Den Protector

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Den Protector

Creature — Human Warrior

Creatures with power less than Den Protector's power can't block it.

Megamorph (You may cast this card face down as a 2/2 creature for . Turn it face up at any time for its megamorph cos and put a +1/+1 counter on it.)

When Den Protector is turned face up, return target card from your graveyard to your hand.

Niko9 on Aragorns Green Berries

1 year ago

Den Protector is a pretty good generic card with the Eternal Witness effect and great to grab a buff and make protector unblockable a lot of the time. It probably wouldn't be plan A to buff protector, but every now and then might make great value if your opponent doesn't have a six power creature to block.

LePantsShaw on Yedora’s Garden LLC®

2 years ago

legendofa I’ll be honest: I didn’t know that card existed until now… I actually added Bane of Progress as my only form of creature based Enchantment removal because that was the only thing I knew that had its effect… The cool thing I’m noticing with Ainok Survivalist is that it’s morph cost is the exact same as Den Protector’s… which means infinite shenanigans to pull off the same effect as Bane of Progress >:) Thanks for the suggestion!

Niko9 on Swipe Right Swiftspear

2 years ago

Elsterooo Thanks :) It does tend to be one of my most generally effective decks because you an play it different depending on the opponent. Against a control opponent you can play out and try to get under them, where as if you are up against a creature deck you can remove their creatures, make the attacks that make sense, and then save up for one big Might of the Masses onto Den Protector or a trampler from Kessig Wolf Run. Or you can use pressure plus removal and then into Klothys, God of Destiny or Fumiko the Lowblood and it almost starts to play like a control deck with creatures. You can dictate the game by making them choose between damage bad blocks, and then doubling down by also making them make bad attacks.

And I mean, you could probably have a more efficient swarm deck, or a more efficient buff deck, but I really like being able to do both at about 80% good.

The only trick with the deck is that I'm trying to purposely not add +1/+1 buffs into the deck as much as possible. Shadowspear would probably be amazing for the lifegain, but adding +1 actually makes Savage Swipe either worse or harder to use. I mean, that, plus I really don't want to buy shadowspear :) But that's why most buffs are not incremental and are more big buffs all at once.

Niko9 on Dark Elves

2 years ago

I really like this take on elfball. It looks like it has a lot of avenues of play, which I have a mono-green elfball deck, and a lot of the time that's the downside. Like, sometimes it feels like I'm just waiting on the right card rather than being proactive with what's on the board, and that seems like a way that this deck really shines. Here are a couple things I can think of from my green deck and from a little bit of experience I have in modern golgari.

Vivien, Champion of the Wilds Emergence Zone and/or Yeva, Nature's Herald can give your creatures flash, which is always nice, but I'd expect it to play very well with deathtouch. Just the threat of flashing things in when you are a creature deck can keep your opponents from attacking.

Crashing Drawbridge will net a ton of mana if you get it down early. It's slower than Thousand-Year Elixir but it can also give you some surprise attacks that elixir can't.

Vivien, Monsters' Advocate is a really nice planeswalker. The tutor ability can be invaluable. It's similar to Pyre of Heroes which is also an awesome card for creature decks.

Eternal Witness and Den Protector are great for recurring things that got removed. Survivors' Bond is great with them too. It can get back and elf plus witness who can then get something else back or wait in hand.

Pattern of Rebirth is a viscous card if they don't have enchantment removal. A lot of the time it basically makes a creature unblockable or makes everyone at the table stop attacking into you.

Kenrith's Transformation kinda just does it all. It's removal, it draws a card, you can buff a dork if you really need to. All in all, it's a very versatile card and always preforms something great.

Wren's Run Packmaster can just be a nice beater that takes the place of a dork, it can be a mana dump, it can create amazing blockers, and can even be tutored by Elvish Harbinger as well as any other creature tutor. It's a good creature by itself and if you do ever go infinite mana, it's a wincon with drawbridge or another haste enabler.

Lolth, Spider Queen is a great planeswalker for a deck with a lot of dies triggers. Getting the ultimate is not that hard and it can turn all of your small creatures into huge threats. Might be a little pricey though, and planeswalkers are never the best in edh, but it's a very potent one.

Slippery Bogbonder gives you a flash in blocker and also protection for any of your creatures. Best part is that the hexproof sticks around and you can even send counters to that creature. It's nice when your counterspell adds another creature to your board.

That's all I can think of :) This deck looks pretty awesome, and is giving me ideas on how to spice up my own one. There are plenty of infinite mana combos in elfball too, but it seemed like you were going for more of an attacking strategy.

Thanks for posting this one!

thenewlollipopjam on Ezuri, the Phyrexian Dumbledoge

2 years ago

I built mine as an infect tribal before the oracle text update, so the infecty Bois all being phyrexian now just fuels the nasty. Den Protector is going in tho cuz I've been having issues with that kinda thing. Thanks.

lagotripha on Simic Morph

3 years ago

Morph is a really cool mechanic which I haven't figured out how to make really 'kick' for competitive modern, but is still really fun in casual formats. Colourless, mana value 0 creatures that don't use the stack to become something else and have an activated ability in hand feels like something that should have a silly interaction that makes it great, but it just isn't there. Colourless interactions with eldrazi, artifact creatures & combos built on them crowd it out - people already pack hate because other setups have silly payoffs.

If I was trying to push it, I'd lean into Heartless Summoning and obscuring to try and cast a lot of morph cards, but without a second secret plans that feels awkward.

It is worth looking at Den Protector and Fathom Seer combo options- if you can loop a Time Warp you win the game, with some old Brine Elemental decks built around that, but looping morph effects is pretty tricky - it is usually easier to return to hand then recast since the usual suspects like Necrotic Ooze don't play nice. Have fun experimenting - there are a lot of cool interactions when you aren't using the stack, which will make it a blast to play.

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