Cryptolith Rite

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cryptolith Rite


Creatures you control have ": Add one mana of any colour to your mana pool."

Craeter on dino disaster

1 week ago

Looks pretty good. I'm no Dino expert, but it does look like the predominate Red costs would dictate more Mountains and less Swamps and Foests in general. As for ramp, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx could work with the high Red devotion. Since you have Green, you also have access to ramp staples like Cultivate and you've already got Kodama's Reach. Other possibilities: Explore, Cryptolith Rite, Flare of Cultivation, Migration Path. You could also do Gamble to try to tutor a powerful enchantment, and/or Demonic Tutor.

baddabiiing on Prossh's Dastardly Bastard Children - Group Slug

9 months ago

Sweet deck! I like the mass drain strat, seems like it would be very effective if the table lets you live past turn 5. I know mine wouldn't! I highly recommend Furystoke Giant, Birthing Pod, and Phyrexian Altar, the first of which especially for your style of deck, the amount of damage you can get off that giant is pretty unreal especially if you're not pumping tokens to attack, which seems accurate for this deck. I also think you underrated Vicious Shadows, though it might be more redundant in your deck it can push out tons of damage and is great for taking out those pesky blue players. Orcish Bowmasters and Cryptolith Rite have also been all stars in my deck, I'd highly recommend at least testing them out. Hatred could also be a super fun way to get a surprise win off something like Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord. Thanks again for your comment on my deck, Prossh EDH Tokens/Sac, and I hope you like the suggestions!

Rhadamanthus on Does card:Mana Reflection double the …

9 months ago

@Caerwyn: I think I was using the word "gain" in my searches instead of "have". Thanks, I'll be sure to remember that for next time.

@JoyTheEnbySliverLover: If this is a commander deck then you should definitely find room for all of those. The redundancy will help your consistency a lot. If this is a "regular" 60-card casual deck then I think maybe 3 copies of Cryptolith Rite will do it.

Caerwyn on Does card:Mana Reflection double the …

9 months ago

Rhadamanthus - I did a Gatherer search for "creatures you control have" "add" and ":" (so it would have an activated ability somewhere in the text), and came up with a few options. It is a bit over-inclusive, but with only 17 results, it is pretty easy to parse through the non-responsive options. Link to search.

I expect the card you are thinking of is Cryptolith Rite, which is a pretty darn good card and all around better than Relic of Legends.

(Edit: Looks like my post was preempted and OP found the card already!)

JoyTheEnbySliverLover on Does card:Mana Reflection double the …

9 months ago

Rhadamanthus, I think I found the card already. Was it Cryptolith Rite by any chance? Because that's the one I found. There is also a few more cards. Took me some time to find a search term to narrow it down enough. The other cards are:

Which do you think is better? I feel like Elven Chorus is a little unnecessary as I already have Augur of Autumn in the deck. I don't know. I am just curious to get your opinion but it is fine if you don't have an answer.

Doombeard1984 on There’s only one Sliver Overlord

11 months ago

Hi there...

So logged onto Tapped Out, and another Sliver Overlord deck (your's in case you didnt guess) caught my eye. This pleases the Hive.

So firstly, will alway be a +1 for Sliver decks.

If I may, a couple of suggestions.

Hope you dont mind me putting my 2 pence/cents/whatever currency. If you would like to look at my deck, please just head over to my hive: Sliver Overlord - Predatory Super-Organisms

Doombeard1984 on There’s only one Sliver Overlord

11 months ago

Hi there...

So logged onto Tapped Out, and another Sliver Overlord deck (your's in case you didnt guess) caught my eye. This pleases the Hive.

So firstly, will alway be a +1 for Sliver decks.

If I may, a couple of suggestions.

Hope you dont mind me putting my 2 pence/cents/whatever currency. If you would like to look at my deck, please just head over to my hive: Sliver Overlord - Predatory Super-Organisms

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