Arbor Colossus

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Arbor Colossus

Creature — Giant


: Monstrosity 3. (If this creature isn't monstrous, put three +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.)

When Arbor Colossus becomes monstrous, destroy target creature with flying an opponent controls.

TheOfficialCreator on Tatyova

2 years ago

Ooh! I like it! I have a couple of suggestions for the deck that I think would help make it a little bit quicker.

Hope this helps! Have fun!

ClockworkSwordfish on Power-4 Stompy Growth

3 years ago

Garruk's Gorehorn kind of feels like a weak point in a deck full of otherwise solid creatures - 3 toughness is just so low for five mana! Since every single land in your deck produces green mana, there's no reason not to run Gigantosaurus in its place. Same mana cost but just flat-out bigger! Some other really solid five-mana creatures to consider include Wolfir Silverheart, Arbor Colossus and Deity of Scars.

monkeyofficeboy on Ezuri, Claw in Progress

3 years ago


So a first pass at changing this deck just from things I had on hand. The following cards were removed:

Wistful Selkie

Thelonite Hermit

Experiment One

Patagia Viper

Elvish Visionary

Great Oak Guardian

Arbor Colossus

Loaming Shaman

Noble Quarry

Broodbirth Viper

Illusory Ambusher

Caller of the Claw

Kaseto, Orochi Archmage

All of these creatures were dropped to help reinforce the +1/+1 theme that the deck has. All of these creatures tend to lean more toward a Token theme, which might have helped with powering Ezuri up, but that's about it.

Scytheclaw Not enough effect and doesnt reinforce the Counters theme.

Orochi Hatchery Has counters, but leans into the Tokens subtheme the orginal deck had, so off it goes.

Caller of the Pack It's a big beater. Doesnt help Ezuri build Counters, and again leans into the Tokens subtheme.

Snakeform Too little effect and is token based again.

Sword of Vengeance A cool bit of kit, and will be going into something else, but doesn't help the theme here.

Vivid Grove Too little effect for its slot. Replaced with a dual land.

Vivid Creek Same as above.

Optimator on Giant's Deck

4 years ago

It looks like the spoilers that I put the non-Boros giant suggestions aren't working. So weird. I'll try to reconstruct what I suggested.

So I know you had your heart set on Brion as your commander, but I wanted to list all the good giants with , and in their colors, as there are a bunch that are excellent. Brion doesn't bring much to the giant-tribal table other than a small-ish lifelinking Giant body and occasional face-damage. You may want to use Iroas, God of Victory or Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas as your commander if you're dead-set on staying Boros colors. If the idea of fully exploring Giants in Magic's history is the goal, and being the most Giant-y deck, having more colors or all five colors will give you a greater creature spread and significantly help with the deck's function.

Arbor Colossus - great rate! Worth considering

Beanstalk Giant - ramp AND a giant body! Worth considering

Earthshaker Giant - Worth considering

Garenbrig Paladin - playable, but probably wouldn't make the cut in a five-color deck

Gorm the Great - interesting choice, and nice at four mana, but probably not worth a slot

Marshdrinker Giant - odd removal piece.

Nylea's Colossus - good effect even without a ton of enchantment support. Worth considering

Outland Colossus - Worth considering

Rampart Smasher - watch out, Knights! Probably wouldn't make the cut

Skyshroud Troll - Regeneration is always nice, but the stats aren't great

Sunder Shaman - fucking awesome giant. One of the best reasons to consider running Green cards. Can't recommend enough.

Swarmborn Giant - kinda a weird one, but interesting nonetheless

Towering Titan - potentially awesome! Worth considering

Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath - fucking incredible. Pretend you're terrorizing standard! That pricetag though :(

Valleymaker - very interesting utility. Potentially worth considering, but might not make the cut in a five-color deck.

Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig - Absolutely stellar Giant. three on-color might be hard to swing in a five-color deck, although any deck would probably lean Green due to ramp and utility. Very much worth considering.

Frost Titan - outstanding giant. One excellent reason to run Blue. Highly recommended, like all the titans. Too bad Prime-Time is banned! (Primeval Titan)

Galecaster Colossus - extremely strong Giant. better in Wizard-tribal decks, but is still really good on its own.

Oloro, Ageless Ascetic - A real powerhouse. Highly recommended

Ruhan of the Fomori - Another excellent giant. Highly recommended

Skaab Goliath - Pretty decent. Might not make the cut in 5-color but worth considering]

Thryx, the Sudden Storm - Incredible! Ramp AND a flying body. A perfect reason to run Blue. Highly recommended

Bartel Runeaxe - this is a giant. Probably only worth running for the memes. Expensive too. A piece of Giant Magic history though.

