Harnessed Lightning

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Harnessed Lightning


Choose target creature. You get (three energy counters), then you may pay any amount of . Harnessed Lightning does that much damage to that creature.

chrismackay on Mono Red infinite combos???

2 years ago

As the proud owner of an admittedly kinda janky Zada deck, Storm-Kiln Artist and Young Pyromancer are your best friends. My deck is mostly focused on building a board and one-shotting the table with combat tricks, but a more controlling line using Zada as a draw engine with cantrips could be pretty fun. Possibility Storm can really screw with your opponents as you still get the copies of your spells from Zada anyway. Finally, A hilarious finisher I used once was Harnessed Lightning and Arcbond, The latter of which is just really good in Zada, the former being insane if you have any decent energy payoffs like Lightning Runner

Corrosive_Cat on Beam n' Zada Bad Boys Pezzent!

2 years ago

It's not incredible, but worth pointing out the synergy of Zada, Hedron Grinder and Harnessed Lightning - could do something interesting with energy cards!

Hardhitta7 on Energy Colors in Pioneer

3 years ago

If you’re choosing between black and red I would pick red because of Whirler Virtuoso . It was a house in standard. Harnessed Lightning is good as well.

I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks on Energy Colors in Pioneer

3 years ago

The kaladesh block was when I first really got into magic and I would like to make a deck themed around energy for it. My problem is that I don't know what colors to play. I was thinking for sure blue and green because Rogue Refiner is the best energy card in the game based of it being banned in standard. Green is also great because it gives Attune with Aether and Bristling Hydra But then I'm not sure whether my third color should be black or red. Red gives access to damage based sweepers like Flame Sweep and removal like Harnessed Lightning , but black gives thoughtsieze and good removal like Fatal Push and Assassin's Trophy . I'm not sure where to go here so any color help or suggestions would be much appreciated.

king-saproling on Ink-Treader Splice

4 years ago

Nice list! Twinflame and Heat Shimmer would be all-stars here, definitely recommend them. Since they give the token copies haste, it's easy to generate infinite mana with a mana dork and something like Eternal Witness.

You might like these too: Harabaz Druid, Cackling Counterpart, Quasiduplicate, Repudiate / Replicate, Snap, Depths of Desire, Archaeomancer, Harnessed Lightning, Debt of Loyalty, Fiery Gambit, Dovescape, Possibility Storm, Knowledge Pool

BlackPhilip on Jeskai Miner

4 years ago

I could try to put one more Decoction Module on the sideboard for a one more sweeper in MD... but I don't know. Deck felt great and fun, not broken, of course. At the moment I don't have problems finding Altar of the Brood. The combo with Whirler Virtuoso I never pulled off at all. For the energy payoffs, Harnessed Lightning functions as a payoff too, thats why I put that first in the list... But Aethergeode Miner is the last piece of the combo that I usually put on the battlefield, so it generate energy in the moment it entered the battlefield.

BlackPhilip on Jeskai Miner

4 years ago

I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks Ojutai's Command is an awesome card here that I forgot, thanks! The card even can reanimate Aethergeode Miner. Reflector Mage maybe could be good, as it can be returned to our hand with Decoction Module and has sinergy with Ojutai's Command, but i don't know if spells like Abrade could be better in the Harnessed Lightning slot. Need to test... For Teferi, Time Raveler, card is strong for sure, but I don't have it, couldn't test.

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