Pelt Collector

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pelt Collector

Creature — Elf Warrior

Whenever another creature you control enters the battlefield or dies, if that creature's power is greater than Pelt Collector's, put a +1/+1 counter on Pelt Collector.

As long as Pelt Collector has three or more +1/+1 counters on it, it has trample.

leovolt884_ on March of the Elfs

2 weeks ago

I don't see the point in adding black since you're not running great black removal or even card draw. I'm not sure that with what else you have in the deck Shaman of the Pack makes black worth it unless you want to start running better removal. Black kind of is driving up the price and Vein Ripper is not going to be cast often despite being powerful. A 6 drop with 3 off color pips that isn't in the decks tribe just doesn't feel great. I would recommend going up to 4 copies of Collected Company since it can hit almost every creature in your deck the value is pretty insane. I would lean into the +1/+1 counter theme and go up to 3 or 4 Kalonian Hydra and play 4 Metallic Mimic so everything can accumulate counters. 27 lands is also crazy without land payoffs. 27 lands + curving out at 3 cmc and running 12 mana dorks is going to keep you mana flooded almost all the time. Cut some mana dorks for more efficient low drop creatures and cut at least 6 lands, even as many as 8 or 9 if you plan on keeping 6+ mana dorks. Add more creatures instead, I would recommend a lord like Leaf-Crowned Visionary, Pelt Collector is great, Pollenbright Druid could be very versatile, and Rishkar, Peema Renegade is very powerful in a counters deck. If you keep black consider both Glissa Sunslayer and Glissa, Herald of Predation as quite frankly they are just busted cards. Consider adding board protection like Heroic Intervention and some removal. Soulless Jailer can be sideboarded if you play best of three matches but I think its a great choice since it can be hit with Collected Company. Those are just some recommendations but play it however you want, and take this from someone who knows nothing about pioneer meta and what decks you'll likely play against :>

legendofa on Invade and Destroy: Sideboard Switch

4 months ago

psionictemplar I can't get any live play in right now, but in goldfish playtests, not making the full sideboard switch just feels like it dilutes the Warriors plan with incidental land destruction. I'm also reviewing what the swaps should be, and I'm starting to like keeping Tattermunge Maniac over Pelt Collector. I'll update the description soon.

legendofa on Invade and Destroy: Sideboard Switch

4 months ago

To make sure I'm tracking right, your suggested switch pattern is

-4 Pelt Collector

-2 Wrap in Vigor

-1 other creature

Pretty much the whole sideboard needs to come in for the Ponza line to work, and the remaining Warriors need to be able to apply pressure. Which eight cards would be your other switchouts?

legendofa on Invade and Destroy: Sideboard Switch

4 months ago

psionictemplar The Pillages are a meta choice, so switching one out for a final Stone Rain is a fair call. I'll make that the default.

For the Pelt Collectors, I don't disagree with you, but I'd like to know your reasoning. They're still reliably a 2/2 for 1, outclassing the Tattermunge Maniacs, and the Brighthearth Bannerets lose a lot of utility. Still gotta win once you've smashed their lands. I'm willing to be convinced, though, so what's the line you see?

wallisface on Selesyna Midrange

9 months ago

As far as cards I would ditch:

  • Garruk Wildspeaker feels too slow/midrange orientated and not useful for what you’re trying to do here. Same goes for Elder Gargaroth.

  • Blossoming Defense feels kindof meh here to me. None of your creatures are crucial to keep alive - i’d rather these slots be used for more creatures.

  • I don’t think you need/want Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx at all… if your deck is benefitting from it then your mana curve is too high.

I think you should be running Tail Swipe instead of Prey Upon. And i think you can run the full playset if there’s room.

As far as creatures to add/consider, i have a bunch of suggestions that aren’t beasts, but would help you a lot. At the moment your only reason to running mono-beasts is Descendants' Path, which imo isn’t a strong enough card to warrant restricting your creature options soo heavily.

Anyway, creatures that cpuld be good here: Pelt Collector, Experiment One, and Strangleroot Geist. There is also the option of going down to 18 lands, running playsets of Llanowar Elves and Elvish Mystic (you ditch Arboreal Grazer in this situation), and playing 3x Khalni Hydra as a terrifying finisher (they make your Aspect of Hydra back-breaking).

wallisface on +1/+1 Counters

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

Taita on Kodama of the West Tree

1 year ago

Played a version of the deck in Historic Brawl on arena. My experience so far is that it is very important to get the ramp goin early on. Turn 3 you should connect with a modifyed creature having your commander out. Best case turn 2. The best way to achive this is to have many one drop mana dorks and one or two drops that is or will be modifyed when the commander hits the table such as Pelt Collector.

KBK7101 on Mono Green +1/+1

1 year ago

These kinds of decks usually include cards like Hardened Scales (as mentioned above) along with cards like Experiment One, Pelt Collectorand Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig. If you're looking to make the deck a bit more competitive, definitely check these out.

As for cutting seven cards, I'd suggest 2x Fang of Shigeki, 2x Death's Presence, 2x Hungering Hydra and one of the Contortionist Troupe.

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