Doomwake Giant - Pretty decent even without Enchantment support--lots of one-toughness support creatures out there.

Erebos's Titan - slightly recursive threat. Decent

Grave Titan - an utter powerhouse. One of the best giants. Highly recommended

Grixis Slavedriver - decent for a common. Probably not quite worth a slot.

Helldozer - pretty good! Three on-color might be hard but the payoff is huuuge.

Knight of the Last Breath - leaving behind blockers is pretty good. (Mana)-expensive though.

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger - Pretend you're terrorizing Standard!! Incredible Giant, but expensive.

Necrosavant - recursive creature, but you probably don't want to be sacrificing giants

Nightfire Giant - could be decent utility. Not the strongest giant but worth looking at

Tithebearer Giant - good for a common I suppose!

So as you can see, there are a bunch of fantastic Giants outside of Red and White colors. The stand-outs on a budget are:

Arbor Colossus - Beanstalk Giant - Earthshaker Giant - Outland Colossus - Sunder Shaman - Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig - Frost Titan - Ruhan of the Fomori - Thryx, the Sudden Storm - Helldozer

I should have a Frost Titan, Arbor Colossus, and Outland Colossus for trade.

Once you have the deck for a while, snagging Grave Titan - Oloro, Ageless Ascetic - Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger - Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath- Towering Titan as upgrades would be well-worth it.

Optimator on Giant's Deck

4 years ago

Some more giants that are worth considering:

Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas - Kalemne is bae, but I'm biased.

Realm-Cloaked Giant - this card is mandatory.

Hundred-Handed One

Quarry Colossus - this one is passable.

Grasping Giant - I love this one--just put it in my Giant deck

Oathsworn Giant - Good utility if you are wanting to swing out every turn

Swathcutter Giant - I actually kinda like this one a lot.

Sentinel of the Eternal Watch -

Taurean Mauler - one of the best giants, sadly

Bonecrusher Giant - pretend you're terrorizing Standard!

Arbiter of Knollridge - gimmicky but fun.

Boldwyr Intimidator - I have one in my Warrior deck. Very funny card. Not exactly a powerhouse at 7CMC but the unblockable aspect could win a game here and there.

Siegebreaker Giant - Pretty good for 5 mana IMO

Non-Boros Giants Show

One thing that's tricky with Giants is that they are traditionally commons and uncommons; usually rare large red creatures are Dragons. As such, many giants are pretty low-impact or poor deals for their mana (think of the classic Hill Giant). There are enough good ones to fill out a deck, though, but you gotta hunt for them.

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Nylea Pioneer

4 years ago

Hmmm ... I think Nemesis of Mortals and Polukranos, World Eater would be a better fit than Nessian Asp and possibly Arbor Colossus . Voracious Hydra would also be a nice fit for your deck. Hope this helps.

Dragaan on Budget Green Stompy modern

5 years ago

I dunno, man. I'll tell you one thing - I really love Vorapede. I used to keep 1 in the deck (or sideboard, i forgot) when I first discovered it because it just seemed so good, but if you want an answer from my purely competitive standpoint I would say they just cost too much mana. The lower-cost creatures in the stompy deck are so good already at beating the opponent's face in, lol. Especially with all the help from the Rancor/Aspect/Vines etc. Then again, you just told me they have been working for you. If they are working for you in your specific play group /local meta then by all means, continue using them. One thing I would still recommend is to TRY replacing them for a more streamlined deck (4x the main creatures and like 1 or 2 flex 2-or-3 drops).

You could always try building a hybrid stompy/devotion style deck with mana dorks and all the good 3 drops (4x Leatherback Baloth , 4x Steel Leaf Champion -- possibly even Arbor Colossus , Rhonas the Indomitable and/or Nylea, God of the Hunt , Gigantosaurus , Verdurous Gearhulk and the brand new card Awakening of Vitu-Ghazi , etc etc etc.). And more than 1 Ghalta, Primal Hunger . It's a little awkward with only 4 elves as mana dorks, though... so you'd still wanna try and play some experiment ones or pelt collectors, I'd assume. But, I dunno. As I type this I feel more and more like this would just warrant going full Devotion and breaking from the earlier game plan with smaller creatures and more to playing cards like Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , Genesis Wave or that brand new card Finale of Devastation , etc...

  • But I'm rambling on again, heh. Short answer, no, I think Vorapede is too slow for a deck trying to, ideally, win before you're even able to cast it. But if it works for you then it's all good. Just at least try dropping them for a bit and see what happens. One card that Corbin played in his video that you may wanna try is Groundbreaker . I would play 1 of those about 50% of the time and I really like it. Only downside is drawing a hand with all the goodies but your only creature being the Groundbreaker to start...
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