heroes' Reunion are acceptable because they contain white).

What does everyone else say about this? Should green's life gaining be reliant upon creatures? And, as a side note, how is Dawnglow Infusion only a sorcery, and not an instant? That severely reduces its utility, in my mind.

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Brother's War Spoilers

1 year ago

sylvannos - Recommission only returns cmc 3 or less, so that does limit what you can do with it. But it is a pretty solid card in low cmc white decks.

Gleeock - I was actually thinking that the prototype artifacts could have a cool blink deck built around them. Most of them have an ETB effect so you play them for their reduced cost and then Conjurer's Closet them at endstep to get additional triggers/transform them into their larger form.

I think one reprint that is flying under the radar in this set is Obstinate Baloth. I don't play a lot of standard but I know that black aligned Liliana decks are pretty popular now. Baloth seems like a solid answer.

zapyourtumor on watcha gonna do wit all that junk

3 years ago

Animate Wall and Elephant Ambush aren't legal, but at least they're the worst cards in the deck.

Loxodon Hierarch is a decent elephant. Ivorytusk Fortress is actual junk colors, but you would probably need to build around it more (works really well with Venerated Loxodon though). Loxodon Gatekeeper is a good hate card. Loxodon Smiter can be your version of Obstinate Baloth in the sideboard.

Some other cards are pretty good but also rly expensive like Spelltithe Enforcer and Terastodon (probably better for EDH)

For lands, have you considered Sunpetal Grove and Razorverge Thicket?

SergeWind on 7-forest belcher

4 years ago

changes from v1.o to v1.1
removed sideboard redundancy
-4 Seal of Primordium
+2 Thragtusk
+2 Obstinate Baloth

SergeWind on 7-forest belcher

4 years ago

changes from v0.5 to v1.0:
main: none
-1 Obstinate Baloth
-1 Thragtusk
-2 Scavenging Ooze
-2 Creeping Corrosion
+2 Seal of Primordium
+4 Force of Vigor

SennepSild on Mwonvuli Takeover

4 years ago

Hey I play tons of Ponza and have done for years. I play mostly on MTGO so you local meta might be different if you play at a store, but here is my take on the cards. I think I wrote a smaller book of a comment sorry about that.

first off Inferno Titan!, turn 2 moss into turn 3 titan is the most powerful thing ponza can do. Remember he can be pumped with his ability and often swing for 12 or more damage (when targeting face with the ability) plus he shoots stuff down planeswalkers and creatures alike both when he is played, but also when he attacks. The absolute best finisher for the deck.

I love Bonfire of the Damned and have played with everything from 1 to 4 copies in my main board, the one sided board clear feels so good, but I have come to realise it is just too conditional. It is too reliant on the miracle, i kept telling myself it wasn't but it really is, 7 mana for 3 damage is not worth it, you are already dead to aggro and if you have enough mana to shoot someone down with a big spike you should have already have won. Anger of the Gods in the sideboard are just better wipeing you own dudes does not really matter if the opponent just loses to a wipe and the exile of creatures is so important vs graveyard stuff.

You play Boom / Bust which i have experimented with as well, you say it cost less than Pillage, this is not true as you need 2 mana and a untapped fetch in order to play it, so that is 3 mana, plus you need a fetch to play it that is super conditional even with 8 fetches. And depending on Bust part to win the game is not something you should never wish to happen.

Artifacts, one thing Ponza loses to is Aether Vial, all the land disruption does nothing against it. So in order not to lose to that i suggest to main board Pillage or Abrade they are so good with the flexibility doing what the deck is already trying to do and able to remove artifacts when needed is super useful. Other cards they help against is Cranial Plating in affinity, Oblivion Stone the only answer tron really has and Arcum's Astrolabe which bypasses all moon activity and of course all the stupid artifact creatures that randomly appear like Walking Ballista and Myr Superion.

I know you play Primal Command for all the artifacts and such nonsense, I have played it myself in the past, but for 5 mana it is really slow and to that it is also quite conditional on its effectiveness some games it can just outright win it like mill or somthing, but more often you will lose with it in hand and it is the worst. searching for a big guy to finish with is not much good either as you would much rather play the big guy insteal of the command and i have so often lost with the searched up guy in hand as the opponent will know to kill off your mana dorks or keep a counter in hand because you revealed your plan.

your Eternal Witness Stampeding Serow combo is cute, but playing cards that are not just good on their own are a big mistake, blue deck might get away with it, but green really relies upoun mana effectiveness. I see how you can use witness's with other cards in your deck and be able to slowly grind value out, but in reality something like Tireless Tracker would be much better as it just gives value by existing and can end the game.

Okay how to win vs the bad matcups like burn, storm and control. It is so hard to win vs storm, you already use Scavenging Ooze, but other cards i use on and off is Cindervines, Weather the Storm and Damping Sphere.

to win against burn the most effective strategy I have used is the Madcap Experiment and Platinum Emperion combo. otherwise Obstinate Baloth and Kitchen Finks works, the baloth having added bonus of being really good against Burning Inquiry and Liliana of the Veil.

lastly control, i absolutely hate control. oh well here the best thing is getting a Blood Moon out turn 2 it is so important that running stuff like Magus of the Moon is very much worth it. otherwise there is of course Thrun, the Last Troll and Choke.

Hope i helped you out in some way and not just made you angry or something.

clayperce on huntmaster of the fells

4 years ago

There have always been a small number of Ponza players who loved the card, especially as sideboard tech vs. Control and Burn. Personally though, even though I'm a HUGE werewolf fan and playtested it extensively in the deck, I was just never impressed. It just always seemed there were better things to do with four mana in those colors (e.g., Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Bloodbraid Elf, Questing Beast, Obstinate Baloth, Chameleon Colossus, or even Pia and Kiran Nalaar).

All that said though, Ponza is a GREAT deck for running pet cards, so don't hesitate to give it a try. You may find it's just perfect for your meta, playstyle, and the rest of your 75!

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