Sylvan Advocate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sylvan Advocate

Creature — Elf Druid Ally


As long as you control six or more lands, Sylvan Advocate and land creatures you control get +2/+2.

SufferFromEDHD on Death by Manlands

1 year ago

CruelEntertainment hello tapped out newcomer! Thanks for commenting on one of my favorite decks.

If you look in my sideboard you will see Sacred Ground. I have gone back and forth between that and Terra Eternal for years now. Manlands definitely benefit from indestructibility but I don't like granting such a powerful ability to my opponents. Sylvan Awakening is my current indestructible tech (alongside Sylvan Advocate it ends games) but it is a one shot in this deck. Terra would at least fit under Sun Titan. That is a major decision point if a permanent is added to this list or not.

I'm going to take a serious look at this list again based off your suggestion.

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Altered Landscape (most fun EDH deck.. ever)

2 years ago

Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to mention Earth Surge and Sylvan Advocate! These are no Craterhoof Behemoth but can make attacks with lands appealing if you can't find the big stompy lizard.

Madcookie on Sylvan Advocate buff if it's …

2 years ago

I think that since it is written in a single sentence Sylvan Advocate will only get +2/+2 once assuming you control 6+ lands. I'm reading it as a singular effect and he's already affected by it, regardless if he's a land or not. I think the only way to double dip would be for his ability to be worded as:

As long as you control 6+ lands, Sylvan Advocate gets +2/+2.

As long as you control 6+ lands, land creatures get +2/+2.

P.S. Not 100% sure, so I'm also curious what other think about it.

Donvier on Sylvan Advocate buff if it's …

2 years ago

If Sylvan Advocate becomes a land in addition to it's other types with Ashaya, Soul of the Wild will it get two effects of +2/+2 for being both Sylvan Advocate and a land creature?

Argy on Have you played Magic in …

3 years ago

What was it like?

I've played twice in the states, FNM and a prerelease, in Japan at an FNM, again in Japan at a Magic bar, and once in Canada.

The prerelease was at Pat's Games in Austin.

The only real difference is that there were about four times the amount of players compared with back home (in Australia).

I played in ... I want to say Memphis, at a Standard FNM.

The shop owner had a gun on his hip, which was very strange for me. You can't carry guns like that in my country.

The people were very friendly. I got to play against another female, which I always like.

I played against this friendly, crazy guy, who was piloting Selesnya Cats.

He was having an absolute ball, and even kept a hand he knew would lose, because he thought it was funny. He won 2-1.

I rocked up at about 8 pm to Hareruya in Tokyo, and hoped I might be able to pick up a game with somebody.

A Standard tournament was about to start, so they signed me up for that.

There were about 100 people playing.

It was a bit frustrating as I hadn't played much Standard lately, and didn't know all the staples.

Of course they were in Japanese. Luckily there was someone who could speak both Japanese and English, who helped me out. Very kind of them.

It was there that I learned how good Sylvan Advocate was!

After our tournament finished playing there was ANOTHER Standard tournament.

Plenty of people playing Magic in Tokyo.

I also played at a dedicated Magic bar in Shibuya.

They had a great set up where there was a table with playmats on it, then an upper glass pane over that.

It meant you could put a drink on the top of the glass, and play your cards underneath. You could still easily see your cards, without any worry of spills.

We bought the Blessed vs. Cursed Duel Decks, and some dice, and had quite a few games.

It was during the time of the Gatewatch, so the bar had five cocktails for each of those five Planeswalkers. You got given a plastic coaster with each one, with that Planeswalker on it, which made a nice memento.

I have no memory of the place I okayed at in Canada.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Ashaya's Playground

4 years ago

I really like this build. There are some ideas for cards you might try out:

Sylvan Advocate: Is a very powerful anthem with Ashaya.

Zendikar Resurgent, Cryptolith Rite: If I understand this interaction properly, basically all of your creatures could tap for two mana of any colour with Ashaya out.

Tireless Tracker: Great Landfall trigger, and an insane draw engine here.

Ramunap Excavator: Redundancy for Ancient Greenwarden.

Ulvenwald Hydra: Will be veeery Big here.

Argy on Pioneer Lands Data Base w/Zendikar …

4 years ago

Oh sorry. I thought this topic was about Pioneer.

We've had no problem with getting Knight of the White Orchid out on Turn 2, with a Selesnya deck. Been playing the deck first as Standard, then Frontier, now Pioneer.

If we don't have the colours for the Knight, we just play Sylvan Advocate instead.

There are other reasons we need Plains and Forests in the deck, like Show Lands.

Anyway, thanks for your help.

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