Druid of the Cowl

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Druid of the Cowl

Creature — Elf Druid

: Gain .

sylvannos on Wilds of Eldraine

11 months ago

WotC: "Why isn't anyone playing Standard anymore?"
Also WotC:

Beseech the Mirror

Okay but memes aside, this set really seems pushed. Did we really need strictly better Quirion Dryad? Was Druid of the Cowl just not good enough anymore? What even is this set lol? Warehouse Tabby already seems broken and I haven't even started to try and figure out why. I'm pretty sure it does something stupid with Rancor.

ThatWeirdPerson on $10 cEDH Yisan

2 years ago

Arbor Elf over Elvish Mystic. Its a little cheaper for the same effect. You could also just do Arbor Elf over Druid of the Cowl because it costs one less and the additional 2 toughness is never going to matter.

terand42 on Ezuri Infinite Elfball (70+ Infinite Mana Combos)

3 years ago

You can replace Druid of the Cowl with Heart Warden, unless I'm missing something with the Druid subtype.

AjaxSlumbering on Ezuri, Call of Progress EDH

3 years ago

First off, I like this deck. it has some of my favorite things, like elves, and +1/+1 counters. Second off, I find it funny that you have expensive cards like Doubling Season bumping elbows with a Druid of the Cowl.

I don't really know how to do transitions well, so here are my suggestions: Sage of Hours, Herald of Secret Streams, Simic Ascendancy, Spark Double, Blighted Agent, Cold-Eyed Selkie, Cultivator of Blades, Pir/Toothy, Hadana's Climb  Flip, Prime Speaker Zegana, Master Biomancer, Mycoloth, Solidarity of Heroes, Fable of Wolf and Owl, Wild Beastmaster, and/or Gyre Sage. Also, I noticed that you were running 5 color lands (Lands that produce any color mana. I feel you should replace them with basics/other duals.

I hope this helps!

supa_tim on Korvold, Fae-Cursed King

4 years ago

Get rid of

  • Evolution Sage
  • Goblin Cratermaker
  • Pollenbright Druid
  • Syr Konrad, The Grim
  • Woodland Champion
  • Bloodsoaked Altar
  • Goledn Egg
  • Fling
  • Jund Charm
  • Dreadhorde Invasion
  • Khalni Heart Expedition
  • Angrath, Captain of Chaos

Add cards like:

And maybe some more removal. Seems a bit light on control.

And of course, Goblin Bombardment :D

jakeelephant006 on Nylea, Hydra-eyed

4 years ago

On to the creatures. Most things look pretty good. I actually really like the inclusion of Tendershoot Dryad and Verdant Force as a sneaky alternate win-con. Some things I don't think should really be included are your 0 drop artifact creatures. I don't see them doing much. I also don't really like the inclusion of Lovestruck Beast as he doesn't really fit theme and he can be pretty fragile when it comes to being able to attack. Satyr Wayfinder also could be replaced since you don't have much graveyard interaction. I could also throw out Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma here since she doesn't reduce most of your hydras, but I think her attack bonus is enough to warrant her inclusion.

I think you've got your bases covered in terms of what effects you want to have in here so I think if you're adding cards it'd be good to look for redundancy. If you've got Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx in here you should probably run Voyaging Satyr. Llanowar Tribe works well with your Leyline of Abundance. Speaking of which, one or two mana dorks would probably be prudent. You could focus on more elves and do something like Priest of Titania or Elvish Archdruid or you could just do other dorks like Whisperer of the Wilds or Druid of the Cowl. Some more card draw creatures could be good like Soul of the Harvest. One card that doesn't really have anything like it in here is Temur Sabertooth. You've got a number of good creature ETB effects that you can repeat with the Sabertooth. Also, I think it would be good tech for resetting an X cost hydra that you played early in the game and making bigger late in the game once you land a big mana producer like Karametra's Acolyte. Some other creatures w/ good ETBs on them that you could consider are Acidic Slime, terastadon, Regal Force, Fierce Empath, Avenger of Zendikar, and Bane of Progress. Oh yeah. You don't have Genesis Hydra in here. It should be in here. Also, I really like your idea to get Seedborn Muse and Yeva, Nature's Herald in here. They are great.

harbingerofduh on Damia, the Sage That's Stoned

4 years ago

The first thing I noticed while looking at this deck is that it's way too light on lands. With a seven-mana general, you're likely to get mana-screwed, especially if your mana elves die. I'd look to add about 9-10 more lands, maybe cutting some ramp if you start flooding out. Lands are generally better than mana elves.

