Find / Finality

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Find / Finality



Return up to two target creature cards from your graveyard to your hand.


You may put two +1/+1 counters on a creature you control. Then all creatures get -4/-4 until end of turn.

JRChace on

1 year ago

Find / Finality is a great board wipe for Sarulf. It can save him from the effect with the two +1 counters putting him to 5/5. Also it leaves him with counters. The other part of the card is nice utility too if needed.

I play Sarulf as one of my two main EDH decks so its nice to see more! It also becomes a weirdly political deck since sometimes you can get another player to feed you counters to board wipe a dominant player.

IHATENAMES on Frog of the Depths

2 years ago

Couple random thoughts.

Unless you run into bloodmoon or other nonbasic land hate alot especially for this deck you should add more nonbasics. Field of the Dead Cabal Coffers Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and probably more.

Also with Dartmoor salvage the dredge land and your commander you effectively win. So if you prioritize winning I would almost suggest running as Many tutors as possible for it.

Id suggest running

Hermit Druid for mill plus land drop.

Rushed Rebirth is a cute card I've been playing with it might help find important creatures here.

Peer into the Abyss has been a allstar in a deck of mine. Half an opponents lifetotal and kill them or you draw half your deck. Both options can be game changing

Bolas's Citadel auto include in most of my black decks.

Expedition Map land tutor

Soul-Guide Lantern grave hate

Force of Vigor likely destroys opponents grave hate

Some boardwipe. I didn't see any in your list. I'm sure you can better but Find / Finality is a under appreciated one you might like.

Hope this helps the deck seems sweet.

AkaAkuma on Reyhan & Akiri: Arcbound Aristocrats

3 years ago

Man, well done on this deck! You got all the goodies Reyhan wants.

Although.. It seems a bit shy on the mass removal department. What about Find / Finality and double with an extra recursion slot?

Then I personally would also replace midnight clock for Rishkar, Peema Renegade , as the clock only synergyses with Toothy. I rather use my graveyard then freshen it up also.

Lastly I really like Hadana's Climb  Flip (backside is nuts) and the somewhat crazy inclusion of Octopus Umbra . Lots of creatures have base power 0 anyway

Rorolith on Swollen Snake

3 years ago

You've got lot of fluff cards in here even for BO1 which will make it much harder to draw a snake in your opening hand. Cut Return to Nature, Pharika's Libation Mephitic Vapors Bala Ged Recovery  Flip Mythos of Brokkos Vraska, Golgari Queen (as you are looking to stomp with your snake) or at least reduce the copies, cut Staggering Insight because it is just making your manabase more awkward, cut Negate, add Saw It Coming as it is way more versatile, cut 2xFind / Finality. You might need to cut more things or add more things, but I would also highly recommend cutting down on the amount of lands you use, especially since you are playing ramp. Also cut Pestilent Haze.

FSims81 on None

3 years ago

Another one for me is Poison-Tip Archer. I had a super fun elf-ball deck in standard that absolutely loaded the board with Elves and then I would cast Find / Finality to target one of the Archers and it was usually enough to wipe the board on both sides. Trigger city, especially if I ended up with multiple Archers on the board first.

Idoneity on Korvold's Feast

4 years ago

Ah, yes. I have a Jund sacrifice deck myself with Mr. Oakenshield at the helm, though Korvold is quite the powerful engine.

I see a few things problematic with the decklist. First, a distinct lack of ramp. Two, a lack of early game, which can be fixed by ramp. Three, there are a lot of places to fit creatures to die.

So, what I would recommend:

Mana dorks are fantastic in aristocrat decks, for they can be sacrificed if they must. Birds of Paradise, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic, Fyndhorn Elves, Elves of Deep Shadow, and Boreal Druid each fill the best role at one mana. I've enjoyed Skull Prophet greatly, for it fills the graveyard with fodder.

Other than that, two mana ramp is best. But you're in Green! Get those Arcane signets out of here. Rampant Growth, Nature's Lore, Into the North (try a few snow basics), Cultivate, and Kodama's Reach are all lovely.

Then, of course, there are some includes that should go in most aristocrat lists:

  1. So, Yawgmoth, Thran Physician is the single greatest card for this style of deck. It offers draw, murder, sacrifice, and cannot be tapped by Aphetto Grifter. Run it despite the ten-dollar price limit.

  2. Midnight Reaper and Grim Haruspex each fill a smiliar role, though Liliana's Standard Bearer is one I have much enjoyed. Dark Prophecy does much.

  3. More sacrifice outlets! Goblin Bombardment is fantastic, Carrion Feeder is cheap whiles growing massive, New Erebos draws some cards, Rankle is an engine by itself, and Yawgmoth is the best.

  4. There are some things that offer much to die. Goblin Rabblemaster and Legion Warboss each fill the board apace.

  5. So, let's add far more creatures than is deemed sanely necessary. Satyr Wayfinder, Gatecreeper Vine, and Sylvan Ranger can fill the slot of a land. Reclamation Sage can be a removal spell.

  6. Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip transforms far too eath in strategies such as this. Grisly Salvage can fuel graveyard chicanery. And Once Upon a Time is something I put in literally every green deck I own, for it is most potent.

  7. Living Death ends games. It gets back all from the bin, then murdering all opponents withal Blood Artist.

Alright, now upon what I would ablate:

Chittering Witch is too slow for fodder and the sacrfice ability is not gratis. Thrashing Brontodon is too much mana. Mazirek just doesn't do enow; she wishes to put counters upon creatures that are meant to die. Deathsprout is too much mana. Deflecting Swat seems lacking. Find / Finality is just too much to cast. Taste of Death is actually just useless. Witch's Oven is too limited.

Okay then. That shall be all from me! You may peer upon my list here if you care.

Happy snuffing!

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