Winding Constrictor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Winding Constrictor

Creature — Snake

If one or more counters would be placed on an artifact or creature you control, that many counters plus one are placed that permanent instead.

If you would get one or more counters you get that many of those counters plus one instead.

jakeelephant006 on Atraxa is a big fat bully [seeking help]

1 year ago

Looks like a fun deck! Atraxa is certainly a powerful commander that can go in many directions but I like your choice of going w/ +1/+1 counters mainly. I think more cards like Winding Constrictor and Kami of Whispered Hopes would really make the deck hum. Corpsejack Menace and Conclave Mentor are good adds. I think some more effects to spread around counters more such as Good-Fortune Unicorn and Mikaeus, the Lunarch would help as well.

I think the deck could use some more cards that help w/ consistency and interaction as well. Abzan Charm and Inspiring Call both draw cards in addition to having other flexibility and +1/+1 counter synergy. Fertilid and Incubation Druid both ramp and care about +1/+1 counters. Lastly, Damning Verdict would be a good board wipe addition to clear out opponents' threats while leaving your board mostly intact.

Adding cards is easier than cutting cards. Here's my thoughts on cards that could go to make room for new ones. Venser, the Sojourner doesn't seem to do too much other than being ult-ed. Semester's End is good for saving your board but it resets any amount of counters you've built up back to 1. I don't think there's quite enough planeswalkers or non-creature spells to warrant running Ichormoon Gauntlet. Arcus Acolyte seems a bit slow. Empyrial Archangel doesn't seem to do a lot of work and can be difficult to get counters on because of the shroud.

I would also think about adding a few more basics to help ensure consistency. Good luck with the deck!

Urza_tron on Golgari counters

1 year ago

add Glint-Sleeve Siphoner it draws cards and synergizes with the Winding Constrictor

Tur on People's Thoughts on Mommy Norn?

1 year ago

I agree with Sheldon to some extent.

First, it's incorrect to compare Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines's abilities to Panharmonicon and Torpor Orb. It's permanents not creatures.

(Nobody should care about the first ability, Yarok, the Desecrated is the second most popular Sultai commander and has been around forever. It's just extra stuff.)

It's the second ability which is problematic. Assume you play Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines. Not only do your permanents prevent your opponents permanents from triggering, it also prevents your opponents permanents from triggering from their own permanents. This is the first card in all of Magic: The Gathering with this effect.

Here are just some examples, I got from scrolling through the most popular commander Atraxa, Praetors' Voice on EDHREC (I do not own an Atraxa deck.) which would be effected by Elesh Norn:

Just thinking about all kinds of interactions which are possible gives me a headache.

Honestly, the Painter's Servant interactions are much easier to understand and that was a card which was banned for the interactions being too much.

If Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines had the errata to "Permanents you control entering the battlefield don't cause abilities of permanents your opponents control to trigger" it would be much more manageable.

RockIV on Green Black Scavenge Deck looking …

1 year ago

Final Version of the deck ! ( sort of, lol)

cut the Leyline Prowler, but i feel that this creature is very usefull, wanting to add it back , maybe taking out 1 Corpsejack Menace, 1 Varolz, the Scar-Striped ( dont know if it will be wise, this creatre is part of the deck combo) and something else. (need some advice in this, maybe the prowler is not that important for this deck)

added Winding Constrictor x 4, seems to be a cheaper version of Corpsejack Menace (maybe i can use 3 of them)

added Grisly Salvage x 3, i see a lot of these decks using it. It seems this may be a good way to speed up the deck a little maybe.

i think i will rotate between Golgari Charm and Treasured Find feel both of them may be very important

Help is always needed and welcomed, all advices will be read and appreciated alot :)

would love to hear some advice, on the last changes i made, thnks all :)

Yogie on Sucks to Suck (Damage Themed)

2 years ago

lhetrick13 - I see that you've already made some changes to the deck.

Wanting to keep the deck purely tribal is a fair argument. I tend to think of tribal as "the vast majority of creatures being of the same type", my dragon deck, for example, runs a few goblins as they really benefit the deck. But again, if you want to keep the purely tribal that's fair enough. I've also skipped Tuskguard Captain in the past because outlast is such a shitty ability. But trample would still be a good idea, and so is menace! I'd focus on one of them or both.

Vampire Socialite is an interesting one as she is likely to change the order you play your cards. I wanted her for my vampire deck but couldn't fit her in. If you decide to play Hagra Constrictor, Winding Constrictor could be added for some kind of "vampire-snake tribe". I'm a bit unsure of Hydra's Growth myself. I once made a hydra deck with it and I could get 999/999 creatures with Heroes' Bane + Hydra's Growth . The deck played fine but wasn't at the level of my other decks. It's a fun card though!

I see your point about Realmwalker. I've never considered that those types of abilities are meant to increase your hand-size essentially.

Anyway good luck. Feel free to tag me if you want some more feedback or just want to show off new changes!

Rebullet on Counter Deck

2 years ago

oh i totally forgot. here is a spicy suggestion Managorger Hydra. now that with Winding Constrictor and Hardened Scales is pure power.

lhetrick13 on Sucks to Suck (Damage Themed)

2 years ago

Yogei - Good stuff! Thanks for sharing your thoughts man!

I am a little hesitant about Tuskguard Captain as I do not want to lose the tribe for him. In case you have ever thought about running Tuskguard, Duskshell Crawler is similar but a little cheaper. I have never ran Rancor but do hate when an opponent uses it so that is a decent option. I also thought about Hagra Constrictor for mass-menace.

I originally did have Winding Constrictor in this deck and dropped it to keep the tribe pure but do not disagree with you that it would be nice to have to add a 2x multiplier on that counter production. Vampire Socialite has some merit as it does have a lot of synergy with the aggressive nature of the deck. I almost included it originally but decided against it last minute for some reason. Good suggestion! Hydra's Growth is sick but might be a little slow or easy to deal with as none of the vampires I am running have a natural evasion from removal.

I think you are right about Slaughter Specialist. I liked how it came in at a 3/3 compared to Cordial Vampire's only 1/1 but Cordial's ability effects all my vampires while Slaughter's is more selfish. Realmwalker I think I might try to add another copy of before I decide to drop. The idea with it was to give me the ability to play creatures from the top of my library giving me a hand advantage since I lack draw engines. It is a nice ability combined with a 2/3 body is pretty decent for 3 CMC.

Always good to get some fresh perspective on stuff...let me think on this a few days but this has potential to make the deck better for sure. Thanks for taking the time to take a look!

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