Rather than mana-producing dorks like Elvish Mystic and Druid of the Cowl , you should probably be playing spell-based mana ramp such as Rampant Growth and Cultivate . The reason for this is that if someone casts a board wipe, all of those mana-producing elves will die and you'll lose your mana acceleration. The good news is that the spell-based ramp I mentioned is usually common or uncommon, so you won't have too much trouble finding them. Other spells to consider in this vein are Farseek , Kodama's Reach , Skyshroud Claim , Circuitous Route , Explosive Vegetation , Sakura-Tribe Elder , Wood Elves , and Farhaven Elf .

You really want ramp because Damia is so expensive, and also because after you empty your hand casting those spells, Damia helps you refill. That's her main strength, so I'd suggest building her with big-mana strategies in mind. X-spells like Villainous Wealth and expensive monsters like Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger are probably what you'll be aiming for, with Damia to help you refill your hand as needed.

I have my own (slightly quirky) take on Damia here if you want some further ideas for how to fully take advantage of her: Damia Discard

slashdotdash on Green stompy

4 years ago

This is not bad at all. I have a couple of suggestions off the top of my mind though...


First off, I highly recommend using custom tags to sort your cards. To do this, go into the "edit" mode where you can see your card list. It will look something like:

1xArbor Elf

1xBeast Within

1xShared Summons

You can then add tags by using #Category after a card. For example:

1xArbor Elf #Ramp

This will assign Arbor Elf to the "Ramp" category. Unsorted cards are assigned to "Other" by default.

I recommend these categories;

  • Ramp (Aim for 12-16 of these. A card that costs more than 4 mana is too slow to be reliably called Ramp)
  • Draw (At least 12)
  • Removal (Around 8, make sure you can deal with other commanders/creatures!!!)
  • Sweepers (Boardwipes, Green doesn't really have many it's okay)
  • Support (Stuff that isn't obviously powerful but makes certain cards in the deck busted. Examples are your equipment)
  • Lands (Obviously. Aim for 34-37. This deck wants 34-36)

The remaining cards can be categorized based on the specific inner-workings of your deck. For example, this deck might have a "Big Bois" category for creatures that are just huge.

Depending on your sorting preferences, it can by okay to tag one creature with multiple tags. For example;

1x Thorn Mammoth #Removal #Big_Boi

Onto my Card Suggestions:


Onto the cards I would suggest cutting:


  • Elixir of Immortality . Your deck doesn't ever want to be in a game where this utility would be useful. This card simply doesn't do much. You already have Eternal Witness and if you really want a late-game reload, try Creeping Renaissance or Seasons Past .
  • Gigantosaurus is alright, but I'm not in love with a 10/10 with no abilities. I know, I know, he makes Ghalta cost only 2, but I still think there are better options. Trust me when I say a creature with some sort of utility is preferable here. Ideas include the aforementioned Soul of the Harvest , Primordial Sage or a fight creature such as Thorn Mammoth or even another removal creature like Woodfall Primus or Terastodon (sorry, I know these are all really high CMC). Generally, cards that don't have some sort of utility are just not going to save your life when things get ugly.
  • New Horizons and Gift of Paradise could be replaced with faster ramp. For the sake of having creatures (for cards like Guardian Project and Beast Whisperer , not to mention Ghalta, Primal Hunger ), it would even be better to run Wood Elves , Springbloom Druid , Yavimaya Dryad , or Farhaven Elf .
  • Diamond Mare just isn't relevant. Sorry, but if you are in a position where gaining a small amount of life matters, odds are any other good green card would have done more to prevent you from being in such a bad spot. Your deck wants to be the aggressor, and quite honestly your offense will be so scary that most opponents wouldn't even consider attack out of fear of provoking you and simultaneously tapping their defenders. It isn't uncommon for a Green deck to retain the highest life total for a long time without the need for lifegain.
  • I think you have a few too many artifacts. Remember that your commander LOVES having creatures on the field, so finding ways to turn your artifact utility into creature utility will go far.
  • Staff of Nin is very slow and could be something like Garruk's Packleader instead.


All things considered, you've got a reasonably strong lineup. In a broad sense, I would recommend finding ways to include creatures with utility, since Ghalta appreciates bodies on the board and interaction allows you to curb your opponents' shenanigans as much as possible. Additionally and as I noted, there are fairly budget-friendly ramp options for the deck that are purely faster. Remember to keep a close eye on your Ramp and Draw, as these are the lifeblood of a commander deck, midrange especially.

It is worth mentioning that I never go below 34 lands. 35, and 36 are usually safe, so if you find yourself land-starved just add like 2 Forests and that should help.

Overall, you've done a good job though. Good luck making edits and please feel free to contact me about further changes/advice. I LOVE deckbuilding and Green is one of my colors ;)

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