Angelic Chorus

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Angelic Chorus


Whenever a creature enters the battlefield under your control, you gain life equal to its toughness.

DarkKiridon on EDH Arcades, the Strategist

5 months ago

I use Expel the Interlopers over Fell the Mighty. If Expel gets countered then it gets countered but Fell can get countered or the target can get removed and then your spell fizzles so I do prefer Expel in that situation but they are similar cards in a way just double pip in white for Expel.

Angelic Chorus is fun but always made me a target haha.

Hornet Nest performs for me personally only because my group avoids trying to attack me all together. Worth a try if you're keen.

Mine is absolutely a budget version though so take it with a grain of salt. :)

SufferFromEDHD on Celestine others

1 year ago

Proper Burial is solid. What about when they enter? Angelic Chorus

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Livio's Blessing

Legendary Enchantment

Whenever you exile a creature, it's controller draws a card and you gain 1 life.

I'm not entirely certain, but Livio seems to want to be built around ETB effects. Exile your own creatures, then bring them back into one massive drop; For example, Luminate Primordial would be an incredibly strong blink creature. Sure your opponents gain a ton of life, but you remove their biggest threats permanently. Additionally, as he has Partner, you can add in for something such as Woodfall Primus or Terastodon . You could even use use Meteor Golem . If you run Selesnya, you're already in extremely strong ramp territory as green loves to ramp with creatures and white loves to make creatures. Suddenly your Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun , Gaea's Cradle and Cryptolith Rite look astounding. Not to mention Circle of Dreams Druid and, if you use enchantments to protect yourself such as a Prison / Stax deck, Serra's Sanctum . There's also Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , Nyxbloom Ancient and Mana Reflection .

Hone in the strategy with Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and similar life-gaining creatures such as Suture Priest , Soul Warden , Soul's Attendant , Angelic Chorus and Essence Warden for a massive gap between you and your opponents.

I mentioned prisons; Norn's Annex , Ghostly Prison and Ensnaring Bridge are obviously staples. There's more, but I'm tired and not feeling the best today.

Anyway, there ya go. A skeleton for a down and dirty Selesnya deck. Go have some fun with it.

Since you are going for extreme ramp and board presence, I'd recommend Partnering with Halana, Kessig Ranger so that when they enter you can pay and have removal-on-a-stick, too.

Kodama of the East Tree would be nice but that's a trap. You'll be outed as the archenemy at the table on Turn 0. Sure you get to cheat a bunch of things into play, but that doesn't help advance your wincon. I'd rather see Halana in the Command Zone for that removal option, so that the creatures we are playing around with can get through and finish the game off quickly. You're going creature-heavy, so use them.


Omniscience_is_life on Bounce and Ye Shall… Bounce?

3 years ago

DevoMelvminster happy to have a reputation at least ;3

Good call with the Champion, silly of me to miss that since I've wanted Angelic Chorus gone for so long!

I would say go for the Gold Myr swap. It feels like it's hardly ever going to be a bad idea to add creatures in stead of their noncreature counterparts for this deck.

Also--how do you feel about swapping Darksteel Mutation for Kabira Takedown  Flip? Can act as a land in a pinch, and with the higher saturation of creatures in the deck as of late it should function as a Doom Blade most of the time. Playing at instant speed seems to be a good target, as well.

DevoMelvminster on Bounce and Ye Shall… Bounce?

3 years ago

On second thought, I would almost certainly cut Angelic Chorus for Auriok Champion . It’s so obvious. Way lower cmc, creature, same purpose. How did I not see this before even asking?! Hahaha

DevoMelvminster on Bounce and Ye Shall… Bounce?

3 years ago

Hey, thanks for the suggestions. Many of these were in the deck at some point or another. I feel like the vast majority simply didn’t make the cut because they weren’t as efficient mana wise as the alternatives and the extra redundancy wasn’t needed. That, or they were more combat related and I, surprisingly, almost never win via combat. The specific ones that do not fall into those two categories i’ll address below:

Blasting Station - i actually kick around the idea of adding this as another wincon pretty often. If i were to slot another one in, it’d be this, or Altar of Dementia , or maaaaybe Test of Endurance / Felidar Sovereign

Arch of Orazca / Bonders' Enclave - these just ended up being more expensive to use, or less consistent than War Room , keeping in mind that God-Eternal Oketra doesn’t activate enclave and that actually does end up being relevant pretty often. Anyways, with Expedition Map and Weathered Wayfarer , 1 draw land seems to be sufficient as emergency fuel.

Cathars' Crusade - It gets wild in this deck for sure, and when i was leaning less into life gain, and was winning with Altar of Dementia more, it took the place of Angelic Chorus . But nowadays, I just don’t swing that often and i’m not running altar right now so it’s out.

Enduring Renewal - this is an interesting one... I’d honestly have to sit down for a bit and figure out how it interacts with everything to give a good answer here. I’ll look at it more.

Search for Glory - This is a great one. I’d like to run it, but I don’t have many good targets outside of Mangara, the Diplomat and the monuments, which i have a couple tutors for already. The biggest problem, silly as it may sound, is that i’d want to run snow lands, and for thematic purposes i’m running the full art amonkhet plains, so i can’t do that. Solid suggestion though.

Palace Jailer - this ended up getting replaced with Skyclave Apparition for cheaper and more versatile removal. I do miss it sometimes though. I love being the monarch. Which remind me... Throne of the High City could be fun, but my colored lands are already stretched pretty thing for a deck that so desperately needs white mana. Really can’t drop any more.

Love getting suggestions and talking through options for the deck. Thanks again. I really enjoy your decks as well!

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